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Everything posted by domenic

  1. other one, The United States of America is the eight world power. In scripture, it is to fall over night. Man was never given the right to rule over other men. The first to do this was, Nimrod...He and God were not friends. Satan is the God of this system of things..."Who he wants, he puts into authority." These are Satan's governments...they will all be destroyed by Gods hand. But first the eight world power must fall over night...The U.S. of A
  2. The 24 hour day is only here on earth. and the is because at its widest it is 24,000 miles. if it, or the sun moved around it at 1,000 miles per hour, you would have 24 hours. lets look at everything God did. The heavens, the earth, you, and me...everything we see is made of one material...the atom. The distance between atoms is three times the size of an atom...that means 90% of everything is empty space. He created the day, and the night. that does not mean he put those creations into effect at that time. Edison made the light bulb, but it gave no light until it was given power. We have the earth moving around the sun. I talked to NASA. When they make their calculations to send a ship in space, all their calculations are done with the earth not moving, but everything, even the sun moving around the earth. NASA says, "We have no way to tell what is moving, the earth, or the universe." NASA says, "If we send a rocket ship straight up, above the earth until it is out of earths gravity, the spot it left from will not move. The Bible says ,"God stopped the sun for one day." The truth is, man has no point they can say is not moving for sure, so we don't know if the universe moves around the earth, or if our earth is moving. God says, "Nothing can move the earth." There is one thing God did not create from the atom, mans awareness. Science has no idea were to even start looking to figure that out. man does not know as much as he claims...most things he knows for sure are in fact just theories. Science says man has been here for billions of years. if that is true, where are all the bones?
  3. Erza, What kind of church do you follow?
  4. The Tares are not one with Jesus...they are of Satan's seed.
  5. JP1, Jesus said there are the, Wheat, and the Tares. The wheat are of God. the Tares of Satan. Did you read the scripture?
  6. Racism: I am a Christian. Is racism a part of my life? I can't lie to father, and say it is not. I have often gone to father and said, "I don't like it here. Sometimes I just don't want to be around most people.. Look at the stuff they do." I find most of the Racism is not about color, it is about culture. There are many things about other cultures I don't like. I have had thoughts like: "What will the culture in Gods new system be like? What will I do if it's not like my present culture? Think about that. The things we don't like today, we may have to live with forever. We are all victims in this systems of Satan's...we need the 1,000 years of Jesus teaching. I have even asked father, "If I need a few more than the 1,000 years, what do you think?"
  7. Why worry about tomorrow, we have work to do for father today. Treat it like it's your last.
  8. There is racism in the whole world. Jesus warned us of it, and man can not fix it...only God can. Matthew 13:36-43
  9. There is a video on you tube. The two pastors use the bible to clear up the subject. Others may find this of help understanding if the tribulation is pre- or not-pre. Exposing the pre-tribulation rapture/ pastor Anderson, featuring kent Hovind.
  10. The new Jerusalem will come down to earth. When Satan, and those who follow him are destroyed at he end of the 1,000 years, God the father will live on earth with us. The city will belong to Father, and his son, our Lord Jesus. People call this planet earth. This is the wilderness earth. Genesis one: "God created (time) the heavens, (space) and the earth, ( matter.) All the stars you see are made of the same material as the wilderness earth...all things are made of the same material...the atom. All the stars we see are also for Fathers pleasure. We are the care takers of it for father...we will have to be out there to do that. What a grand life serving our God will be. In the year 2014, science said they figured out what the universe is made of, Time, Space, and matter. They could have gotten a bible free from any Christian and found that out. Being a Christian in this short life is hard. But it is a short time. We have forever before us. Like you, I also have to learn how to love all people.
  11. Some believe the tribulation is Gods war on this system of things...it is not. It is the world doing it. The tribulation is before Jesus returns. When Jesus returns those in the grave will be lifted up, then those still alive who believe in Jesus. The world will see this. Before all living things on this earth are destroyed by fire, all those left will be given a last chance to submit to Jesus. Those who do not will die. Under Jesus 1,000 year rule,. all will have to live under Gods laws. Those who resist will be forced to. Father loves all people. it is the kind of love we must learn. Look at Jesus life here on earth...it is what he was trying to teach us...love one another.
  12. God says the tribulation will be something the world has never seen before, nor will see again. There is no place to hide. Satan can see us any place on this earth. I know the agreement I made with father said, "This Christian job is the most dangerous job in the world." Our brothers, and sister back in Jesus time did not have it easy. They were being feed to wild beast. What will they do with us? They have had over two thousand years to think up a million different things to do to us. I keep trying to remember the medical back up thing..."our body will take pain only to a point, then shut down." "Oh father, please give me a low shut down point."
  13. I don't think anybody likes the idea of the great tribulation. I know I don't. I would rather hear we a lifted up before the tribulation. Yes, that would be a comfort. The scriptures speaks of those standing before the throne crying out in a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God, and to the lamb....these are the ones who have come out of the great tribulation." You can't come out of something, unless you went into it. The people of this world will hurt us, kill us, and do bad things I don't even want to think about to us. I do remember what Jesus said, "If they do this to me, what do you think they will do to you?" This job of being a Christian is not an easy one...but did we not tell the ticket guy before we got on this train..."Please, give me a one way ticket to the end of the line." There is nothing between here, and there.
  14. Father created the earth for his pleasure. He created man to be the caretaker of it. At night I look up into the heavens...the question: Is all I see the earth? Are we to expand into the stars, and also care for them also for Gods pleasure?
  15. The scriptures say those who rule with Christ over the earth, will rule for a 1,000 years. It does not say they will stay in Heaven after that time?
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