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Everything posted by archaeologist55

  1. you read too much into the scriptures and think that man was given a faulty mind. their memories were fine. you also have no way of verifying the lack of memory in ancient people.
  2. you are a funny guy. As for my "qualifications," "training," etc, the Bible is a great leveler because God can reveal what He wants to anyone of His choosing. Education might help, but seldom does God take notice of that when someone asks for wisdom and insight. There is no discrimination with God, when it comes to that. I have found that qualifications in these areas do not help one listen to the Bible, rather they tend to work the other way, putting the educated at a disadvantage. What the Spirit reveals is far above any education in this world. really?? Have you ever taken the time to see how many times God speaks about becoming educated? about teaching others? or about obtaining knowledge? so you insult my God given education and say it is not of God? you are not an authority and you should refrain from thinking that you are. you do not have a clue as to what you are talking about and you misguide and mislead too many on this website. your posts are full of nonsense and ridiculous ideas that have nothing to do with the word of God. I may get warned for saying these things but someone needs to tell you that you are off the mark and hurting the church.
  3. about the closest thing that is true in those words is the 9,000 date of the object. the rest is just unverifiable garbage. there may be some old odd societies that were hunter gatherers but not all were nor were all nomads. the secular world creates a past that they want to have happened and does not report the truth about what took place in ancient times
  4. actually there are more conflicts than just that one topic. But one needs to remember that secular science is run by deceived and blind people and we need to consider the source of other scientific information before accepting it as fact or close to correct.
  5. what is your point? you quote scripture that has nothing to do with the topic
  6. so you ignored what I wrote and continued to write complete nonsense.
  7. again this makes absolutely no sense at all and why are you saying 'peter says' when you do not quote Peter at all? what are your qualifications to speak on these topics? what degrees do you have or training that makes you think you can expound upon biblical ideas and events? what system are you talking baout? provide real verifiable details so we can see what you are actually referencing? oh and in case you want my credentials, I have a BTh, Mast. of Min in history & archaeoloogy, M. of Biblical archaeology and THD. i do not challenge for the sake of challenging you but am calling you on your spreading of false information
  8. science knows very little. in our oct. issue i have pointed out that science has only examined 1% of the plants in the amazon for medicinal qualities. not only do they not have the manpower, as most of their people are chasing a lie (evolution) and spending most of their resources chasing that lie. think of what could be done for the people of the world if those scientists redirected their energies and resources to study these plants found around the world and see how they coul dhelp other humans. evolution and evolutionists are very selfish.
  9. you really do not know what you are talking about. One ancient wave, from thera, was estimated at being over 100 feet high, possibly 800 i would have to check, and went faster than the wave that hit Japan recently. what really bothers me are people who claim to be christian yet do not have a clue as to what they are talking about. I wanted to use current video footage of tsunamis to illustrate some aspects water dynamics on a larger scale. My comments were consistent with observable evidence. I was not making a statement of all tsunamis and all water dynamics, although the principles are universal, regardless of scale and speed. No doubt a larger and faster wave would be far more devastating. actually they weren't.
  10. there is no record verifying this idea and it is preposterous. you need to back up your statements with credible, verifiable, legitimate sources and stop making nonsensical statements that have no hope of being true. Test it with scripture. The book above all books. If we take into account people like King Solomon, who was considered to be one of the wisest men on earth, we can learn from his writings what intelligence/wisdom is, and where it comes from. The men of modern science know nothing of what people in the past did... I am trying to be as gentle as I can be but when anyone who knows their stuff reads your posts, they go away shaking their heads at the ignorance displayed by your words. your current comment comes nowhere close to what you said previously and Solomon did not state that Adam had perfect knowledge of science or any subject. we really do not know what Adam knew or how much he knew.
  11. you really do not know what you are talking about. One ancient wave, from thera, was estimated at being over 100 feet high, possibly 800 i would have to check, and went faster than the wave that hit Japan recently. what really bothers me are people who claim to be christian yet do not have a clue as to what they are talking about.
  12. there is no record verifying this idea and it is preposterous. you need to back up your statements with credible, verifiable, legitimate sources and stop making nonsensical statements that have no hope of being true.
  13. many people think that but Noah came before the author of the gigamesh epic thus it was th latter who copied from the former I'm just going off of what I read based on various resources that state the epic was one of the earliest known examples of writing [2000bc or so]. I found Christian resources that put the writings in Genesis to be around 1450bc. yes it is possible that the book of Genesis was written at that time but that does not indicate nor mean that the events described in it were copied from earlier sources, were fabricated or that they did not take place as recorded. since Noah came first and he and his family would know the details of what took place in the pre-flood world, and then told their descendants what had happened, the gilgamesh epic and other ancient stories altered the details of those accounts and recorded their own versions of what took place.
  14. this is absolutey not true. it takes mre memory to remember codes and language use has little to do with memory power. if you buy into the myth that the anients did not and could not write and only used oral transmission then you are listening to ideas that cannot be supported by evidence but comes from an agument from silence sorry but that is complete gibberish. the Bible was written over a period of time but that does not make its content copies of secular myth nor younger than the myths of the secular world. again complete nonsense. the presence of written mateial does not indcate a decline of memory and recolletion ability.
  15. Most likely, Atlantis refers to the pre-flood world, not some mythical kingdom. Whomever told Plato the story most likely embellished the information but sadly too many modern people take the ancient's writings as gospel truth instead of placing them in the correct categories covering the literary world. Scientists can explain many things but that doesn't mean they are correct I assume you mean unless the ancient writing is in the Bible? Many folks think the Genesis flood account is a variation of an earlier story the epic of gilgamesh. many people think that but Noah came before the author of the gigamesh epic thus it was th latter who copied from the former
  16. king david once said how glad he was when people said let's go to the house of the Lord and the NT says forsake not gathering together, so your desire to attend church needs a little work or you need to find the right church that will meet your needs while giving you an opportunity to participate. you do not have to go to a church to be a Christian but you should not segregate yourself either. the problem in this world is finding the right congregation to be a part of. you need spiritual food to grow, you may need help through problems or you may need social time with others. it is wise to find a church and attend it.
  17. the trouble is these professors take these jobs knowing that they disagree with the Bible and the school's position.it is up to them to either not acept the job offer or resign when they feel they cannot agree with the school's theological position. they do not have the right to change the views of the school or influence the students away from God and the truth.
  18. you need to remember that the unbelieving world does not have the spirit of truth in them thus their thinking is guided by the influence of evil, deception and blind to the truth. they will make many accusations about the bible but they will most likely be untrue for they are not of God. they also will distort the definition of the word 'contradiction' to fit their point of view and ignore the truth.
  19. it isn't just the DNC that is at fault for stacking the supreme court. some of those appointees are republican fare and they tend to make their own decisions apart from the republican party ideology with that said, i would prefer that pastors simply led the congregation in praying for political leaders, asking God to direct their decisions and go for justice and to protect the innocent instead of trying to get the wrong people elected to office. the republicans are as bad as the dmeocrats
  20. i prefer pastors who refrain from using the pulpit for their personal political views or for manipulating the people into voting the way he wants them to. christians should not be members of secular political parties no matter how close those groups are to the believer's beliefs. the agenda of the secular parties is not the same as God's and christians should be wary of joining in with those who do not believe. this does not mean believers cannot be involved in politics, they should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers even in politics. our style of governing is vastly different from the secular world's.
  21. i do not mind worship songs, even though I prefer hymns to them. what bothers me is when the song leader (and I do not like 'worship teams') keeps repeating the same song over and over whereby it almost enters the realm of mind control and leaving worship behind. sometimes i find that the worship leader is doing a personal worship time instead of leading the people to truly worship. i miss the old days when the sole song leader led worship accompanied by a piano and organ. something is missing in the modern worship teams and orchestras, the modern version seems to be more like entertainment than true worship. as for worship teams, most churches cannot afford the man power to stock one and they always seem to have a set of drums which overwhelm the singing of the small congregation. just because we can use drums or other instruments does not mean that it is always prudent to do so.
  22. North Korea has a token church where tourists can go to but it is not run by anyone except very loyal communists. other than that if you do not wear your pin, or worship the leader you can be sent to the gulags. if you ever watch film footage of North Korea you will see leaders with many medals clapping as hard as they can, shouting as loud as they can and so on. those images do not mean that they are enthralled or totally behind their leader. it means that if they do not do it to the acceptable levels of the leader, you can be killed or sent to the gulags.
  23. they still believe that the Trinity exists and they 'worship' him but how can you worship someone you claim to have lied, and is incapable of telling their followers the truth? that depends upon God. he alone is in charge of who enters heaven and resides with him but keep in mind that God said that liars will not enter his kingdom. lying is a sin and those professors are lying about God, what he did and what took place in the beginning so you need to do the math. if they do not repent of those sins, it is a good chance they will miss out on heaven but I am not the last word on this issue.
  24. you are correct. salvation is by faith but you need to mention grace. without God's mercy no on ewoul dbe saved. we do good works because we love God. good works are not a part of our salvation but a result of it.
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