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Everything posted by AnotherSinner

  1. My parents did use all of the above. My grandmother even hung a large wooden spoon on her kitchen wall just as a reminder of who was in control in her home. Usually grounding or loss of privileges came first. Spankings were a last resort.
  2. No arguments there Patriot save the handcuffing.....
  3. The whole 'War on Women' thing has just demonstrated how ugly this whole election is. My feathers, I will not lie, were really ruffled when this whole thing started as I am a stay at home mother. Also a mother of two very small boys, and one who is considered 'special needs.' It is hard not to think and feel that perhaps it is becoming a growing trend that if you are not 1. A single mom 2. 'Bread Winning' or the Provider 3. A Feminist Somehow you are old fashioned, or less of a woman in accordance to society's changing standards. Marriage has become a joke. The idea of a family unit too....it is just not ideal anymore. Biblical values are being tossed into the wind more and more....and the first ones to jump on board...naturally are going to be the politicians and media. Prayer is really needed.
  4. That is what I was trying to get at. I too worked with children and adults in a Home, who have disabilities. Thanks for posting that. Thank you LoveSongs for your understanding. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to do the line of work you do.
  5. Temper tantrums are not "normal" for any child who is raised with consistent and swift discipline. Children are the same as adults. They quickly learn what works for them and use it consistently, and if a tantrum will get them what they want or allow them to continue poor behavior that they wish to pursue, then they will throw tantrums. If you make the consequences of a tantrum extremely un-palletable, immediately, the tantrums will cease because there is no payoff, and the result is something the child knows they are not going to like. Children are running amok today for several reasons. The biggest reason being that discipline, by and large, no longer exists. The child tells the parent how it is going to be and the parent obeys not wanting to "stifle" or "hurt" the child with discipline that will somehow injure their delicate psyche. The child is allowed to do whatever they wish. By the time they are 5, they are a handful. By the time they are 10, they are not pleasant to be around anywhere and are more than a handful. By 15, you have created a major problem, for everyone the child comes in contact with, and it's too late to fix it. And the parents of the child sit at home scratching their heads asking others what went wrong. It isn't hard to figure out that if you withhold discipline and let them behave in whatever way they see fit that they will assume that is what they can do out in the real world later on when they grow up. And we've raised tons of them, and our lack of making people accountable for what they do is coming home to roost. Guess....that sums up my parenting as lacking in discipline then because despite the placing of my oldest son who is not quite yet three in time out....he still has them. Even if the regularity of their occurring is decreasing. Then....time for a child to learn differs with each. While some children are potty trained by the age of three, others are not so until four. Not all children learn quickly either....again, let us not forget that there are some individuals both old and young with physical, mental, and even learning disabilities. This can effect the speed in which some of the most basic concepts that a person learns to be slowed. Please do not think I am condoning this little girl's behavior. I am not. Seeing as there is nothing stated about a medical condition, it is very likely that the little girl is in need of some discipline. Just do not think handcuffs or the police station is the way to go for a six year old girl.
  6. ....I do not mean to sound like a stick in the mud here, but are we certain that there was no underlying metal health issues? Having worked with individuals who have disabilities, I can say this sort of behavior is not uncommon for some. Even in the adults who have them. While I do not argue that discipline is most likely the issue here, what if part of the reason the parents were so upset was because their child had special needs that were not taken into consideration? I have an almost three year old boy, whom the method of time out is used, (as swatting with a belt or the use of a paddle is not allowed) who is a special needs child. Discipline for him, though we have a plan in place can prove exceedingly difficult as my little boy tends to thrash, arch, head butt and the works when mommy goes to remove him from a situation to put him in time out. While temper tantrums are normal for a boy his age, the extent sometimes of his behavior...is questionable. It just does not make sense to me why a small child of this girl's age would throw things at the adults working toward disciplining her in such a way, unless there might be some underlying problems that can or may not have been addressed. These are just my thoughts, so please do not take offense as none is meant. May God Bless You Dani
  7. You have a point Patriot. It does...make you question if there is any discipline. My oldest boy is two....almost three... and rarely has a temper tantrum that involves throwing things any more. Then....my hubby and I found there is nothing worse to him than being bored and having his parents upset with him. Time out is torture to my big boy. Every child is different though when it comes to what works and what does not in terms of discipline. Let me reread the article. Do not think it mentioned much of the efforts made, then I am running on no coffee today and ironically....did not get much sleep so am sort of running on no energy. Do not want to read this article half asleep. Still....handcuffs? I reread....and she was a danger but what about these other arrests made in ABQ? Over having cell phones in class? Really....! How far will the schools push things, if these little trivial matters cannot be handled in the classroom without calling the police then where does the working tax payers money go? I just cringe thinking about the hours my husband spends working to pay for this kind of behavior.
  8. Really starting to wish I had the means to homeschool mine. This is not right. A child is bound to get upset, have temper tantrums. That is all part of growing up. If this is how they treat a six year old...how are schools treating their special education students? I cringe to think of it. May write the school system here a letter.....going to pray long and hard before I do anything though.
  9. Here I had thought person, or individual worked so nice to keep the field nuetral and non gender specific.....what will we think of next?
  10. Now thats what I was going to say. For everything.
  11. Jesus is the reason....... I draw breath today and live everyday.
  12. Think I may crack a rib or cry. Using a gender specific animal term to balance out the genders. Riiiiiight.....
  13. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xctnx3_dc-talk-jesus-freak-live_music otherwise...try this link. http://dai.ly/hoDt7c The below is not the same video, but still a nice version.
  14. Yes, we were told it would come to this but we don't have to go down without a fight. Christians often don't use the power of the spoken word....we should speak out against evil regardless of what anyone thinks. Amen.
  15. ...It is sad, but the more anyone advocates or strives to live a Christian life...or a life in which Jesus taught us to live, the more we are persecuted for doing just that. Then we were told that this would happen. Perhaps it is time we start praying for the strength to do so, and the faith to remain true to the Lord.
  16. The whole U.S. really should require i.d. Might help with some of the fraud and immigration issues if we at least did that much in the process of voting...
  17. Thanks Romans, I have really been wanting to look into that series. Think I just might do it too! May God Bless You Dani
  18. I received an answer to prayer at a young age, that had me rather angry. At no more than 11, I asked God to heal my grandmother or take her home to heaven if it was His will. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer and it was attacking her very viciously. In the end, my grandmother left this earth to one day be with God, her Father. Otherwise any time....things are just beyond my control, I pray for guidance. When my husband and I had to move in with his mother, I prayed constantly that He would guide us. It took a long time, almost a year, but we got back on our feet and had a place of our own just in time for our youngest to be born. I pray about anything...everything....thanking God, lifting up others to God, sharing with Him worries, cares....just anything that is on my heart. How often do I pray....? Should be daily....and most the time, it is. Every so often I let a day pass without it, but that is also a day in which I find myself regretting not having that time with God. All it takes is a few moments.
  19. Still a babe in faith, so seeing those words in a pm addressed to me....it was hard not to feel like he/she was instigating a competition of sorts...or putting God to the test so as to deem who loved Him more...or who was more deserving of God's affections. ...Is this how Cain felt about Abel before he took his own brother's life...I wonder....if so, it is hard for me not to want to pray for anyone who feels like this....All of us are God's children. Each precious and unique.
  20. I got one of them too.... Did not reply. Regretting that too.....two prayers only after this user was banned came to mind. Those being the Serenity prayer, which when things get really difficult I sometimes try to recite to give me strength when needed and courage as well as faith to accept the things that I cannot change. Otherwise the teachings....Jesus gave us in terms of prayer. Will be praying for this person.... whoever he/she is.... love, compassion, mercy, and grace....are all things we need to know and have. Up until now I have never received any such prayer as that....and at first, just did not know what to make of such animosity.
  21. Always give what I can. Be it pocket change or the last few dollars we have at the end of a pay period. It is never much, but what we have.
  22. 1Jo 2:18 ¶ Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. That was a pretty bad misquote Xero. The individual is an individual spirit, not an individual human. 1Jo 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. The word spirit is in brackets because the translator had to put it there to make sense of the Greek sentence construction. The antichrist spirit was in the world and infecting the Gnostic teachers with its heresy. Still a babe in my faith or understanding of the Bible, but if indeed the AntiChrist is a spirit....its attitude has been around for a VERY LONG time.
  23. Found this online and was curious if this holds any real value. It has been put on a few other sites as well...just not sure who is really credible now days. With all the mud slinging going on....it is hard not to get lost in the confusion. Link: http://weeklyworldnews.com/politics/45122/obama-impeachment-hearings-begin/ Article: On Monday March 12, 2012, Congress is reportedly beginning impeachment proceedings against Barack Obama. Members of Congress are reportedly beginning impeachment against Barack Obama based on the grounds of unauthorized military use in Libya and perhaps Syria. According to Congressional representatives Barack Obama has violated the rules set that clearly state that the President must seek Congressional approval before using military force. Now he says it was OK because he had international support. But how does that make it okay? They aren’t our Congress. They don’t determine what is right or wrong for us. Sources close to aides in Congress say the law clearly states “any use of military force by Obama without explicit consent and authorization of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.” The Republicans want to know how President Obama was able to use military force in Libya last year. Republicans are pushing a resolution through Congress, which has been highly underreported by mainstream media, to look into further actions to be taken upon the President. Since it explicitly states in the Constitution that the President must ask permission from Congress to use military forces in another country, sources say there is clear cause fol impeachment. While an impeachment can be a strain on our country and may not be necessary in an election year – Republicans are still moving ahead with it. “The days of Czars and Executive orders in order to sidestep Congress should end and if it takes an impeachment to do that it is something I and many other Americans would support,” said a prominent Republican Congressman. “We have a President who believes our Constitution is just a ‘historical document’ that is not fit to determine how our country is ran anymore,” said the Congressman. Democrats, obviously, are opposing the impeachment effort by sources close to Republican leaders say that they are “moving full speed ahead” because “we need something to keep us busy until the election.” Stay tuned…
  24. I want someone who will defend and uphold the Constitution according to original intent, which means he or she will nominate judges that are originalists to the courts. The President needs to be willing to keep spending under control, and that means insisting on a balanced budget. The President has to be concerned with keeping us safe, which means a strong military. The President has to stand with Israel. I want a President who is willing to acknowledge God and someone who is pro-life and pro-traditional family. That is what I want, but I will settle for someone who is not Obama. I agree with most of what you have said. Can share nearly all your sentiments. Just not so sure about the settling for someone as long as it is not Obama. Do not like Obama or his ideals so he will assuredly not have my vote...but just not sure about casting my vote against someone just because he is the best opposition. Will surely be praying for this election. It has been one of the ugliest yet. May God Bless You Dani
  25. Reading outside of the Bible has been scarcely practiced anymore now days for me. Yet I have been looking for deeper insight on Biblical issues. Are there any Good Christian Writers out there? If so, who are they? Are any of these truly good? Bob Deffinbaugh Ruth Barton David Eckman
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