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Hidden In Him

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Posts posted by Hidden In Him

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hidden In Him said:

    Tolkien as Saruman in LOTR, who turned to the dark side, and created an army to fight for the dark Lord. The novel was written during the period leading up to WWII, when the NAZI war machine was being built


    Galdolf warns Elrond in the movie, "Saruman is creating an army that can move in darkness, and at great speed." The key to the NAZI blitzkrieg early on was their speed of mobilization, and the ability to cover great distances quickly before the enemy could react.

  2. 23 minutes ago, other one said:

    This really isn't new Hidden...   It was alive and well when I accidentally got myself involved with the dark ones back in the 1970's, and from those studied carried it back to the 1800's that i was studying...    Helena Blavatsky channeled several books and Alice Bailey continued after her death to teach those things to people...   it is said that Hitler kept copies of her books with him and it is thought that the society that she set up had a serious influence in the Nazi party becoming involved with the occult.  


    Yes, sir. I believe Aliester Crowley also had a strong influence behind both as well, and may have been the one actually pulling the strings behind the scene, which is what made him so popular in the 70s; the ability to wield magic powerful enough to create an army and unleash it in Europe to bring death to millions of his worst enemies; the Jews. I believe he was the wizard depicted by Tolkien as Saruman in LOTR, who turned to the dark side, and created an army to fight for the dark Lord. The novel was written during the period leading up to WWII, when the NAZI war machine was being built, and there is a legend that during the time Crowley was converting from Luciferianism over to Satanism, there was a magic battle that ensued between him and Samuel Mathers (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermetic_Order_of_the_Golden_Dawn for picture). Mathers was depicted as Gandalf in the novels. As the legend has it, Crowley sent a powerful demon called Beelzebub to attack him. This is depicted in Gandalf's fight with the Balrog, since Beelezub is said to be the most powerful potentate in Hell and surrounded by fire.

    Long story, but very interesting.

    23 minutes ago, other one said:

    Her writings were used in the 1960's through the 70's to instill the arts into the people behind the New Age Religion which basically moved into the UN and is driving the push for a one world government....   if you want to spend a couple of thousand hours reading a couple of hundred books you can trace it all the way back through secret societies and Egyptian and Babylonian mysticism all the way back to the days of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel where the first global government was being set up....   which God did not want and interfered with it personally.    The Devil has been trying to get it back for several thousand years.


    I'd be interested to see anything you can send me on connections to Egyptian and Babylonian mysticism. Sounds interesting.

    God bless, and appreciated your post. 



  3. An example of how this practice is now being taught to children, and they are being encouraged to engage in it. This is likely the type of person represented in the dream as a nun; someone who in the last scene "glows" with an anointing of sorts, but that anointing will be from the enemy, and she will teach from her own experience in this particular "gift":



  4. 20 minutes ago, other one said:

    waiting....    waiting.....   waiting.....  ****puts on his mischievous smile and sets back waiting****


    LoL. Thanks for your patience. My initial post included a lot of quotes, which appears to be a dangerous thing to do on this particular forum. It was a total mess, LoL.:rolleyes:

  5. From a Catholic source, which rightly condemns the practice:

    As dangerous as this practice sounds, there are many well-known Catholics who have been using this technique to deliver messages to the faithful. A good example of this comes from the life of Vassula Ryden the author of True Life in God. When the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith condemned her work, Vassula responded by saying, "Why the Lord chose this special form of writing down the messages to which He even seizes my hand? I really do not know. The Lord just told me when I asked him why: 'Because I like it in this way.'"4

    Another example of a Catholic author who has been channeling messages from the spirit realm comes from the life of Maria Valtorta. After making suffering vows to an entity called "Divine Justice," Maria found herself crippled and unable to leave her bed. During this time she wrote more than 15,000 pages from spiritual entities that were later compiled into the five-volume series entitled The Poem of the Man-God. Even though the Holy Office examined The Poem of the Man-God and condemned it, recommending that it be placed on the Index of Forbidden Books, it continues to be promoted at false apparition sites throughout the world. https://www.unhealthydevotions.org/new-age/automatic-writing-channeling.html

    It shows it's not actually a new phenomenon within Catholicism, but something that's been building in momentum over time.

    An example on YouTube of a woman who gives a message from "St.Lucia" which came to her through automatic writing. The message provided at the end is pure universalism and completely in line with occult theology:



  6. Blessings all,

    I have been having numerous dreams sent to me lately and from different sources that all have to do with the Catholic Church, and the direction the Church is now taking spiritually. This one was sent a few days ago, and what it ended up communicating was an eye-opener for me, so I am posting it now. Apparently Automatic Writing, a way spirits use to communicate through people, is going to adopted as a practice within certain Catholic circled to hear from "Jesus" or "Mary" or "God" in the future, and this practice will be taught to children as a way to do so.

    The dream:

    "I was at a small Catholic church where I was a nun. It could have been a completely different person, because of her appearance and complexion, but it was as if I was looking through her eyes/living her life. But then I could see her as if I was watching me as this nun. Then I was watching me as this nun talking to a few kids 12 to 13 year olds at a lunch table eating. I was ministering to them. I didn't hear what they were talking about, but the teenage girl looked a bit worried/afraid, and I was trying to comfort her.

    It switched to where I (as myself) was getting into this black futuristic car with my brother in law's Jewish dad, David, and a Caucasian woman I was unfamiliar with. They asked me if I ever space traveled. Then David started to drive. The woman was in the front passenger seat and I was in the middle seat in the back of the car. I understood we were traveling into the future.... We pulled into a wooden house similar to my dream house in the other dream. It had a big wide wooden porch with nothing on it except for some leaves. David showed me three 12-13 year old kids in the yard, then went inside glass doors into the house with the white woman. I believe these kids were the same ones I was ministering to at the lunch table.

    We started playing in artificial snow like paper shavings. I knew it was artificial, because it wasn't cold, and like there were long twisted pieces in it as well as being chunk like. I can't really describe it except paper shavings, but don't exactly know what it was. Just artificial snow came to mind. Because then, we built a snow man that came alive like frosty. He was teaching us how to flatten the snow. He was in a kid's monster truck with tread wheels and he was driving over it. When he did, the artificial snow looked really dirty and flat with tread marks in it. There was also an empty patio with a lot of tables and umbrellas over each table. No one was there, but the snowmen and the kids were running through there smiling, with the artificial snow flying everywhere.

    Then I was back in past looking through the eyes of the nun again. The small Catholic church was now a huge church (like a megachurch), only there were very few people there.

    The nuns were on a big stage and I was a nun in a choir. The head nun welcomed everyone "back" into this new building. Then she introduced me as Sister Shara. I guess I was the choir director. Then, we were all in regular clothes and I was normal looking me again. I hesitated and didnt go up front to lead the choir. I just stood in the front row of the choir with everyone else. But then the piano started and a choral hymn started playing. I can't think of what the hymn was, but I started out strong, because I knew the song. The choir didn't start at first, but after they started hearing me sing, they started singing also.

    The head nun said it was really good afterwards, and told a hispanic man in the congregation he couldn't sing or had the glow we did. I believe he was the old choir director. The hispanic man was just smiling/laughing about it, and I woke up."


    I sensed that this was about a future time when some megachurches will eventually be shut down for political reasons (i.e. for speaking out against homosexuality), and these large churches will be bought out by the Catholic Church. But they will be bought largely as property investments, not because these Catholic Churches will be drawing a lot of people. Only few will actually be attending, as the dream suggests.

    I also sensed this is why the girl seemed worried/afraid in the dream. Possibly loneliness, and not having many friends to play with, since this would be a "new" building for them.

    What I couldn't figure out was Frosty and this artificial "snow." But suddenly it began dawning on me that Frosty was created by magic, and that's when the interpretation started coming. Suddenly the thought of automatic writing came to mind, as the means by which these "friends" were brought to life, but without enough confirmation yet I asked her, "Did you see the kids writing at any point during the dream? Like maybe when they were playing? Her answer was, "One of the kids was bending down in the snow and playing in it with her finger. She probably was knelt down 5-10 seconds."

    My response:

    "Writing in the "snow." See, I think the snow represents paper. I think they were initially told to draw an imaginary friend on paper, and then the demon had a blueprint to manifest itself with as their "friend." This explains the tire tracks... That the demon went to the garage, got a truck, and taught them how to "flatten" the snow represents teaching them automatic writing, which is a demonic form of communication thru human medium. I've heard of some Christians using it, but I doubt it is ever of God. But "flattening" here represents the continual wild lines that those under demonic oppression/possession will start writing [i.e. violent jerking motions back and forth]. That is why the snow starts to look dirty, like tire tracks.

    WOW. Just went to look on Youtube if I might be able to find something to send you on automatic writing and Youtube is FULL of it. Had no idea it was so widely practiced already."


    What I next found on YouTube is what startled me. It is widely taught as a way to communicate with ones "spirit guides" or "guardian angels." Dozens upon dozens of videos. But I found one article from a Christian website which included a testimony of a Christian woman who dabbled in automatic writing and became severely oppressed by a demonic spirit as a result. To quote her testimony:

    I got involved in “automatic writing” and thought I was communicating with a benevolent spirit. It led me to a website of anagrams that were mocking God and Jesus. This is when the horrible realization of what I was communicating with struck me like a lightning bolt. But, by that time, I had already allowed it to frequently control my arm and move my head.
    I was incredibly, incredibly foolish! Once I realized what I was communicating with and began to pray in earnest for forgiveness and deliverance, it had wedged quite a hold on me, thrashing me around at home during prayer and even growling while I was at work... I will try as best I can to describe what happened while I was being attacked. Only when I began praying and reading Scripture out loud, did I experience the serious thrashing about. One verse that was particularly hated was the one that talks about in latter times people will fall prey to deceiving spirits and the doctrines of demons (don’t remember the exact verse now). Reading that caused it to jolt my body rapidly side to side, also rapidly up and down. It stretched my neck straight out as far as it would go, tilted my head back as far as it would go, stretched the skin on my face into a contorted hissing like expression and coughed, hissed (even with the tongue moving and breath escaping like an imitation of a snake). The most painful thing that it did was whip my head side-to-side in a movement so rapid that I could never deliberately duplicate it. I would pray and read Scripture in the evening, going through this all the while, then, I would start again in the morning. After several days of this, I had become more angry than afraid. And when it started affecting my arm movement at work, I decided that I needed to swallow my pride and contact a long-lost devout bible-believing friend whom I hadn’t talked to in sometime... As that work day progressed and I got angrier and angrier at the demon, I became very bold in rebuking it and it responded by growling louder. The growl came from my own throat, but was something that I wasn’t controlling. When I was getting in my car to begin my commute home, I told it that it was bound and banished to hell, that I wasn’t afraid of it and challenged it by saying that my Father in heaven would never allow it to hurt me. That infuriated it and it growled very, very loudly in response...
     https://www.bible-knowledge.com/dangers-of-automatic-writing/. (note: This woman eventually gets delivered).

    I then began looking into the potential use of this practice among Catholics (since the dream was of her being a nun), and low and behold: It appears it has been taking increasing hold among them in recent decades. (Note: At this point I am learning as much as anyone else. I'm not Catholic, so I had no idea this was going on). There is a woman who goes by the name of Maria Divine Mercy, who has been posting "divine messages" she has been receiving from Jesus, Mary, and the Holy Spirit since 2010. To their credit, she has been roundly condemned by Catholic leadership, but this has not stopped her from continuing to gain a following among Catholics who regard her messages and gift as being genuine.

    See the 2nd entry under the title, "No prophet has been given messages by My Beloved Mother and the Holy Trinity in such abundance." https://farrinto.blogspot.com/2020/01/

    And this, where she acknowledges that a schism is being created in the church over her teachings, insinuating that those who wish to hear the True message of Jesus and Mary must leave the established church and follow her teachings https://farrinto.blogspot.com/2020/01/

    What this means in light of the dream is, children who end up in the clutches of the RCC during the end-times are going to be taught the use of automatic writing as a means of "communicating with God," but it will in reality be something that causes them to become subject to demonic spirits. It's a scenario that I believe is going to come to pass in the future, given both the dream and the evidence, because apparently Maria Divine Mercy is only the latest Catholic advocate of practicing these techniques, as I will show in the next post.

    What we should do with this information: I believe the Lord is revealing these things not just as a further warning to keep our kids safe, but also to warn others who might be caught up in Catholicism and not know the direction things are now taking. The spirits operating through Maria Divine Mercy have been warning publicly since the start that a dark Pope, a false prophet, is coming, and this in fact seems true in light of what I recently posted elsewhere (See Satanism In The Vatican, posted in Prophecy). But those who reject the leadership of the Vatican to follow her teachings instead may find to their dismay that they have jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

    God bless,

    Hidden In Him



    8 hours ago, ForHisGlory37 said:

    This part always puzzled me... but I believe the Asian girl is a demon.  As I was talking about this to a friend here, I believe the Holy Spirit gave me the interpretation.  The demon is drying a pot lid with a hairdryer represents that she was not just there that one time.  She is comfortable, like I am her permanent and longtime assignment.  She is planning on staying there for awhile.... now for me to pray for the wisdom from the Holy Spirit, how to get her completely out and shut the door on her. 


    Actually, the pot lid and hairdryer relates to the door being "watery." This alludes back to the fruit trees at your neighbors "house" having molding fruit on them. The neighbor's house likewise represents another church, but one where the fruit of the Holy Spirit has been corrupted and is dying. Moisture is what causes fruit to mold.

    "Molds that grow on fruit and other foods are tiny fungi that function as invasive species. Mold lands on the fruit and develops roots that bore down into fruit cells, which grow into spores that eventually become visible to the human eye. Moisture plays a role in attracting mold." https://www.reference.com/world-view/causes-mold-fruit-c67929fc4fc4c033

    Now, there is another possibility other than that the girl is a demon. It could represent a witch; someone who if allowed into the church could bring with her curses that contaminate the spiritual fruit of the church, just as she had with the one next door. This appears to be the importance of locking the doors; to lock her and other evil people out... If it is not a human, it would be something of a mixed analogy, because you and your friend are clearly humans in the dream, so she likely is as well. And witches attract demonic spirits. Thus, like moisture attracts fungi, so too is this likely a witch attracting demons into church environments, who thereafter turn the fruit of the Spirit in that church rotten.

    In your father's church, they are locking bad people out. In the Stanley church, they are locking good people in. Big difference here. There have been prophecies that have been going forth about the destruction of churches intensifying beginning next year, especially in South and Central America, but also elsewhere. And I received another dream just recently that evil leadership in some of the larger churches (i.e. closet Satanists) are actually going to be the ones participating in this destruction of competing churches. The dream implicated a Pastor of taking her backpack (where bombs are sometimes stored), and then soon thereafter an explosion takes place, and in the next scene she sees investigators looking at a computer screen and the image of this same pastor shows up, and the investigator says, "That's the guy." This Pastor is personified in the dream as George Harvey, a rapist and serial killer from the movie Lovely Bones, and in the rest of the dream it is suggested that he was after stealing congregations from other churches. Once she is in his church, however, she sees everyone being led to "drink the Koolaid," to be put to sleep (spiritually), in a Jim Jones type environment.

    That Stanley should be represented here doesn't speak well of him, though it is possible he is just a representation of a popular mainstream, Baptist-type preacher when these dreams start to come to pass. But in the above dream, two other men walk in to his church, and the first pastor leaves with them. She sensed they were going on a business meeting, but in reality it suggests they were in on it together in carrying out the bombing of a true church. She said they all were wearing the exact same brown suit, like the one George Harvey wore in the movie. 

    Your dream suggests the same thing. Prominent leaders in both Protestant and Catholic churches will work together secretly to bring destruction to good churches. The scary thing with the Stanley character is that he locks everyone in and then leaves with the Pope, suggesting he is setting up the death of his own congregation. In the prophecy, Selveraj said, "... destruction is coming to many churches... This cannot be stopped...,"pauses for a moment, as listening for the Spirit, and then says, "but pray that your lives be spared." In other words, the call of God is going to be to pray for the Lord's guidance so as not to get killed when these bombings and other forms of terrorism take place. In the dream, you manage to be led of the Lord to escape after worshipping Him. Thus through His "Amazing Grace" He delivers you out. But there will still be other enemies lurking afterward, and the danger will be in letting people in who mean to bring harm to the church. This will be the lesson learned from the times; that we can no longer just trust everyone to be a "Christian" just because they say they are. Some people will be enemies in disguise, and secretly serving the Devil. That's what I think the Asian girl represents in one form or another.

    There are other prophecies that have been spoken about the end-time church becoming far more careful about who they let in. I'll see if I can't find it and post it.






  8. 23 hours ago, Hidden In Him said:

    Also wanted to post this before I forgot about it. Was thinking about it last night.

    Those within Satanism know full well who is now in charge of the Vatican as well. Bowie is a long time disciple of Aliester Crowley, the most influential Satanist of the 20th century, as the following video shows. And Bowie is clearly informing the public of who now runs the Vatican in his 2013 video, "The Next Day." (See 3:04 thru 5:10).

    Edited by Omegaman 3.0 - Video removed, Videos are only permitted in the video section of the forums.


    His words, "They scream my name aloud down into the well below" is likely a reference to the priests screaming Satan's name in the underground chambers of the Vatican.

    Note: Please forgive me if I appear to be in overkill mode with this sort of information, but I'm the type of person who searches for multiple confirmations of the things I accept as true, in scripture and in everything else.  


    Video has been reposted here:


  9. 23 hours ago, Hidden In Him said:

    Edited by Omegaman 3.0 - Video removed, Videos are only permitted in the video section of the forums.


    Not a problem. I will post it there. Thanks for the heads up.

  10. Also wanted to post this before I forgot about it. Was thinking about it last night.

    Those within Satanism know full well who is now in charge of the Vatican as well. Bowie is a long time disciple of Aliester Crowley, the most influential Satanist of the 20th century, as the following video shows. And Bowie is clearly informing the public of who now runs the Vatican in his 2013 video, "The Next Day." (See 3:04 thru 5:10).

    Edited by Omegaman 3.0 - Video removed, Videos are only permitted in the video section of the forums.


    His words, "They scream my name aloud down into the well below" is likely a reference to the priests screaming Satan's name in the underground chambers of the Vatican.

    Note: Please forgive me if I appear to be in overkill mode with this sort of information, but I'm the type of person who searches for multiple confirmations of the things I accept as true, in scripture and in everything else.  

  11. Greetings, all.

    Just checking in for a second to post something. I just realized something that explains another part of the dream. When reading it, I found it unbelievable that the tour guide and the visitors would witness something so terrifying and horrifying as to make them want to run from the church in the direction from which they came (i.e. after seeing a corpse in a trunk), and yet in the very next scene they are right back to following the tour guide deeper down into building (see Post #2). It is as if nothing ever happened.

    In interpreting it I kept asking myself, "Why are they back in the tour, and now going even deeper?" My friend didn't know either, telling me, "Maybe they couldn't get out? Like it was too late?"

    I found the answer this morning watching some more videos: Many have been so deeply indoctrinated that they will just shrug things off and keep going, believing that the Catholic Church is still the One True Church.

    This is confirmed by the following. This is the same man who was exposing the Vatican of engaging in Satanic rituals in the video posted in the OP. This is 18 months later, yet he is still defining the Catholic Church as "the true Bride of Christ" as opposed to Protestantism. Due to the changes that have taken place and the presence of Satanists now deeply embedded at the highest levels of the Vatican, the truth is the Catholic Church is becoming the Whore as described in Revelation 17 and 18. But this well-meaning man can't see it. He is still walking headlong in the wrong direction as he was before.

    This inability to open one's eyes is what will ultimately lead many to their damnation, as the dream suggests. 

    Edited by Omegaman 3.0 - Video removed, Videos are only permitted in the video section of the forums.

  12. 16 minutes ago, ForHisGlory37 said:

    There are lots of videos of his testimony on Youtube... I came across his story in one of the Chick's comic magazines.  I will also have to share a dream I had last year... I wrote it down in my journal.. will share when I find it. I was in a church and Charles Stanley was there, in the big foyer of the church, with lots of windows.  I happen to look outside and there was the current pope waiting by a black limo and men in black suits and then I see Charles Stanley going into the the limo with a briefcase.  Then all the doors were locking all the people in the church.  There was chaos.  There is more but this is the part that I remembered.  Will have to write the rest later.


    Just reading this, and please do. I have been receiving multiple dreams about this sort of thing coming, and it appears (though I'm not certain) that it will begin in Australia. I have an Assembly of God friend who lives over there and they suggest this. Dreams from others are very sad. When the time comes, Christians who still stand up publicly to continue calling homosexuality a sin are going to have their kids forcibly removed from them and handed over to the Catholic Church. The sadness such parents are going to feel is clearly expressed in the dreams, but such will be the price for those who are not aware of what is coming. Those who train their children as servants of God will likely be protected from it, however. They will follow the Lord's leading, and find ways to protect their kids from capture.

    Please post your dream. I would very much like to read it. It appears to be something the Spirit is now saying to the churches, and with confirmation from numerous sources. 




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  13. 9 minutes ago, ForHisGlory37 said:

    There is also the ex- Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera who exposed a lot of the wickedness in the Catholic church.


    Yes. I forgot his testimony, but I recall reading it I think...

    Found this, but I'm sure there's something more detailed.


    • Thumbs Up 2
  14. 8 minutes ago, Abby-Joy said:
    Look deeper into it..... the catholic religion is a Jesuit creation (as well as several other religions that post as "christian" and some that are not).  So go a bit deeper.... the catholic church is a front... but those within the vatican are Jesuit. And they are luciferian.  


    I appreciate that. Not fully studied on all things Catholic, but I am aware of the Jesuit Oath, and they are very clearly now going to begin using it once more, at some point anyway, to kill the saints and prophets of God during the end-times, as referenced in Revelation. When one understands that Satanists will be running the Church, it becomes easy to understand how they will persecute the faithful to their deaths once more.


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  15. 2 minutes ago, Jostler said:

    The Vatican may have been immersed in this stuff longer than most, but it's now infiltrated just about every evangelical/protestant denomination as well to varying degrees.  I suspect the  events unfolding now are going to result in some very, very deep exposures.  I believe that is something very "present" in the Lord's heart in this season.

    It's not going to be satanic attacks that bring disgrace to the so called "church".  It's a righteous King cleaning up His own house....hide and watch.


    I was wondering how, but that entire Satanic ceremony that took place at the Vatican in 63 didn't go without being exposed by the Lord and brought to light by Malachi Martin. And the rest of the stuff they do in the dark isn't going to go without being exposed and brought to light either. They think their deeds are being concealed from the eyes of man. There's even a saying by one of the Satanic priests I read in Windswept House I think... something along the lines of, "Our success tomorrow depends upon our secrecy today." But nothing they do in darkness will not be brought to light if the Lord so chooses to reveal it.

    Personally, it is the Catholics who I especially want to read this material. I know some will reject it as lies, but the ones who still have ears to hear need to hear it, open their eyes, and finally get out. I know they've been teaching heresy for centuries, but this is unquestionably a time to flee now. The situation is absolutely intolerable for any true Christian to stay in it. It can't be saved at this point.


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  16. 4 minutes ago, Abby-Joy said:
    Well, some I can't say... but I have a close friend who knows her.  We honestly aren't sure if she is still alive.  Some things that have recently come out online claiming to be her writings, aren't hers.... the more recent stuff... 


    Yeah. I was wondering...

    Still keeping in touch with your friend?

  17. 7 minutes ago, Abby-Joy said:

    But I have a cousin my age who we always knew had multiple personalities.  (Usually, a highly programmed person will not show obvious signs of MPD/DID .... it is very well hidden and switching is seamless.)  She was raised in the UPC church and very badly abused (as we all were).  


    Yes. I could go back and find it, but a lot of people have left that denomination with horror stories to tell, so much that there's an entire community built around it.

    So tell me about your relationship with Svali. We might as well do so in public. I have another forum I think I want to send this link to, to show them this stuff isn't made up.



  18. 2 minutes ago, Abby-Joy said:
    I am not 100% sure.... I just know from the looks of inside, it was a little country church that could hold at most about 100 people .... it may have been UPC, as there was a lot of that in my extended family. I was not raised in church but I had family members who were Baptist, Assembly of God, and Unite Pentecostal.  I only remember/recognize 3 people in that memory... an aunt on my father's side (who also was a witch), my older sister (age 9 at that time) and a famous actress.  


    I wouldn't be surprised if it were a UPC church. They operate in gifts and yet teach heresies, and there has been a fairly large community of people who have come out and spoken against the atrocities being committed by the leadership. My guess is that Satanists like that type of atmosphere because it allows them to operate in demonic gifts without it getting challenged. 

  19. 27 minutes ago, other one said:

    According to Malachi Martin (jesuit priest given a special dispensation from John Paul II to be able to write books about the church) in 1963 there was a dual blood sacrifice ritual carried out by several Cardinals, in Charleston and a chapel at the Vatican to install Satan as the head of the Roman Catholic Church.  "Windswept House is the name of the book....    spooky read.



    Yes. And thanks for the input. I was reading it just last night, and it depressed me.

    He never denied that it was an actual account until his death either. But I'm guessing he had to write is as "fiction" to avoid prosecution.

    That ceremony was the beginning. They no longer have to simultaneously conduct Black Mass in South Carolina to effect a curse. They are now doing far worse in the underground chambers at the Vatican itself, which is what the dream keyed me off to. They are taking over completely now.

    God bless, and good to hear from you again as well.  



  20. 1 minute ago, Abby-Joy said:
    @Hidden In Him, I was used on the altars in high level rituals as a child from age 3, as a gateway for entities to pass into our dimension.  I was taken to key locations around the world for that purpose. BUT ... there were also satanic rituals that were conducted inside "Christian" (non-catholic) churches... including orgies and child/infant sacrifice.... one in particular they used me in was a mockery of the Day of Atonement. :( I was age 7. 


    If it isn't against the rules of this forum, care to name the denomination/church?

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