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Arthur Durnan

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Everything posted by Arthur Durnan

  1. Two very well-known Protectors of Little Israel: (1) Yahweh; and (2) Yahweh's very wisdom thru Netanyahu. "i will guide thee with My hand!" I had thot it was - Satorum & Rubio 2012! Now it looks more like - Romney & Rubio For America 2012! (Obama: A One-term President! Make Certain!)
  2. "Come see a Man Who told me all things that ever I did! Is not this the Christ?" Amen! Then do the same for all others...... 1. Introduce them to the Man, never to religion, denomination or your church! 2. Tell what happened to you when you got saved! "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!" It's called Personal Testimony. 3. Make evangelism your No. One pursuit in life! Your spouse, brother, sister, parent, business associate, whomever. 4. "Is not this the CHRIST?" Center all your attention & conversation on Who Jesus is - The world's only Savior come down from heaven! 5. Repent & turn from your sinning - if "shacking up" is your sin, turn from it and follow the Savior's call in Matthew 19: to male-female Holy Matrimony for a lifetime. Precious Savior, Come Enter My House too for time & eternity!
  3. Amen! So let's keep the main thing the main thing in our discussion of homosexuality. It's homosexuality, not the UltraLibDem Media- Elite term. "same-sex." My brother is my same sex. He is not homosexual. He loves Jesus & serves Him with all his heart.
  4. I thank God in Heaven above for His ever-guiding & intelligent ways among us today. He remains forever over all. I bow before Him moment by moment. I also thank God for American military might which helps keep the world "as safe as it is". I also would express my eternal gratitude for the many tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers who either laid down their lives for our liberty or were severely wounded in the process. We could never repay their sacrifices. Thanks America! God Bless America! God Bless Israel! Santorum & Rubio for The USA 2012! Obama: A One-Term President! Make Certain!
  5. Thanx. Your stated biblical reasons for the soon return of Jesus Christ to rule & to reign as King of kings & Lord of lords is a powerful as well as biblically true, argument. Plus it's what Jesus Himself said to His very diciples. When He speaks, we should stand still & listen. "Even so, Come quickly, Lord Jesus!" Hallelujah & Amen indeed!
  6. I lovingly disagree with your quik assertion (without specific biblical reference) that Peter says men were "re-lost". There is no such thing in God's Holy Word that men were "re-lost." Please note in 2 Peter 2:20 that it does not intimate that they were saved but that they had knowledge, and because of that particular knowledge they wre able to escape the pollutions of society, but they did not escape the eternal destiny of all Christ-rejectors which is Hell. They had enuf knowledge (as millions do) to keep them relatively moral (as millions are today), but check what the Holy Spirit said about these people with knowledge in Verses 12 thru 19 of 2 Peter 2: - They are those that walk in "lust & uncleanness (Verse 12). These are "as natural brute beasts (verse 12). "They shall [/i]perish!" (Verse 12. "spots they are & blemishes" (Verses 12 & 13. "They cannot cease from sin (Verse 14). "They are wells without water" (Verse 17). In Verse 22 they're "likened to dogs & pigs." Now my dear friend who believes in only a "temporary" sal;vation, can you, in the light of this powerful context (which you have somehow overlooked), call those thus mentioned, Christians? They are the very same people referred to in Verse 20. The Blessed Holy Spirit of God would never call a born-again believer such heinous names, for a born-again Christian has been thoroughly & eternally washed in the precious blood of Christ Jesus! And if the Blessed Holy Spirit does not say these people were saved, pray tell what biblical right do you have to suppose they are? I repeat: Jesus nowhere offers us only a "temporal" salvation which is really no salvation whatever at all. Any person who becomes "re-lost" in your view would also have to be "re-saved" because theiir "first saving" resulted tragically in their becoming "re-lost." a state totally unknown in Holy Writ. Nice talking with you though. Have a great day all day today! Amen!
  7. Homosexuality is precisely what it is: an abhorrent abnormality, yea better, an abominable sin in the sight of a thrice-holy God. UltraLibDem News-Media-Elites love to refer to it as "same-sex" hoping to remove or tone down the long-time sting of the very word, "homosexual." Why keep changing its very moniker to fall in line with & please its liberal sympathizers? Many researchers contend that a person's environment, a frasctured or dysfunctional family and a lack of early gender identity in the self, plus peer-group pressure (also at times outright kidnapping) all play large roles in determining homosexual persuasion or behavior. Whatever I confidently rest my case on the settled Word of God re homosexuality which is the precise opposite of what Jesus Christ ordered for the human race in Matthew 19 - man & woman; male & female; father & mother re Holy Judeo-Christian Matrimony. It doesn't require psychic powers to understand that Jesus Christ spoke quite clearly on His intention for the humankind. Of course, if homosexuality is acceptable to fallen society, so logically is polygamy, incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, kiddie-porn peddling and other perversions into the darkest night. Why would fallen humankind (including the UltraLibDem News-Media-Elite) constantly promote but one heinous perversion and not the others? Ah, yes, maybe indeed, in the light of freedom of expression just not yet? Homosexuality is natural neither for animals in general, as contrary to nature & instinct, nor for human beings in particular, as contrary to nature & reason. Take a moment or two to read any of Drs. Elizabeth Moberly, Joseph Nicolosi, Clyde Narramore, Henry Sager, Josep Berger, William Wilson, Robert Spitzer, John Raberskel, Charles Socarides, et al, the latter of which wrote, "The greatest con-job of the psychiatric century was the removal of homosexuality from the disease category. It's a psychological disorder." Truly, homosexuality is statistically abnormal, physically unnatural,morally reprehensible and biblically an abomination. Humankind shouldgive much earnest consideration to the joy of edging back, way back, to moral sanity. The one geunuine article for such steady retracing of steps in that regard would be the creation of a new life as enunciated by the Lord Jesus Christ in St. John 3:1-7 and by the Apostle Paul over in 2 Corinthians 5:17 who both make the point quite apodictically. Why be Politically Korrect (with the moral I.Q. of a ceiling fan) when you can be absolutely right (in view of your Creator-God)?
  8. There is no way in heaven or on earth that Israel should trust - hopefully one-term only, U.S. Socialist President Obama to defend Israel against its next-door fervent Islamic enemy, Iran, who has promised to "wipe Israel off the face of the map." Did America prevent North Korea from making its nuclear warheads? Did America's threats & puffery keep Kim Il Sung & son from completing its nuclear capability? Eternal negotiation is one thing; prevention is quite something else. The latter is language which Rogue Entities quite fully understand. God Bless America! God Bless Israel! Obama: One-Term-Only President - Make Certain!
  9. It's the height of all biblical wisdom to reject outright the false teaching of "Saved, Then 'Re-Lost'; Then 'Re-saved'; Then 'Re-lost'; Then....." Jesus never offers only "temporal" salvation, which, of course, is no salvation at all! "I give unto My sheep eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any be plucked out of My hand!" Divine promise par excellence, yes? Thank You, Lord Jesus, for your everlasting salvation (John 3:16) purchased thru the blood of Your Cross once-for-all-time!
  10. "Saved today,' Re-Lost tomorrow', 'Re-Saved' the next day, 'Re-Lost' later, 'Re-Saved' etc." This is nowhere in Holy Writ unless Jesus meant that we must be " born again & again & again & again" ad nauseum. And, of course, if Calvary couldn't saved us forever & ever the first time - and keep us saved forever, then it would logically have to repeated as in the Roman "sacrifice" of its mass! If some kind folk were any more "off base" and "off beam" as enunciated by Jesus Christ Himself in John 3:1-7 re being "born again" - one time only - they'd be in a zoo. I still have to see anywhere in Holy Scripture where Jesus is said to offer us only a "temporal" salvation (which is hardly any salvation at all!) as opposed to everlasting salvation & eternal life once for all time. The story of the Prodigal Son definitely refers specifically to the loss of precious fellowship with the father & the intense joy of renewed fellowship for the father & his son within that Prodigal Son's very family. Any son even sadly living afar off is still his father's precious son within the bonds of that particular family. Life always gets ineffably bizarre when we insist on reading "temporal" into God's "everlasting, once-for-all-time" salvation. It is no more possible to do this than it would be to play a game of musical chairs with ten players and eleven chairs. Change your own "everlasting" into "temporal" if you wish,. but please don't dare alter mine. Merci beaucoup.
  11. I read you, but sorry, in the "far country" the Prodigal Son was still His father's son! He was out of loving fellowship but never ceased to be the specific son of his dear dad miles & miles away. A person can still be in loving fellowship with his brothers & sisters even tho he may live in some other locale. Got another one? Why do you still wish to be born again & again & again in spite of once from the mother's womb and never back in it?
  12. Thanx loads, Dear Monarchy, but I didn't get the name of your "Saved, Re-Lost, Re-Saved, Re-Lost, Then Re-Saved" individual. Three Cheers for "temporal salvation" and ringing uncertainty, eh, what? "I give unto My sheep eternal life, and they shall........................!"
  13. When the polygamist WarLord & founder of 7th-century Islam, Muhammad of Yathrib, Saudi Arabia, is accorded judicial protection as America's "Divinity" and not to be verbally assailed or ridiculed in any way, shape or form, an Islamic Global Caliphate under heinous Sharia Law cannot be all that far off, yes? Will America ever wake up from her slumber? Make Certain: Obama, a One-Term President! God Bless America!
  14. The "saved, re-lost, re-saved, re-lost, then re-saved" element cannot point to even one indiviidual in Holy Writ who was named & pointedly said to have been saved, then " re-lost" all over again. Saved by the blood of Christ & on his/her way to Glory, then tragically "re-lost" and once again bound for the Devil's Hell. "Temporal" salvation - which is hardly everlasting salvation at all! - is unknown in Bible Christianity. Jesus offers no one only a "temporal" salvation.
  15. And if memory serves me correctly, Susan Smith initially blamed the fact of her missing kids on a black kidnapper! I unreservedly concur that Smith should have been executed long ago. Her precious innocent childen lie in far-too-early graves whie she enjoys male visits, free victuals, warm accommodations all at taxpayers' expense and for what, decades to come! Murderers win the day! Slaughtered victims rest quietly in the cemetery. And in beautiful South Carolina yet which definitely believes in the death penalty......but why only for poor victims?
  16. Far more innocent individuals are killed today by already-convicted-but-not-yet-executed murderers than were ever wrongly executed by the State! My 20-year Research Study List grows longer with each passing month. The bottom-line is very straight-forward: those who dare to take an innocent human life should be prepared without whim or whimper to forfeit their very own hesto-presto after one failed appeal. We could start clearing the boards with those 500+ convicted murderers in Calfornia's immobile "Death Row". Its very name constitutes a distinct caper par excellence! They die only via Alzheimers! Jimmy Fallon, take note!
  17. But there's a huge difference between those two items. Abortion kills an innocent baby of the same genre as both of us. Millions are being killed annually. Not nice! Playboy Loves Abortion. Both Exploit Women.
  18. Practically every convicted murderer claims total innocence re their dastardly deeds just as a vicious dog-owner assures one and all that "My dog has never bitten anybody!" I read your list and remain decidedly underwhelmed in view of the fact that their juries saw the clear-cut evidence which led to their convictions. Their appeals werre heard & denied in a court of law. In point of fact I believe that six of those specific convicted killers were turned down after later investigation re any discrepancy. Convicted murderers don't really appreciate the idea of their being duly executed by the State for horrendous crimes after a trial by peers & a finding of guilt. They much prefer to live on and on for decades at your expense even tho their slaughtered victims lie a-rotting in their tombs! I also note that you somehow failed to mention the complete & proven innocence of each of their slaughtered victims! Why were those innocent victims executed without so much as a bat of the eyelash, a trial by jury, a date of death or a final visit by a Judeo-Christian counselor! Why no mention? The death penalty remains the most effective instrument in a court's arsenal for guaranteeing that copnvicted killer will never murder anyone ever again which, of course, is the prime reason for the implementation of the death penalty, ie, to exact a life for a life. Those who do not respect innocent human life must be prepared to sacrifice their own in the light of, for instance, Genesis 9:6 which, of course, has never been rescinded or altered by the Creator-God. And again, when will abolitionists commence candle-light hymn-sings & prayers outside the residences (or at the grave-sites) of murdered individuals including innocent boys & girls? Any time soon? Moss-back abolition, in our estimation, has long run its course.
  19. If I were able to vote in the American election, I'd unquestionably vote for any one of the GOP candidates light-years ahead of the worst President America has ever experienced, the first 17-Trillion-Dollar one! (With a capital T yet!) I would vote for Obama as U.N. General Secretary (he can't be worse than they have now!), or as U.A.E. Ambassador to America. God Bless America!Obama: One-Term Prez! Make Certain!
  20. The Restrainer is what (or Who) is preventing the rise of Antichrist. In 2 Thess.2: the Restrainer would, I believe, have to an essential part of the Eternal Godhead as only One of the Holy Trinity would be strong enuf & all-powerful enuf to restrain the Devil. In Holy Writ, one of the essential tasks of the Blessed Holy Spirit is to do just that, ie, thwart evil & restrain sin. One should never attempt to overcome Satan lest by & thru the indwelling power of the Third Person of the Hly Trinity. And remember this: The Comforter has indeed come!
  21. Franklin Graham is right on re Romney. And he should have underscored the fact that the Roman church is an offshoot of the Roman Empire bringing with it many erroneous tenets including a "papacy" whereby some sinful man is extolled as "supreme head" of the organization; the City of "Seven Hills", Rome itself, as "center of the universe"; and a continual "sacrifice" (sacrifice of the mass) in opposition to Christ's "once-for-all-time" sacrifice on Mount Calvary. If there are people in the church of Rome professing to be born-again Christians, someone should lovingly remind them that the Lord Jesus (through Apostle John in Revelation) calls His Own people to "Come out of them", my people, so that you'll "not suffer their fate". Mormonism is the 19th.-century invention of one, polygamist & peep-stoner Joseph Smith, Jr. of Sharon, Vermont. Neither Mormonism nor Romanism deserve even a walk-on part with respect to Bible-believing Evangelical Christianity. Franklin Graham surely deserves our plaudits for his concise & unapologetic denunciation of 19th-century Mormonism. Neither Jesus nor any of His disciples had any relationshipwhatever with either Mormonism or Romanism. In fact they were both completely unheard of in the time of the New Testament Early Church. Man left to himself can easily come up with a thousand devious ways & methods to lead humankind astray & away from the liberty & joy in Christ Jesus our matchless Lord & Savior.
  22. Please let me know as soon as abolitionists publicly underscore a call for a concentrated law against individuals with murderous intent killing innocent citizens walking along the street, minding their own business. This call by abolitionists should insist on the death penalty after a trial by peers and after one rejected appeal. And when will the abolitionists parade outside prison walls AND outside State Houses with their candles. placards & hymn-singing on behalf of the innocent citizens, including boys & girls, who were ruthlessly murdered? Any time soon? Any time at all? Probably not, yes? Abolition needs overhauling, root and branch.
  23. Talking about a "casual" Christian is akin to discussing, for one example, a hockey player very wobbly on skates, or a baseball player who hits only .166 and likes it! The "casual" Christian thinks he/she is a Christian, would like others to kindly believe such, but clear-cut evidences are nowhere to be found. Yes, he/she may "hit" church the odd Sunday A.M. (without their Bible), especially at Easter or Christmas, but if the truth was really known they'd be seen functioning 75% in the world and only $25% in the church. One foot in the world; the other church-wise now & again. They know about tithing but their offering might amount to what, oh, a quik five bucks, if that. They woud never see the inside of a prayer meeting. They'd never attend a Sunday night service, that is, unless major entertainment was featured and unless fgood was provided. Bible Study wouldn't make much, if any impression on them. Yes, yes, they'd come to a church wedding, maybe the funeral service of a neighbor or certainly a loved one. The real problem with a "casual" Christian is that the essential New birth of John Chapter Three would be foreign to them, or if they thought they had been born again years before, they have now "progressed" into a form of semi-religiousity whereby they like the idea of setting their own life standards - some would describe it as "non-standards" - for religion affiliations as the spirit of self-righteousness might dictate to them. "Casual" Christianity is deadly "Christianity" - not Christianity at all. simply a human stroll in lock-step with the enemies of the Cross of Christ. One could wonder if they had really been born from above via the Holy Spirit of God. Why? Because Christian evidences would be absent. They have that "zea"l somewhere in their background but minus all Holy Ghost power & biblical knowledge. Bottom Line: Can one be a "casual" Christian & all that that implies, yet be saved? I hear you but where are the evidences? "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me!"
  24. Obama for President? Yes, certainly, for President of Planned Parenthood of America.
  25. Smoking: The biggest swindle since the Donation of Constantine. Why not live?
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