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Everything posted by irishcowboy

  1. I just read a little out of Exodus about the plagues that God put on Egypt. I guess I'm a bit confused now. One of the plagues was lice. Don't you think H1N1 is a little more serious than lice? If I had a choice, i'd pick the H1N1 over lice any day. could be fleas, lice are more nuisance then fleas, fleas were the cause of the black plague...... peopel thought it to be rats, but the fleas that were on the rats were the actual cause.
  2. that is true..... I recall grandpa talking about it, I remember my father talking about it, and then also read the book, then also the different films about it..... I can not tell you what grandpa or my father told me or what came from other sources..... like during Desert Storm, I worked in a very highly classified area, and the stuff I was seeing was, well, T.S. EYES ONLY, and such like that... then I would get home and see the same thing on TV, or alot of the same stuff.... we were told the best way to keep from slipping something that was not on TV or radio, was to simply not talk about it at all, cause after a while, it gets all jumbled up..... so, the same thing with the Phillidelphia experiment (manhattan project was a nuclear thing.... if I remember correctly, and that also is one of those, what part is fiction and what part is not....) anyways, not to be hi-jacking the thread.... now we return you to your regularly scheduled program................... mike
  3. as Time existe, more for man then for God..... Yes and No.... ( yes, but not as we might think time travel would be as mans knows time) I believe it was in the 1940's (not exactly sure at this moment) there was an experiment on going in the Phillidelphia ship yard (my grandfather was a shipfitter/builder.) with a certain US Navy ship ( sorry, can not recall the name or hull number) whioh they were under going some radar masking testing (hiding from radar, like in a cloaking device). the ship, and it's entire crew disappeared from physical view of the people that were watching from the banks, and there are (were) supposidly witnesses that saw a ship appear and then disappear into and out of the waterways of Norfolk Va. the ship is said to have been the same ship. sorry, the only ones that might be able to say they saw it in both places would be those that were on board, being they were the only ones that were in both places... when it disappeared in Norfolk area, it reappeared in the Philli area...... how true? dont really know, I was too young when my grandfather passed away, I saw him before going to England, and that was the last time I saw him (1961) I have not come across any others that were involved in this test...... it was supposidly witnessed that some of the men aboard did not survive, some were caught between decks (like in half their bodies in one compartment and the other half in another compartment through a steel bulkhead) some were said to have lost their minds, and either institutionalized or hospitalized. now that I would not really claim to be time travel, Time travel, would be more like Christ appearing before some one here.... or ..... as with God, He is in all places at all times, knowing all things..... I believe that once we get to the next life, there will be no time.... I have always said that time is man made.... mike
  4. while we are on the topic of vacines...... how about the vaccine Guardasil.... for HPV.... I was at the doc for a muscle issue (thought it was kidney stones) while I was there, the nurse was taking the vitals and such, I looked up and seen the poster about getting your daughters vacinated..... I asked the nurse if that prevented all forms of HPV, she said no.... I told her that I had a sure fire way of prevention for both the male and the female... she looked at me and said what/??? I said ABSTINANCE ....... she gave me a humpf nose up in the air and walked out...... what is the only way to prevent sexually transmitted disease?????? what is the 100% preventable way? ABSTINANCE !!!!!!!!!!!! no other method can match that.... NONE1 there is no money in abstinance..... have you seen what side effects that come with it???? do you know the status of those that have taken it???? in one town of about 3500 people (not teens not teen girls, total population, birth to death) two girls have been fighting for their lives from the innoculation for HPV and that only covers 4 - 6 types of HPV not the 40 + variants.... mike
  5. , I think you lot may be onto something here! What about a sort of prayer checkout line as well. You would never have to leave the building from birth to death! Sounds like some women I know...... Live in the mall Hey, could happen, wasn't there a movie about that???? a woman living in walmart and working there and even gave birth to her baby there???? as far as prayer line, my wife has held up the line while praying for and with a clerk (more then once) at a walmart in Joplin.... mike
  6. something we all need to remember.... if we are not 100% totally sqeaky clean, there are more then enough things to fire just about anyone for, with out even having to go with the religious thing....... late on break, slacking in work, taking too much time with a customer... so forth and so on mike
  7. Oh, you are talking monopolies.... something that is suppose to be illegal.... isn't that the reason that Ma Bell was broke up so that she was no longer a monopoly? and thus her prices went up and service then went down and well, now no one cares..... normally, a monopoly means poor service and poor quality..... you know..... like what walmart is now known for....... bought a pair of shoes one Sunday afternoon, Tuesday they fell apart, I was able to get back on Thursday and they said sorry charlie.... they have been worn...... DUH....... this is the same people that have a lawn mower out front that the exhaust/muffler is all black and rusted, the deck has dents made from underneith and they have a sign on it for about 20 bucks off the new price (the one sitting right next to it)... their explanation was it didnt start for the person that bought it..... with all the dents under it I would not buy it if it was only 10 bucks total cost...... who knows what happened inside the engine, being that some of the internal parts of the walmart lawnmowers are plastic..... that is right PLASTIC PARTS INSIDE THEIR LAWNMOWERS..... monopoly in the works..... service decreasing, prices increasing..... in the last 6 months, the brand of shoe that I had bought had increased 40% ..... that's right, IT INCREASED 40% in about 6 months.... No!, I do not buy much of anything there anymore... as little as I can get away with..... hopefully I will be able to buy nothing from them..... cloths do not fit right, shoes do not hold up more then a short time, tools are cheap, appliances are made just for walmart and you can not get proper replacement stuff, electronics is a joke, yeah, cheap.... and cheap they are...... they will only take them back if they have not been opened ( supposidly with in 14 days) and then you can not get mfg assistance. their selection has gone down the tubes...... personally, a person can take a big trash bag and put me in it, I no longer need this body once I have passed on to the next life by the way.... I have contacted walmart on several occasions.... have only had one reply out of all the times I have contacted them either email or phone or instore complaint...... as a general rule, for every one contact (good, bad, or indifferent, ) there are about 600 others that feel the same way.... so if they get 10 complaints over the same sort of issue, then that would mean there are about 6000 people that would feel the same way over that same sort of issue....... you see, Walmart really does not care, the pretend to at times, but they really do not.... why???? cause they are so big, they do not care what you think for soon they will be all there is anyway..... in our area, there is only one that carries yardgoods, out of 6 of them, all but 2 are supercenters. in Derby, walmart kept home depot and lowes from coming into town, that is until a certain person was no longer on the city counsil ( the manager of walmart) when he was transfered to a different town, with in a short time they were building a lowes... why lowes? walmart dont carry lumber or fencing or other building materials...... or are they planning that too????? also, if you live in derby ks, you now have to travel over 30 minutes to get to a store that does carry yardgoods, you see, derby use to have a cloth store, but when walmart came in, that went byebye.. . then walmart shut its cloth section out.... there is a walmart in wichita that carries cloth, but if you are coming from Derby, you pass others along the way... baaahumbug to walmart.. ok, done venting.... mike
  8. I believe that the largest....LARGEST... muslim (islamic) temple is in the United States..... (through out the entire world)
  9. we missed it cause Nebula is slipping with the job..... hehehehe
  10. is this dress code nation wide? or just for that local store? does the dress code also include some one wearing their pants around their knees so their butt crack isshowing? or their face looks liike a display for the hardware department? I no longer shop at home depot, cause they want you to use the self check out, I will not use that lane.... sorry, i do not care if htey have the same item for 50% less then everyone else... they can keep it... mike
  11. but then again, how do we know that there is not such a creature awaiting for its release? I mean, look at the platipus.... then there is the creature with the lions body, scorpions tail, eagles wings, and mans head..... who says this is jut a figurative creature? what about he seraphine, 6 wings, ( now if you listen to the murray guy from shepherds chapel, they do not exist either but it actually a space craft or something.... NOT!!!) but then again this has not much at all to do with evolution.... mike
  12. which type of evolution? there are two types that are commonly spoke about. which type are we (Christians) suppose to be against?
  13. actually they do..... they are challenged in many ways.... they do not know how to listen to the patients, they think they know it all, and they get upset if you choose to get a second opinion and have even seen them throw fits. they do what they want and go on..... after all, they are following by example... they are government...
  14. to me, they are totally discounting the Word of God, thus, if we are not created, then there would not be The Son of God.... thus there would not be any need for salvation cause if there is not a Son of God, there is no salvation.... and if there was no creation there would not be any God to be an Israelli and with not Christ, no Christian..... so...... no, a darwinist is not a Christian..... a rose by any otehr name is still a rose, a turd is still a turn even if you put a polish to it, if you shine it up, it is still just a turd (check out mythbusters, it can be done) a darwinist no, I do not believe a true believer in Christ could or would be a darwinist.... mike
  15. shoot, I am contiplating building my own pine box.... no law against it..... I like their no return policy.... what is the reason? my wife was brought back to life and no longer need it....... sorry you still have to use it.
  16. yep, I see more of this type of thing going on...... good grief...... I believe this ought to be good for a good lawsuite........... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,570214,00.html mike
  17. you can be a friend with out making a friend.... a person can be kind to others yet still maintain distance. the message Christ taught, was very harsh... some listened some did not, and some, even after following Him shut Him out and departed, rejecting the TRUTH.... mike
  18. by the way, preaching, teaching or passing on a WATERED DOWN GOSSPLE, WILL NOT DO A THING FOR ANYONE BUT GIVE THEM A WARM FUZZY FOR A SHORT TIME.... for a watered down gosspel does not require giving up everything to take Christ.... what is meant by giving up everything? I would take it that giving up everything to follow Christ would mean that we are to rid ourselves of every thing that hinders us from His Presence, Being God can not co-exist with evil, and Christ is as His Father, then Christ can not stay where He is not wanted..... what do you desire more....... Christ or booze Christ or drugs Christ or adultery (any form sex that is not a man with a woman that is his wife or a woman with a man that is her husband, this includes ANY FORM. those committing it will not see the Kingdom) Christ or lying (yes, even little "white" lies, a thief can be trusted over a liar) Christ or gossip Chirst or food Christ or swearing Christ or using the Lords Name in vain (not just cursing) Christ or dirty jokes Christ or slander Christ or smoking Christ or money Christ or.................(place item here, such as TV, MUSIC, GAMES, Hunting, Fishing, Boating, Other types of entertainment).................. WHAT IS YOUR PASSION???? Passion, what is passion? what do we place first in our lives? did you know I can serve God by serving my wife? and serve my wife by serving God? God gave us the example, He cared (served) for man while man was in the Garden (and He still does) giving us the example, then God came to earth as a child, so that He could show us again, HOW TO SERVE, and to teach us to be SERVANTS..... Christ taught us how to place God first...... mike
  19. I hear this a lot... I need to clean myself up first before I can come to Christ- you don't have to stop being gay to accept Christ- or stop fooling around or stop smoking first. Our relationship with God is a journey and only He can change you - so how can you be expected to change if you don't have him - you can't. Preach Jesus' gospel of love - repentance and forgiveness will follow. When we actually come to Christ, we turn away from the old ways, continuing to live in the old ways is showing we have not really come to Christ. We become A NEW CREATION, when we become men we put away the things of a boy and take on the things of a man.... when we come to Christ, our wedding garments become whiter then snow... if we notice those that do not have on clean wedding garments will be cast out into the darkness..... Yes there will be times we "stumble" but that is not living in sin. who are we that we should cruisify Christ again, and again, and again, and again...... mike
  20. responding to the title of the thread..... Christ taught a very hard and offensive message. He did not let up just because people walked away, even when a group of disciples departed, he then turned to the 12 and asked them.... WHAT ABOUT YOU GUYS, ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE ALSO???? No, they did not leave, they stuck around, they wanted to learn more..... Christ was even insulting to people..... the woman coming to Him to try and get Jesus to help her daughter, when Jesus replyed to her, he basically called her a dog.... that He was there for the Children, not the dogs, and she replied that yes, but even the dogs ate from the crumbs that fell from the table... offensiv? well, the Word of God is very offensive. that is why there is so much going on trying to make the Bible a piece of HATE LITITURE..... and those reading (word for word) certain passages, guilty of HATE CRIMES..... it is so offensive that people are trying to soften the words...... we want to make is so that sins that we commit are justified.... make it so that we can stand to go ahead and live in sin and be able to say all is well...... we must use the guide for judgement to keep ourselves on track... THE BIBLE lets us know what we should and should not do.... we will answer for everything we do and do not do, what we say and do not say, every thing about our lives, good, bad, and indifferent..... if we get to the point we are no longer being offended, then we have either become perfect, or we have become so numb to the Truth that it no longer affects us, or we are no longer hearing or reading the truth....... Being a Christian is very offensive, that is one reason the world wants to do away with Christians and Jews...... they are jealous and do not want to do what they have to do (or give up) to gain.... they want to continue living as they want.... eating..... drinking..... .being merry...... and yet, even if they are to die tomorrow, they do not care about that now.... mike
  21. my biological father was excommunicated from the church.... why? divorce..... until he had it "annulled" he was no longer a member, when the annulment went through (denouncing he even had children by my mother) then he was accepted back in.... at this point, I became a person that is with out a father or a person that does not know his father.... a bastard..... that is also when the child support stopped for us kids...... is that what the "church" is all about? a play on words, divorce is a sin, but annulment is not..... having children then denying that you have them.... ( a lie ) living a lie? is that what the Bible says that we need to do to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven? NO!, infact, just the opposite, a liar will not share in the Kingdom.... what is the difference between a marriage that ends in Divorce and one that ends by Annulment? mike
  22. that is why we need to be in the Word DAILY... so we know what is right and what is wrong..... I have heard pastors say... OH, You do not need to read that, I will tell you what it says..... on the contrary... WE NEED TO VERIFY EVERYTHNG THE PASTORS ARE SAYING.... 1. to keep ourselves on track 2. to help keep the pastor accountable, after all, he is a only a man, and also subject to making errors....(becareful about the way you approach the pastor with something that is thought to be in error, do it in love, and for clarification.... it might only have been a slip of the tongue, but it maystill need to be brought up... 3. it can also reinforce the lessons by hearing it, reading it and discussing it again.... I recall one time, during the sermon, the pastor was speaking on an issue/lesson , during the sermon, the pastor spoke about an apple tree that whad no fruit on it even though it was not the season for it........ when he said APPLE, my mind was so set on that that I missed the full jist of the lesson..... I knew it was a FIG tree that was in the Word, but my mind was so set on "Being Right" I lost out on the blessing that was in the lesson.... I spent time looking up the verses that said FIG TREE..... instead of listening to the rest and taking notes..... later, I did approach him later to discuss this, not to tell him that he messed up, but that I messed up, that I was apologizing for allowing myself to be disrespectful towards him and God for not paying attention..... I did tell him what he said after that and he just busted up laughing, he did not realize he had said APPLE TREE..... I am glad we were friends.... he thanked me for telling him, but I was the only one that he knew of that heard the slip.. I still take notes, and I still write down all......ALL ....the scriptures given, and even those that are spoke of and not "used" as a quote or reading.... I still check out things that are talked of during the sermons and other lessons...... some times this takes a lot of time, other times it does not.... mike
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