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Everything posted by kingdomwitness

  1. I know, I saw the pic. But shouldn't we also be considering the European Parliament?
  2. John 1:31-32. 31. And, behold, you shall bear in your womb and shall bring forth a son and you shall call him JESUS. 32. He shall be great and shall be called Son of the Most High and the Lord God shall give to him the throne of his father David.
  3. Yeah! great answer Hall. It's mainly between you and God.
  4. But how does the U.N ride the beast if it (U.N) is the woman and the beast is the E.U (Revived Roman Empire)?
  5. If America and the Western Hemisphere were to be wiped out in the first trumpet as Montana Marv had stated, then there wouldn't be much people to go through the tribulation or end of days. We should also consider the European Parliament in a case as this. It could Mystery Babylon.
  6. I don't see it as an unknown time. Its unknown only for unbelievers, the rest can know the approximate month but not the day or the hour. Quite often that day is described as a thief for unbelievers, but not a thief for believers: 1 Thess 5: Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. So are you trying to say that the month will be know?
  7. The book of Enoch even spoke perhaps about Satanel, the fallen angel. Enoch was a Gentile and not Hebrew. The book should contain a wide historical event that could explain the fall of Satan.
  8. Hey guys! Thanks for keeping the thread alive.
  9. I am also tempted as you are and I often fail. But I experience Christ deep down my heart. When you are tempted, do you always hear a voice trying to stop you from falling? It's His voice. Christ is speaking to you and he will always speak to you when the need arises.
  10. My friend Enoch made mention of Iron mixing with clay. Well on my own point of view, Iron in this sense is infact the kingdom of Rome. Now mixing with clay may be interpreted as The European Union expanding from the position of the former Roman Empire to areas such as The Middle East. They are mingling themselves. The E.U has almost become a political super power. It's like Turkey is now part of the E.U and this may be seen as a fulfilment of the Iron kingdom mingling with other nations.
  11. Great Babylon maybe the world government of corruption and crisis
  12. Ok guys, so what do y'all think of the guy who wrote the website? A false prophet?
  13. Check the link below and you will be shocked how people view the rapture differently. http://www.end-times-prophecy.org/rapture-theory-false.html
  14. Hi guys, what I read in the link am about to show you will shock you concerning the author's view of the rapture. http://www.end-times-prophecy.org/rapture-theory-false.html. Pls check the link and let me know what you all think.
  15. If the mark is symbolic, then it would have to imply symbolic buying and selling, which its form is not known. Or can anyone explain symbolic buying and selling? If there is no explanation to it, then the mark should be physical.
  16. Not only people's names. Even kingdoms add up to 666. I once checked a bible software in school and I saw a commentary by Adam Clarke or so concerning the number of the beast in which he said the name "The Latin Kingdom" in Greek adds up to 666 and he worked it out but I don't have much knowledge of Greek language, I would have worked it out to prove it. The Latin Kingdom could be the Roman Empire since Latin is its main language. Not only people's names but also empires and kingdoms.
  17. The bible did not say "Here is wisdom, let him that is knowledgeable avoid counting the number of the beast" but it says those who have knowledge should count the number. I believe that this is restricted to only those with the knowledge in aspects as this and their duty is to warn those who would listen to them. So counting the number, I believe is restricted to those with the knowledge.
  18. No worries sis. Everyone's opinion is accepted.
  19. The website did not warn against the number but rather promoted it and it said that the 666 has come to win. It made mention of project 666 or so coming some time this year. It might have also said something of electing a new person to sit on the vacant seat number 666 in the European Union but I can't recall. The site even blasphemed by calling 666 as a revelation from God to men. It promoted the number and not warned about it.
  20. Hi Guys! There is this issue of a new project 666 going on perhaps in the European Union. <<<link removed due to AV warnings>>>
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