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Everything posted by Steve_S

  1. There isn't a nation on earth that would've allowed ships with suspected terrorists (much less those known to be hostile to your country) on board to enter their ports without searching them at the very least. There certainly isn't any country who's authorities wouldn't have immediately defended themselves when faced with hostilities from those ships (the United States would've very likely have sank them then and there).
  2. No one is saying that socialist programs are socialism. But go back to your thread about the correlation between Nazi Germany and America. And that gradual slide that Germany suffered. That's what I am talking about here. America isn't socialist. America* has many socialist programs (like a flood, new ones arriving each week) and because of this, is NOT purely capitalist as Shiloh would like to think. *My country ain't in a better shape, either. America has been sliding quickly into socialism since at least January of 2009 Lol, January of 2009? Try about 70 years earlier AT LEAST. Your cash does not belong to you, it belongs to the united states government, you do not own it. It's not gold backed and can be rapidly devalued (from previous post). As for your car, house, etc., you don't really own those either. You have to give the government money to retain ownership at the penalty of forfeiture (if you don't pay land taxes they take your land and house, don't buy a car tag, at the least you can't drive it). Ownership int he united states in the 21st century does not mean what ownership meant from the early 20th century back. Your property is subject to the whims of the government as is your income. We've been heading this way a long while, it's just becoming more apparent now.
  3. I am not forced to give anything under compulsion. I pay my taxes because they are owed, and the government spends it as they see fit. That is not socialistic. Paying for social programs out of taxes is not socialistic. It is when my money AFTER taxes is taken from me and given to someone else, that it becomes socialistic. And yes, it is pure capitalism. Yes, taxes. That is my point. Those taxes would be taken and spent on something else if not on welfare. A government cannot cannot survive without taxes. Taxes pay for everything from law enforcement, to good schools, libraries and other programs. Welfare is just one small part of the picture. Taxes are rightfully owed and are not confiscatory. It is when the money I rightfully earned and is rightfullly mine is forceably taken from me and given to someone else that it becomes socialism. And yes, the US is purely capitalistic, whether your pride can make room for that or not. Actually, the united states does not have pure capitalism. Wealth redistribution by NATURE (welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid, agricultural administration, over 2 trillion yearly combined) prevents pure capitalism from occurring. You have to look at the socioeconomic impact of taking money from one person via taxation and giving it to another, this creates an entirely different area of demand that did not exist before. In a purely capitalistic system (the closest to which I've ever really known of was precolonial america up through the late 1800s/early 1900s) there is no redistribution of wealth. There wasn't an income tax in the United States for the first 120 years of its existence, so yes, countries can survive without taxation. Also, any market regulation by the government impedes capitalism, as does corporate/small business taxation (ESPECIALLY if the money being taxed is going through redistribution mechanisms such as the aforementioned ones). When the government, for example, puts environmental rules in place which hinders some areas of the economy (mainly industrial) that also hinders capitalism, because it costs a business more to operate than supply side economics dictates (especially in a world with increasingly free/cheap trade where there is competition with countries who do not have similar or any regulations). In short, when the government taxes the people and uses that tax money for ANYTHING other than common good spending (roads, military, etc.; things that everyone uses or needs equally) then you are straying from capitalism and going towards socialism and communism. It's nice to think that the united states is capitalist, but we really, really aren't. The united states is closer to marx's vision than that of the founding fathers in 2010 (read the 10 planks of communism if you don't believe me).
  4. This reminds me of these. Jud 1:17 But you, beloved, remember the words spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, Jud 1:18 because they told you that at the last time there will be mockers according to their lusts, leading ungodly lives. Jud 1:19 These are those setting themselves apart, animal-like ones, not having the Spirit. 2Pe 3:3 First, knowing this, that there will come in the last days scoffers walking according to their own lusts 2Pe 3:4 and saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.
  5. No. Seems he wants to fundamentally change it into something else. Russia, circa 1917. When the royal family disappears I'll start getting worried.
  6. You can't possibly be serious. The market was down today; so what? There is no causal link between that and diplomacy in the Middle East. It's exactly this kind of blatantly stupid argument that gives Christians a reputation as lunatics. Today's market action no more means that the Rapture (whatever that is) is nigh than it means that the Cubs will win the World Series. Any thinking person can see that. Yet, you and the rest of the charismatic crowd have the unmitigated gall to censor anyone who dares point out that your arguments don't hold water. Who is being a dishonest broker? Well, we know that it doesn't mean that the Cubs are going to win the world series. They are never going to win the world series.
  7. Freshly mowed grass smells good. Stores have food. Bread tastes good.
  8. It's been on the way out for decades brother.
  9. The first salvo will probably involve whether or not someone can publicly state that homosexuality is a sin.
  10. Nothing hidden here. Genesis gives a clear and concise creation story and lineage from Adam through Jesus. The gap theory is counter to it, even if you try to wedge it in.
  11. From what I've seen it's always using secular "evidence" of evolution and then saying "well it had to happen somewhere." Do you actually know what evolution is? Evolution is not false. Simply it is this. I will use this example that helped me understand. Imagine you have strep throat. You have a bunch of bacteria that a living in your throat causing this. You are given an antibotic to take over a 10 day period. You take it the first day, you wipe out some of the bacteria. You take the second day...same happens, third day, fourth day the same thing. You begin to feel better so you stop taking the antibotic. Now what you dont know is that some of those bacteria are still alive. What does this mean? It means that some of the bacteria had a sort of resistance to that antibotic, this was not developed, it was already there. That is why the doctors want to take it for the full 10 days in hopes that the bacteria cant outlast the antibotic. Now what happens after you start to feel sick again. You begin to take that antibotic but it does not work, why because not only did you not kill those bacteria that had this resistance, but they have reproduced bacteria that have this resistance. Also evolution is not a theory, I used to think this too. Evolution is the phenomenon. The actual Theory is Natural Selection. Now while I do take issue with a few things that are espoused with the theory of naural selection, I cant dispute that evolution takes place. Now what i actually wrote is just a very base understanding, but the thing is you probably should research just a bit, before you throw it out the window. I actually believe that Darwin (who by the way was not the "founder" of this ) was on to a few things, but went wayward. Now I do believe that the Gap theory is plausible, I know we have had threads on it before. I will see what I can find sometime this weekend hopefully. I grasp the flawed logic behind the lie of evolution. I just don't make it a practice to try to fit a theory developed and pushed mostly by those attempting to disprove God's truth into the Word.
  12. From what I've seen it's always using secular "evidence" of evolution and then saying "well it had to happen somewhere."
  13. I'm with onelight. Gap theory is Christians trying to fit the world's secular lie of evolution into the infallible Word of the living God.
  14. The custom of the day when men and women were in a gathering, the men were deferred to and the women silent. This was part of their obedience in their culture. If that was a shame if a woman got in the group and started talking or asking questions, then how much more the church of God? Women were not allowed to mix with the men in the synague either, probably not allowed to speak out there either. I don't see anything hard to understand about this, it was and probably still is, a middle East custom. Except that Corinth was on the west coast of Greece..........
  15. You're right. It may be absolutely nothing. A lot of times presidential administrations leak things like this without necessarily having the intent to do them just to test the political waters so to speak, so they can gauge what sort of backlash there may be. While I do agree with you that this may be the arab league, I would think that the administration is probably involved in some way, shape, or form. Again, not necessarily with the intention of doing it, but maybe to drop some polls out to see if they could get away with it.
  16. Lots of people voting for people who promise to expand it.
  17. You're going to create mass board hysteria.
  18. This is going a place I don't like... at all. Trying to catch up to the US??? Lol OneLight, I was gonna say, welcome to the united states.
  19. This is going a place I don't like... at all. You have state sponsored scripture classes in aussie?
  20. That thing looks like it'd hatch more than a butterfly. Yep; like maybe a pteradactyl? Whatever it is it'd be either really beautiful or really ugly. probably really ugly
  21. Paul took his unjust judgement all of the way to the palace of Caesar.
  22. Steve_S


    So after a lengthy discussion about the financial woes of some of the countries from the European Union in the chat earlier Andy said she wanted me to put a prediction "in ink" (on the boards) that I'd made, which was that the EU as a financial/economic entity and the EURO as a currency will have completely collapsed by June of 2012 (no, absolutely nothing to do with old central american tablets, just that it's roughly 2 years from now).
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