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Everything posted by jasoncran

  1. i hate to say that when we leave many a good mulsims friends of mine will die. but we cant support afghanistan forever. they must take the helm on their own.
  2. it already has per the aclj . the courts have ruled that its not against religious liberty then i suggest the churches doesnt offer insurance. or doctors and so forth ban together and take care of each other.im speaking of them that believe.
  3. uh that isnt communism. that is called totatalarism. communism is no goverment with communal living with no one having more then others. sheesh. i dont like marx but i at least read his ideas.
  4. its not the tech but WHO uses it. this goverment that also has said that rcc has no right to practice their beliefs when they pay for insurance and forces them to pay for abortion. hello isnt that what the constution allows freedom of conscience? hmm the aclj is arguing that. that is what scares me. that and this goverment under bush and obama have killed americans without trial. i dont like that and i understand why they did it. but the law is the law and we ought not to skirt it.
  5. yup it listed a friend of mine on fb that liked it but well fb has been known to spy on you.
  6. im not for the rfi thing but uh we dont have to. its called a cell phone. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/oct/05/3/cell-phone-tracking-technology-not-just-police-any-ar-1196796/ most peeps carry them. i do have mine on and that function as i call the cops when i see crimes and i want them to know. the mark of the beast with what you have suggested is already that.ie you could use biometrics to deny christians food. besides im going to research that elsewhere. it lines up with the way jews wear their torahs on the head and right hand.
  7. i dont, because the idea of the patriot act allow killing americans for simply be a terrorist without trial. if that is allowed then lets forget the very idea of the war on terror. they have won. "give me liberty or death", remember that as a vet i was called an extremist by obama. a potential threat to the us for simply being:a christian, a veteran, a gun owner(im not), and anti-abortion, and also having ptsd. which i did. btw the tsa doesnt have arresting power, they cant arrest you. if being at an airport constitute consent to search then so does being on the road(the tsa has road side checks) they can extend that logic to the idea that if you are in your home and its goverment property they can then search your house. the argument for that has been made.i can as an nco search my soldiers gear and barracks without notice to them.
  8. ok i can talk about this. all biometric the goverment uses measures these 1)eye retina 2)finger print 3) and photo these are entered into the terrorism database. this is how we get the taliban when we help them afghanis out we take them before we help them out. so we could require these before one gets tanf etc. your argument has been talked amongst the military. few dont like the idea of all americans being done like this. i DONT. why? the patriot act comes to mind. so they then can by you simply getting a job and having all that say that you were there and charge your for a crime you didnt commit.they can also track you.remember i said banking, remember i said tanf, jobs
  9. ok , while i understand that, but what about doing that for a job? what about going to your bank, and or applying for ss and that is there? what about going on a trip and the tsa has you do that? that is where i dont like it. its called biometrics. i know what it cant do. it would reduce crime but also can be abused.
  10. that makes no sense. not that i trust saudi. i really dont. but to force an arab spring?
  11. why am i think about that briefing on cultural relations where it says that all cultures are equal but different. hmm so islam is ok in what it does.
  12. ok, the jews believe per ramban that the flood covered the whole. earth. the book of beersherit(genesis) is a written oral story with an exodus bias. noah met abram and taught him the story. and he passed it on, nahor as well.if the flood of genesis is local then so will be his return as peter compares the end of the earth to that.
  13. mj,well i was going to pm you. but i see that you responded this thread. thanks.
  14. do pray for me then. i will pm some of you at the end of september with things to pray for.
  15. i like your spirit. pray that the lord will change me into someone of that nature. god knows what im asking.
  16. oh i will. i can say no more. theres reasons i cant. my main reason for leaving has nothing to do with this forum but myself. i want to be clear..sadly with debating often the flesh wants to win, and i have found that while i dont mind being shown wrong at times i do have at times when i feel prideful a fleshly nature that needs to change. i also have found in my tendency to be right the more important time with the father is neglected. i will miss the challenges to my doctrines and forced reasearching on my doctrines as i will no longer buy a doctrine cause pastors says. im going to be a very good berean.
  17. no i have read some of your posts. i cant remember what i was. when and if i do comeback i know that i will have a story to tell.
  18. for three days i have been told by lord to move on and leave this forum as it can be time consuming for me. so with that i must leave. i have made some friends here and i will miss the debates. i know this is the most hebrew loving sight i have came across. a bit different then this hebrew would have thought. i dont agree with views on all of those that espouse messianic judiasm and thats fine. i dont have problems with them.the lord has restrained me from messianic judiasm. if the lord wills i will be back.
  19. yeah i hear that. its the elephant in the room. just like immorality is the root cause of the problems in americas economics and yet neither party will tell the nation repent! that is what the founders would say. of course they ask the church to lead that statement but would amen it.
  20. one must learn to control ones lusts. i want a million dollars and yet i know in my heart that i will forsake proper worship of god.
  21. trust me i dont like it either. im all for leaving. that is why i did this thread. we kill them in error and we pay, they kill us in error and excuse is made for that rage. im for the punishment of all that do violate the laws of war but at the same time really with the ramadan is the reason?i agree that we cant change them either. really theres no easy solution to this. do we just nuke them? do we really go in and try to make them better? we cant do either. so its either we try our best. they must on their own become a democracy. islamic cultures are very satanic and dysfunctional. the american left and most athiests and sinners cant see islam for that fact. i remember when the were happy over lybia. i told some they vote in sharia law. and they did and so did egypt. sharia law is part of islam and no army will and can change that.
  22. i dont rely on the goverment when i dont have too. coworkers told me to pay more in prinicipal and so did my accountant. i knew better then to take an arm or bite more then i could chew. here those 400k homes were 4/3/2. what does a married couple with no kids need a house that size for?
  23. no, they left in early 89. they said in 88 they were leaving. regean was advised to begin to suppor the mujahadeen and send aids and money help them build a stable goverment. troops were really advised. we arent doing what the russians died. i have seen personally what the soviets did to afghanistan. they turned that nation into a desert. they poisoned wells and destroyed trees and crops. when they left it wasnt because of defeat. it was simply nothing left to fight for as they destroyed that nation. they did a reverse of their idea of burning things when they retreat. the burned in spite then retreated. it was at most for the muslims a bittersweet victory. famine and starvation was their victory.
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