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Everything posted by OakWood

  1. No, it's nothing to do with the English Bible. The Bible is the Bible and if translated from the Hebrew (the OT) or Greek (the NT) the word is still the same. The Jews today have a calendar and we are in the year 5776 which means 5,776 years since the creation. Do you think that the Jews never understood the word of God? All Jews believed this, not just the fallen ones but Moses, David and Joshua understood the Jewish calendar and they knew just how old the Earth is. Now you can continue to mock the word of God as much as you like, I can't stop you, but the Bible gives you nothing to back up your heretical views - only fake science does. When you reach heaven perhaps you will you will realise that you were duped. Perhaps you will hang your head in shame and wonder why you questioned the word of God. I've explained to to you the difference between true science and the difference between theoretical nonsense that has no empirical evidence and no base in reality - yet you continue to disbelieve. Perhaps you believe that the false wisdom of Man is greater than the wisdom of God! It is you who is being duped my friend, not me. You are compromising God's word and claiming that what he really says is not what he really means. Six days means six days. God does not lie and he doesn't try to confuse us with riddles.
  2. We have no facts about the stars - only the lies of freemasons who own all the expensive billion-dollar equipment. Empirical scientific evidence tells us nothing about the age of the Universe. We are reliant on the 'gods' of NASA and other space agencies to tell us their version of the truth. When a scientist tells me all about radio waves and microwave frequencies, I believe him because I can really speak on my cellphone to people who are far away. I can confirm it because I can meet these people later and they will confirm that they spoke to me. When a scientist tells me how the internal combustion engine works I believe him because when I drive my car the wheels really do spin round and I move from A to B. The evidence of my own eyes confirms this. But when a theoretical cosmologist tells me that another planet similar to Earth has been found in a distant galaxy I have no way of confirming it. I can't go there and see for myself and I can't buy a telescope powerful enough to see it for myself. Don't you think that if Satan could hijack science in order to lie to us about the existence of God that he wouldn't have done so already? Wake up - you are being lied to!
  3. The Bible does not teach a globe. My theories are proven and I have proven them time and time again but you won't listen. You're obviously scared of the truth. Genesis tells us that there is a firmament above us and water above that. This does not describe Outer Space which is said to be a vacuum.. You can lie as much as you like but the Bible disagrees with you.
  4. Or we have to accept that the Earth is flat because on a flat Earth, if you were high enough you would see everything that exists on the Earth around you in 360 degrees. All Jesus would have to do on top of the mountain is turn around and he would see everything. It's simple. But on a globe he would never see what is on the other side of the World because the ball of the Earth beneath his feet would block his view. In fact, to be taken to a high mountain would be pointless. He would never see the entire World on a globe no matter how high the mountain was. Now we can maybe assume that Jesus being divine and a performer of miracles could have x-ray vision and see entirely through the solid Earth from one side to the other, but if that were the case then he would have no need to be lifted to a mountain top to see it, he could just stay on the ground and see it.His x-ray vision would work anywhere and the mountain story would be an unnecessary detail added to scripture for no relevance. But Jesus was lifted to a mountain top and shown the World. Scripture tells us that he was lifted to a high mountain because its a fact that is relevant to the account. He was lifted to a high mountain to get a higher vantage point and thus, a better view. This only makes sense if the Earth is a flat plain. It's simple,it's easy to understand, and it makes perfect sense. God is not the author of confusion. He speaks plainly so that we can understand. Why people avoid these simple truths is a mystery. People will not get rid of the lie and they will defend the globe more than they will defend the word of God. In fact they become aggressive and rude if anybody questions the globe. Scripture does not support a spinning globe theory. Nobody believed the World was round until they were brainwashed with the idea. The lies was started by Copernicus and has been used to brainwash every schoolchild since then. Nothing in the Bible tells us that we live on a rotating globe, in fact scripture completely disagrees with that theory. We are told that the Earth is set on pillars, that there is a firmament above us, and that there is water above that. Outer Space is not water - it is a vacuum. To believe that the Earth is a globe because you don't know any better is one thing, but to believe in the existence of Outer Space and promote the idea of the globe after being told the truth about the flat Earth is blasphemy!
  5. It's not a fact. Where do you get 13.7 billion years from? From the mouths of liars? Even some scientists are starting to admit that their methods of dating are wrong. Stop listening to the false religion of Man and start listening to scripture. There is no real evidence that the Universe is nearly fourteen billion years old, nor that the Earth is four billion years old. God created life on Earth and created the Sun, Moon and stars all within six days - six literal days. Why do you deny what God tells us?
  6. Yes, Satan does have these capabilities. But why take Jesus to the top of a mountain to show him the World? It's obvious and it's Common Sense that Jesus was taken to the top of a mountain to get a better view. From high up he can see further. But he can't see the entire World if we live on a globe. It's so obvious that only those who are in denial cannot see the truth. The globe is a lie and sadly many Christians have fallen for the lie. Once you are brainwashed it is very difficult to be un-brainwashed. Many people are so afraid of leaving the comfort zone of their own brainwashing that they will actively resist it and continue to live in a state of denial, so comfortable are they in their prison!
  7. Because it's the truth. To believe in the globe is to deny what scripture says. That reminds me of an interesting story I heard the other day. Did you know that when the Apollo 11 astronauts set off on their mission, they had no sooner reached the upper levels of the Earth's atmosphere when the rocket came to a halt as it smashed into some sort of ceiling? Nevertheless they managed to drill their way through this ceiling only to find themselves passing through a vast ocean of water. Yes, that's right - the spaceship was swimming through a vast ocean of water just like a submarine. Actually no, none of that was true. I just made it up. What really happened was they left the Earth's atmosphere and travelled through the vast empty vacuum of Outer Space. Because we all know that nothing in the Book of Genesis is actually true - it's just a metaphor - right?
  8. If you read the rest of Matthew 4, you'll find that his encounter with Satan had already happened before he was taken to the mountain. He was tempted by Satan into turning stones into bread. So why be taken to the top of a mountain to be shown the World?
  9. If it's a panoramic vision then it was because it was high up - ie on top of a mountain. I find it astonishing that people always run away from arguments that they can never win. By the way, it's not worthless. Scripture is not worthless. Scripture DOES NOT SUPPORT a spinning globe Earth. Never has done. Never will.
  10. I'm not baiting anybody, I'm asking a perfectly valid question. If you're afraid of the truth - just admit it.
  11. No, Jesus was taken to the top of a high mountain show that he could be shown the entire World. You even said yourself that it was to give him a panoramic vision. Funny how you change your mind when I mention the word 'globe'.
  12. I'm not off topic. I created the thread. Why take Jesus to a high mountain to show him the World if the World is a globe? It's not possible!
  13. Yes, it does. Even if it's a vision - what's the significance of being taken to a high mountain? Why not give Jesus the vision from the ground?
  14. To show him all that God has created - what even Australia and New Zealand.? That's not possible on a globe!
  16. But why take him onto a mountain?
  17. Why would Satan do this and for what purpose?
  18. Must be those pesky Buddhists again, or maybe it's the Scientologists this time..... Oh no, wait.... the culprit was yelling out the name of the Muslim god..... nothing to see here, the Religion of Peace might be blamed for it! WHEN WILL SOME PEOPLE (IE THE PERENNIALLY BLIND P.C. BRIGADE) GET IT INTO THEIR HEADS THAT ISLAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MORE TERRORIST ATTACKS THAN ANY OTHER IDEOLOGY?
  19. I agree. When blasphemy of the Holy Spirit occurred it was because these people had seen Jesus and they had seen the works of the Holy Spirit and yet they had believed it all to be the works of Satan. If you cannot know God even when he is visibly and tangibly revealed to you then you can never know God. It's one thing to blaspheme the father because you either don't know him or you have misunderstood him, and it's one thing to blaspheme the son for the same reasons - but to blaspheme the spirit is to see the reality of God's power for yourself and still continue to slander it or believe it to be the work of evil. This occurred when the pharisees saw with their own eyes the miracles that Jesus was performing and they felt the power of the spirit - yet they still rejected it! I don't think anybody today can blaspheme the Holy Spirit because as you have said, Jesus is no longer with us in the flesh, performing miracles, and demonstrating to us the power of God. Anybody who criticises or insults God is probably doing so in ignorance and therefore can be forgiven.
  20. But the Blacks in the West should know better! Many U.S. Blacks have converted to Islam, some were church members before that. Cassius Clay (AKA Muhammed Ali), Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan are some examples.
  21. Some Blacks support Islam because they have been lied to. They have been told by Muslim propagandists that Christianity is the White man's religion. There many accounts of the (false) Prophet Mohammed keeping slaves and mocking Blacks. Blacks who support Islam are fools and no different to the 'gay' movements that despise Israel and support Palestine, a rogue state that would string them all up given half the chance.
  22. Does that mean people who mention the word 'rapture' are adding to the word because the word 'rapture; is not in the Bible? What about Jesus? His name is not in the Bible. He's called Yeshua. The term AntiChrist is in common usage. Everybody knows what it means. Nobody is adding to the word. You're splitting hairs over nothing.
  23. He's certainly difficult to categorise and I have trouble discerning what he is as well. However most people see him as evil, so I like to give him the benefit of the doubt. And yes, he is former KGB, but his mother was a Christian and used to take him to church when he was a child, something that his father disapproved of but turned a blind eye to. I guess that Putin is a mixture of both bad and good, a tough guy who is not afraid to take out his opponents but at the same time struggling with his Christian faith. I don't think he has any imperialist ambitions but he does want to make Russia strong, and as his country's leader what's wrong with that?
  24. Islam's very own scripture endorses terrorism and Mohammed himself was a terrorist. For centuries the Catholic Church knew this, but Francis the antiPope has not only betrayed his own Christian faith, he has betrayed Catholic ideology too. The man is a disgrace to the office of Pope. Now some may claim that the office of Pope was always a disgrace anyway, but Francis has made it even worse! I can't believe that Francis is well-meaning and naive, a man who has risen to such a high office must know what he is saying and doing. In my opinion Francis is definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  25. Although the term AntiChrist was only used by John, it has fallen into common usage as a general term meaning the false prophet / World ruler of the End Times. Scripture DOES clearly point out that there will be an End Times ruler who will persecute believers. This is the man who we commonly refer to as THE AntiChrist, the Antichrist greater than all other antiChrists.
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