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Graduated to Heaven
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Everything posted by Laura

  1. As far as sharing the Gospel with them, Proof, you could say something but 10 to 1, they would just keep on walking.
  2. I would not be offended; I would just give the Bibles out to others. For myself, I am basically KJV but that is what I know. To me, other versions are confusing. I did graduate to a NKJV and NIV now and then, but that it is. The point is, for folks to read what they understand.
  3. I watched Answered Prayers this afternoon. The first half hour was the story of Nathan Woessner; Miracle on Mt. Baldy in Indiana 2 years ago. Even knowing the story, Nathan and his family, and the outcome, watching this I was in tears. A true answer to prayer which was very well told; quite a testimony. I know it will be touching hearts today of all that watch it
  4. A reminder. This will be on today, Sunday at 1:00 Central. Very inspirational.
  5. I want to mention a TV Program that is on tomorrow (Sunday). There is a fairly new program produced by Roma Downey called "Answered Prayers" which will run for 6 weeks. The program tomorrow is titled "Miracle on Mt. Baldy" which is the story of Nathan Woessner, a young boy who almost died buried in a sand dune in Indiana 2 years ago. The family is from Rock Falls, Illinois (where I live) and we are personal friends. We all go to the same church. So much has happened with the family in the past 2 years as far as their testimony for the LORD. Many police and firemen still contact the family for prayer requests, etc. They were on TV now and then but pretty much have stayed away the past year as far as publicity, but when they were contacted by this program, agreed to it. Part are the real people, and much of the occurrences are actors. I have seen a short preview as many of us have and are very excited for this program. It is on TLC (Total Learning Channel) Sunday at 2:00 Standard and 1:00 Central time. Be blessed.
  6. I was going to mention some authors that write fiction or historical fiction (which is what I mostly read) but information has already been given you. The link Bopeep gave is excellent for fiction authors.
  7. Always good chatting with you, Drew. You are pretty kewl
  8. Awesome testimony, Danl. I know you and your wife were very much blessed, and the occurrences and happenings from the trip will stay with you for a long time. God truly blessed you and the people you were able to help.
  9. Other one. That is what I was trying to say. Facebook is what you make of it. I do NOT have crummy stuff, which is what I was talking about. MsWright was the one talking of all the nasty posts and vulgarity, etc. Anyway, back to facebook. It is what we do with it. Our friends and posts are CONTROLLED by us.
  10. Sorry MsWright, I COMPLETELY DISAGREE WITH YOUR PRIOR COMMENTS. The first thought is Worthy is social media. This is truly something that JESUS DOES USE, contrary to your comments in the title of this post. Where your thinking is, I have no idea. Secondly, Social Media such as Facebook is what WE EACH MAKE OF OUR OWN FACEBOOK PAGE. If we have stupid posts, we will get stupid posts. If we have vulgar posts, we will get vulgar posts. It is what WE make of it, I repeat. Facebook is as much of a ministry if we choose to make it that way. I have had facebook over 4 years and it truly is a ministry. I have over 200 friends all of which but probably 5% I do not know personally. All others I KNOW or have known personally, many for many years. It is a blessing when positive posts are made, SCRIPTURE, Encouraging posts, and the like. I am blessed by the ability to use this venue for sharing the Gospel. I know even unsaved friends read what I post and my other friend post, by clicking "like" and/or comments they made. So your comment "Jesus does not use Social Media' is really an oxymoron (if that is the correct word). I would think of your comments on this SOCIAL MEDIA.
  11. Well Candice, that seems to be what some are saying I have not posted on this, as my ideas are different than most of you. I had a discussion about this yesterday with a person that had been on Food Stamps several years ago. They said the same thing, just for familiy, etc. My thoughts are: Who really knows where the money or ingredients came from for the lady that made the cookies? Folks are assuming the cookies she made were from items bought with the Food Stamps. That might not be the truth at all. She may have had gifts so to speak from others, and is sharing what she had. Actually, I would have no problem feeding someone that was in need even if I were on Food Stamps, if there was truly a need. I guess I have known and still know, many people that can not even get into the program when there is a REAL need, due to so many that abuse the system. Just my thoughts and no, I did not vote
  12. This is excellent! I heard this video several times last year (folks that posted it on facebook). Then I started seeing commercials for a new movie that was made, last year by the same name. This movie was shown on TV several times, but on a channel I do not have. I found this movie at Family Book Store (dvd) and it is excellent, Christmas with a Capital C. It stars Ted McGinley, Nancy Stafford, Daniel Baldwin and Brad Stein (the man behind this video). I have watched the movie twice in the past 2 weeks again lol. The video is played at the end of the movie. The movie takes place in a small town in Alaska and someone has an objection to Christmas ........... The end!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=KcuDdPo0WZk This is not a song, but beautiful scenery with music.
  14. Read agani. It was confirmed this morning that he did pass away today. I heard and read about it even before leaving for church this morning.
  15. Just read that folks in NE Ohio felt it also. At the ballpark, Progressive Field, where a baseball game is going on, folks felt it in the seats. Not sure where else around town. The effects seem to have spread in many states.
  16. Amen and Amen, Jane. This is excellent and a gentle reminder to all. One thing that many times is forgotten also, is when folks are on vacation, sometimes they take "vacation" from attending church. Visiting churches when traveling is very rewarding, also. The point is, to assemble together for worship.
  17. I was skeptical of facebook at first last year. I find it an excellent witnessing tool. I have found old friends (and I mean old) from years back, old classmates, which is important as we have a huge class reunion coming this year, and relatives. The point is, I try to post something encouraging and Scripture at times. And folks read this, and like it, that normally don't even want to hear anything about God. I get comments, emails probably daily about something I have posted, and sometimes is just stupid things. It is good for songs, which also has surprised me, that folks actually listen to some music I may post. As far as farmville, cityville, petville and all that junk, that is all it is, and I have nothing to do with that at all, nor do I repost most things. Unless something is really important, I don't repost and many times, take off the >if you don't post this, you will die a terrible death. That is nonsense and like someone mentioned, like the old chain letters, I never had anything to do with either. Basic line, use it to serve Jesus in whatever capacity you can. If not, delete Facebook so far, is still controlled by us, one on one. Oh yea, I like all the scary photos too, some of which are mine lol.
  18. I agree with what Candice has said. It is "a time with God" so to speak. I have seen this for many years, and have indeed had it happen to myself a few times. But, when they start pushing, that is not of God. As far as "catchers", that is more for safely, although one can fall and not get hurt, if it is truly the work of the Holy Spirit.
  19. I get this deep down feeling that I should resent that just a bit.... did you see those flowers I gave her..... not cheap.. that was a Vermont teddy bear...... not cheap. But the really good times are the Anniversaries. You have to save up for those... OH Other One, Was the guys in General! and the Bear I love, I collect them
  20. You know, ladies & guys - Valentine's Day could be yet another opportunity to show the love of God to others and to give them some encouragement .... Go visit someone who is shut-in and not able to get about well - take them a heart or a little valentine with an encouraging verse or just tell them you love them and care about them. Sometimes, people we are with each day don't know that God loves them - what a better way - than to make one of those hearts we all made in school from construction paper and tell them that He does. For years.... someone in our building has made small construction paper hearts and the words "Jesus Loves You" is on the front and taped to the bottom is a Hershey kiss.... Excellent, Believer!!!!!! I was going to say some other things later today regarding this subject. There are so many Valentine Cards out there for Friends, Sisters, Mothers, other folks. Your suggestions are excellent. Valentine dinners are good also, groups of maybe single friends, at church, etc. I have mentioned in chat a couple times already that Valentine's day is for everyone, but not everyone agrees lol. And hey, I could buy my own candy and flowers, but better to give them to a widow or someone in a nursing home, etc. Yeah, I need to get back to a nursing home locally I visit too, shame on me! Let's see, Valentine's Day is Monday, Feb., 14. I must do that!
  21. Okay, after reading all this, makes me thankful I am single. You guys are pathetic! Maybe it is just cheap?
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