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Jimmy C

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  1. Sounds bad about the church but before I get judgmental about it I would like to know just how many people were saved from this huge church. I have no issues with evangelists having nice things. God says he will bless us so there is really no reason to worry about what the pastors have...That would be called Coveting your neighbor. IMO But i do see the need to helping the needy instead of spending so much money on fruitless thigs I also think since this came from NBC I wouldn't read much into it.....
  2. Jimmy C


    Hey God chose Job to make an example to us on how we should respond to hard situations. This book shows me the strength I need to overcome great hardships. It also builds my faith
  3. I understand what you are saying BOLD. But I was under the assumption that Jesus would come once and gather all his people alive and dead. Then the tribulation would begin then the great tribulation and then the Christ would come again at the end of the Great Tribulation to set up his Kingdom and judge every person still alive at that time. And put Satan into the pit for a thousand yrs. Thus beginning the Millennial reign of Christ
  4. In respect, How does the rapture happen at the end of the tribulation. As far as I have read the rapture will happen before the start of the tribulation. What we are experiencing now leads up to the rapture of the church and then the Tribulation starts
  5. :Sigh: I told you guys he is a socialist/humanist. This is what to expect from such a man. LORD God deliver us from evil in Jesus name. I stand in agreement with you
  6. Did not God tell Abraham that if he found 10 righteous He would spare Sodom and Gomorrah I would think that would still be the case in our country. Either way though I don't believe God would judge his people with the sinners. We might have to endure things but not the wrath of God Just my opinion, I would have to look further into it
  7. I would think that the Democrats would have more important things to do
  8. Isael shouldn't give them anything. All they ever get is grief returned. Israel should have stayed in Gaza and finished the job and our president needs to stay out of it. Israel is God's chosen people and they do not need to be told what to do
  9. Are you advocating a holy war? We are the passivists. We speak truth and salvation to all men. Read my next post
  10. You mean like Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State? Yes. Like her or not, and I can't stand her, she is qualifed for this job as much as any we have had in my adult life. I feel as if she is qualified more for president than the one we have LOL
  11. I would have to disagree. I spent 4.5 year, from the 3rd to the 7th grade living in Iran. We left about 6 months prior to the overthrow of the Shah. The vast majority of the people we knew and dealt with were really no different than you and I except for they worshiped a different god. Some of my fondest memories are of going to our landlord
  12. The new tone is not for the Muslims who demand we cease to exist, it is for the ones that are not trying to end our existence. How much easier would it be to win this war on terror if we got the moderate Muslims on our side instead of sitting on the sidelines watching? There is no such true living moderate Muslim. As I have said If you are a true Muslim then you practice all the scriptures in you religion. I do not understand why people think that there are two different types of Muslims. Yes I have been around Muslims who appear to be good people but these people are taught to be deceiving. I truly believe that they all are wanting to be rid of all the infidels. There will never be peace with them until the Anti Christ strikes a bargain and then it won't last
  13. God will lead his people as He sees fit. Make no mistake brothers and sisters. The Muslim community ever how you look at serves not our one and only true Savior Jesus Christ. I find myself seeing Christians every day who are passivised toward the Muslim world. Yet I say to you as Christians. We all read the same Bible. We can not just read one part and not obey the other parts. Just the same the Muslims can not just read part of there book and not obey the other parts. There is no other God besides my living breathing awesome God. Any other god in this world is my Lord's enemy and I will stand behind my King Jesus Christ. Our Bible teaches that these Muslims as you call them will be mad men all there days. So I will neither support a Muslim who says they are peace being or radical
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