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Everything posted by Anne

  1. Ssshhhhhhhh...........first bit of advice (no swearing). My heart goes out to you, I will pray that our Heavenly Father guides you, please don't give into those suicidal thoughts, pray and read the Bible, and cling to Christ Jesus. Love in Christ Jesus name Anne
  2. Anne

    young creation?

    I quite like Faithful Followers view on the Big Bang theory:- "God said it, and bang it happened!" Good one sister Anne
  3. lol...............I knew we would agree on something someday Ron God bless you Your sister in Christ Jesus Anne
  4. Amen Thomas "A man's wisdom gives him patience, it is to his glory to overlook an offense." Thanks Thomas that was something else I needed reminding of. Your Sister in Christ Jesus Anne
  5. Ron, I did not once mention that the sinners torment would be a slap on the wrist, so i'm just a little bit confused as to where you got that idea from. Let me clarify what i believe, If you are not saved by the blood of the lamb you will suffer eternally in hell, i believe that if you die without salvation you will never know the sure wonders of Heaven and the glories of our Heavenly Father. You are right though on one subject, God the father is more mightier than my humble mind can conceive. Your friend in Christ Jesus Anne
  6. God Bless you Jacqueline, Quite so often it is far easier to see the faults in others, rather than ourselves, as this lady seems to be doing. I'm afraid i have no other answer than for you to pray that the Lord Jesus Christ, will soften this lady's heart. I'll pray too! PS. Don't act in haste. Your Sister in Christ Jesus Anne
  7. I thought I would share todays Bible study with you all and put a question to you. When replying to someone's views on a topic, do we meditate on God's Word before replying, or do we act in haste in our fondness for controversy (to be honest I act in haste most times, if I feel someone is trying to belittle me and my faith), but i put it to you, examine the following study, are we all too fond of speaking of the faults of others without first examing our own? Verse 19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: Verse 20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Verse 21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. An angry and hasty spirit is soon provoked to ill things by afflictions; and errors prevail through the workings of our vile and vain affections; but the renewing grace of God, by the word of the gospel, teaches us to subdue these. Instead of censuring God under our trials, let us open our ears and hearts to hear what he designs by them. This may also be understood as referring to the disputes and differences that Christians in times of trial run into. They must be slow to wrath, not giving way to angry tempers, bitterness of spirit, or fondness for controversy, assured that the wrath of man was not the proper means of promoting Jesus Christ, or inducing men to embrace the gospel, or to lead holy lives. And if men would govern their tongues, they must govern their passions. The worst thing we can bring to a religious controversy, is anger. This is not to be trusted, however it pretends to be raised by concern for what is just and right. Those who pretend to serve the cause of God thereby, show that they are acquainted neither with God nor his cause. Here is an exhortation to lay apart and to cast off with abhorrence, as a filthy garment, all sinful practices; especially
  8. So whilst you aren't willing to put a time frame on eternal torment, you have stated that it won't last forever. That in the end they too will be cleansed of their sin. It sounds to me that you are saying to the sinner, don't worry if you go to hell, you'll only endure the torment for a little while and then your sins will be cleansed!!! Tell me i am wrong in assuming this is what you believe? Saved by the blood of the Lamb Anne
  9. Cain, Interesting reply, but this is not the place to discuss your theories, may i suggest bringing it up in a different forum, it is easy to make wide sweeping statements. Love in Christ Jesus name Anne
  10. Ron you said the following:- "It doesn't say we go to heaven or a fabled place of etrnal torture called "hell"." Am I interpreting this correctly, do you not believe in "hell", or a place of eternal torment? Where/what's Geenna then? Only asking! Love in Christ Jesus' name Anne
  11. Bro Chuck I was just thinking the same thing last night! I look at my new television set, and all the other comforts around me, then I thought about people who have nothing. In some countries they don't even have a warm place to sleep for the night. When I was an RMP in England, Canada, i often watched the homeless, two of those people stand out in my mind, i do not recollect their names or if they ever told me them. Firstly, there was a young teenage boy in Colchester, England, who i first met on quite a cold and rainy night whilst out on patrol, all he had was the clothes on his back and this sopping wet yellow blanket to keep him warm, which wasn't doing a very good job. Secondly, an elderly lady in Medicine Hat, Canada. One day whilst out on patrol with the local force officer we came upon this elderly lady walking across the main highway. The officer stopped, was very pleasent, asked her a few questions, she told us that she had come to meet her daughter. While they were both talking i noticed a lot of things about her, apart from the fact she was painfully thin, she also carried a plastic bag with what i believe was all she owned in this world, her clothes were in a terrible state, wrinkled and looked like they had days of dust on them, when i looked down to her feet she was wearing a pair of sandles with a strap which came around the back of the heel. I noticed then that these straps had almost embedded themselves into both heels, there was blood oozing out and it was clear an infection had set in, this woman must have walked for miles and days! My point is this, how much do i need these material things i have? When i think of all the money i have spent on all these things, just because i wanted them, would i give them up or sell them to give the little boy or the elderly lady a roof over their heads for a few nights and a warm meal in their stomachs? I don't know, would I? We build our material things around us and feel satisfaction in them because we feel we have earned them, but could that money not have been better spent? Brother Thomas is right, we should think before we buy, do we need it? Or do we want it? Your Sister in Christ Jesus Anne
  12. Dear Carely, I'm not sure how it works for everyone, I can only speak from my experience so far. In the morning, I get up and read the Bible, not too much, usually a verse or two. I don't just read it, but i try and see it before me, does that make sense? I guess it's my way of trying to understand the Written Word. In the evenings just before i settle down for the night, i pray for lots of things and give praises to him for what he's done for me, haven't gone through a prayer without crying my eyes out since i got saved, i ask our Heavenly Father for understanding of his word and recognition when he is talking to me. Every day, and i'm not joking about this, every day i will encounter a situation which is relevent to what i was reading about that morning in the Bible, i feel very strongly that this is God speaking to me through his word. Now you might say, "yes, that's all very well, but it's all a little bit vague, it could apply to anyone of us what your speaking of!" I assure you that when God speaks directly to an individual child of his, through his Word, they hear his voice. The Scripture is the Voice of God, prayer is our daily visits to him (just like you would a friend), with these two things in place, you cannot fail to hear him. Your Sister in Christ Jesus Anne
  13. Anne

    To Endure!

    Dear Suzanne, Just to let you know i am still following this study, really enjoying it. I must confess though, in all honesty, that i find some things easier to endure than others. Why is there just that one thing that i feel is the constant thorn in my side? Makes me feel like i'm letting our Heavenly Father down! Love to all in Christ Jesus' name Anne
  14. Anne

    To Endure!

    Amen Suzanne, Also very true, God Bless you. Your Sister in Christ Jesus Anne
  15. Anne

    To Endure!

    Just thought i'd share my morning Bible study with you all, hope you find as much joy in this verse as i did. STUDY OF THE EPISTLE OF JAMES CHAPTER 1 VERSES 12 Verse 12
  16. Colossians, Can you explain "philisophical axiom" and it's relevancy, not saying it's not relevant, i just don't get your meaning here. Anne
  17. Rebel, greetings in Christ Jesus name I do disagree with your conclusion that this High Priest was Christ, and i do disagree with some of the points you raised, however, i feel that you equally disagree with 99% of my conclusions. Hence we find ourselves at "logger heads," i can see nowhere in the Bible that identifies this man as Christ. God bless you Rebel
  18. Am I the only one who doesn't believe that Melchisedec was Christ? Guys i've read it again, i just don't see it Your friend in Christ jesus Anne
  19. Anne

    To Endure!

    I don't think the scripture in James is meant as words of discouragement, i've been encouraged by what i've read so far, but then i'm new to the Bible. I grew up with the Bible and read parts of it many times, but that's all i was doing, reading, i don't know if it's because i got saved, but now when i read the Bible i seem to be hearing it too, does that make sense? Everyday, before i go to work, i read maybe a verse or three, i've been trying not to read too much at once, incase i miss something or fail to understand it properly. Now i'm only on verses 12 through to 25 of the book of James, but so much of it is helping me in my day to day life as a new Christian. Situations have arisen where normally i would have dealt with them in a very different manner the week previous, such as an incident which occurred last night, which i won't go into as it's not really relevant, but i had been reading through chapter 1 again yesterday, then i went on my way to a heritage evening, anyway, later a situation arose which had a few people a bit hot under the collar. Now normally i would have reacted with a few choice words, but just as i was about to open my mouth the following verses came into my head: V19 "Wherefore my beloved brethern let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath." V20 "For the wrath of man worketh no the righteousness of God." So i turned around and walked away, if you knew me you would understand. But equally i have problems with endurance, and when i find myself beginning to fall, i'm ashamed of myself, but you know a week ago it wouldn't even have cost me a second thought. To me, endurance is not the key to salvation, because "through grace are ye saved through faith," i think endurance is a lesson we learn after we are saved by the grace of God. But that's just me, maybe i'm wrong. Your friend in Christ Jesus Anne
  20. Rebel shall we agree to disagree, you believe this priest was Christ, i do not, we are both strong in our beliefs, and as such may find ourselves misinterpreting what the other is saying, just to prove a point. You said "Amazing how far so called "theological scholars" will go to fit God into their little "belief" boxes." That's not a very nice thing to say Rebel, but i love you anyway. Your friend in Christ Jesus Anne
  21. Anne

    To Endure!

    Good morning Dogvolach(hope i've spelt it right), You're wrong about one thing, it's not easier for children who have grown up with Christian parents and Christian values, i don't think it makes a whole lot of difference to be honest. My father was an evangelist and my mother a faithful Christian, at that time i was the most distruptive teenager i know, having a Christian family, well it can sort of harden you're heart against God, you get used to people telling you that salvation is the only answer, so no D, it's not easier. I don't think i'll grade myself, cause guess what, if everyone in these forums were to get together and grade themselves don't think anyone would get an A grade. We're all tempted and sometimes give in to that. I feel for you, i am so sorry that you are fighting with yourself, i hope and pray that God will throw you a life line. Maybe he has and you just haven't seen it yet. Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you in humbleness on behave of Dogvolach, Heavenly Father i pray that you will bestow upon him peace of mind and give him the strength to carry on. Fill him anew with your blessed Holy Spirit, for he finds himself in the slough of despondancy, Lord help us reach in and pull him out. This I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for where he is non can stand against. God bless you D Your friend in Christ Jesus Anne
  22. Anne

    To Endure!

    Thanks all, You're making me blush All i can say is, thank God my first lesson in the Bible was endurance, i'm gonna need it, just shows you nothing happens quite by accident. Love to you all, kid sister in Christ Jesus.
  23. WAS MELCHISEDEC CHRIST? An interpretation of Melchisedec References: Hebrews Chapter 7 verses 1-3. An exposition of Hebrews by Arthur W Pink. A commentary on the Holy Bible by Matthew Henry and Thomas Scott. Verse 1.
  24. Oh, i'm gonna go research this one and pray. Get back to you, good question though.
  25. Anne

    To Endure!

    Morning all! Just wanted to share with you all some GREAT news, at 11:30pm last night (British Time), I got down on my knees and received the Lord Jesus Christ as my saviour, there were no great flashes of light, but i went to sleep last night with a smile on my face. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! It's gonna be a good day: James Chap 1 V 12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. I've wrote that down on a little piece of paper and i'm taking it to work with me. So just when i feel i'm about to slip, i'm gonna think on that verse. Oh, it's gonna be a GREAT day. God Bless Suzanne for posting this study. Love of the Lord Jesus Christ to you all on this fine morning!
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