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Everything posted by NeedYouLord

  1. Whew, Ms. Nebula...Thank you for this...so simple and to the point and I'm a witness...It is so true...The closer I get to Him...The more I have to give up of me and my desires...Whew...and the part about how we think (worldly things) what we should eat...what we should put on...etc. etc. When we get so close to Him it really is true...He Is Our God and We Are His children...and He takes care of us...We do not worry...we are led what to do and when we obey...it turns out better than we could have ever made it work out!!! Wow...We really can cast all our care on Him for He cares for us...Love In Him, Kathy
  2. No, John...you don't ask easy questions...Hahaha...and then sometimes I don't answer simple either...Hahaha... Getting back to the part about being in "perfection"...and that it will give us a "better" life etc...this is the way (as of right this minute-I'm seeing it)...Bear with me because I'm even seeing it now alot better... I have waisted hours upon hours wanting God to be Santa...I'm not kidding...seems like I should be rewarded for some of this, right...Well...His Ways Are Higher Than All That...Not saying that I don't believe His Word...He Is A Rewarder To Those That Diligently Seek Him (I have lived that more than once)...and He Gives The Power To Get Wealth (Which is what is needed to buy things-and to give away...Hahaha...That is my dream...To give it away for The Kingdom of God)---(I've waited years and this is part of what is beginning to happen in my life-there's going to be a whole big ol' testimony about this)... But then again...Doesn't God Provide Miraculously? Oh Yes He Does...I've lived that many times over and over...so the lesson in part of this: is this: I do what I can do in the exact circumstance I find myself in...I give to the church I go to, first...Then if I have an extra $1.00, $2.00...I give it to wherever God leads me to give it...I personally love places that feed, clothe and house the homeless...So if I have an extra shirt...I go give it to the Homeless Shelter...No matter how it looks to the world...God sees my heart!!! So I start somewhere...I have to start helping somebody...anybody...and this miraculously gets me in "Gratitude"...Faith without works is dead...I have to start doing something that is in the realm of what I want for my life...and God steps in and gets me there...See during the disaster...You got out of yourself and your own little troubles...(Not saying they are little but in the big scheme of things...My troubles that look like mountains get reduced to ant hills when I help somebody else) Now...on the other hand concerning "perfection"...there is a deeper part...and it is on the inside of me...Remembering we only know in part...so this is what I have experienced...The other was on the outside of me that affects the inside of me... I have tried on my own to stop sinning...but you are right...we have to "see" it ourselves and admit that that is what is happening...I agree with my whole heart...I have to see my sin...in full-color!!! And God makes sure that that happens...He makes sure!!! This is His Work In me...His Work...and so I see it...and want it gone...and then the real battle begins...at least for me it does...and then I wake up one day and realize...He has done it...it's not there anymore...Just as if I had never wanted to do that sin...He took the desire of it...Whew...This is His Work...And sometimes He will do it instantly!!! And then on some others...I find they will pop up...and I capture that thought-not acting on it...and ask God to forgive me and forgive myself...But we have to remember...I truly believe I'm not responsible for the first thought of something...but I am responsible if I let it keep going and then I act on it...I truly believe this too: I have not been given a license to sin just because I'm Saved...Forgiven...Born Again...Baptised...Sanctified...Justified...and everything else...I have not been given a license to sin...God does a work that removes it from my life!!! And then I don't want to do it anymore...That's a Miracle!!! Well...I did find out that smoking cigarettes got in the way of a few things...and I found I couldn't stop...I wanted people to be Healed By The Power of God...Just a little desire in my heart!!! I wanted to lay hands on my daddy that was sick and I wanted God to heal him...Smoking cigarettes didn't help the situation...So...In Full-Color...It had to go and I couldn't make it go... Long story short...I went through what I thought was the worst time of my life-you know letting go of something you have had in your life (even though it's killing you) it was worse than hard...but the rewards...I thought I wasn't going to make it through the santification process...That's a good way of saying: I Began To Detest My Sins...and I Saw Them Getting In The Way Of The Promises...And I Stood Under The Cross With Jesus and I Saw The Shed Blood Washing Me Clean and He Took The Desire For Sin Away From Me...After Hours of Wrestling and I Thought I Was Going To Loose My Mind...and I did loose it...Thank God...Because He Gave Me A New One!!! Eventually I Began Taking On The Mind of Christ...And How He Sees The World...Oh dear...Changed!!! And getting to the part about you maybe should of been a preacher...Just a little side note...God will give us little things...little thoughts etc...A few years ago it was like I felt like I could stand on a street corner...and probably should have-(to preach that is)...but anyway...I know where God has called me and what I am to do...and He will give me more after that...Sometimes He gives us little bits to do at a time...testing us...I've failed alot!!! Anyway...2 days ago with my daughter's Christian Homeschooling we were learning about The Great Revival and some of the Generals: DL Moody, Billy Sunday etc etc. oh there is more she's learning about!!! But all of a sudden...I stood up and Words About The Shed Blood of Jesus came out of my mouth...My daughter started crying and carrying on...I said what is wrong with you!!! Hahaha...She said, "Mama, that is powerful...It's God!!!" Oh dear Bottom line: When I live in a Mansion...etc etc. It will be God that got me there...(and if it is on the earth...ok...and if it is not until Heaven...ok too...)All I have to do is Follow Him...Learn About Him...Rest In Him...Go After Him With Everything In me...And I Have Found I Will Have and Will Do Exactly What He Wants For My life... Now that I have written a book...I'll hush now...It's all worth it, John...No matter what-He Is Worth Everything That We Live Through...Whew...Because He Lives!!! Love In Him, Kathy
  3. Great question...Ms. Tinky... I have to sometimes look at the bigger picture...(of course this is just my opinion on the subject) I truly believe that we the believers are a Light in a dark world...and that each one of us only knows in part...If we knew everything we would be Jesus...and we aren't Jesus but we have been given a model (He is The Way) and we've been given The Helper, The Comforter...and it takes all of us to help all of us get to where God wants us to be...(bodily, emotionally, and spiritually) Speaking for myself...I'm stubborn...so it takes someone that truly is convinced-and Spirit Filled-to convince me...and God will put that person in my path because I'm constantly reminding God that I want His Will Not My Will for my life...So many of us don't pursue a personal relationship with Jesus...it takes time to get to know someone...He Is Real and Alive and Is The Truth, The Way and The Life...And Will Give Us Exactly What We Need...Whew...If we but...Seek...Also...we are not all in the same place...It may take me 5 years to want to know about something...when for someone else it took them 5 seconds to understand something...We are but an Amazing Creation... And most of all, testifying now...If I would have put myself in a box and not allowed myself to learn from many different places...Well...I wouldn't be where I am today...I would have already been dead without Him... It takes what it takes to get us to The Truth... Whew...I love this journey!!! And I'm sure I have only answered in part...and the next person will add something that I even need so badly for my life...Huh...I'm still amazed At My Lord and King!!! And How He Cares For Us...Through us... Love you In Him, Kathy
  4. Happy Valentine's Day So Much Love In Him, Kathy
  5. He is my Everything...and I mean Everything...In Him Is Everything I need...Everything...Every Answer to Every Question...
  6. I agree totally with Ms. Joi...I have done exactly what she wrote above... As far as me and my house we will serve The Lord!!!
  7. One thing I did forget to say was that when I looked up verses for specific words...I used the New King James Version on biblegateway...
  8. Deed...Just as Peter took his eyes off Jesus...he walked on the water then he sunk...I don't give the enemy the satisfaction of giving him one second-of "air time" in my head-I don't care how bad it gets...and if I do...I suffer for it...I've learned that for sure...My focus has to be on God and His Goodness...And what He has given me to stand against this... I have lived through that way also...The second I try to do something for God...I've had all kinds of things start breaking down...and the second I stop they stop breaking down!!! I've had to endure for a night but joy comes in the morning!!! For me it seemed more like a season...But granted when it stops being like that it's wonderful!!! Keep praying...keep The Word In You and Christian Worship Music like Ms. Joi said...Hours and hours of music!!! Helped me beyond belief... But Deed...I've heard it this way too...the enemy can't keep up an attack forever!!! Now let's Seek The Light...Hope in God!!! and don't stop...We have to capture our thoughts as well...We can't let them just go and go and go...We capture our thoughts!!! Lord God...I pray a renewing of Deed's mind...That he Walk In Your Light...Forgiven...(Deed...Forgive yourself right now for anything and everything-to be forgiven we must forgive-even ourself) Forgiven...Healed and Made Whole...I Pray all this in the Name of Jesus... One more thing: That verse about principalities and powers came up one time made me want to study it more...something that may help you...I went to Biblegateway. com and put in for a word search "principalities and powers" and several came up...Then I clicked on the chapter and read what God's Word says about it...You might be amazed to know that if we have Christ in us...He has overcome the world...and much much more...We aren't orphans, Deed...He hasn't left us...and He never will... These verses are all about our victory!!! Colossians 2:6-15, Ephesians 3, Ephesians 3 prayer: verses 14-21, Ephesians 6:10-13...Now let's get Into His Marvelous Light!!! Glory!!!
  9. By The Power of God...Whew...Another Life Saved...Thank You, O God!!! My my
  10. Father...Thank You For Leading and Guiding us Where You Would Have Us Go...Light The Way...Make The Path Straight...All For Your Glory and Honor...For We Praise You...Adore You...Wait For You...Give Our Lives...Diligently Seek You...and Are Filled With Your Gifts...If You So Desire...To Be Used Exactly As You See Fit...Equipped For The Calling Upon Our Lives...And To Get There I Had To Praise, Worship...Lift My Hands...Pray In Tongues...Praying For Hours...Seeking His Face...Laying On The Floor In Church and At Home...Leaving The World Behind For It Has Nothing For me...I Am Nothing Without Him...and Can Accomplish Nothing Without Him...I Pray This For His Children, In The Name of Jesus...To Be Indwelled Mightily For His Glory... We never ever ever know what it will take in someone else's life to Walk In The Spirit of God...and Not The Flesh!!! There is a place for every religion in the world!!! For some it means they find exactly what they are supposed to...for others it makes them run the other way...But In The Name of God Almighty!!! I Pray Understanding, Wisdom and Revelation For The Body of Christ!!!
  11. Whew...I agree...I've known of her for a very very long time...I can watch her "consumed by love" youtube for just hours and hours...Worshipping...She has "mothered" me and didn't even know it...My my
  12. In Love With My King!!! Oh my...So In Love With My King!!! Fill This Place Lord, I Pray...With Your Glory!!! :broken_heart: :heart:
  13. Just Praising Him!!! Hallallujah!!! Every Good and Perfect Gift Comes From Above...James 1:17 And John answered and said, "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. John 3:27...Father, You are so good...Praying Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven...Whew...In The Name of Jesus...
  14. Roxx, Before we knew Him...He loved us...He loved us first...Yes we are born and live in a fallen world and we must be born again to see The Kingdom of God...I know we don't "feel" worthy...but I can't depend on my feelings...they don't tell me The Truth...He Is The Truth...and it's hard to understand because His ways are much higher than ours...I felt as you do for a very long time but keep Seeking The Kingdom of God and all the other (and right "feelings") will follow if we don't give up...one thing that was suggested to me one time was that I was to put the letters A-Z on a piece of paper...like this: A. B. C. D. Then I was to think of a word that began with that letter that could describe me that was good and not bad!!! Like this: A. Able B. Ok...I can't think of one right now...Come back to it later...Hahaha C. Caring D. Dependable and do the whole alphabet... Most of the time these weren't true...but my mind needed transforming and this helped to do that...and before I knew it...I was acting like they were true...and then because we take on The Mind of Christ they are true after a while...because The Truth Says: We are Loved and Chosen... Love In Him, Kathy
  15. It has taken me a very long time to trust that The same Spirit indwells me that raised Jesus from the dead...and to know without a shadow of a doubt that it is true that The Father draws us...He drew me and the fight was on!!! Really and truly...my flesh warring against the Spirit and visie versie...but in the end I've surrendered and know just like has been said...I don't save anybody!!! So my impatience had to change...I wanted the whole world saved!!! and quickly!!! Now it's a little different...I'm indwelled by The Spirit of God...Who leads and guides...usually with me...witnessing to every single person I meet almost...but led what to say...and when...(It is amazing how God can make that opening!!! I've been literally blown away watching how He can work through us!!! I got a real good lesson of that one day...He literally can teach us...we be still and know He is God...I really don't get out much...I'm getting older and I homeschool my daughter so we kinda stay in...but I'll say this...My Lord is on my mind 24/7...and He is wonderful!!! One day I was sitting at my computer...just like I am right this minute...and it came all over me to write something...I just read what was just written...I love Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron...and now understand the scripture they base their ministry on...using the law to show our sin... Now at my computer this is what The Lord gave me...and I've read it over time and it's like it's amazing how the words have come alive to me...Wow...I Love My Lord!!! And this is it: I give permission to copy and hand these out if so led...I print them out and cut them out into a heart shape...Lord, I Love You!!! This is for you...From Me... Because I Love and care about what has happened and will happen to you. The Greatest Love ever known to mankind is available to you right now. Anyone who calls upon My Name will be saved. I will fill you with My Peace and Love. My Grace and Mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. My Name is Jesus. I've been waiting your whole life...My heart breaking...Just waiting to hear you call out My Name. For I have Loved you from before the beginning of time to eternity. All I can say is: Our Lord is Alive!!! and Loves...this was after the time when I spent hours in prayer...and literally He began to show me "the world" through His eyes...He Is Amazing...Draw nigh to Him and He will Draw Nigh to you... Love you In Him, Kathy
  16. Wow..."If" The Holy Spirit is leading...Is The Holy Spirit leading? Ummm...I agree wholeheartedly that some of us don't Seek or Find...I didn't for a very long time...but NOW-Whole different story...and I will go to "the other thread" to talk about tongues....Hahaha...I sorry...couldn't help myself...
  17. And I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord...Whew!!! Thank You Lord For Your Word!!! Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, and I will praise the Lord!!! All of Psalm 118 is Powerful Today...My my See there I went back and listened again to Jesse Duplantis testimony on Heaven on youtube and my my...my battery is charged up!!! Hahaha...I love it when that happens... Loving you In Jesus, Kathy
  18. Big Hugs...And of course I had to write something else...Hahaha...Something is going on you know...Hahaha Oh, Highly Recommend Hearing Jesse Duplantis' testimony about going to Heaven...He was in a hotel room...and that testimony settled many many things for me... Also just to bear witness...I've experienced a plain vision: Where it was a movie screen before my open eyes...I saw thousands upon millions of dead bones going by on a conveyor belt...and then the next scene was thousands being called in my city to be baptised in the big water...Like thousands being baptised all at once!!! Also experienced a big devil standing right before me stopping me...and another experience that I've already testified of...and out of my body in my body I do not know...but I saw a Mighty Rushing Wind beside my dresser...and I Heard The Voice of God...(didn't know where it was in The Bible at the time...found it months later) and this is what I heard: Not many days from now you will be endued with power from on high...then all of a sudden I was out of my body and I saw The Holy Spirit go through my body...after this...I have walked in 3 gifts: The Gift of Faith, The Gift of Healings and The Working of Miracles...story after story...I've been given sayings etc. to type out and give them out...at the grocery store etc. Whew!!! I had just had a baby and there was a guest stuck in a wheelchair in the elevator and I scaled a 4 foot Front Desk...don't even remember it...the next thing I knew I was at the elevator!!! My my...All I keep thinking about is...My my...Our God Is With Us...Will Not Leave Us...Heals Us...Loves Us...Whew...Stir Up Your Gifts Is All I Can Say Right Now!!! Loving ya'll In His Holy Name, Kathy
  19. Likewise praying, Joseph...Believing The Impossible Is Possible With Our God...Before I knew what to pray...I had 2 teeth taken out by an oral surgeon...Miraculously the money was there...Just like every other need I have...Now every time the hurt comes...I pray and it goes...in full confidence that Our God heals...(Praying Every Morning) Father...Thank You for Your Dental Miracle Today and That Your Mercies Are New Every Morning...I Give You All The Glory, Honor and Praise For The Healing of My Brother Joseph, That The Infection Will Go Now...That His Gums, Roots, Teeth...Are Made Whole...In The Name of Jesus... P.S. For Sure In The Body or Out of The Body...Most Certainly Is For Today...
  20. I never had the opportunity to attend one of Kenneth E. Hagin's meetings but I have seen him (the older Hagin) several times on television...and I heard a powerful testimony concerning healing that he gave that helped me so much...it concerned his sister...very powerful!!! (I'm pretty sure it was the older one...I apologize if it was the son's) I truly believe (the older) was filled with The Holy Spirit...and had a special relationship with God and that God used him mightily...I have one of his booklets even now...A Tenth Printing in 1980 it says...and as he says in the booklet we should follow the example of the Apostles concerning the infilling of the New Testament believers with The Holy Ghost...Everything he teaches in this little booklet is Biblical... Since I've been at this a while...many years...I've seen even one of the "prosperity" teachers back up and teach it right...At least what I've seen of him...We are all human and make mistakes...When I stopped looking at people and went after Jesus with everything in me...He is the One that changed me...But I was in church by then on a regular basis understanding that God uses men and women that love Him very much to effect the change...Whether they preach...whether they lay hands on...to fill or to heal...whether they open their mouth with a Word of Wisdom...etc. etc. etc. God has to have us...We are His Hands and Feet Upon The Earth...and any one of us can have that special relationship with God...why not? He gives us The Desire of Our Heart... This is the amazing part...One of the men that attended a school with Hagin or Hagin's school...anyway-was very involved with Brother Hagin....Also attended Oral Roberts University and is the one that I got the most teaching from...Like Brother Mike getting all these booklets and help and everything from Brother Hagin...Brother Kenneth Copeland is the one that I related to so much and just help me beyond belief...so see...We have all been touched by the same God through different men Who Loved Him Very Much...but it was the teachings of Hagin and Roberts in Copeland's life that touched me so much...AMAZING!!! Hahaha...Now let's go back even further...Andrew Murray lived in the 1800's...My my...Talk about a Special Relationship!!! There are no words to decribe what I have been given through him...Whew
  21. huh. hope you never had a dog then :rofl: :heart: huh. hope you never had a dog then You are too sharp witted for you own good! I totally agree...and I'm so grateful!!! Above all...I'm grateful we can share what has happened to us...In this wonderful journey...My my...I'm gonna get all mushy now too...If I don't quit...I love ya'll...so much...and right now need you so much...Big hugs!!!
  22. Whew...That's what I'm talking about...Thank you Lord For Your Power... Hahaha...I grew up across the pasture from my Grandparents...Horses were next door...My grandpa raised cows, hogs and a garden...And my daddy had hogs, hunting dogs and a garden... This came to me, sometime...I truly believe speaking all this out...(writing it)...and I don't question things anymore...I Truly Believe We Are Fixin' To Have A Time of It!!! I'm seeing the beginnings in church again...Then I saw something on tv...and I know I just know...Whew...I know we are ready in season and out of season but sometimes there are hard dry places...and sometimes we make choices... And so...And they overcame him by The Blood of The Lamb and The Word of Their Testimony...Rev. 12:10-12 The Bible is a most amazing Book: Sometimes it's in the past...sometimes it's in the future...It's an amazing Book...I can read of history and then The Holy Spirit can show me how it applies to my life today...and I so believe it is still Alive...Because my Jesus (The Word) is Alive...the times that I can read it one day and then the next day or next week and I will have a new understanding of it...Another words I grow In The Word...This Book to me is also instruction...and if I walk in it...I will have what God wants me to have...because I also believe I was Created for His Good Pleasure...I was Created To Fulfill His Plan For My Life...What He Wants...What God Wants...Lead me Lord...notice I'm human so I don't do everything perfectly...I need a Teacher...His Name is Holy Spirit...and I still don't do everything perfectly...My my I could stop right there but I won't...Hahaha...Oh Lord...You Are Good...Just shocked my own self...Wow... Even in the 4th grade...which is the grade I'm in now...Hahaha...Homeschooling my daughter...(Christian Homeschooling) They're even teaching that there is an enemy to God and Christians...And that is the devil...who is reaking so much havoc...so what do we do? We Get Baptised In The Holy Spirit... Just have to share this one because I was amazed...Our church prayer team at the time...went on a fast...for 3 days...I made it 2 3/4 days...and I heard The Voice of The Lord...Tomorrow morning lay your hands on the one that comes to the altar...Well...the next morning I went to church...I was talking to some people and then I asked about someone that wasn't there and I was told that her son had not come home the night before and she was out looking for him...At the same time the words came out of my mouth-that I was praying for him-right then the double doors burst open and the lady and her son ran to the altar!!! Oh my...So what did I do? I ran right up there...right into it all...I had already experienced one pastor bringing as many as he could find into the Prayer Room because The Lord had already given me instruction...and everybody I laid hands on were healed!!! Well this young man ran to the altar that morning...with his mom close behind...and it all happened so fast!!! And the fight was on!!! It took over 10 men to subdue him!!! When it was all said and done...Oh yeah...That devil came out and knew he was in trouble...and talked...Whew...anyway...Our Pastors had his head and I laid my hands on him and then backed up and had my hands raised and covering just like Elijah covered that boy...with his whole body...1 Kings 17:20-24...Wow...He did look dead a few times...come to find out...he had been running from the law for a very long time...He went to prison for 3 years...Never did find out why...Didn't need to know...Saw him when he came out...he came back to church for a while...hopefully he has found a new church home...It's amazing where our walk takes us sometimes... Lord God...In You Is Life and Truth...I Pray Thee...Lead and Guide and Draw Your Children...Indwell Us Mightily for Your Glory!!! In The Name of Jesus...Whew... Loving ya'll In Him, Kathy
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