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Everything posted by AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken

  1. I guess my point was entirely missed. I was wondering about those nations God judged who didn't have the law. If sin is not imputed.... well, they were judged anyway. Can you give an example of such a nation sis ? Well, the land of Canaan for starters, so the Isrealites could enter. Just about the entire old testament talks about it. ?????????????? Good morning? I dont want to say anything more concerning other scripture because ifeel like I am blasphemin g God or something. Good Morning ! I don't think you can blaspheme God by quoting His Word, unless you use it in a context such as to discredit Him or His sovereignty. Let's see what some others say about Canaan and examples such as that.
  2. I guess my point was entirely missed. I was wondering about those nations God judged who didn't have the law. If sin is not imputed.... well, they were judged anyway. Can you give an example of such a nation sis ?
  3. "Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger and forsake wrath; Do not fret; it leads only to evildoing.…" Psalm 37: 7, 8 Give God a chance. Focus on Him, each other, and how God would want you to deal with your situation.
  4. Subject for another thread. Good point, thanks brother.
  5. We dont have to meet His conditions to have access to His word. he gave it to is-its called the Bible. In it it outlines we can't meet His "conditions" since we are all sinners. The only thing we can do, is accept His free gift of salvation. THAT is the truth. The ONLY truth worth anything. That Christ's love is unconditional. There is nothing we can do to ever earn it. I agree brother.
  6. Wait, I think I see now. Wow ! I am so sorry brother. Yes, I should not have said anything beyond "I was born. I was born again by His own grace and mercy.". I can see how the rest could be easily ( and rightfully ) misinterpreted . Please forgive me Jeff. My fault completely.
  7. Yes brother. Did I say something wrong ? You did call me a " liar " or " fibber " ( can't really make the distinction myself ) , but I forgive that brother. If you do not consider me your brother in Christ Jesus, please tell me why. I have nothing to hide from anyone who reads this . I am perplexed at the accusation altogether, but I am listening ! Speak your heart . Edit: If you'd rather do this in private, I am open to that as well. I just would like to resolve whatever you hold against me in your heart.
  8. I can't presume to understand what you may be going through but I do understand stress in my own life. It has put me on Hypertension stuff and I dislike it. It seems to be a failing of my faith, but I know that could be someone whispering in my ear, because I know the frailties of our bodies, hearts, and minds. Everyone prior to this comment are loving and caring folks. Just know that you are not alone. We are there and more importantly, HE is there. Nothing will be put on us that we cannot overcome BY HIS STRENGTH. Hang in there, and put your hope in things to be .
  9. ..... perhaps if Yahweh permits. Did you meet His conditions ? His conditions ? Yes. I was born. I was born again by His own grace and mercy. Beyond that brother, they would be YOUR conditions and I have no desire to meet them, but thank you for asking.
  10. So did you answer ? I noticed there wasn't an option for " I have the truth, thank you ". Yes I want "the" TRUTH always. I prayed & sought to find it and GOD lead me to His Beloved Son Jesus. Blessed be His name. Glory to the LORD God in heaven forever, for through His grace & mercy I received complete forgiveness of all my sins by our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice upon the cross & His rising from the dead on the 3rd day and ascending into heaven & for the blessed Holy Spirit who is with us always til the end of the age. Maranantha Lord! Amen Davida !
  11. Hey brother, I said this on another Christmas is [ fill in the blank ] thread, I feel no need to defend or prosecute on such a matter. Apparently there are many who are more qualified on either side of the aisle. Please remember that we are to love one another as Christ Jesus loved us, and that type of love goes a LONG way.
  12. May I also add that we are ALL to be working out our individual salvation in fear and trembling ? Whether that be due to a slight in adherence to to the truth, or a misunderstanding of that truth, we should remain as humble servants and love one another as commanded by our Lord and savior, who is Christ Jesus.
  13. Amen sis. He has shared the truth with us all. Many believe they have it in perfection and completeness.
  14. or they want a watered down version of the truth. interesting to note that there have been 4 posters and only 2 votes oh as an addendum to the my response above, reading this website i see many people opting for interpretation over the truth or they will accept what they feel they want to be the truth and fight against those who bring the real truth to the forums. I've yet to see anyone bringing 'the real Truth' in this thread. My point has been made. Thankyou It was a valid point sir.
  15. Its interesting that 2/3rd of the respondents want the truth, but 1/3rd are asking "What is truth?" The simple answer is that truth is everything that has been revealed by God to men -- Divine revelation. And of course this is found in the Word of God (not in corrupt versions but in pure translations and in the traditional Hebrew and Greek texts), and in the 66 books of our English Bibles [the Hebrew Bible (Tanach) has only 24 books, which have been split up to give a total of 39 books in our Bibles]. May I get a list of " pure translations " and actual God-inspired text ?
  16. Jesus loves us all, died for our sins, and sits at the right hand of His ( and our ) Father in Heaven.
  17. So did you answer ? I noticed there wasn't an option for " I have the truth, thank you ".
  18. Of course I want truth ( and yes, I can handle the truth ). I answered " What is the truth? " Why ? If I never hear truth, then I cannot know it.
  19. Seeking Truth, is not a matter of just one or two personal ideas ,I see that some of the responses are generic, and has no follow through or thought that it could be different, I do not believe we all have come to the same conclusion, we can all read and see what scripture says, but is the meaning ,behind it the correct one, I see that many want to give a fast answer and case closed? this is not the correct way, nor is there enough to satisfy the argument, for definitions of words have been changed, which , has totally new bearing on what everyone has been saying ? so it is not deceptive, because I ask a question off of my first question, are we not here, to try to learn Gods ways ? or are we so skilled in the bible that we already know it all? I think we cannot be closed minded to possible changes, that many will not want to see, I am okay if I am wrong, but I cannot be told, that I am making a point that is already set , and there is no change, for that is not learning anything I am not trying to change anything , but to see, that many will hold there ground, and not reason, to see if they may have been deceived, ? this could be possible, we want to be filled with wisdom ,and know Gods word , not as other tell us , but for what God himself is stating to us? thank you, this is not directed at any one, for God is love, and I believe , after research, that God will not cook a person for ever , for this is not ,the same loving merciful God, that gave his son, for you and for me on the cross, for the ungodly is sentence to the lake of fire, yes ,until they perish ,and to become ashes yes, but not forever, this is not what the scriptures is saying, if this is so,? then Jesus paid it all on the cross, is not complete ?and the people continue to die forever and ever? this is not possible, Jesus said it is finished, and so it is finished, does the eternal forever really mean forever burning, with no end? but I will say this is my opinion , and my observation, for I am sinner saved, by grace, of a loving God, and I am speaking as a child of God. Understood, Thanks.
  20. The white stones ? That is true brother. I hold a stone, as do you. Neither of us has anymore than hope in Christ Jesus that the stone we posses is white. Let me ask you something about the " stones " brother. Can you trade that stone ?
  21. SINNERSAVED, I really do appreciate the thought-provoking questions and commentary you have added to my understanding. I cannot say though, that I agree with you on several subsequent responses and / or teachings you have espoused ( after your ' questions ' ) were answered. If you are truly seeking answers, then why is there a pattern of you asking, then correcting / teaching ? I only ask because the process seems strange to me. If my faith and understanding of a particular topic differs from another, and I question that understanding then I ask for input. On the other hand, if I am certain of my understanding, then to ask for understanding only to then to discredit the responses would seem ( to me ) to be somewhat deceptive. Maybe it's just me, and if so I do not want to accuse you or anyone of deception but perhaps for slow folks ( like myself ) you could indicate that you honestly have no question as far as your understanding but are curious as to other's understanding and wish to share that understanding with those who have a different understanding.
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