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Danger Noodle

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Everything posted by Danger Noodle

  1. I'll post this by itself because I am not addressing any one opinion on OSAS . In matters of free will, it is a curious thing concerning that I think. All in scripture is the following put into an observation and query concerning free will and predestination. Being there is scripture that tells us names are written in the Lamb's book of life before the creation of the world that would say God knew before he created humans whom would come to his only son. If all things that occur are part of God's plan then how can there be free will in man? And if man has free will how can that be part of God's plan as pertains to predestination?
  2. I think what he's saying there is that while alive those to whom he addresses his warning in the church of Sardis would be known to omniscient Father, Jesus is warning of repentance and conscious turning from the way of death; sin. I think that is why he examples "a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments". To also give an example that the righteous among them who would be known are in the book already.
  3. Question: "Is it possible for a person's name to be erased from the Book of Life?" Answer: Revelation 22:19 says, “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book” (KJV). This verse is usually involved in the debate concerning eternal security. Does Revelation 22:19 mean that, after a person’s name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, it can at some time in the future be erased? In other words, can a Christian lose his salvation?First, Scripture is clear that a true believer is kept secure by the power of God, sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30), and of all those whom the Father has given to the Son, He will lose none of them (John 6:39). The Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand” (John 10:28–29b). Salvation is God’s work, not ours (Titus 3:5), and it is His power that keeps us.If the “anyone” referred to in Revelation 22:19 are not believers, who are they? In other words, who might want to either add to or take away from the words of the Bible? Most likely, this tampering with God’s Word would be done not by true believers but by those who only profess to be Christians and who suppose that their names are in the Book of Life. Generally speaking, the two main groups who have traditionally tampered with God’s revelation are pseudo-Christian cults and those who hold to very liberal theological beliefs. Many cults and theological liberals claim the name of Christ as their own, but they are not “born again”—the definitive biblical term for a Christian. MORE Additional related topics for study: Question: "Eternal security - is it biblical?"
  4. Question: "Is there a difference between the book of life and the Lamb's book of life?"
  5. Exactly right. The nuclear option is the issue that is sometimes forgotten by the media that wants to stoke the notion this latest strike on a base in Syria by the U.S. could lead to war with Russia. The eagle and the bear could bring about the end of the world should each launch their nuclear arsenals. Putin is no fool. Nor is Trump. While Assad is extinguishable. And I think he knows that.
  6. All scripture? Let's see. Genesis 2:7 And Jehovah Elohim formed Man, dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and Man became a living soul. Question: "What is the breath of life?"
  7. Yes! When I was a child it was journalism and independent unbiased reporting. Now it's a, choose your partisan network, programming agenda. That's why I like that poster I shared about the MSM 6 corporations. The spiral in the middle of the TV screen indicating hypnotizing of the viewer public. Hey, why do we think they call it programming? It's the best way to manipulate the psyche of a large population area of mentally susceptible viewers. They believe what they see. I knew a woman who sat her children in front of the TV to watch children's shows as soon as their little body muscles would allow them to sit upright independently. Before that when she carried them as babies around the house, children's programming was the audio effect playing in the background.
  8. Yes, that was the Left's claim. This latest blows that out of the water even more than the truth that it was an absurd proposal before did. Putin isn't stupid. He knows war with America would be a bad move.
  9. June 2012 These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America Yes, it is noticeable. But that the audit took place prior and was then updated demonstrates by the auditors themselves prior to Dr.Carson's arrival something was known to be amiss in the bookkeeping. The entire Snopes article supports Dr.Carson's bringing the findings to public attention. As is his responsibility. Even Snopes themselves admit as much here:
  10. This isn't mandatory. As I read it it is an option. And yet, if this is true, because it could pass for the satire reporting we typically find at such sites as, The Onion, it just shows how fallen the world is all over the place. This ring thing is just the next step in broadcasting the dark side that operates on this planet. One dark spirit to rule them all, one black ring to identify the fallen. How appropriate it is a black ring to indicate the darkness within.
  11. How terribly tragic and yet what a blessed communication to the Christian world. An evil man calls America foolish and irresponsible for responding to his gas attack upon innocent babies, children, and adults. How lost he is. How very very lost. May the will of God almighty shine forth. And if it is his will that Assad's heart be turned to righteousness, so be it. If it is not, then let Assad stand as an example of what corruption in the spirit manifests as flesh. And how such demonic wrong is vanquished by righteousness and the determination of a strong nation to protect and serve those whom evil assails. . Dear Mr. As~Sadist, TODAY is that day. And tomorrow, as was yesterday
  12. Amen. We those who are the church of I Am , the Ekklesia of the most high, are all sitting around at the table of our Lord's supper. In his grace, imbued with his holy spirit. No evil that comes forth can stand against the truth of the one true God. I think they know that and that's why they are so enraged with hoping to overcome that fact. Praise Christ, they shall never succeed. What mortal evil can ever remove God from this world. “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30).
  13. From the American Thinker article linked previously: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/04/why_did_assad_use_nerve_gas.html
  14. Please provide a list and source for exactly what President Trump is doing in his current term and cross compare that with exactly the same things, as you claimed, that was done by Barack during his own presidential term. Thank you.
  15. Yes. I posted this in a different discussion . Do you think it is betrayal and disrespect for the Sydney freedoms and way of life? Or is it cowardice ? That bows its own back to the slings and arrows of an enemy? I read these type stories wherein nations are throwing God and Christ out of their country as if evicting an illegal alien who in human form would likely not know how that feels. And that whisper of Father's holy spirit reminds me of what I have always known in his word. The enemy of God is lord of this world. Roaming about like unto a hungry lion seeking souls to devour. It just disgusts me to read any people would offer those up to evil fur face on a silver platter.
  16. This article appears in the Christian News section here being it was published at a Christian news site. It may help inform the discussion a bit more as to Jihad and the different types. One most certainly American's have seen transpire in their public schools. What Are the 8 Types of Jihad? Former Radical Muslim Explains BY SAMUEL SMITH , CP REPORTER April 4, 2017
  17. I don't think Dr. Carson said this 500 billion in errors occurred in one fiscal year. Nor do I think Dr. Carson ever claimed he himself initiated this finding to fruition. But, it's Snopes. They'll swing Left when it suits. And in this case they appear to hope people aren't aware of accounting terms so as to take their word for it and slander Dr. Carson. And of course by proxy, Donald Trump who appointed him to the HUD position. Aggregate: 1. General: Collective amount, sum, or mass arrived-at by adding or putting together all components, elements, or parts of an assemblage or group, without implying that the resulting total is whole (contains everything that should be in it).Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/aggregate.html Therefore, aggregate sum in the Snopes claim actually supports Dr. Carson's finding.
  18. What Are the 8 Types of Jihad? Former Radical Muslim Explains BY SAMUEL SMITH , CP REPORTER April 4, 2017 1. Population jihad------2. Media jihad______3. Education jihad __________4. Economic jihad__ ____5. Physical jihad ____6. Legal jihad________ 7. Humanitarian jihad__________8. Political jihad Definitely gives insight into the prongs of attack we're reading about all over the world. Especially in America and the Education Jihad that is transpiring in our public schools.
  19. It would appear so. And all nations towns and cities are at risk. The maximum damage weapon with the highest level of protection for the Jihadi driver. Until police sniper fire would stop their rampage of course. Evil proliferates by any means necessary. Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Update on Incident in Stockholm City Center Home | Blog | Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Update on Incident in Stockholm City Center The U.S. Embassy in Stockholm advises that a truck crashed into a department store in downtown Stockholm atDrottninggatan and Mäster Samuelsgatan near Sergels Torg. U.S. citizens should avoid this area, heed guidance from local authorities, and maintain security awareness. Media reports that both Parliament and all public transport systems in central Stockholm have been closed down by authorities. Please monitor Stockholm’s public transit authority website for updates. We have heard that all trains and buses in/out of Stockholm are stopped. Boat ferry services are reportedly still open. Be aware that it will be difficult to move around the city. We recommend that you avoid unnecessary travel at this time. SOURCE
  20. You're not really saying anything there that pertains to the topic itself. When God's word states names were written before the creation of the world, those blotted out would have been just as predetermined as those written in.
  21. I agree that Russia isn't as foolish as Trump's critics imply. They're just not use to a President that isn't on the side of radical Islam. They'll be OK. Eventually.
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