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Everything posted by LadyKay

  1. I don't mean to pick. But this whole topic of dating non-Christians seems to come up a lot with you. I'm not sure how the bear plays into it.
  2. Someone took a poem I wrote and copy it to their message forum. Then they put their name under it as if they wrote it. I was both mad and flatter that they thought my poem was worth stealing.
  3. Okay is this about who is fit to tech Sunday School and who is not? Well if so, then I think it is best that a church have written rules as to who can teach Sunday School. That way there is some order involved and not just being look at as "passing judgment" on someone. Here are our rules. If you are following the rules then you can teach. If not, then you can not. The church can make whatever rules they see fit.
  4. Well you know, their old people. They say things like that.
  5. A big part of that is that people will sue you at the drop of a hat. People also want to know that their children are being look after by someone trustworthy. Though I always feel even people who pass background checks my just be someone who has not been caught yet. But anyway those are some reasons for church doing a background check.
  6. I see no reason to post anymore News stories on this forum. Anything I post is consider "fake news" or "Trump bashing." I think I am spending too much time with this and feel it maybe effecting my health. I need to go beach myself somewhere for awhile.
  7. Is this the mother or the child talking? I can't give an answer till I know. Those are ugly boots by the way.
  8. I do not think I have ever had an issue with you MG. Even when we disagree. My beef is with a few people here whom I always seem to have a beef with. I won't name them but you are not on that list.
  9. Well . If it is a tea party with your daughter in your house then it is applicable. If you show up in a dress, high hills and lipstick at your best buddy's house for his football party, then my guess would be that would be the time it is not applicable.
  10. I had to be "the evil fly man" once cause that was what my daughter wanted to play. I guess is if your not comfortable with dressing up as Ms. Bee Bee for a tea party with your daughter, then explain to her that you will be Mr. Bee Bee. But then she might say something like "Well boys are not allow to attend my tea party so you have to be Ms. Bee Bee. Well good luck with that is all I have to say.
  11. Did he? Cause I did not see the video. In fact I did not even know it was out there until this post about it. With that said. I never share on line with how I discipline my child cause there is going to be someone who disagrees with me no matter what I do. Now days people put everything they do online. From what they are eating to how they deal with their child's misbehavior. I say if you don't want criticism about it, don't put it online cause that is what is going to happen. Well anyway that's my two cents for the day. Carry on.
  12. I agree with what Gator said and that is all I am ever going to say about this matter.
  13. Okay as far as I know. No on on this forum as done anything like that. Sure, if anything like this is done in this forum, I will join in on the lecture of love and respect. And I think we all were in agreement that what's her face was way way out of line. My complaint I guess you could call it is with the stuff being said and going on within this forum. (sigh)
  14. LOL ! Okay I don't normally agree with you but you just crack me up!
  15. Hillary can't be Wonder Women because I am!
  16. Yeah I've tried to do that a few times. But I am met with the "fake news" comment. Then if I go on about it I get accused of Trump bashing, and then I get a lecture on how as Christians we are not to disrespect our leaders. Then it ends with someone saying something about "Trump haters." So I am kind of thinking now there really isn't any point in trying to let people know what is going on. I should just let them work it out for themselves I guess.
  17. I had to admit that I hated someone before I could ask God to help me to forgive him. I guess another way to put that would be that I had to admit to my sin before I could ask God to heal me of that sin. Anyway that is what happen to me concerning hate of a another person.
  18. Oh come now you got to have more then that to say.
  19. That's way out there. I disagree that a father dressing up to play make believe with his little girl is a plot of satan. If you have ever play with small children, you know you have to play the game their way. If they want you to dress up and be Ms. Bee Bee then you are going to dress up as Ms. Bee Bee; even if you are a dad. Plot of satan my foot. It is a plot of satan to keep fathers away from their children. That is what is a plot of satan!
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