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Figure of eighty

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Everything posted by Figure of eighty

  1. This is my bfs. We don't pray together, he doesn't go to church... It's hard I love him and yes men are controlled by hormones. Uhg
  2. I just hate some guys are like this. Also I've seen it the other way around...a guy will marry a woman just for sex and just leave.
  3. Yeah. I see a couple of my friends going through this I feel I should just save myself bc I don't want to be used. But I do love him.
  4. I would be committed to him for life. For Bette or worse no matter how he treats me. I love him. If I got into one relationship after another than I would be treating it like a pair of shoes. But he's my first bf
  5. I'm not priveldged at all. I struggle daily. I don't want to get into the details. But I'm not sitting on wads of money typing this all up on an iPhone. I have God. His way is kind of...eh.
  6. There's a lot of things I've come to learn. God won't give you everything you desire, your hearts desire. He can but not always...for some people not ever. Idk I just...there's alot of things about God I struggle with I won't list it here.. But... I'm definitely not a happy go lucky Christian. I feel as long as I have hope for nothing but salvation. I can make it to heaven. I think that's probably the only time I'll truly be happy. I'm just not happy as a Christian.
  7. I'm just gonna trust God with my salvation only. That's the only thing I can trust God with. Not happiness,desires or even protection. Just that one thing. If I do that then I'll never be disappointed or jaded nor will my salvation be on the line. I just wish I did it earlier.
  8. Yes I can agree and I do beleive he created us for that desire..but then why create hell for people you not only know will reject you but didn't ask to come this way? It just bothers me.
  9. I definitely have trust issues with God, I won't lie about that. I'm just not sure if God is good anymore. He's holy and sinless but good...I'm nit sure. Everything is done for His glory whether we like it or not .
  10. Everyone has their own opinions. God has asked alot of people to do things that wouldn't make them happy. So our happiness isn't a top priority. That's fine. Just wish I knew from the get go.
  11. I don't know about that. Lazarus died a poor begar. Some people can be Christians and their situation never changes or it gets worse. It's just easier for me to just trust God with salvation only... That's all I trust him with at this point.
  12. A few things aren't enjoyable to me. I just have to accept it that's all. I just wonder about alot of things....well just a few.
  13. There are things I don't like. I just wish I knew this as a younger Christian so I wouldn't get my hopes up. God doesn't care about our happiness nor is He obligated to fulfill our desires....His main objective is to save us first and foremost. But you're right...we follow him whether we like it or not or whether he gives us the desires of our heart or not. Just wish I knew this now so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
  14. Yeah. That's His sovereignty. I don't like a few things God does or permits but I do acknowledge He is God.
  15. Isn't bringing people into existent that may not want to be here a violation of there free will? God knows those who will have a hellish life or even take their life. So why? ( If he knows some will take there lives..why place them here despite knowing that? Why?) Especially when there are many children who may turn out to be still born. What if they desired life ? I still say it's a violation of free will because He knows those who dont want to go through with life. Idk to me to know some will people live hellish lives and decide they'll be born anyway without their say so( yes I know God is Good..but for to pertain to my post) it just seems cruel. I remember reading a story about , I think a Norwegian girl who struggles immensely with her life being abused ( physically/sexually) from the time she was a young child until she asked for assisted suicide at 20... As some may say, since she took that way out she's in hell. It just seems unfair to me. She didn't ask to be here and got dealt the worst hand. I just wonder why God would allow that without intervening. I also read another story of a girl who was repeatedly abused by her mother's boyfriend... And would pray to God over and over to do something. To end it. And it didn't end until she actually told what was hay herself. Because of that lack of intervention she's an atheist now. Idk, these are things I think about ...they just rub me the wrong way.
  16. Animals can do what we deem is bad. Some eat their young or mates lol. Also some attack and kill humans as well..when it comes to animals I feel they just aren't aware what they're doing is wrong. They don't have that level of consciousness or awareness.
  17. Yeah. Predestination would throw me for a loop. I see both free will and predestination in scripture and I chalk it up to us having free will within the realm of God's sovereignty. I see it like this...God's sovereignty is a red ring and our free will fills up that space. Just my thoughts.
  18. I think it's more about trust. Life can be a good thing for some people. You're right it should be handled with care
  19. I don't know. I'm not God. Since God does intervene on our free will from time to time ...my OP being one example as well as some examples in the Bible. It just seems like we have free will to an extent.
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