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Everything posted by TrackerJack

  1. I feel confident that I can live an indefinite period of time, and it only gave me 12-16 months
  2. It depends on the sacrifice. Some offerings were completely consumed by fire, while others were allowed to be eaten.
  3. So, as Christians, we get to pick and choose parts of the old testament to follow. The Ten Commandments .... oh, I don't like observing the Sabbath .... lets make it 9 Commandments ... But my Pastor says we should Tithe.... I guess we're back up to 10 commandments ... How do YOU rationalize your sin? I'm pretty sure its laid out in black, white, and red. You don't have to add to it. And you shouldn't take away from it either.
  4. The United Nations: On the Brink of Becoming a World Government Written by William F. Jasper On October 14, 2009, Lord Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, delivered a scathing refutation of the concept of human-caused global warming at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. During his presentation, Lord Monckton focused on the UN climate treaty that was being proposed for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen that December. He warned: I read that treaty. And what it says is this: that a world government is going to be created. The word “government” actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries.... And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement. Not just any government, mind you. “They are about to impose a communist world government on the world,” warned Monckton. At the UN’s Rio+20 Earth Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, the world government advocates were pushing even grander schemes. Lord Monckton, who heads the policy unit of the U.K. Independent Party and is chief policy advisor to the Washington, D.C.-based Science and Public Policy Institute, told The New American’s Alex Newman, “They were still effectively talking about a mechanization for setting up a global government so that they could shut down the West, shut down democracy, and bring freedom to an end worldwide.” Is that merely the ranting of a madman? That’s what the usual suspects at the Huffington Post, MSNBC, and other organs of the liberal-left corporate media would have us believe. He is a “climate-change denier,” a “moonbat,” a “conspiracy wacko.” That is the same response that has greeted anyone and everyone who has dared not merely to criticize the United Nations’ faults and abuses, but to point out the danger of a UN that is evolving into an actual world government — with real teeth and enforcement powers. However, very influential Americans, as well as foreign leaders, in politics, media, and academe, have been advocating — blatantly and openly, as well as indirectly — for transforming the United Nations system into a full-blown world government. What’s more, they have begun actual implementation. It is no longer hypothetical that the UN and its affiliated institutions will usurp legislative, executive, and judicial powers, including taxing, policing, and military powers. It has already begun; it is already happening. And it is happening with the acquiescence, approval, encouragement, and funding of globalists in our own government, both Republicans and Democrats. Walter Cronkite, the late CBS anchorman and broadcast icon often referred to as “the most trusted man in America,” stated in 1999: It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order.... We cannot defer this responsibility to posterity. Democracy, civilization itself, is at stake. Within the next few years we must change the basic structure of our global community from the present anarchic system of war … to a new system governed by a democratic U.N. federation. Cronkite made that statement in a 1999 speech to the World Federalist Association, one of the oldest and foremost organ­izations promoting world government. Strobe Talbott may not be as well known as “Uncle Walter” Cronkite, but he wields considerable influence among political elites. A former “Soviet expert” and correspondent for Time magazine (Soviet KGB defector Sergei Tretyakov claimed Talbott was actually “an extremely valuable intelligence source” for Russian intelligence) and deputy secretary of state for President Clinton, Talbott now serves as president of the very influential think tank, the Brookings Institution, in Washington, D.C. In a highly acclaimed essay he penned for Time in 1992, entitled “The Birth of the Global Nation,” Talbott declared: In 1795 [philosopher Immanuel] Kant advocated a “peaceful league of democracies.” But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government. Federalism has already proved the most successful of all political experiments, and organizations like the World Federalist Association have for decades advocated it as the basis for global government. Gideon Rachman, an enthusiastic one-worlder and a leading economic opinionator for the very influential Financial Times, authored a Times op-ed on December 8, 2008 entitled, “And Now for a World Government,” in which he approvingly observed: So, it seems, everything is in place. For the first time since homo sapiens began to doodle on cave walls, there is an argument, an opportunity and a means to make serious steps towards a world government. Rachman was excited that the global financial crisis was presenting a rich opportunity so that “for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible.” Rachman described the desideratum that he and fellow internationalists are working so hard to bring about: A “world government” would involve much more than co-operation between nations. It would be an entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws. The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which could be a model. The EU has a supreme court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a large civil service and the ability to deploy military force. Similarly blatant calls for empowering the United Nations could be cited ad infinitum. But the fact is that the empowerment is already well under way. Hiding in Plain Sight Much of the superstructure and infrastructure for the physical edifice of a world government already have been built. The United Nations’ official organizational chart and the world map (below) give an ominous inkling of the global leviathan that is already in place. (Note: Click on world map to enlarge it.) United Nations Map But only an inkling; it actually vastly understates the magnitude of the organizational sprawl of the UN worldwide, since it merely shows the locations of the headquarters offices of the main UN agencies and only a few of the many regional offices or field operations of these agencies. Take, for instance, the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO). In addition to its mammoth Geneva headquarters, it also has six huge regional offices: Africa HQ (Brazzaville, Congo); the Americas HQ (Washington, D.C.); Europe HQ (Copenhagen, Denmark); Eastern Mediterranean HQ (Cairo, Egypt); Southeast Asia HQ (Delhi, India); Western Pacific HQ (Manila, Philippines). Likewise, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization is located in a huge gleaming palace of glass and marble a short walk from the Colosseum in Rome. But it also has regional offices in Ghana, Chile, Thailand, Egypt, and Hungary, as well as subregional offices in Samoa, Barbados, Tunisia, Turkey, Ethiopia, Gabon, and Panama; and liaison offices in Geneva; Washington, D.C.; New York; Brussels; and Yokohama. The story is similar at UNESCO, which, besides boasting a palatial edifice in Paris, called the World Heritage Center, has field offices, cluster offices, national offices, regional bureaus, and liaison offices in more than 50 countries throughout the world. This same pattern is repeated for many other UN agencies. Besides putting in place a vast civil service of administrators and bureaucrats to run the planned world government, the ever-expanding UN system has created a huge global constituency of local and national politicians, corporations, and NGOs that benefits from the UN’s presence and can be counted on to lobby for its continued expansion. Gideon Rachman’s statement above referring approvingly to the European Union (EU) as a model for the UN is particularly apropos. For decades, critics of the Common Market (as the EU was called before 1993) warned that the organization was being built piece by piece, agency by agency, into a supranational government, only to be derided as paranoid wackos by EU proponents. Now, of course, all pretenses are being dropped because the EU is de facto a supranational government that completely overrides the national and local governments of its member states. The UN’s rapidly growing organizational footprint is most jarringly visible throughout the Third World, where offices of UN agencies, the IMF, and World Bank dominate the political and economic landscape, and UN trucks, UN tent cities, blue-helmeted UN peacekeepers, and UN civilian staff are ubiquitous. The gradual development of the UN from an international organization into a world government was planned from the world body’s beginning in 1945. One of the UN architects at the UN founding conference in San Francisco was John Foster Dulles, who served as U.S. secretary of state from 1953 to 1959. In his 1950 book, War or Peace, Dulles, a committed one-worlder and a founder of the one-world Council on Foreign Relations, wrote of the then-five-year-old UN: “The United Nations represents not a final stage in the development of world order, but only a primitive stage. Therefore its primary task is to create the conditions which will make possible a more highly developed organization.” Later in the same book, Dulles stated: “I have never seen any proposal made for collective security with ‘teeth’ in it, or for ‘world government’ or for ‘world federation,’ which could not be carried out either by the United Nations or under the United Nations Charter.” The UN’s New World Order The push to empower the UN with global legislative, executive, and judicial powers has already yielded huge dividends, and UN bodies are now exercising those powers to various degrees — and constantly pushing to usurp more control. Here is a brief survey. • The Global Army: On its Web page entitled “Honoring 60 Years of United Nations Peacekeeping (1948-2008)” the UN makes this ominous boast: A massive enterprise — The UN is the largest multilateral contributor to post-conflict stabilization worldwide. Only the United States deploys more military personnel to the field than the United Nations. [Emphasis added.] There are almost 110,000 serving on 20 peace operations led by the UN Departments of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and Field Support (DFS) on four continents directly impacting the lives of hundreds of millions of people. This represents a seven-fold increase in UN peacekeepers since 1999. [Emphasis added.] The United States picks up 27 percent of the direct tab for UN peacekeeping operations, but that is only a fraction of the American contribution. Through the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) and the African Contingency Operations Training and Assistance (ACOTA) program, both operated jointly by the U.S. Departments of State and Defense, the U.S. military has trained (and continues to train) tens of thousands of UN “peacekeepers,” many of whom have been charged with carrying out genocide and atrocities, including widespread rape and sodomizing of women and children, as well as sexploitation of impoverished children in Haiti, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Congo, Somalia, and Kosovo. An even larger chunk of UN war-making disguised as “peacekeeping” is carried out under the auspices of NATO — again, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayers and U.S. armed forces. • The Global Prosecutor, Judge, and Jury: The UN’s International Criminal Court (ICC) officially opened its doors at The Hague 10 years ago, in July 2002. The UN boasts that “the ICC has become a fully functional institution, with 16 cases having been brought before the Court, 6 of which are at the trial stage. ICC judges have issued 22 arrest warrants and 6 arrests have been made.” Although most of those targeted thus far are generally recognized as bad men, the ICC’s prosecutions are establishing dangerous precedents that could be used against innocent political targets, including American citizens. The ICC’s governing Rome Statute violates the most basic principles of due process, separation of powers, and national sovereignty. It incorporates within the ICC itself the roles of prosecutor, judge, and jury. Notre Dame University Law Professor Charles Rice called the ICC “a monstrosity.” Ambassador David Scheffer, the pro-ICC negotiator for President Bill Clinton, admitted, “it is not credible to argue … that no American will ever come before it. We are not saying Americans are off bounds.” The danger is not that Americans (U.S. military personnel, law-enforcement officers, elected officials, or private citizens) will be taken before the ICC against the wishes of the U.S. government, but that our own government officials will acquiesce in the process, arguing that we must uphold “the rule of law” and the will of the “international community.” • The Global Taxman: World government advocates have long lamented that the UN must depend on dues and contributions from its member states. Their dream of a UN that will have an independent revenue stream from global taxes is dangerously close at hand. The controversy and opposition caused by the European Union’s imposition of a “carbon tax” on all air travel has given the UN leverage to propose its own global carbon tax on all air passengers, through the UN’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). However, many other global tax proposals are in the works, with a global financial transaction tax (FTT) being, perhaps, the one closest to realization and receiving major backing from many leaders of the G-20 nations and the NGO lobby. Various FTT proposals, such as the Tobin Tax, could net the UN hundreds of billions of dollars annually. The usual rationale given for an FTT is that the proceeds would be used to end global poverty, but the UN’s record indicates the massive sums taken would end up in the bank accounts of the UN’s corrupt officials. • The Global Fed: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) have wrought economic havoc worldwide for decades, burdening nations (especially the less-developed countries) with impossible debt and onerous economic policies. Over the last several years, a growing chorus of globalists has called for transforming and “supersizing” the IMF into the equivalent of a global Federal Reserve, with a global currency — SDRs, Special Drawing Rights — to displace the dollar. In 2010, the UN issued its World Economic and Social Survey, which said: “A new global reserve system could be created, one that no longer relies on the United States dollar as the single major reserve currency.” According to the UN report, a new reserve system “should permit the emission of international liquidity — such as SDRs — to create a more stable global financial system.” A global currency would allow whoever controls the currency (in this case the IMF) to control the world economy and to enjoy unlimited financial power. And it could “bail out” or subsidize any company it wishes, to the detriment of other companies. Like a global Federal Reserve, it could confiscate wealth by simply inflating the currency. • The Global Trade Cop: The World Trade Organization (WTO), which entered into force in 1995, has joined NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) in judging and overturning U.S. laws and court decisions. The WTO has already proven the charges by its critics and opponents, that it is an enormous threat to America’s national sovereignty, as well as an engine of global central economic planning. “Make no mistake about it,” warned Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) in 2005, “WTO ministers tell Congress to change American laws, and Congress complies. In fact, congressional leaders obediently scrambled to make sure the corporate tax bill passed before a WTO deadline. Thousands and thousands of bills languish in committees, yet a bill ordered by the WTO was pushed to the front of the line.” • The Global Enviro-Cop: Through a multitude of environmental agreements, programs, and agencies — Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Treaty, UN Convention on Climate Change, the United Nations Environment Program, the Global Environment Facility, etc. — the UN and its one-world advocates are spinning a web of control over all human activity. As in the case of other global taxes and regulations, the UN depends on national governments to be complicit in adopting “international norms and commitments” that will lock individual nations into the UN’s regulatory grip. • The Global Gun Grabber: Through its Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and its Program of Action (PoA) on Small Arms, the United Nations has been pushing feverishly for over a decade and a half to undermine the right of individuals to possess firearms, as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment. The UN attack is aimed not only at infringing the right of private gun ownership, but also increasing restrictions on ammunition, gunpowder, and other essential components. In August 2012, the UN began its latest round of efforts to attack this fundamental right, asserting the claimed right of the state to have an unchallengeable monopoly of force. It is not surprising that the United States is virtually the sole holdout, as most UN member states are either dictatorships that do not allow individuals to possess firearms, or socialist countries traveling the same direction on the road to tyranny. • The Global Internet Controller: Since at least 2003, when the United Nations hosted its first World Summit on the Information Society, the UN has been leading an effort to take over the Internet. The countries in the forefront of this effort are Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan — dictatorships where Internet censorship and cyber spying on citizens are standard operating procedures. Insatiable Globocrats The UN grabs for power cited above are far from a complete list. The UN’s Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) aims to give the UN authority over the planet’s oceans, coastal waters, fisheries, seabed oil and mineral wealth, and maritime traffic. The UN’s World Health Organization and Food & Agriculture Organization are in charge of the Codex Alimentarius, the UN effort to regulate and take control over raw food, processed food, and semi-processed food, including vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, and other nutritional products. UNESCO has insinuated itself into American schools and families through “partnerships” with our federal and state Education Departments that include curriculum design and invasive, psychologically manipulative “emotional wellness” evaluations. The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) not only supports forced abortion in China, but works assiduously with Planned Parenthood to overturn national abortion laws and make abortion legal and commonplace worldwide. The list goes on and on — and on. If any human condition or domain of human activity, any potential “crisis,” or any particle or parcel of the Earth, sea, or sky has been overlooked by the UN, one can be sure the omission will soon be corrected, and that a new UN commission, agency, and/or treaty will soon be initiated to claim responsibility and jurisdiction over it.
  5. Is your pastor entitled to a days wage? Do you like having a place to meet outside of your home? Do you like running water in the rest rooms? Does your church support missionaries? How do you propose the church pay for these things?
  6. So... My original quote was in agreement with you and supported your post. Are you taking a prescription? Then, you're under the dictates of the government (FDA). Are you on Social Security? Then you're under the dictates of the government Are you going to enter Obamacare when your employer drops your coverage? Then you're under the dictates of the government Are you EMPLOYED by the government? Then you're under the dictates of the government Are you under Medicare or Medicaid? Then you're under the dictates of the government Are your children under SCHIP? Then you're under the dictates of the government Are you receiving SNAP? Then you're under the dictates of the government Are you receiving Housing assistance? Then you're under the dictates of the government Are you on Unemployment? Then you're under the dictates of the government As Christians, we have to abide by the Law of the Land, but the above examples are of people who's lives depend upon the help of the government. My original post agreed with you that a LOT of these people WORSHIP GOVERNMENT. As Christians, we should strive to be self sufficient. We should try to eliminate the need to rely on the government. The benefits provided by the government should be supplemental, not a necessity. Because eventually the Antichrist will come to power. How much harder will it be to resist the Mark of the Beast if you're already dependent upon the government to survive? This was my point. Do you wish to argue with that?
  7. So... It's not a Ponzi scheme unless you're the last one holding the bag? Interesting logic. If the money in the "trust fund" is mine, why can't I withdrawal ALL of it when I turn 65? Yes, I've earned it, but it's in the Government's bank account. They can make all sorts of ridiculous requirements before handing you that check. You must be 65. You must own a baby kangaroo (mine is blue), and you MUST RECEIVE THIS MARK before you're eligible for payment. Don't you see that you're subject to the dictates of the government? Even if the money is yours. If you're depending upon that social security payment to survive, are you going to reject it when the social security program is "wrapped" into the Antichrist's economic program.
  8. (At the risk of derailing the thread, because someone is hung up on the definition of a word) Are YOU certain you understand what Social Security is? It's a Ponzi scheme that requires an ever expanding workforce as its base, which will eventually collapse under its own weight. Every politician that has sold us this bill of goods, or even attempts to con us into believing its a good thing should be imprisoned. This Ponzi scheme was marketed to the Supreme Court as an "Insurance Program" in order to get it passed. Yes you're correct that its not welfare, but something you pay for via taxes. Now. that we've cleared that up. ... A retiree would feel entitled to that Social Security check (and rightfully so, they earned it). But would that retiree walk away from that check if the Antichrist was handing it to them? I think NOT. And the attitude you're displaying confirms my suspicions.
  9. This is exactly the mentality of those on Social Security and Medicare. You entirely missed the point. EVERYONE who receives a check from the government or any form of benefit, will have a choice in the future. Continue receiving the check by taking the Mark of the Beast, or lose the benefit and possibly risk starvation. Most people will rationalize the decision and take the mark. They won't be able to conceive of a life without that handout from the government. (assuming we're still here )
  10. It's a belief system, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. They put their faith in the government providing their needs. That's worship, no matter how you slice it. AMEN! There was a study released by a university (wish I could remember which one), a couple of months ago. It indicated that 53% of Americans believe the Federal Government will save them in the event of a disaster. I read that study as "53% of Americans place their faith in government over their faith in God". How many Americans are on some form of government assistance? I would include social security, medicare, medicaid, Obamacare, and EVEN employment in that question. How many of them will reject that assistance, when the antichrist wraps those programs into his "Comprehensive Economic Package"? I dare say less than 1%.
  11. THE USDA HAS STOPPED SHIPMENTS TO FOOD BANKS Is your local food bank getting support from the USDA? You may want to contribute during this time of shortage. CALIFORNIA http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?sec...bay&id=8829186 OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- A lack of shipments from the federal government is leaving some Bay Area food banks with empty shelves. And it's happening just as demand for food is especially high. The empty shelves say it all these days at the Alameda County Community Food Bank. For the first time in a long time the food bank has had to go without deliveries of crucial items like canned vegetables, fruit, rice, beans, and frozen meats. The reason -- the U.S. Department of Agriculture hasn't delivered surplus commodities to Oakland for two months. "We haven't received a shipment of the USDA items since the end of July so we are experiencing a real significant shortage that our agencies and the clients are feeling," said Michael Altfest with the Alameda County Food Bank. Normally the Alameda County Food Bank would have about one million pounds of USDA food on the shelves, now they're down to about half of that. It's the same story at the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano, which also relies heavily on the USDA deliveries. It's not clear if the food's being diverted or is just not available due to the drought in the Midwest. The USDA has yet to give us those answers. But the reality is the shortage is coming just as demand for food in both Contra Costa and Alameda counties remains extremely high, "More families find themselves turning to the Food Bank these days and we are a lifeline to them," said Suzan Bateson with the Alameda County Food Bank. "So, need in Alameda County is growing. We are serving 1 in 6 Alameda county residents, the majority of which are children." To try to offset the shortage, both East Bay food banks are appealing to the public, asking for them to organize their own food drives and make monetary donations, "We can turn every dollar that is donated into four dollars worth of food that we can distribute," Altfest said. "Or come down here, volunteer, help out, lend your voice, call your legislature. There's a lot that can be done to help our neighbors in need." It's unclear when the USDA shipments will resume. Illinois http://www.wsiltv.com/news/local/USD...172181951.html WSIL NEWS -- Illinois food pantries will not get any shipments from the U.S. Department of Agriculture this month. It's just the latest in a series of USDA food cutbacks. Now local food banks are now scrambling to find enough donations to feed those in need. "At first I said, well that can't be us. This must be somewhere else," exclaims J.R. Russell, the Marion Ministerial Alliance Director. He got quite the shock when he read that Illinois Food Banks would have to go without help from the USDA this month. The food bank relies on the federal food program for its meat supply, to help feed nearly 400 families in the Marion area. Russell says the bank will have to spend more on buying meat, diverting money from other Ministerial Alliance programs like rent and utilities assistance. "We've been raising the flag and waving the flag and screaming and hollering for some time now that the demand is up and supplies are down," says Russell. In Benton, the situation is even worse. More than 700 families look for assistance at its Ministerial Alliance, which relies on the St. Louis food bank for much of its food supply. "We depended on them greatly for a monthly truck, about 15 thousand pounds. We've not received one for two months, now we're not receiving one for another month, the food is just not available," explains Benton-West City Ministerial Alliance Director Vicki Seagle. At this time of year, the Ministerial Alliance's warehouse is typically packed with food, coming up at least shoulder height. Now it's mainly seeing empty boxes. Seagle is relying on the community for help. Wal-Mart brings in fresh produce twice a week, but even those shipments are getting smaller. Seagle says she hasn't seen her shelves this empty since the drought of 1988. "The drought affected us greatly because we were not able to get the fresh products that we need. People started holding back fundings because they just didn't have it, food prices started rising. Same thing again now in 2012." She says if they don't get help soon, she fears many families will go hungry over the holiday season. Seagle says she sees about 15 to 20 new families every month and expects to see more now that the BRP Boat Factory has shut down in Benton. You can help by providing food or donating money to your local food pantry.
  12. And I was concerned about detractors saying we're not under the Law. This is a much more pleasant conversation. Like I said earlier, I'm excited to see so many Christians celebrating Sukkot.
  13. It seems, camping outside , means different things to different people. Little pop tent I can see, house on wheels would not fit on some of those mountain paths I've slept next to. Now lets not get all legalistic about the definition of "camping". I'm just happy to see people celebrating Sukkot.
  14. Sukkot begins next Monday. If you're interested in observing the L-rd's Feasts, plan accordingly. Sukkot is observed by camping outside for a week.
  15. The required cut will impact the "entitlement class", and if they stop receiving handouts, you'll see the cities BURN. You wont find either party willing to make that decision, so they'll try to keep it going as long as possible. Then it'll all come crashing down. War in the middle east will likely cause $200 a barrel oil, and our economy can't handle $7-$8 gas. When was Israel planning on attacking? Before the elections?
  16. Wow. Did you crack open your Bible at all to examine the Scripture I provided? It very easy to calculate the number of years from Adam to the flood. Its basic math. The question is, "Do you believe Genesis is true"? If not, then you can alagorize it however you want. In the end, all you got is a good "story" It all boils down to your faith in G-d's word. Do you have more faith in Him or the wisdom of man?
  17. Hey Curious, If you take the time to study the lifespans and how long Israel's kings reigned, you can account for ALL of the time from Creation to the Babylonian Captivity, which happened in 586BCE. For instance the Flood happened 1656 to 1666 years from Creation. This can be done by adding up the ages of the people and how old they were when they had their first son. Take a look at Gen. 5 and Gen 7. There were about 390 years from the Flood to Isaac. Genesis 11 outlines ages for everyone until Isaac. There was 980 years from Isaac to the first temple. Gen 25:26 + Ex. 12:40-41 + 1 Kings 6 From there you have to go to 1 & 2nd Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, Solomon started construction on the Temple around 3028 years after creation. 2nd Kings 24:18 and 25:26 indicate Jerusalem Fell to the Babylonians in 587BCE, which would be 3400 years from creation. There was 483 years from Artexerxes decree to rebuild Jerusalem until Christ. I would wager that even if my calculations were off, the margin of error would be within a generation or two (140 years). My actual documentation is extensive. This is just an overview. I could provide more information if I were on my home computer.
  18. Sexual immorality is any act of sex outside of marriage, and sometimes includes sexual acts even between spouses. Sexual immorality includes fornication, adultery, homosexuality, promiscuity, incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and any form of lust.
  19. Amazing isn't it. There were times I had to put the book down and Google the event that I just read.
  20. Yes a day is like 1000 years. There has been about 4000 years from creation to Jesus, and we're almost at the 6000 year mark. There will be a "Millennial Rest" of 1000 years. for a total of 7000 years from Creation until the end of the Millennial rest. Is it a coincidence that we have a 7 day week and the earth is almost 6000 years old? I don't think so. My personal beliefs: Significant events have taken place marked by 980 year time spans. Those 980 years are broken up into two 490 year periods (possibly considered morning and evening time frames per Gen. 1) Those 490 year periods are broken up into 10 49 year Jubilees. Those 49 year Jubilees are broken up into 7, seven year sabbatical cycles. Shoemaker-Levy 9 happened on a sabbatical year on the 9th of Av. 9/11 happened on a sabbatical year. The markets crashed on 9/17 which corresponds to the Shemittah. The real estate crisis hit it's climax on a sabbatical year - 2008, and the stock market lost 1.2 TRILLION on the Shemittah of that year. 2015 (21 years since the 21 fragments of Shoemaker-Levy9 hit Jupiter) - Only G-d knows what happens in 2015.
  21. Thanks for everyone's kind words. Bornagain, Ill be praying for you and your ex. G-d bless
  22. And remember. Once the discussion turns into a debate, your witnessing opportunity is over. They've hardened their hearts and are determined to prove you wrong. Evolution is not a key tennent of Christianity. Its used by Satan as a stumbling block. Redirect the discussion to the belief in diety. Bypass the arguement and get to the heart of the matter. Once he comes to the conclusion that there may be a God, introduce him to the one true G-d. But he has to be searching. If he could care less, your only tool is prayer.
  23. Do you have a good friendly relationship with your ex? If not, you're probably not the person to lead him to Christ. I can't help but think you're throwing Christianity in his face. Which will only create resentment towards Christ. If he's already in an accusatory mood, then it not the time to witness or quote scripture. Your best bet is prayer. The Holy Spirit is ultimately who changes someones heart. Not us. Remember, you're no less of a sinner or no more righteous than he is. You're just covered by the blood of Jesus. So try to be sensitive to that and slowly witness through you actions. If he doesn't accept the Bible as the infallible word of G-d, then quoting Scripture wont win him over. I would pray that Jesus makes Himself real to your ex. I would also play that your ex maintains an open heart, and becomes sensitive to the thing of the Lord. Once he starts asking about your faith, you can provide Scripture to back up your beliefs.
  24. WHOA! Ayin, This explains some of my reservations about Saved. But what proof do you have that saved is Winnetou? What techniques can we use to spot a forum " infiltrator"?
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