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Everything posted by Gideon

  1. So, one is a child of God in the German army in 1943, assigned to lead Jews into the gas chambers. What do you suggest such a one does? Is God soverign over an evil dictator and murderer?
  2. Can you explain how you will not beqnle to buy or sell without the mark? Thanks. Gids
  3. Does it truly matter what sin one yields themselves to? The Holy Spirit is our "umpire". He whispers is His still small voice to avoid an action. We are tempted to disobey and yet God tells us we can endure it without yielding and then provides a way of escape so we do not yield to it. We ignore it and continue on our path, not THE path. No matter what the sin, however, what is the root sin? Unbelief. God's promises are clear. He asks that we believe them. It is one thing to say "Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief." That pleases God to no end. But it is quite another to simply deny the promises can work. So many love to excuse their disobedience by saying that no one is perfect. But thst is not the issue at all. The issue is the heart. Does it long to be free indeed, or simply forgiven? Far too many are living Romans 7 lives with total acceptance and contentment. Paul was neither. He came to the place he hated his old carnal nature. He knew God promised deliverance, and his heart gave God no rest until that deliverance came. Do we remember the question Jesus asked the lame man at the pool of Bethesda? "Would you be made whole?" The man, like so many, did not answer, but instead began to make excuses. He is asking each one of us that question. Do we want to be holy, or just remain nice, saved, pew warmers?What burns inside us? Free indeed is offered. What we cannot yet see however is that soon, free indeed will be indispensable. That is what I have been given to share as a watchman. Each will do with it as they will. blessings, Gids
  4. You are correct. However, one thing to consider is, when you join the military, you are to obey their commands. So if a command comes to you tht violates your God conscience, what so you do? If you obey it anyway, you have disobeyed the spirit within you. If you stick to God's leading, you will get court martialed and thrown in prison. Do you suspect there were Christians in the German army who little by little saw their hearts hardened until they did unspeakable things? Just something to think about. Gids
  5. Brother, this is not aimed at you for they are words we all need to hear. If a man or woman sins willfully, knowing it is sin, being convicted by the Holy Spirit within, and yet still indulges the flesh for pleasuring and placating its desires, is this not the epitome of pacifying evil? If we as His children are failing here, we can shout from the rooftops we stand for the light, and yet the truth is, compromise at the very core of who we are undercuts any words we my speak that we are refusing to compromise with evil. blessings, Gideon
  6. Here is the deal. If our way that we have all been taught is THE way, and we are all slowly but surely being changed into the image of God, time being the critical X factor, then it would follow that there will be many older saints, those who have followed after the Lord for many decades, who would be shining lights, holy and victorious. The problem is, seldom does that happen. VERY seldom. Think for a minute. God took 120 uneducated common men and poured His Spirit out on them. The day of Pentecost was like a match to dry kindling, and a fire of holiness and joy-fueled love erupted and spread out over the entire known world..... in one generation. We can interpret God's Word in a multitude of ways, but the early church was the benchmark of what God wanted to do with and through His people. The early saints walked in purity, power and meekness. They were selfless, and had eyes focused only on Jesus. Their life's purpose had become Jesus. What He wanted, they wanted. We have fallen for a lie that God does not expect us to do anything. We have been blinded to the truth that God's offer of adoption expects a response. Are we called to DO things? Heck, yes! The entire New Testament is an exhortation for us to walk worthy of our calling. We are called to follow Him . to set our affections on things above, to follow after holiness, for without holiness, no man shall see the Lord. The question is..... HOW? We have been placated by leaders telling us all we have to do is get saved. End of story. No, guys, no. That is to be the beginning of our story! Search back 10 pages in any post category, and make a list of how many posts are from men and women crying out in desperation as to how to get the victory over their tongue, or their jealousy, or their sexual addictions. Where are the posts instructing the saints as to how to walk as overcomers? Why so few? Because we have been told that actually walking in holiness is impossible, and if you try, you will simply end up miserable. 99.9% of posts shared here deal with head knowledge about God and the Bible. Why? We are eating from the wrong tree.... the tree of knowledge. We think if we can learn all about God, we will somehow, by intellectual osmosis, get to know Him. It simply does not work that way. We need the tree of life! But here is a problem. If we are still walking in our old nature, with us in the pilot's seat, we cannot see the truth of who we are and therefore we cannot have our minds renewed to think, to act and to believe differently. . Listen. We ARE new creatures.... every single one of us that love the Lord. BUT, and this is huge, until we actually believe it, arm ourselves with that truth, satan can still torment us with temptations and accusations. Think for a minute. If God has given us armor, a sword and a shield of faith that He promises will quench all the fiery arrows of the enemy, why are we still falling to their power? If God has promised.... and He has..... that He will not allow us to be tempted above our ability to resist, and will actually provide a way of escape so we can walk through every one of them victorious, how do you explain why so often that way is ignored and we plunge on into sin.... again? People will say. "Well, we are only human. No one is perfect" as if God was not aware of that fact. Did He forget to take that into consideration when He showered the promises upon us? God's promises can be chains of iron, but if we are the weak link, they are, in essence, valueless. So here is the question. Can God take a weak man or woman, regenerate them, and then transform them into overcoming children? Yes or no? He has promised to do so over and over. We simply do not want to hear the promises for in our minds, it is an unattainable standard that will make us miserable in our efforts to live up to it. Look. If it were on our shoulders to walk in full obedience, I would agree! But..... BUT..... it is NOT on our shoulders! Our amazing God has made a way where there is no way! What is this amazing way we are even now being awakened to? It is simply, by an act of faith, our putting off our old nature, confessing that the old us, the sinful us, the selfish us..... really is dead. That is no longer who we are. And by that same bodacious faith, we can put on our new nature that God has given us.... natures that not only can obey, but actually WANT TO obey,..... every time! Glory! We are new, but until we arm ourselves with that truth, we will continue to walk healed only slightly. Up till now, throughout the entire time of the church after the early rain ended falling on the church in the book of acts, men have walked as best they could, trying to tame their fleshly nature. But God is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. If Paul rebuked the early saints for their carnality for boasting "I am of Paul" or "I am of Appolos", what do you think God's opinion of us is when we now have 500+ denominations, each bickering as to why their way is the right way. I have stated it before.God has shown me that darkness is coming, Pure evil. He wants us safe, not tossed to and fro through fear and doubt. He is calling to us to run INTO Him, leaving our old nature at the door. Only then will we be able to resist the enemy and actually see him flee from us. The question is..... will we? Are we quite content with our lives the way they are, or is there a gnawing hunger deep within us that God has more for us? Our God cries out "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you". All He asks is brokenness and an admission of need. He will supply the faith needed to walk as new creatures, and when you do, you will look back in amazement at what you thought was the best God could do in your life. Of that, you can be sure. Prepare to be amazed. blessings, Gideon
  7. Thank you all sharing. As I stated in the OP, an exhortation such as this get all sorts of reactions. The duty of a watchman is to keep his eyes on the horizon, and if he sees what others do not yet see, to warn them that danger approaches. Some get offended. Some are indifferent. Some take it to heart. But as a whole, we are asleep to what God desires to do with us, for us and through us. Our minds have parameters set as to what is possible. Why are our parameters so confined? Simply because we are still walking with the understanding that we must do the changing, the overcoming, the resisting. Guys, that is not the gospel. God promises to cause us to obey Him, and all He asks is that we believe it. Our old nature is limited. We try to obey, to resist, but failure always eventually follows, amen? We cannot envision walking in actual victory, abiding in the Lord in intimacy all day, every day, with our foot placed on satan's neck. Why? Because up til now, we fall when the temptation gets extreme. We look around us, and see others in our fellowships, even our leaders and pastors, and they too are not walking as real overcomers. So we find our place of comfort in our walk with God, assuming this is the best we can do, and assume this is the best God can do. This has gone on this way for 1900 years, ever since Paul died and the wolves entered the flock, limiting our truth to forgiveness alone. Do not get me wrong, forgiveness is a miracle in itself and my heart is full because of it. The core message of Christ dying on the cross has been preserved even though satan has tried to stamp it out. But in these last days, God has promised us the latter rain, for we are approaching the full final harvest. What will draw the multitude in the world when the underpinnings of life itself are shaken to the core? A nice friendly church service? No. What will draw them are saints walking with peace and joy despite enduring the very same break-up of society as we know it. God said it this way: "And I will sanctify My great name which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, saith the Lord God , when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes." Ezekiel 36:23 Holy saints! Children of God walking in real victory over the world, the flesh and the devil! Transformed from old natured people to fully displaying the fruits of the Spirit, characteristics of God Himself living in them. Glory! That is what our future holds. We are the blessed generation who will experience such an amazing thing. You and I. All God is asking of us is to believe His promises. He tells us that we are no longer in the flesh and owe it a big fat nothing. Let's start there and see the glory of God lead us upwards from there. blessings, Gideon
  8. Some will have ears to hear now. Some later. Sone, not at all. You take this as an accusation. It is not. It is a plea to awake to righteousness. God had a way for each of us to overcome, but first we must admit we need it. Paul, trapped in his old nature, was found in Romans 7 desperate and miserable, a wretched man. He cried out for the deliverer, Jesus, to set him free indeed just as Jesus had promised. And praise God He did. Rhe man who once bemoaned that the things he wanted to do, he did not, was later found to declare boldly "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." That rest remains for every single child of God. Jesus said, "He that commits sin is a slave to it." What He promised us was true freedom, victory over the power of the enemy every time when satan comes tempting and accusing. Are we walking there. Do we even believe it possible? For most, not yet. But praise God, He is even now beginning to awaken the saints to who they are in Christ. The truth is, however, that presently there are but few yet who truly believe that and are standing on the promises of God to cause them to walk as obedient children every single time. Victory over the world, the flesh and the devil has been "optional" up till now, and if most are truly honest, they do not even think such a place exists this side of Heaven. But glory to God, it does exist, and in the days to come, it will be an absolute necessity we walk there, bot by our keeping ourselves, but Him IN US keeing us from fallinf, even as He promised us. . What is the sin of the modern church? Simply unbelief. We have limited tge Holy One of Israel. We have assumed faith to be a static thing. We got saved by faith and checked that box off. What we have not realized is our faith must grow. We have been called to exercise that faith by grabbing hold of the promises of God, for it in this way He had destined our transformation into His image. The question is, do we want that? The Lord tells us that presenting our bodies as living sacrifices is our reasonable service as children of God. Do we agree with that? Not just mentally, but practically? Are we truly setting our affections on things above, not on things of the earth? These questions are difficult ones and I fully realize not exactly pleasant to be confronted with. I get it. But I cannot stress the importance of getting before God to see if our ways are His ways. Jude exhorts us to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. That time is upon us, like it or not. blessings to you, Gids
  9. Three questions needing to be answered but almost never heard asked- 1) How do I stop yielding to sin? 2) How do I become holy? 3) How do I abide in Jesus and actually know Him in deep intimacy, rather than just talk about Him? In reviewing page after page of posts from Christians here on Worthy, subjects run the full spectrum, but oddly enough, the questions that really matter, how to walk as obedient children drawing nearer and nearer to the Lord, abiding in the vine, these types of posts are almost non-existent. Do you not find that strange? The Word tells us that in the last days, there will be those who draw near God with their lips, but their hearts will be far from Him. These will be those who have strayed from their first love, Christ Himself. Could it be that we are those referred to, those who have a form of godliness, but our lives in outer observance deny the power of godliness to a world desperately needing witnesses of God's transforming ability? Indeed it could. And when confronted with unpleasant questions such as these, do we dig in our heels, get our feathers ruffled and say "We have need of nothing"and pat ourselves on the back for such a wise answer, as if grace makes our partly yielded lives acceptable to God? Some declare Jesus sees us all as holy children, no matter our sin or self-love. Hmmmm.... Please explain that to the Laodecians. I fully realize a post such as this is not going to garner a bunch of likes. But God has impressed upon me it is these three questions that need to be answered and He will require each one of us to soon give one. It is called the valley of decision., and to not give an answer is to answer in the negative. No abstaining allowed. The shakings are just beginning. Do not think they will cease. Calamity will follow calamity. This is the time to for each one of us count the cost of walking with the Lord. We cannot serve God and self. CANNOT. We will, in the end, love one and hate the other. In the valley of decision, we must choose which will be which. Jesus has made it clear. If we really are to follow Him, we must arrive at the point where we hate ourselves, our self-nature that refuses to fully bow the knee to God. It is called absolute surrender. Have we mis-understood? We are called to lose our lives to fully find His in us. The time for religious service(s) is coming rapidly to a close. The collapse of all we think is stable.... this world system....and yes, our beloved earthly church system as well .... is on the horizon. The new normal will be chaos, and yet God has made a way where there is no way..... a please of safety.... despite the crescendo of darkness that is about to be unleashed. Where is it found? Only in our walking in our new nature. We all have it, but you see, most have in still in the gift box it came in. We have not yet understood it must be put on by faith. Only one problem. We must first put off our old man and therein lies the rub. Ouch. What is the purpose of the coming shakings? To shake us awake. To shake everything out of us that is not God's will for us. We can do it willingly, and please God to no end, and I guarantee those who do WILL find rest for their souls no matter how the storm rages externally. But know this, you who will defend our current take on Christianity as pleasing to God, declaring in essence that "we need nothing". He knows each of our inner thoughts, and where our real treasure lies. They that sow to the Spirit will reap an abiding in Christ beyond our wildest expectations, but those who continue to sow to the flesh under a religious cloak of doctrines? They will reap a whirlwind of judgment. Guaranteed. There is but one alternative for those who want to answer those three questions in a way that pleases God. We must repent of self-love and a hidden unbelief that denies that God can and WILL deliver us from the power of darkness. And we must believe with all that is within us that God can and will keep us from falling and yielding to sin's desires. It is the only way we can draw near Him in full assurance of faith, for without holiness, no man shall see the Lord. We must WANT to be "free indeed".... free from yielding ourselves to sin so we can abide in Him, and we must want it more than any other thing on this planet. Let us put on our new natures and yield ourselves fully and completely to God, not as "sinners saved by grace but still giving in to the desires of the enemy", but rather as those who are alive from the dead, saints who have been.... and will continue to be..... delivered from the power of darkness by the overflowing power of God's grace. blessings, Gideon
  10. I have been sharing for a while now on the shakings that were to begin. Many think the Covid situation is just a fluke and things will return to normal. I suspect we will never see what we consider real "normal" again. A good brother here on Worthy messaged me that he remembered my words about the coming shakings and he was beginning to now get confirmations. This was my answer to him. ***** God had told me the shakings would soon begin mid-last year. I have a dear brother in the Lord who has been getting dates of importance. And, no he is not a date setter as to the Lord's return. He is in no way a flake. He told me about two months ago that something big would happen May 25th. He was expecting some sort of revival.... but nothing like that occurred. I did not call him because I was afraid he would be disillusioned and downcast. Then two nights ago, I thought to myself.... when did George Floyd die? I got on google and looked it up. May 25th. Another shaking. According to my dear friend of 30 years, the next date of real significance will be Oct. 24th. He does not know what will happen but it will be big. I will be paying more attention this time. Just to give you a bit about him. God told him it was 777 feet from his back door to the church down the road and kept repeating it. His wife thought he was losing it. He went out and bought a surveyor's measuring wheel and told his wife that he was going to measure it and wanted her to be there to be a witness. She laughed hut so ok. Off they went. They did not look at the wheel. They walked. They stopped when the wheel touched the church. They looked down at the distance. 777.7 feet. God is using him in an unusual way, but I am convinced it is God. We as His church need to wake up to what is happening. We live our lives as if this life now is important. Our hearts, our treasures, are here. We are told we are notcitizens of this world, but of the one to come. We are instructed to set our affections on things above. Yet, how hard it is to do so, especially if we are walking as old natured people, just sinners saved by grace. However, when a man is desperate enough to reckon himself dead, and puts off his old nature by faith, a miracle follows..... the renewing of his mind. He thinks differently. What I call the mother of all paradigm shifts, lol.His outlook flip-flops from a citizen of earth to walking as a sojourner here, a passer-through. Amazingly, he now has an eternal perspective on everything. He remains in the world, but is no longer of it. That is where God wants us. That is our place of safety. The purpose of the shakings is to awaken us to the truth of who we are. New creatures. No more Christ and me. Just Christ in me. That is when real Christianity begins to be manifested. That is where we discover we are overcomers, and walk in victory over the world, the flesh and the devil . We have pretty much been sleepwalking in our Christianity ever since the grievous wolves entered the flock after the death of Paul. Thank God for the revivals through the centuries to keep the pulse of our faith alive. But brother, you and I are blessed to be part of the generation who will see Jesus return. How many would have given their right arms to be alive today. We are the blessed generation! Brother, I am so glad you wrote. I often need encouragement as there are not many who have ears to hear what I have been asked to share.... yet. ? If I can help you with your walk in any way, you have but to ask. Gids
  11. There. is a great time to enter a war?? LOL. As to seeing the benefit of a war on how we get along, it does not solve the issues at hand. It simply postpones them. As followers of the Lord, it is imperative we finally understand we are not citizens of this world. The chinese, the Russians, etc. are not our enemy. Sin is, whether it be in this country or another. At some point, we will be required to choose which will prevail, our patriotism or our devotion to Christ. there were good Christians who were Germans in WW2. But as the patriotic flame burned higher, many made choices that they now eternally regret. At one point, years ago in WW2, the United States held and stood for the moral high ground. But Vietnam changed all that. Ever since, we have seen our moral compass as a country slip further and further from the position we once held. It will get worse. Blind loyalty to any country or organization of man will put one in the predicament the early church found themselves in. The only acceptable answer? "We ought to obey God rather than man.". It is a part of the valley of decision we will soon find ourselves in. blessings, Gids
  12. I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Leonard Ravenhill in the 80's. What a treasure he was. I suspect he would not be very popular today. I remember him asking me "Can you explain to me how 120 men filled with the Holy Spirit turned the entire known world upside down in one generation, when we can have 120 churches in one large city claiming the same experience and that city neither know nor care that they exist? I know the answer. It just does not get very many upvotes. LOL. blessings to you, dh Gids
  13. The debate between pre-trib and post-trib can be defended from both sides with scriptures. The problem I see is that the pre-trib teaching assures multitudes that we will not face hard persecutions, so the need for spiritual preparation is seen as a form of legalism, when the truth is it is our calling no matter what our future may hold. In the early church, entire families were fed to wild beasts if they did not recant. Yet their faith was so great that they did not cave and recant. If we are raptured away before the mark of the beast, wonderful. But our hearts need to put down deep roots now, regardless, so that we are prepared no matter what. Easy-believism is he mark of current Christianity, especially here in the west. But Jesus told us clearly that all that live godly in Christ Jesus WILL suffer persecution. What does this reveal as to the depth of out walk right now, for we know nothing of real persecution. To soothe rather than to warn may make one popular right now, but a cloud of unfathomable darkness approaches on the horizon, and we are in no way prepared to face it. We have gathered together teachers and pastors willing to tickle our itching ears. Holiness is not believed to be possible, so why try? Walking out our Christianity as living sacrifices is said to be our reasonable service by God, but in our minds, this is neither reasonable nor practical. Jude encouraged those he addressed that they needed to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. How much more do we need to hear these words and bare our hearts before our God, crying out to Him to purify us and transform us into His image, so that when the end does come, in whatever form it may take, we can walk with confidence, knowing that God can and will keep us from falling. May God draw each of us deeper into Him. blessings, Gideon
  14. I agree Willa. Repentance has sort of become "last year's flavor of the day", and the effects of this are being manifested in a large portion of the body of Christ. I believe the genuine battle you speak of is fast approaching, and what sufficed in the past will not do so in the future. Our wake up call is arriving. Now is not the time for relaxing while the world approaching the precipice before. the end. blessings, Gids
  15. Brother, forgive me if I come across as preaching from a higher place. In trith, it is most likely the opposite. What I am sharing is the way not struggle with sin. God has promised to keep us from falling and to cause us to obey Him. This means rhat when we are tempted, He will not only make a way of escape so that we can stand against it, but also causes us to take that way of escape. How? Can this truly be possible? Yes! We are not called fight against the temptation, but to fight against unbelief that we are new creatures. If it is true we actually died when Christ died, and when Christ rose from the dead, so did we, this changes everything, but only IF we actually believe it. How do we escape the authority of the law? Death is the only way. And if the strength of sin is the law, and we died to the law, sin has no more authority over us. It is when we finally tire of trying to conform our old natures to holy standards, and put off our old nature by faith that we see our feet planted on the highway OF holiness, and escape the highway to it. I realize I can come off too strongly, and I apologize for that. But fourteen years ago, God visited me and showed me my error, the same error the vast majority of the modern church has been taught. We overcome sin by faith, not by effort. It is when we finally reckon ourselves dead and yield ourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead that we see the chains keeping us in Romans 7 fall away. It is this truth that will awaken and empower God's people to stand as overcomers in these last days. God planted His church in the book of Acts with an unsurpassed outpouring of His Spirit. The early rain. And before He returns. His church..... us..... is destined to receive the latter rain, and what God is fixing to pour out upon us will not only match, but exceed the glory that He caused to fall upon the early saints. Glory! blessings to you, Sower Gids
  16. Well, you could either be asymptomatic or have it and not show symptoms yet. In either case, you can give it to others unintentionally. Common sense. blessings, Gids
  17. Brother, miracles happen! We are in agreement! I would love for us to build upon this foundation. ? blessings to you, brother Gideon
  18. so, if I am understanding you correctly, if you come down with Covid, you will refuse to wear a mask and put others at risk? Hmmmm, is this love? Why try to turn this into a political argument? Love protects one's neighbor. It does not tout it's own independence. blessings, Gids
  19. I believe satan and his angels cannot die and will suffer torment eternally. However, those not saved, will they too live forever in torment? Is God just and fair? Does the punishment fit the crime? Hell is not the end all/be all for those who did not make Heaven. The lake of fire is, and we are told hell itself will be cast there. And yes, like Heaven, it too is eternal. The fire burns foreverand ever. The worm dieth not. But what of the lost souls? Is their torment eternal? Do they have eternal life, but in torment? The andwer is not exactly clear, but I know one thing. We are warned to avoid... and fear... the second death, however it is expressed. . I am not stating that punishment for the lost will not be eternal. But is a second death not eternal? Does a child rapist get the same punishment as the moral person who simply would not believe the gospel? After a million years of torment, and knowing that is just one drop in the bucket of millions of gallons of time, never-ending torment, I have a hard time reconciling such a thought with the God of love. Is there anyone else thinking like this? Jesus mentions about some punished by many stripes, some with few. He talks about not escaping punishment until you have paid back the very last farthing. Could it be that for all men, each will receive punishment that fits their crime? And after that punishment is meted out by our loving God, and the very last farthing paid back, a final second death? Non-existence? I know not.... I do not have the answers here. Man's understanding is hazy at best, even for those who state rhey KNOW rhe answer. Needless to say however, either way, every man will one day stare into the eyes of the one who willingly took their punishment. Those who have rejected Him, who now see Him as He really is, glorious in splendor, knowing they chose to reject Him, will have to live with what comes next. What that "next" consists of, I do not know. How long it lasts, I do not know. What I do know is that whatever it is, we are to fear it. Knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men. Amen? blessings, Gids
  20. If we are going to truly agree with God, shall wenot climb our of the boat altogether and agree with Him "whole hog"? We are told if we are in Christ, we are no longer in the flesh, but in the Spirit and we owe the flesh nothing. At what point in "getting the beam out of your eye" do you finally succeed so that you can then assist others in getting the more out of theirs? You are confusing thoughts from the enemy.... temptations to sin.... with sin itself. Temptation is not sin. Yes, we still have fleshly bodies, but not fleshly natures. We are asked to believe that the old "us" does not need to die. We are asked to believe it is indeed dead. Until we do so, we are struggling to enter the rest, and yes, it is exhausting. But there will come a point in a believer's life when he or she realizes that this "process" never leads to true freedom, and rest, and victory. We are too busy dodging blows or repenting, lol. In Hebrews, we are told that if the blood of bulls and goats had been able to cleanse us of all iniquity, we would have "no more consciousness of sins". That is the rest God offers us. That is having the beam extracted. That is entering into the joy of our salvation. That is getting the traitor out of our armor. We have been taught we are part darkness and part light. We have been taught wrong. Now we are light in the Lord. But until we truly grasp what Christ accomplished with His resurrection, we will walk in defeat more often than not. And what did He accomplish by His resurrection? OUR resurrection. Glory! God is not looking for us to try harder, to be more diligent, to resist temptation harder. the only advantage to these things is that they eventually bring us to the point we can admit that we cannot do as He desires. It is at this crisis point that we can have our eyes opened to the truth that what we cannot do, God can and will do IN US.... IF we simply believe He actually killed our old nature and has given us new ones that sin has no authority over. As children of God, we all possess new natures. Amen? But what we have not understood.... yet.... is that they must be put on by a declaration of faith that the old us is not in need of dying, but actually dead. This is the "activation ingredient" that satan has blinded us to for 1900 years. And in these last days, God is awakening us to the truth of who we truly are.... light.... and as we believe it is no more us who live, but Christwho now lives in us, we will "make our tree good" and truly walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, leading others into the rest that we ourselves are enjoying. We will escape the wearying road to holiness and see our feet plant on the highway OF holiness. I cannot emphasize the measure of the distance between the two. One leads to endless running of laps with being healed only slightly, and the other leads to joy unspeakable and full of glory. The sons of God are about to be manifested. And what will the results be? The heathen shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall be sanctified IN YOU before their very eyes. (Ezekiel 36:23) Can we imagine? A church with no beams needing removal? LOL. Whoa. blessings, Gideon
  21. We as children of God have been given spiritual armor with which to wage spiritual warfare. We have been given swords to wield. We have been given shields of faith that God assures WILL quench all the fiery arrows of the enemy. We are told that if we resist satan steadfast in the faith, he will flee from us. So...... are we, and do we see satan fleeing from us? We are promised that whatever we ask in Jesus name, the Father will give us, amen? God has promised to cause us to walk in obedience as overcomers, victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil. Yet, translated into real life, how is that working for us? I see all sorts of posts here on spiritual warfare, but may I say in all lowliness, I think for many, dare I say even most, it is not working very well. So what is the problem? Why do we not see the church of the living God doing exploits? Why are we trapped in doubts, fears, defeats, sins and behaviors that we hate? Forgive me for my honest take here, and it is not criticism. Jesus promised answered prayer and not just the answer "No , that is not my will for you. Sorry." lol. Do we not see? If He truly delivered us not just from the penalty of darkness but from the power of darkness itself, if He assured us that He would not allow us to be tempted above our ability to resist, if He has provided us all things that pertain to life and godliness, if we have been provided weapons of war so that we may truly fight.... and win, with our shields of faith quenching ALL the fiery arrows of the enemy, ..... then what is the problem? Look, we can confess we have all these wonderful promises till the cows come home, and they are wonderful, and ours for the taking, but if we are honest, for the most part, they simply are not working. Yet what do we find? Do we see His children crying out to Him for the hindrance so that they might become warriors for God? Sadly, no. You see, most do not want to admit to is that something is wrong, badly wrong. Guys, I get it. I understand how hard it is to finally get to the point of admitting that we are missing something, because we feel if we do, we become rootless, cast to the wind and are totally unanchored. It is our holding onto these truths, even if they are not working, that keep us hopeful..... and keeps our noses above water, LOL. But guys, we must not forget this one critical thing..... Truth works. And if it is not working, we need to figure out why. Many years ago, I took up bee keeping and remember my first day in full uniform, lol. I had my coveralls (armor) on. I had my little smoke puffer puffing to calm the beasts. I had my veil on to protect me. I was ready for battle.... that is, until one little bee got inside my veil and stung me dead center on my nose. If there had been a video, it would have gone viral. ? What is the point of this? Just to demonstrate a very important lesson on spiritual warfare. Armor, sword and shield offer no protection if the enemy has planted a traitor inside the armor. And who is this enemy, this traitor, of which I speak? Is it not self, our old nature? Is it not he that refuses so often to take the way of escape offered? Is it not the old us who blocks our prayers being answered because of lingering doubts fueled by our disobedience, leading to guilty consciences? Remember what God said? "A double-minded man is unstable in everything he does. Do not let him think he will receive anything from the Lord." Ouch. Guys, the time is short, and God wants us to finally be totally free from our old rebellious nature so He can make us overcomers. Where does sin find its power. Doubt? Lack of assurance? Lack of fruit? Lack of power to overcome? The answer lies in the bee in our armor... the old us, and that dude must die. We have been taught that sanctification is our growing from our old nature to our new one. May I humbly submit? We have been taught wrong. This error has left us powerless to fight. We cannot resist the devil steadfast in faith if there is still a part of us with allegiance to the enemy. . We cannot get answers to prayer until we figure out how to escape double-mindedness. But how? There is a way, and God WILL have a church walking with their foot on satan's neck. We are about to be awakened to the the truth, but who will first see it? Those who have finally arrived at the point they HATE their old nature. Those who, like Paul in Romans 7, see themselves as wretched men due to their fallen win nature and powerlessness to overcome its desires. Those who KNOW they need a miracle and are willing to step out and believe God has one for them. In these last days, God is going to awaken His bride and His children WILL walk in power and much joy as overcomers, victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil. Our inner battle will finally be WON. Then we can fight and free others, but not until we are walking in the FREE INDEED Jesus promised us. Exiting days are ahead... IF we cry out to Him to open our eyes as to the HOW of holiness. More to come..... blessings, Gideon
  22. Mike, I suspect there will be war creeping into the conversation somewhere first, but at some point, you are correct. Things will get so bad worldwide that when one man arrives with a plan, everything will fall into place. blessings, Gids
  23. Excellent post, Wesley. Gideon
  24. Excellent post. blessings, Gids
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