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Tiger Eye

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Everything posted by Tiger Eye

  1. Hi sinnersaved, Bible flaws all seem to start with the King James Version. Here we first found the entire Apocrypha. The phrases like "the flight of the Phoenix" and words such as Easter and Calvary and many others. The King James Version is more of an extension of the Latin Vulgate than any other protestant Bible I know of. It is more like the Douay Bible than any other. Now I'm not saying this is bad, but it does put a damper or those that push the King James Bible as being above the others. I believe, as said before, that the Spirit of God will guide you into all truth, and any translation of the Bible will not prevent him from doing so.
  2. Hi Lady Kay, it sounds like it's time to ask God about these houses. He knows your needs and your heart's desire. Then plead your case to God. Then go and plead your case to these two homeowners. Maybe they are just waiting for someone like you to come along and help them. Maybe they are praying to God to send to them someone like you. Try it and see what happens. God will always do what is best for us.
  3. I like your posts. I know several SDA"s that would shame people from my church with their faith and worship of Jesus Christ. At the same time, I have read online Statements of Faith from church organizations that preach just the opposite or somewhere thereof. With so many denominations and all this information at our fingertips, we judge people far too easily without getting to know them. Now how does a church make you feel? Some seek the praise music, some seek the sermon, some seek the fellowship, some seek other things. But if something is drawing you back to a church activity, then hopefully there will also be someone working for God who will take you into the family and help you draw into a closer relationship with Jesus. I for one no longer go to church to be fed but rather to feed. And when I am able to feed someone through the gifts that God has given me, that's how I am fed. Don't think there's not a church for you somewhere, there is. Keep seeking more of Jesus and he will lead you there.
  4. You can go into your profile settings and set up notification by e-mail. As for the ministry, that would be George, the owner of this site and whomever he allows to start threads in the Study Group forum. Thank you MorningGlory. I do sometimes get confused quite easily. It's an old age thing.
  5. I'm a king's kid. Does that make me royalty? That makes you a saint. Oh, you're so sweet. I bet you're the prettiest girl on the forum. 2000 posts get you into Royalty!!!! I'm a king's kid. Does that make me royalty?
  6. You must be young in age.I remember many Christians saying the same thing about abortion in 1972. Now that's funny. GE, young of age? LOL (No offence Golden Eagle.) Your comment would seem to imply that churches on the USA are obliged yo perform abortions. As thing is not the case, what is the point you're trying to make? A Question to tiger eye,obviously No, my comment had to do with "i don't believe the Supreme Court would....." Believe it. The Supreme Court is worldly and will not make decisions based on Christian beliefs. Sorry for the delay in my response. These small letters and lines all over the place, I have to get use to it.
  7. How do I know when someone replies to a post of mine? Or to a thread I posted in? Is there a special place for me to be asking these questions?
  8. The study group says only those who are part of the ministry may start threads. What is the ministry?
  9. I'm a king's kid. Does that make me royalty?
  10. The study group says only those who are part of the ministry may start threads. What is the ministry?
  11. Hi Matthew, it is amazing what I have just heard from you. My own experience is almost a duplicate of what you said with a few changes. For 13 years of seeking the truth I finally went to a church where I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. That was surely a sign. My prayer life changed dramatically. I had a lot of knowledge but lacked God's wisdom to understand it all. 13 years of teaching that just wasn't right. But then I started reading the Bible and I started understanding all those passages that I could never figure out. God is so good. Just keep seeking him and he will keep teaching you new things. Amen.
  12. You must be young in age. I remember many Christians saying the same thing about abortion in 1972.
  13. At my Tuesday men's group, we discussed rules the government has, will, or could impose on the church, such as homosexual marriages, etc.. It all comes down to the tax exempt status. I proposed that if a church was unwilling to obey by the rules, then they should give up their tax exempt status, and then the rules would not apply to them. Nobody wanted to hear that. But what is right and what is wrong? Is it right to keep the status, don't pay taxes, and then refuse to obey the rules? Is that the example a church organization, representing Jesus Christ, should give to the world?
  14. Tiger Eye


    So your saying saints recieve the same of those who chose to worship the beast? What is the patience of the Saints? Look closely at the last of that verse you quoted. Again the lake of fire is forever and those lost will be there seperated from God for eterinity. Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. According to your veiw even satan will be with the saints. Psalm 139 :8 If you make your bed in heaven, he's there. If you make your bed in hell, he's there. He's everywhere! Matthew 26:24; But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him had he not been born. Question; What is the difference between never being born at all and eternal damnation?
  15. The RCC teaching on purgatory stems from 2 Maccabees 12:46, where Judas Maccabeus made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin. Their belief is that some are purified in this life and others need further purification. The RCC has always offered up prayers for the dead. They also commend almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead. The RCC also quotes Job 1:5, as he would offer up burnt offerings for his sons in case any of them had sinned. Job did this to purify his sons. Whether one believes this to be true or not, I am quoting the Catholic Catechism on this.
  16. Well partially of what you are asking I wanted to know also, that's why I started this thread. There have been answers given so far, so I will not go into detail here. One has to take some scriptures and apply in principle to fully explain or understand. Scripture is not quite clear on some detailed issues. Taking what Jesus said as basis, then it depends who divorced and why and what happens afterwards. If you mean that the 2 Christians marry each other again after they have been divorced, then this is not adultery (they both have to still be single), it's actually desired and the best possible outcome. If the one that divorced (except for adultery) remarries someone else, they both commit adultery (the ex-spouse and their new partner). Some suggested that only the new union at creation of the new marriage is seen as adultery, not the ongoing marriage, since it is again a new covenant between two people. There has to be repentance for adultery though. The one that had been divorced (not for adultery) can remarry after their spouse who divorced them remarries first (which by extension would still be adultery against the first spouse). I hope this answers your questions. Take it prayerfully with caution though, these are somewhat logical conclusions derived from scripture and principles, not written in stone anywhere. Thank you for answering me Warrior. I wish I had more time to go into this. When I think of what to say, my mind just goes on and on and on. I am looking for: the final results. I don't see it. I see hard rules without anyone wanting to step out and say what they really mean. What I see is; where's the love in all this? Are the hard rules greater than God's love? That's what I thought the Pentateuch was, hard rules. I think that if we make a mistake in marriage, then reconciliation is the order of business. If not, they should move on with their lives without us judging them, rather, give support through love.
  17. Please help. I don't know if these questions have already been asked. Please answer them again if they have been asked. If 2 born again Christians gets divorces and then remarry each other, under any circumstances, many are saying they are living in adultery. Those of you who agree with this, please answer. Do these people live in sin the rest of their lives? Do these people never get God's blessings in their marriage? Do these people lose their salvation?
  18. Which couple specifically are you referring to? My earlier point was that there has to be a rule that guides this matter one way or another, God is not a respecter of persons. One just can't give their blessing to one couple remarrying and not to another, when their situations are pretty much the same. There is too much at stake, running of finto a direction that easily could be out of God's will and into sin. Then they don't know that they need to repent of it, because it is not seen as sin, since a church gave it's blessings to something they should not have... The couple I was referring to was in the OP. If they cannot be reconciled to their previous marriage and their hearts are right with God, they should be able to marry. This couple knows more about themselves than others. This whole thread sounds more like a group of Talmudic Rabbis than anything else.
  19. Leviticus 17:11; "For the life of a creature is in the blood".... This is why Jesus had to shed his blood for our atonement. If an aborted child has blood in it, well.... You finish the sentence. Leviticus 18:21; "Do not give any of your children to be scarificed to Moloch" (throwing them in the fire)... I see this as an early form of abortion.
  20. There has been much division in this thread, and it is not surprising. I think this couple needs to turn to God and find the answer. Not the flesh, and not man, but God himself. And he does not leave us void of answers for everything in our lives. This couple ultimately has to make the decision for themselves. And they should ask God's guidance. I have found three verses to help them. 1. James 1:5; "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you". 2. Psalm 37:4; "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart". 3. Proverbs 3:5-6; "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight".
  21. Thanks for the response Cletus, but I don't go for that stuff. A lot of people use snakes as evil symbols as well, but God uses a snake for healing, Numbers 21. I did find a verse, though. James 1:19; "Be quick to listen and slow to speak"...
  22. A wise old Owl lived in an oak The more he saw, the less he spoke The less he spoke, the more he heard Why can't we all be like that wise old bird? This is an old poem, earliest known date is 1875, no known author. Can anyone see any Bible passages or lessons from this poem? I feel like it should be in the Bible but I don't know where.
  23. You didn't answer my question. When is it righteous to protect the innocent? God bless, GE That's easy to answer. It makes no difference. Oh? How so? I've said before I have two kids and a wife. If I defend them against an intruder is that righteous or not? God bless, GE In what way would you protect them? I pray to God to protect me and my wife daily, to protect us from all evil, to protect us in our home and wherever we are. I cast out the devil from my home and my property in the name of Jesus everyday. We've never had a problem. Maybe in this one area, my faith to believe that Jesus will answer this is very strong.
  24. You didn't answer my question. When is it righteous to protect the innocent? God bless, GE It is always righteous to protect the innocent. How do you suppose we protect the innocent?
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