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Everything posted by Trinitron

  1. The CIA's World Factbook gives the population as 7,021,836,029 (July 2012 est.) and the distribution of religions as Christian 33.39% (of which Roman Catholic 16.85%, Protestant 6.15%, Orthodox 3.96%, Anglican 1.26%). So everyone else is Antichrist.
  2. This is an attack on God's bible found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, the KJV.
  3. One of the biggest reasons for KJV primacy is there was one found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  4. Young's Literal Translation is a great version to start out with.
  5. In regards to your last question, no. Apparently, all people that translate and produce bibles are new world order devil worshippers in league with the Vatican. It's all a big conspiracy against God's bible, the KJV.
  6. For Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, this is by far the best set for size, price, and footnotes. ISBN: 1598564897
  7. For futurists, 7 hills is 7 continents. The whole world is the meaning. You have the Goddess of Fornication Ishtar, the name in Babylon, or Libertas, her early Roman name, in English Liberty, overlooking the rulers of the world, or the U.N. and C.F.R. world headquarters. For Preterists, just type 7 hill of Rome in google, there will be an answer right away.
  8. Part of KJVO is demonization of Catholics. It greases the wheels of it, keeps the fire going. The Protestants are just humble innocent servants of God under the oppression of the Satan's Church of domination and oppression. That's how the one true bible for all eternity came out of the Reformation era. Off course lets forget that even though they used the Beza(Calvin's sit in) text, it was a government bible that was made well after the Reformation and it was dispersed through the world by means of Imperialist England and that is how it attained it's primacy.
  9. It's easier to reconcile that aspect of your Christianity. To have on true version to use. The problem is it causes bible worship.
  10. Gail Riplinger? Oh brother...closing thread. Let me help you out friend. Some King Jamesians: Jack Moorman D. A. Waite Kent Hovind gets involved Gail Riplinger off course Same Gipp Texe Marrs I know all of their material and arguments and I have seen them get destroyed completely.
  11. Above is mostly incorrect and or incomplete information. Erasmus had 6 late Greek Manuscripts from the 10th to the 14th Century that are from the Byzantine family but are not a proper representation. For that you need the Hodges and Farstad or the Robinson Pierpont Byzantine Texts. Wescott and Hort didn't only use Vaticanus. They also used Alexandrinas and Sinaticus. The best representative of this is in the Numerics New Testament in English by Ivan Panin. Back in Erasmus's day there was no way of dating texts. No concept of textual families. Very little Greek texts available. In fact some of the Greek Text was completely missing especially in Revelation where the Vulgate had to be converted to Greek to complete it. The Alexandrian Text is the Majority Text for the first 9 centuries of Christianity. which is an important and overlooked fact.
  12. Link above is the only scenario I see plausible for a literal Babylon.
  13. This is a must listen for understanding this topic: http://archive.org/details/kjv_preface_0807_librivox
  14. jerryR34, You are right. Jesus said follow the law and kill your kids. Your problem is that OT and NT law is beaten by obeying authority. Kids, wives, and slaves must obey their parents, husbands, and masters as if they were God...but the free men must obey their rulers as if they were God...including their laws. Edit: That's why the Jews couldn't kill the adulteress or kill Jesus.
  15. Crown of life is martyrs. Reign with Christ for thousand years, exempt from final judgment.
  16. Sounds like you have a devil dog.
  17. I've never understood the scientific explanation of how there is sea fossils on the highest mountain tops around the world. If those were the high points of land, wouldn't they always have been the high points and wouldn't they always have been above the sea level?
  18. So because people died, it's the one and true manuscript? Because it was made against the wishes of the evil Catholics? Who destroyed the native Americans and Hawaiians?
  19. The commonly known and used KJV in print today is the 1769 Blayney Oxford Edition. It's about the 10 revision. I have 2 of those along with a 1611 and a PCE. I also have the KJ3 and NKJV which are based off of the TR. I also have many other bibles. Honestly I hope one day you will realize that there is no value in the KJV Only Mythology.
  20. http://www.biblehub.com/library/swete/an_introduction_to_the_old_testament_in_greek_additional_notes/chapter_ii_quotations_from_the.htm Get about half way down the page and it will show you that even by differing scholarly estimates, the LXX is without question the principal source of where the writers of the NT got their OT quotations.
  21. Well, more often than not, the NT authors quoted the LXX. There are also many allusions to the apocryphal books in the NT. At least the 14 contained in the LXX, not the extra 2 that later ended up in the Catholic Bible. The Church for the first 4 centuries used the LXX as their OT. Jerome's Latin version of the Hebrew was actually unpopular and took some time to gain acceptance. Back on topic. It's funny how much the KJV translators were Latin lovers. If you look at a 1611, most of the time on the side of the page in the OT there is there is a remark of what the Hebrew read for the given passage. That is to say in many cases, they went with the Latin reading over the Hebrew. Take a look. You can click on the facsimile picture and see for yourself: http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611-Bible/
  22. I can tell you that it is the worst investment known to man. The average person doesn't even get back the raw money that they put into it. Forget about interest. So the average person is actually getting negative interest on it as if you took out a loan.
  23. When you go King James Only, I guess you have to resort to conspiracy theories.
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