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Figure of eighty

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Everything posted by Figure of eighty

  1. I think thats not a wise thing to do. Although i do feel christians should exercise more patience. I can say from experience when ivr had some questions or issues with god many would be so quick to turn and attack me. Thats not helpful at all.
  2. More and more i see it as a gift im starting to need. I keep running into people who seem nice at first but then show theyre true colors months later. I just have zero discernment when it comes to people in general and i wind up with crappy people around me. Recently i had someone. I really trusted turn on me... There were no sigbs or clues... It just happened. Sometimes i wonder if its avoidable... Or if its simply life. But im coming to the point i just want to isolate myself because i cant trust people and i dont see their BS coming. Is discernment something you can ask for? Or does it have to be a gift God blesses you with?
  3. Yes. I definitely feel it wasn't a mistake because earlier in weeks early into my pregnancy ( before I knew) I had a lot of bleeding from a UTI. Like blood and tissue( sorry for getting graphic) Yet my baby is still here growing at 8 weeks.. Usually when that happens they say you're in the stages of having or already having a miscarriage. So even though the guy was a mistake the baby isnt.
  4. Yeah I keep thinking in my mind ...like I try to fast forward into the future and look at this situation. I feel I might feel empty if I gave my child up for adoption.
  5. After going to the Drs yesterday. I found out I'm expecting. I'm still in disbelief. I'm 8wks now. It's not my intention to put my life out here on the net but I really have no one else to talk to. I'm still trying to process being pregnant. My mind flits back and forth with keeping it or giving it up for adoption. I just hope the baby comes out healthy. I really do feel God is probably disappointed in me. I am too but I pray he has mercy on my child because my mistakes aren't theirs.
  6. I honestly feel I am. In junction with my former pastor saying I had a Judas spirit in me... I've had pretty tormenting dreams... Such as renouncing God, or in dreams being told I'm not a Christian.. or even dreams of killing myself.... Idk I feel as if I am one bc God doesn't respond to me. If most pray to feel his comfort or peace He'd allow them that experience....but I get nothing... I feel I get nothing from God...or a better term.. I experience nothing with God bc he's rejected me. Idk I feel if a tornado swept through my city it'd hit me and only me. I truly feel God doesn't like me. The article explains below exactly how I feel : https://www.charismamag.com/spirit/prophecy/27103-can-you-be-rejected-by-god
  7. I said it'd NEVER get to that point. Don't make something out of nothing. Thats not funny either. But I find it very funny and odd you skipped over my other quotes and decided to take one and twist it and try to make a big deal out of nothing. If you have nothing to add simply don't reply.
  8. Lol it'll never get to the point of bodily harm. I'd love out of my car...they're my parents I love them and I'm not crazy.
  9. I hear what youre saying but I'm not giving my parents money when they have money of their own that they'll be saving up. I went from 4k to 1k helping them at one point. Its enabling to do so.
  10. I can't give my parents everything. I don/t think saying yes to all my parents ridicoulous wishes is honoring them. saying yes to a 28k loan, yes to credit cards, and yes to giving them money when they'll be staying with us rent free.... I'll have nothing for myself. nothing.. I think God gives a little common sense for a reason.
  11. Yeah.. I mean my parents aren't evil bad people... they just aren't the most responsible or considerate
  12. I'm definitely not giving any money esp since theyre staying with us rent free... idk I feel my brother has a better attitude than I do.. I think I should just be more accommodating and have a better attitude. Just gonna pray about it I guess.
  13. I have a 2nd job, already did the background yesterday I do my physical tommorow prayerfully and should start next week. And I'm also trying to get a certificate in phlebotomy. I have all my Ts crossed and Is dotted.. I'm not a lazy person and I've already thought ahead. I would have started the programa This Feb but it was too late and I have to wait till May...
  14. Where? I already paid rent g brought groceries ( prior to me knowing about them coming over to stay) .. There is t anywhere else I can stay as I don't have much money and the money I did have went to rent , food ,car insurance and bills. And 1 bedrooms near me cost ALOT.
  15. I don't make enough by myself. Which is why I'm with my bro I. The first place. Plus I did stand up for myself multiple times.. this is why I was happy to get away so that I could say no and I'll be far away enough so they'll leave me alone and respect my choice of saying no since I don't live with them anymore.
  16. My brother but he said they can stay. His name is on this lease so what he says goes
  17. They said theyd just be staying a month so ...idk can only hope I guess.
  18. I know I just don't want to hear her mouth or her hit me with the, but I did this that ect
  19. In addition to the loans and credit card, The decided to move in with me and my brother in our 1 bedroom apt. so it'll be 6 people in one place... to say I'm frustrated is an understatement. ? Idk I love my parents but all of this. the credit card, the loan, telling us they're going to stay with us so the can save.. idk it doesn't sit well with me.
  20. Because all the things I've done I know my mom wouldn't do. I'm taking out a 28k loan. I gave her the money my grandmother left for me when she passed ( it was supposed to be used for our education but she used it to try and keep a house that she couldn't keep in the long run) When I had a 600 ticket she wouldn't help pay for it.. shoot. There's a school I want to go to and the program costs 5k but she's not going to take out a loan for me... It just doesn't seem fair at all.
  21. It is the truth. I love my dad but he's not helpful at all not is it right for me to step in and take his place... And speaking of helping.. im taking out a 28k loan for my mom ? i don't know how things will turn out but she can never say I didn't help her..not that it matters because I'm only as good as my last deed SMH. i just worry about my credit being ruined.
  22. I read about that. It's crazy isn't it.
  23. Yeah youre right. this is a good prayer to pray.
  24. I've already been baptized. I'm not sure what being baptized again will do. And I don't understand what you mean in the first portion of your sentence.
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