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Micheal Westin

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Everything posted by Micheal Westin

  1. If your a Jew these things may be written on your heart, but it was decided by the apostles 2000 yrs ago what jewish laws they would impose on the gentile believers, keeping the Jewish festivals wasn't on the list
  2. whats also cool is with all this digging, they have increased the square footage of their home without building up or out, man if they keep digging they could turn their home into an apt building
  3. I think disproven is incorrect but what can be said is no link has yet been discovered
  4. I think as Christians we need to understand that America was not biblically prophesied to protect Israel in the last days, God Himself will defend her, that's why I'm not worried about how many nukes or poison gas that crazy Iranian leader has, God has spoken and what He has said will come to fulfillment, even when she is surrounded by all her enemies God will supernaturally step in and destroy all her enemies..........we just need to be sure were not one of them, I'm not sure how God would get the glory if America was the one who is seen delivering Israel from her enemies the bible clearly depicts a act of a Mighty God delivering Israel, by His own hand I just finished watching the whole thing, and I'll be surprised if this video doesn't get moved to conspiracy theory, Haggi seems to believe there is a new world order, many Christians reject the notion of the Illuminati and a secret society of luciferian agents, I'm not sure why so many Christians don't believe satan has kingdoms on the earth, but I will be surprised if this thread isn't moved
  5. this is common with many subjects besides religion, people believe what they want to be true, they won't believe what they don't want to be true.......Its unbelievable how big of lies people are willing to accept as truth
  6. actually the CIA invented the terrorist regime long before 911, this is how our tax dollars are being spent, were our own worst enemy, we build and fund groups of people who latter attack us, brilliant
  7. shhhhhhhhhh!.........nobodies supposed to know that rebels stole nerve gas, it doesn't help Obama sell the American public on attacking Syrian government, boy! this is going to ruin everything!
  8. I have to say this is the most exciting thing I have ever seen. With evidence that can be proven with computer software of what occurred in the heavens in the days leading up to Christ birth and after, It appears the heavens do declare the glory of God, and that He does know everything before it ever happens but it also shows that Jesus was not born on Christmas day, I wonder how everyone's kids would react if you told them you have decided to celebrate their birthdays on Christmas, since its just more convenient, the families all together, everyone can get their birthday presents at the same time, Its just easier to do it this way, why bother putting together a whole celebration on the correct day, its just so much easier lumping everyone's birthday together especially if you been doing it that way for a couple hundred years
  9. Is the major media outlets where you find your truth? Christians find truth in scripture, or should your group be changed? I guess my sarcasm was missed in my statement, personally I find the bible clearly portrays that satan has and is conspiring against all of humanity, my point was its improvable, so I guess many believe its untrue, regardless of all the circumstantial evidence that says it is true. this is what most conspiracy theories are based on huge amounts of circumstantial evidence, each one not being conclusive, but the sheer amount of circumstantial evidence paints a clear picture of something beyond what is portrayed
  10. seems since this thread has the word conspiracy in it, it should naturally be put in the conspiracy section, regardless of how much scripture portrays the devil seeking to destroy mankind, even using mankind to do it, Its an unprovable conspiracy according to major media outlets
  11. thank you sir! I'm glad you enjoyed it also! and thank you "other one" for finding it and posting it, If there are any Christians who really want to know the truth of what the bible actually teaches regarding the birth of Jesus and when the bible actually teaches He was born, this is the evidence and the proof all backed with God's word I think this Christmas I will be celebrating the wisemen finding the young toddler King Jesus and giving Him gifts!
  12. thats fine, alot of people do that, I wonder how you would feel if your husband decided to celebrate your birthday on the same day as the girl he dated before he met you, he could say its just easier, No husband.Been there done that.No thanks. well sorry to hear that, more than likely you have a good understanding of being disrespected, can you still imagine meeting a new guy and he decides to celebrate your birthday on his ex's birthday, because its just more convenient for him since his whole family gets together that same day for years and years........somtimes I think people don't realize God has feelings just like the ones He gave us
  13. Astrologers, really? didn't the magi who the bible list as wise men know from the stars that the King of the Jews was born in Bethleham, wouldn't you believe since these men were following a star, that they were familiar with astrology, actually due to invention of the computer they can actually go back in time and figure out where the star and planets were the same day they met the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords Astrology is divination. Astronomy is the location and study of the stars and planets. thanks for the correction, I'm not familiar with either so I didn't realize why I got such strange response, astronomy we are told is simply looking at the heavens to what God clearly has said He created to declare His glory, since God said He put the constelations in the heavens its seems reasonable that they tell a story
  14. My guess? He didn't. This is the most unchristian Pople to date (and I thought the last one was bad!) I'm not Catholic, of course, but I worry that Pope Francis is leading a billion souls away from Biblical teaching. A good reason to read the Bible yourself....don't depend on someone else telling you what is in there. I think we were warned about false teachers. actually there were much more evil popes in the past, but somehow the church likes to keep these facts buried
  15. You seem to have a really good grasp on the Jewish perspective, I think you would really enjoy the video someone posted concerning the Jews and the wisemen that knew "the star" was related to the King of the Jews, it appears that the Maggi were well aquainted with Jewish prophesy and the well known story of a coming Messiah I think you would really get alot out of it, For me it was the best video I have ever watched
  16. Astrologers, really? didn't the magi who the bible list as wise men know from the stars that the King of the Jews was born in Bethleham, wouldn't you believe since these men were following a star, that they were familiar with astrology, actually due to invention of the computer they can actually go back in time and figure out where the star and planets were the same day they met the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords There's two major errors in your logic. First, the star they followed was something not normally in the sky-which means it was likely something god put in place special for that reason and likely disappeared after the fact-so any attempt to figure out the actual day from the stars is folly-as its based on the faulty assumption that the star is still there or it was something natural. Second, is your assumption that the wise men showed up the day of his birth. Fact is most scholars believe they didn't find Jesus until months, if not 2 or 3 years after Christ was born and there's nothing in scripture or otherwise that state they even showed up on his birthday. So basically that's why you don't base your belief in astrology. Its full of faulty assumptions and lacking in facts. The point is, the magi saw a star as the scripture shows; and this is not a faulty assumption-- Astrology is the study of the influence that distant cosmic objects, usually stars and planets, have on human lives. The position of the sun, stars, moon and planets at the time of people's birth (not their conception)(all you have to do is look it up) Matthew 2:1-12 New King James Version (NKJV) Wise Men from the East 2 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His Star in the East and have come to worship Him.” 3 When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. 5 So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet: 6 ‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.’”[a] 7 Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also.” 9 When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. 11 And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 12 Then, being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way. Good post thanks for taking the time to post the scripture, sounds like a star they already knew was assigned to the Messiah, only when it did something completely different did they know that the king of the Jews had been born, not sure how someone would equate a completely new star in the sky as being the star scripture states "HIS STAR" how on earth could anyone know that a new star that just showed up would be the star of the Messiah
  17. Astrologers, really? didn't the magi who the bible list as wise men know from the stars that the King of the Jews was born in Bethleham, wouldn't you believe since these men were following a star, that they were familiar with astrology, actually due to invention of the computer they can actually go back in time and figure out where the star and planets were the same day they met the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords There's two major errors in your logic. First, the star they followed was something not normally in the sky-which means it was likely something god put in place special for that reason and likely disappeared after the fact-so any attempt to figure out the actual day from the stars is folly-as its based on the faulty assumption that the star is still there or it was something natural. Second, is your assumption that the wise men showed up the day of his birth. Fact is most scholars believe they didn't find Jesus until months, if not 2 or 3 years after Christ was born and there's nothing in scripture or otherwise that state they even showed up on his birthday. So basically that's why you don't base your belief in astrology. Its full of faulty assumptions and lacking in facts. You really should watch the video someone posted called "the star of Bethlehem" Its the most interesting bible based video I've ever watched in my life, you seem to think what was seen in the sky was just a star God put there, yet what this video shows is the wisemen seem to have an understanding of the constelations and what they actually mean, God also attest to putting the constelations in the heavens and He has said they do declare His glory, watch the video its AWSOME!
  18. yuh just know there's gonna be trouble when you read comments like that...pushes hat back off of forehead, dusts off hands and walks off to the sound of jingling spurs...dude where's my horse? no I'm just wondering if God has emotions, we know from scripture He claims to be a Jealous God, and He doesn't like sharing being God with other gods, we also see from scripture that He doesn't accept offerings on other gods altars, but for some reason we are to imagine that when it comes to celebrating His Son's birthday, any day will do, even if its a pagan holiday that had nothing to do with Christ birth but was merely a way the Catholic church once again used paganism as a way to get pagans to come inside the church
  19. you might find this interesting WOW! that was the most amazing video I have ever watched, It is so interesting to see how far removed we are from the what the heavens are delaring, and how important the knowledge was to those who were given instruction to know what it meant. for God's word said they were wise men from the eastI thankyou for sharing that video it really is going to change my life, because while people say we don't know what day this or that happened, It seems thats only an excuse in todays technology, we can know exactly when things occured if we really care for the wisdom of God, and learn from His own creation that the heavens have always declared His Righteousness and how He set the course of the earth before time began.......truly Amazing!!!!!!!
  20. with God all things are possible, and sexual sins are probably one of the toughest bondages to get out of
  21. thats fine, alot of people do that, I wonder how you would feel if your husband decided to celebrate your birthday on the same day as the girl he dated before he met you, he could say its just easier,
  22. Astrologers, really? didn't the magi who the bible list as wise men know from the stars that the King of the Jews was born in Bethleham, wouldn't you believe since these men were following a star, that they were familiar with astrology, actually due to invention of the computer they can actually go back in time and figure out where the star and planets were the same day they met the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords
  23. No, but the Muslim terrrorists did pick 9/11 to perform their attack. Your point? That the date was significant to Muslims for some reason. (I had heard there was a significance, but I couldn't recall what it was.) Yes, but I don't believe it had anything to do with Jesus being born on Sept. 11th. The OP makes it sound like the terrorist attack and the birth of Jesus are connected. well I believe satan knows when Jesus was born, and I believe satan is behind Islam, I like to go to the top of the ladder when discussing who's behind what
  24. I agree with you, and even the liberal AP agrees: FACT CHECK: Obama's Syria Case Still Lacks Proof By CALVIN WOODWARD Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama voiced his conviction Tuesday night that Syrian President Bashar Assad was to blame for deadly chemical attacks against civilians, but again he offered no proof. A look at his remarks to the nation, seeking support for a military strike against Syria, and how they compare with the facts as publicly known: OBAMA: "We know the Assad regime was responsible. ... The facts cannot be denied." THE FACTS: The Obama administration has not laid out proof Assad was behind the attack More at link I did find it a bit funny when Obama learned congress wasn't going to back his attack, so he quickly postponed the vote he already knew he would loose, and is going to wait and see if Kerry's plan to round up the chemical weapons is a go
  25. One the biggest points of opposition to attacking the Syrian government, was the lack of evidence that it was Assad's men that launched the chemical attack, why didn't the President give the American people the proof and the undisputable evidence it was asking for simply saying he did it, with absolutely no tangable evidence is probably why most countries don't support an attack since when does this country find people guilty before a trial and proof of guilt from many sources coming from Syria, even videos taken, show just the opposite may be true
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