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Everything posted by TrackerJack

  1. Tonight starts the 9th of AV. Keep Israel in your prayers.
  2. There was no such thing as death until they ate of the tree. We were intended to live forever.
  3. If you wanted a list of translations, why didn't you just search Amazon? A thread like this naturally garners discussion.
  4. Troll...ie trolling for posters. As in posting a controversial statement to GE a response out of someone. But go ahead and block me.
  5. The 1611 King James Version Bible is my favorite translation for study. The Authorized King James Version Bible is my favorite version for clarity. So long as we don't have people bashing those who are KJV only, I will let it go at that, with no further comments in this thread. I like King James quite a bit. I just find it too hard to read. That's why I use NKJV as my main Bible.
  6. Ha ha This is a can of worms. Or is it a troll.
  7. Also there's a financial incentive to changing the Bible, with all the new versions. They try to change it just enough to get their new version copyrighted. That leads me to believe the new versions aren't accurate.
  8. I'd like to have a parallel Bible that is comprised of translations that come from the Textus Recepticus, the Alexandrian texts, AND the Syriac text. Something like NKJV, NIV1984, and the Lamsa Bible. I don't necessarily think the oldest manuscripts are the most accurate. However, I do give credence to texts that are geographically dispersed over the centuries and are still in agreement. By having all of the the texts together, in a parallel Bible, you have the opportunity to compare them for accuracy.
  9. Well, That's something he would have to answer. As for me, there have been multiple times where G-d has spoken to me. There have been things that I've been troubled with where I was in deep prayer and the answer came as a thought from out of the blue. There have been times when I've spoken into someones life, by making an offhand remark. Those people then asked about my "prophetic word", to which I had no idea what they were talking about. I have never had visions, but have had dreams that have come true. An example would be telling my mother about the bad dream of the spaceshuttle Challenger FIVE years before it blew up. The question is do you mark these types of things up as coincidence, and thereby deny the power of G-d? Or do you take it on faith that He is speaking to you and through you? He things of the spirit are usually seen as insane by the world. Those people of G-d recognize His voice when they hear it.
  10. The Bible is clear that G-d will intervene NOT for Israel's sake, but for His sake. So even though Israel is the unfaithful harlot, G-d will be proven faithful.
  11. This is a straw man argument, because there is no reason to believe God would tell anyone to do that. The person could rightly conclude it was only in their head. Congratulations! I was hoping someone would say something like this. Our pastor was given this very commandment. He thought it was insane, but obediently followed the instruction. IMMEDIATELY someone pulled over and demanded he tell them about Jesus. Apparently an atheist actually prayed to G-d and tested Him by asking to see someone on the side of the road with a shoe on their head. Our pastor lead that person to Christ. Of course delayed obedience would have meant a lost soul.
  12. Take heart. You're planting a seed that may grow. It may not be you're job to harvest it. Do what you can to lovingly water and weed it. And remember to back off once you feel its becoming an argument. Satan likes to harden men's hearts that way. Just wait a few days and come back. On a side note... isn't it interesting that men can supply their own fertilizer? : D
  13. In fact... If G-d tells you to pull over during rush hour and sit on the side of the road balancing your shoe on top of you head, Would you do it? If not, you're sinning. And no. It's not acceptable.
  14. You're all stuck on the law. Let's look at it this way. If G-d tells you to go witness to your friend, and you delay or don't do it, is that a sin? Delayed obedience is disobedience. If you're not where G-d wants you, you're in sin.
  15. Google God's Holy Mountain, that is what the project is called. They have already spent 25 mil on it. they picked out the linens and other artifacts, they even built a replica of it. Some Christian, muslim and jewish leaders are heading this project, they believe everyone can worship the same God on one mountain. They even built the building where they are going to teach people how to work at the temple. I can try and post a link. http://www.godsholymountain.org/English/index.aspx http://www.wnd.com/2009/08/105938/ http://johnclaeys.com/the-jewish-temple-ready-to-be-rebuilt-its-role-in-end-times-prophecy/ here is a good one about animal deaths, I don't agree with everything on their website, but this is interesting... http://www.end-times-prophecy.org/animal-deaths-birds-fish-end-times.html After visiting these sites I've become very concerned for you. Most Christians would agree that Allah is NOT G-d. This can easily be seen by looking at what we know about the personality of G-d an comparing it to Allah. Additionally, Muslim eschetology is a mirror image of Judeo/Christian eschetology. What I mean by that is the Al Mahdi (the 12th Imam) and Isa (the Muslim Jesus) kill off all of the Jews and Christians (along with the Muslim Antichrist). As compared to the Antichrist and false prophet killing off the believers and then the return of the true Christ. Be careful to not fall in with a unified religion. This is definitely Not of the L-rd.
  16. Hi Natalie, This is an awful big question to be asking on a forum. I would sincerely suggest you speak about this with your pastor. I do know. G-d wants you to be happy in life. G-D bless and I will be praying for you.
  17. Rationalize the sin however you want. I've warned you of your peril.
  18. You're leaving out the part about not worshiping the beast and having your head cut off....... when they cut off my head, none of this will matter..... and it won't to you either, so don't struggle with it. Enjoy what life we have left in this world and let the devil be damned. So you're not going to worship the beast... GREAT! What percentage of welfare recipients worship government right now? How many will reject their handout when the beast comes to power? Will YOU enter in to Obamacare, when your employer drops healthcare coverage? My point is each of us has to draw a line in the sand. Where's your line? It better not be "Well nobody's cutting off heads yet, so I can be implanted with this microchip" At that point you're already worshipping government.
  19. Here's an interesting bit of information. (sorry to sidetrack regarding Social Security, but Obamacare will be treated identically) Most countries have some form of social security. Here's a link to the US Social Security Administrations site that confirms this: http://www.ssa.gov/i...nal/links.html/ Edit: Here's the list of countries that have Universal Health Care: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_health_coverage_by_country I would be willing to wager that a LOT of these same countries have nationalized healthcare. If I were the antichrist, I would bring ALL of these organizations under one umbrella organization. Why reinvent the wheel? So, at some point, these departments WILL be part of the beast. Does that mean Obama is the beast? No. It just means that Obama helped the beast come to power.... Although I wouldn't rule him out My key point is we don't know the timing of the Rapture. We could be here during the reign of the AC. We have to be willing to turn our backs on ALL government $$$, including Social Security, Medicare, and even employment once that time comes. If you're not willing walk away from healthcare, your job, or retirement, then you will rationalize the sin of receiving the mark, and will be condemned to hell.
  20. It won't matter anyway for Christians, for he'll kill us anyway. Question, is Social Security and Medicare considered government assistance in your oppinion??? Yes it will matter. Social security and Medicare will most definitely be wrapped into the Antichrist's "Economic Plan". Are you willing to give them up? It won't help to be a "Christian" if you take the mark.
  21. Place your faith in Jesus and not the government. If you're on any type of government assistance, including employment, work to get off of it. People are worshiping government instead of G-d. How many welfare recipients will turn their back on government assistance, when the AC converts these programs into his new economic recovery plan? I dare say none.
  22. I've been thinking about this a lot since the SCOTUS ruling on Obamacare. Where do we place our faith? In G-d, or the government? This is the crux of the matter. The majority of the people in this nation WORSHIP government. Uncle Sam will take care of our needs. And I dare say, if the Antichrist converts those programs to his own "economic plan" 95% of those people will accept it with a grateful heart. In truth the spirit of the AC is already in government. If you're already on some government plan (including employment), I urge you to find another way to live. Get off of welfare, and be ready to quit your job at a moments notice. If you have a backup plan in place, it will be easier to get out once the AC implements the mark.
  23. Invite them over to my house,where we'll have a beer ......
  24. I really miss my JW coming by. We used to get into some real interesting discussions. The last time they came by she brought a leader of their church with her. I think they determined that I was a risk to speak to, because they never returned. I think that speaking with them is the perfect witnessing opportunity. You just have to know what you believe and why. I'd also recommend you pick up a book on witnessing to them. I would flip through their literature to understand their view, then find Scripture to have on hand to defend my position the next time they come around.
  25. Over $3 million a year in CDs? You must be Joel Olsteen. In the past 8 to 12 years, no other country has done more to eradicate Christianity and Judaism from the middle east than AMERICA. (through spreading democracy) Look at: The Gaza strip Iraq Egypt Tunisia Libya and Syria Let alone eradicating Christianity from the US. Most of those old regimes were tolerant of Christianity. Not now. Christians and Jews are fleeing every one of those countries (including the US). Wanna think about something crazy? Russia is coming to the defense of Assad in Syria. Assad protected the Christians. The US is arming the rebels who are destroying churches and killing Christians. Now tell me America isn't Babylon.
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