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Everything posted by hwyangel

  1. I drive truck so unless I can find a non-denominational truck stop chapel, I will attend any bible believing church that will pick me up at the truck stop early Sunday morning. From my experience, I believe that every single denomination, church, and individual is screwed up and at the same time blessed with spiritual gifts.
  2. Have you considered power of attorney? And online college classes could help get training for at home employment.
  3. The difference is Judgment vs Discernment. Judgment says, "You should not think/act/or speak in this way." Discernment says, "I should not think/act/ or speak in this way." Judgment tries to change another. Discernment is changing myself.
  4. At least they can't claim "It's an inside job" anymore. Or an Israeli tactic. LOL
  5. I do agree that we should all be more environmentaly friendly, especially concerning animals. But my answer to your question would be a definite no. I would not spend that kind of money for a pet. But I won't judge anyone else for it either. People spend money on things they need alot less than a pet.
  6. God wonderfully designed each animal He created to be able to live where it is found. What we find is not animals struggling to survive (as evolution teaches), but animals that have been made to survive from the beginning because the Creator designed them that way. Animals are not equals. They are ment to serve us. 2. For food (Genesis 9:2-3) 3. For clothing (Matthew 3:4) 4. For transportation (Genesis 22:3) 5. For sacrifice, in order to point to the one great Sacrifice and to illustrate that salvation is only possible by way of the shedding of blood (Gen. 4:4; Lev.1:3) 6. For judgment of sinful men (Exodus chapter 8; 2 Kings 2:23-24) 7. To serve man in a multitude of ways (Gen. 8:7-8; and compare some amazing uses of animals today, such as "seeing eye dogs" for the blind, animals used in experimentation so as to develop new drugs and medical procedures, etc.) 8. To teach men spiritual lessons (Proverbs 6:6) 9. To teach men of God
  7. I have rescued animals out of the road a few times, but I honestly could not imagine spending that much on an animal before one of Gods own children.
  8. I don't watch tv, but I did used to coupon and rebate when kids were little. I always had enough to help my neighbors. I also recycled, gardened, and shopped at second hand stores. I don't believe that earning or saving money is a bad thing. Though I do understand that hoarding is not a good thing either.
  9. Wow. I sponsor a family of four in a third world country for less than that.
  10. I agree that it's not something to rejoice in, but the protection of innocent lives is. Psalm 82:3-4 "Defend the weak and the orphans; defend the rights of the poor and suffering. 4 Save the weak and helpless; free them from the power of the wicked."
  11. This is very heartbreaking. I want to cry for them. I pray that our father reveals a greater purpose for their lives, a deeper unconditional love, and a joy that exceeds any worldly pleasure. Amen. However I do disagree that it has anything to do with being methodist.
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