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Everything posted by ~Shalhevet~

  1. I can relate a lot having grown up in a pretty hostile home environment. My relationship with my parents was never a healthy one. We are commanded to honor and respect them but that doesn’t mean we can’t set healthy boundaries. I still love them but I have a family of my own now and have to set boundaries for them and for my own sanity.
  2. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17 I am a proud zionist and do not believe in replacement theory.
  3. To be called racist over my love and support for Israel is a punch to the gut. I may actually lose friendship over this. I have very strong feelings about what is happening.
  4. Jews not supporting Israel I don’t understand https://fb.watch/nMRRkGslHl/?mibextid=cr9u03
  5. I’m so confused by what is happening on social media. There are a lot of people saying Zionism is racism. I’m not understanding that view point at all? Isn’t Zionism simply support for the state of Israel and the Jewish people? How is that wrong? Forgive my lack of knowledge and understanding on this issue. I appreciate clarification. I’m getting grief from friends for supporting Israel which has never happened to me before. it seems even Jewish groups in the US are denouncing Zionism. I don’t understand!
  6. Which translation would you recommend and why?
  7. @Hobie_ My impression is the same as yours, but I wanted to hear all sides.
  8. When Jesus celebrated Passover with the disciples do you think he meant to replace the annual Passover with weekly holy communion? Why or why not?
  9. It is so strange that these unusual and unexplainable things happen after death but maybe it’s because we are more sensitive in our mourning? I am doing okay lately. I am crying less and less but I still think of him several times a day. The regret that I had has diminished thankfully. I am sort of back in the “denial stage” and pretending it didn’t happen and this was all just a nightmare I’m about to wake up from.
  10. Though difficult to hear, I appreciate your truths. Thank you.
  11. My dad passed away three weeks ago. Since then we’ve had a number of unexplainable events happen and I wonder if maybe God allows people who have passed to send us messages? Is that biblical or are we just dealing with grief? It all started an hour before my dad passed. While my father was dying and sedated surrounded by almost the entire family, the song by Kitty Wells “How Far is heaven?” played on a music playlist. My dad had tears in his eyes even though he was completely sedated. I am haunted to this day by those tears. Flash forward an hour later, I’m holding his hand and said “I love you dad,” he took his final breath and immediately that song started playing again. Note there are HUNDREDS of songs on that playlist. The following weeks I’ve seen my dads face in complete strangers in traffic, in stores, online. I prayed to God to have a dream about him and that night I did. It was a very brief appearance of him bringing me a gift at my birthday party. The weird part is it was a continuation of a dream the previous night. Then my mom told me last night that she audibly heard his voice at 4 in the morning yesterday. She is not a superstitious woman and would never lie and I believe her. can someone explain these things?
  12. Thank you for all your replies. It helps a lot. A scripture that came to mind that brings me comfort right now is Romans 8:35-39. It certainly felt like satan had devoured my fathers soul in the end. But nothing in life and nothing in death can separate us from God. My dads end story is about victory. With the help of his praying children and the power of God, this evil spirit parted from him. My sisters who are nurses told me this experience changed them spiritually. So maybe that is why God allowed this to strengthen their faith and show them that the spiritual world really does exist. For me, I believe God wanted to show me what victory really looks like. In the end God wins every battle. Nothing can pluck us out of his hands not even satan himself. My dad fought this very last spiritual battle, won, and is now at peace and resting with his Abba Father. That gives me great peace.
  13. Thank you. It helps to know someone has gone through something similar. I don’t think there was a person more religious than my dad. I know he was saved. Why god allowed the devil to torment him and my family I may never know. But I have great peace in knowing he won that spiritual battle and is resting with the Lord now. He was Jesus’ number 1 fan on earth. I can only imagine the happiness he felt meeting him in the heavens.
  14. My dad passed away two days ago. He was a very religious man and what happened to him in the end days has me and my family very confused. I know there is a medical term for it (delirium) but what was happening almost seemed like spiritual warfare. I know demons can’t possess a Christian but it sure seemed that way. My dad started mocking Jesus while we were praying over him even growling at times and telling my mom he was going to kill her. My sisters prayed over him twice and he was acting possessed until finally during the second prayer he ceased, cried and started rubbing my sisters hand like whatever it was in him had left. Ever since then he was at peace until he passed just hours later. My two sisters who are nurses and see death every day said they’ve never seen this happen before. They too agreed something spiritual was happening. When he looked at me he wasn’t there his eyes were empty and cold. He even asked who I was and told me to “get out.” In the final weeks leading up to his death he seemed to have Been focusing more on Satan than God. My family and I couldn’t understand why he was doing this. Why wouldn’t you cling to your faith in your final days? Why did he want to talk about Satan? I don’t want to remember my dad this way but I do want answers. Why did god allow this to happen? Is it possible there was a spiritual battle going on inside him at the end? I feel like he was tormented by satan in his final hours and that makes me really sad. My family including myself is super traumatized by the things we heard and saw in his final days especially knowing he is a very religious man.
  15. I too have struggled with addiction…first cigarettes and then alcohol. I was able to quit cigarettes on my own several years ago. Alcohol was another story for me. I prayed and struggled to quit for years until a little over a year ago I asked my doctor about it. She prescribed me with a medicine that stopped the cravings and helped me quit hopefully for good. I praise God for this medicine and that I have been freed from the bondage of addiction. Everyday has its struggles but I am able to resist temptation. I Hope and pray you are able to find the same freedom and peace that I have.
  16. I truly wasn't looking to start a debate. Thank you for your replies. I will continue to pray about this.
  17. My husband and I have been going back and forth over this for months now and we can't come to a decision. I've been praying for clarity, and am hoping to find some here. The added pressure from friends, family and coworkers have made the decision even more difficult for us. We've thought about giving in to what everyone else wants, getting the vaccine, and just not having to think about it anymore. But is that right? I believe we are making the right decision not getting vaccinated, but I don't want to be deceived because I know God heals and can prevent illness through modern medicine. I've been reading a lot online but I don't know who to trust or what to believe anymore. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I just want some honesty from some fellow Christians.
  18. I have been employed at the job I am right now for almost a year and so far it's going really good, so much better than the last place. Anyway, there are a lot of unbelievers and A LOT of gossip and backstabbing. I'm not sure what to do. I take breaks and lunches with these girls. Am I supposed to avoid them all together and find some place else to take breaks/eat lunch? I feel like my spirit is very uneasy around them. I feel myself being tempted and falling into the games. If I do start taking my lunches/breaks elsewhere I am afraid that they may not like me and start gossiping about me. I want them to keep liking me.
  19. I believe because too many times I put my faith in the things of this world and not once have I ever received any answers or any comfort when I was sad. Then there came a period in my life where I wanted to end it. God showed himself to me that day and since then I've never turned back. He told me (not audibly) that I need to seek him for answers and for comfort, because the world will only make me more miserable. And he was right. When the world doesn't make sense, God does. Without God, I would be so lost. Nothing would make any sense. That's my short answer.
  20. It's pretty snowy up here! School is cancelled so we'll be staying home. If you're out driving, stay safe!!!
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