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Everything posted by chance

  1. I don't understand the hip hop about a man who calls himself pope. He is a regular man and can not save himself or anybody else. I do not want to be mean, however, the catholic church is so far off of Pauls teaching that it's crazy. The truth will set you free
  2. This is just the begining the worst is yet to come, thank God the church will be gone!
  3. This really doesn't bother me to much, prophecy is being fulfilled on a dailey basis. The United States started turning her back on God some years ago and things in this government must change also for prophecy to come to lite. This nation or this earth is coming to a close like it or not. If you have Jesus, then there is no worry!
  4. What about women being saved through child birth. If you do not want children, then don't have sex. Just me I only made the comment to see what people were going to say and maybe start some dialog.
  5. We are losing America through our court system. Ten commandments, gays, illegals, it just goes on and on. Forget to signal and see how fast the law abiding citizen pays.
  6. I have and study my own bible, I do not have to read all of verses on this site. Why not just give the book, chapter and verse without printing the whole thing?
  7. I believe that a post should be removed after a couple of weeks. Maybe they stay on real long to make this site seem busy, I don't know. I would like to be up to date when answering a question or making a comment. Let's get rid of posts that are more than 30 days old. What do you think?
  8. They have multi millon dollar parties, they are stuck with a union, let them go under.
  9. There is something better, obey God rather than man. I know liberals that say they are Christians and vote for people that are pro gay and pro abortion, sorry, that's not walking with Jesus!
  10. If you beleive that, there are hundreds of gospel songs you better not sing. The unforgiven Sin is againt the Holy Spirit.
  11. The problem with your denomination is that you confess your sins to a man that can not forgive himself let alone anyone else. If you do not pray to Jesus and ask for HIs forgiveness, you will not have eternal life. Also, call no other man on earth Father! Paul teaches that if anyone teaches any other doctrine then what He has taught, let them be accused. His gospel was the first and will be the last.
  12. Praying for someone to be saved is NOT a bogus prayer, you are judging someone elses communication with God and who are you to decide that they are wrong? Yes to pray that God's will to be done is fine, but let's not think that we are so righteous to judge someone elses prayer.
  13. What about women being saved through child birth. If you do not want children, then don't have sex. Just me
  14. Jesus was beside himself when He found them selling in the church. You are a human being. Great news, Jesus forgives you, well, everyone else also. Tell it Jesus!
  15. Sad thing is, that the church should never allowed the government, state, local or federal get involved in the church business of marriage.
  16. As a minister, I do not believe that women should be a member of any clergy. It is not sound doctrine. Womens liberation movement brought it all on. This lady is a classic fool. This does not mean that I will not pray for her, but none the less, she is a deceiver and a fool.
  17. The Catholics' never has had sound doctrine, that's why they believe in all their crazy pictures of Mary and other images. They really need help. Confess your sins to a priest? More than likely a child molester, No thanks.
  18. Sounds like a total waste of time. Church should be the teachings of Jesus Christ. What's wrong with our churches today? They are leaving sound doctrine! Shame
  19. Strange what people will do to get in the news.
  20. I am not for banning computers, however, I believe that parents need to limit the time that their children should allowed to operate them at home. Our young generation is losing their ability to socialize with their friends and family. I would like to see a ban on cell phones. Who is so important that they need a phone strapped to their body. Users are worse than a drunk on the highways. Just me..
  21. Here I am again. Let's keep apples with apples and grapes with grapes. The question is:Did JESUS deceive anyone? No. Now God and Jesus are seperate in this matter. Jesus didn't do everything that God did. We seem to be mixing things up. The question is from the New testament and people are anwering from the old. Remember, you can not mix the old with the new in some questions and answers.
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