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Everything posted by Kenny'sID

  1. Then it can be about singling posters out, and you are certian of that? If that is the reason, wish I knew why they would do that to me?
  2. As a 67yr old, I can see how that would be rather enjoyable....a "Made my day" type thing.
  3. Oh, if it were that simple. That is an illogical conclusion. A vast number of things (like almost everything) were not around before sin, but that doesnt mean nearly everthing is a sin. Anyway, the TV in itself is not sinful, it is like a scroll or carrier pigeon of the old days, it's used to send messages, but some messages are bad.
  4. The way I see it, if we truly have the Holy Spirit within, our interpretation of the bible will generally be correct. Or, at the very least, we will seek until we find what's correct.
  5. There will always be some who are at peace with their false salvation, so it is up to you me and others who know the truth to rattle their cage often. Thank you for the post which does just that.
  6. Both, if possible. If not possible, I'd tend towards the souls.
  7. Testing, but while I'm at it, I had the same problem but during an edit. Then later I saw where some posts had to be approved before they would save, so I naturally asdumed it was waiting on mod for approval, but after seeing this thread, it appears there was a system issue. The save button would just change colors as if it was going to save, then nothing, taunting me I think I caught it glaring at me a few times, and maybe even giggling about my frustration....stupid button.
  8. Ok, thanks to both of you, and my purpose wasn't to be impatient with the mods, i just needed to know this wasn't just me for some reason.
  9. I went through all that when I first signed up, and was not allowed to start a topic, or some such restriction, but that was quite a while ago. Did I do something wrong? I tried to edit a post earlier, tried several times but it kept hanging up, then eventually I got an error ot was to late to edit. Does this mean if the mod doesn't get to my edit to ok it, Im eventally going to be unableto edit?
  10. The thoughts are great, but you would need to pull them together with a continuing them that rhymes. Example: "oh lord Christ you've turned me to the light you broke the chains yes you did, you broke the chains the chains of sin, the same chains that once shackled me, you took away the pain and and set me free.." Lord you have turned me to the light and broke the chains of sin. The same chains that shackled me, and caused the pain within. notice the lines are about the same length
  11. I would guess Abraham and King Soloman did a lot of investing, whether it be in cattle, real estate, precious metals or what have you. And don't forget the parable of the talents. Nor should we forget that even taking a labor job is an investment in ones self. As mentioned, the key is to be smart with whatever we choose, whether it be a business where the risk depends a lot on ones self, or investing money in someting someone else already has going, and their abilities to make it work.
  12. The following clearly states people sin after confession and those sins are definitely forgiven. Matthew 18:21, 22 Then Peter came up and said to him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?" Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven." The only sin God doesn't forget are the ones we dont ask forgiveness for, and the unforgivable sin. I agree we should ask for fogiveness daily, if for no other reason, but that we may not realize we had sinned that day.
  13. Ok, I understand now. I was just a bit concerned about your pain, but it sound like you have everything under control.
  14. I see. I guess I was concerned and trying to understand about you saying you are taking the medication for you bone disease pain, yet you are trying to stop the medication. Do you just prefer not to take narcotics for your condition?
  15. What does your doctor recommend you do about the pain from the bone disease?
  16. No, not at all, it was a simple question, and if you'd prefer not to answer, that's fine, but I will be inclined to belive that may be the case. It's just that I've seen the attitude before, and feel that because there is so much bad in the world, it's dangerous to just throw our hands up, and make any of that bad OK. Wouldn't you agree?
  17. Searching through the thread for some mention of OCD, I found that quote, and I believe it is the key to your problem, and if yours is a medical condition, God will not hold you accountable. I have noticed over the years on other Christian sites that OCD is almost always the cause when one is concerned about the unforgivable sin. Also, most of the time, they did not even commit the unforgivable sin...therei s so many false definitions on the unforgivable sin, it's hard for some to know exactly what it is. I haven't read/searched the full thread for what was recommended, but I would say to try to relax, and take your medication if you are on it, and I'd guess you are already seeing a doctor, but if not, please do that.
  18. Ars you saying because there is so much wrong in the world, then it is OK to divorce? You say two wrongs don't make a right, then you turn right around and strongly indicate they do.
  19. God gave us the one reason for divorce, and common sense tells me to stick with that and common sense also tells me, we should not get into the habit of doing what God has told us not to do, all in the name of common sense....very dangerous. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. God had directed our path on divorce.
  20. Again, I disagreed with something else, not that, and have no reason to disagree with it. Its an extenuating circumstance that is solved by simple common sense. We don't hold people accountable for something they truly did not know about, regardless of what it is.
  21. What I quoted of your post did not mention anything about finding out about it later, but only if they did it. Then let's hope your conscious is correct, as there may be others depending on what you say.
  22. How could it result in another sin when God never recognized the second marriage to begin with? And sure, God will forgive adultery, but there is scripture that states clearly, practicing adulterers won't get to heaven. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 New King James Version 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
  23. See, here is the problem, and why many see this as a damnable sin, and I won't look up exact scripture because most if you know what I'm saying is biblical, and due to oncoming storm...I got very slow internet. With the mentioned adulteress woman, Jesus stopped the stoning to make the point we all sin, but he also told her, go and sin no more, or basically, this is not something you want to keep doing. What would happen if she lived in or practiced this sin regularly? There is scripture that says adulterers will not see the kingdom of heaven. That worries some of us, and I'm not sure we are doing anyone justice in telling them not to worry about the situation the OP brings forth. Then there is scripture where Christ says in very simple, easy to understand terms, if we remarry after divorce with one exception, we will be practicing or living in adultery. That said, it is hard to blame those who feel the way they do about this. To me it seems very cruel, and I wish it were not so, but still, scripture seems to support that doing this will result in a very bad outcome.
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