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R. Hartono

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Everything posted by R. Hartono

  1. Its the sad end of the promise land full of wars and sins.
  2. NT Giving should be with cheer. https://www.worthychristianforums.com/topic/296140-there-was-death-penalty-for-trespassers-of-tithe-rights/
  3. History shows everlasting wars in Canaan between the Jews and Gentiles ever since their Exodus from Egypt, for the possession of the promise land of milk and honey but they need to kill first, did the Bible prophesy it to last ? https://www.gotquestions.org/Canaanites-extermination.html
  4. How can the leader of church become antichrist ?
  5. That prophesied Jesus will come and take over the world government.
  6. America needs massages, not messages.
  7. The fruit may have disease healing property and ever young benefit.
  8. Imho that shows the old Jerusalem city being internationalized and might be ruled by the Arabs and Palestinians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_303 @Stormy Monday
  9. Imho at the fullness of gentiles God returns the mandate of Gospel news Salvation to the Hebrew and Moses with Elijah have visited Jesus ministry on earth for their end Times testimony. Thats why the 144k Hebrew will be sealed for protection as these Hebrew replace the church in the great tribulation. @FJK
  10. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2024/01/28/farmer-revolution-blockade-of-paris-announced-as-farmers-reject-governments-concessions/
  11. And what goodness of Judaism does modern Israel give if its supposed to become the lighthouse for the world ?
  12. Arent they supposed to come in the end Times Israel like the old time desert ?
  13. Help her if it doesnt burden your wallet too much and use this chance to tell her Gospel Salvation and rebuke her LGBT life and tell her to return to her mother or you wont help her anymore.
  14. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke 17%3A26-30&version=NKJV Can God spare mankind ?
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