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Everything posted by createdequal

  1. presumably this will be appealed? I think these cases are filed w/ appeal to the Sup Ct in mind?
  2. you could have saved us some reading (time) by simply saying this part: an Obama appointee
  3. good for this judge I don't recall any other candidate releasing tax returns.
  4. I pray he retires. He has been in DC too long. I don't think any senator should be there more than, say, 6 yrs or so
  5. um... in case u haven't noticed the coming of Christ changed an awful lot of things in the world.. if that is not relevant to you, I don't know what to say
  6. so a Christian promoting the R party is "damaging their Christian testimony with those on the other side"?? The other side? Do you realize the other side is Satan himself? How can you be any more Satan-promoting than wanting to keep baby-killing legal, even up until the daybefore birth, and some are now saying after birth as well? Is that not Satanic to you? (and there other ways in which the left's policies are destructive to society---)
  7. I wonder if this is God's commentary on socialism (closet communism?) hmmmm
  8. but I thought Earth's temp was RISING? told ya that's all a bunch of---
  9. it's scary how political our system is. the primary job of government is to PROTECTS its people
  10. Unbelievable. The Dems use the language of the everyday (read: normal) people in order to get their votes. They know the American people care about morals, care about both women and children, and of course "health" Abortion is NOT a healthy thing and some women still die from legal abortion. Others are sterile for life, so they grieve: "I killed the only baby I will ever have" Sometimes I feel hatred toward Pelosi and people like her who LIE like this! All the Left do is LIE to people, hoping it will work, hoping simpletons will believe them, or maybe not so much simpletons alone but also people who for one reason or another want, or think they want to keep abortion legal, who convince themselves it is some necessary evil.. or whatever. Again, I don't see how ANYONE votes for these people (except that I do acknowledge there are unchristian people in our country... and people who do not think in more than a shallow way)
  11. just don't exercise right before bed time! that has the opposite effect (for me anyway)
  12. wow, this is amazing bc at first I thought this was just a made-up story, until u said he went to prison. I pray for people in other countries who are persecuted, probably need to do so every single day.
  13. well, we should wait on God for many things but (assuming I u/stand this post) forgiveness is not one of those things because we should immediately forgive others. Am I saying that is easy? I would be the last to say that, the very last. It took me a LONG time to forgive and I didn't even try to forgive until I had a "religious" experience and... got closer to Jesus and realized that I did have to do that. All that being said, we are human, so if you wait on God and TRY while you are waiting.. try to forgive.. well, I am sure He understands and will help, so I guess maybe that is what you meant?
  14. I used to think I was the only one in the family who was abused (psychologically) but then later my sister complained to me about the same thing, about being singled out, not treated as fairly, etc.. I still say (and so does my sister) that I got the worst of it. I think there was jealousy involved, but at the time, I didn't have a flying clue in hell why I was so hated. I was actually abandoned (ignored entirely) but whenever (this one parent) DID interact w/ me, it was.. OMG! it was hideous.. lots of hate, impatience.. can't say anything good about me, etc
  15. depends how hard, but doesn't sound good. Did you 2 get a headache? a parent should never do that, even if not hard..
  16. I was a better in some ways (albeit only some ways) when I didn't think of the evils that happened to me in the past (child neglect). I was not better off in the sense of.. well, I mean, it is never a good thing to (for example) blame yourself for all your.. personality flaws when your personality was basically formed by the age of 5. I always used to think that if I had a problem in some situation or another it was my fault. NOT! I do not do that kind of thinking anymore but on the other hand, I began to analyze things too much vis a vis my parents and etc.. and I just made up my mind not to do that.. When I think of all they did right, well... it almost brings tears to my eyes.. They took me to Mass every Sunday, along w. my siblings, every single Sunday. And Jesus of course, is the best gift a parent can give. Yes, I am very grateful to them for that.
  17. I have read books on the subject, which is not to say I memorized everything but in any case, when you find out that the world has only increased in temperature (or parts of the world?) something like 1/2 of 1% over 100 yeaRS, I mean, I just want to say Get out of here! Who cares? by the logic of the doomsday people, we should all be dead or very sick already.. the Earth should have gone dark by now.. bc think of it: the industrial revolution in the 1890s and onward. Back then, they couldn't have cared less about pollution yet here we are.. pollution did not destroy Mother Earth. a lot of the stuff going into the atmosphere from manuf plants is stuff that occurs in nature anyway
  18. I should read up on Tesla but yeh, that last cynical comment, while I don't know much about what you are talking about (energy, etc) sounds right-on to me. It is always about money--and keeping the wealthy wealthy
  19. that is a myth and doesn't make sense if you think about it. I know for one thing that celibacy, if done right (meaning: fully accepted, not just grudgingly) is a very good thing.. you give yourself completely to God and no one else. I know, I have been celibate by choice for many, many years. One reason I chose it is that I could never find anyone "worthy" of me to marry.. long story there but I won't digress. Let's put it another way, though: I wasn't about to spend the rest of my life.. [fill in the blanks] so none of the persons I met "qualified" so I just accepted celibacy and it has been a good thing. At first, my body didn't "appreciate" it but Jesus can conquer even those kinds of things so anyway, here's a statistic i heard once (reliable source bc that's the only kind I cite): Married men abuse children more than single men. Also, there are PLENTY of non-Catholics who abause children and in fact, I have heard from MORE THAN ONE reliable source that the number is: twice as high as it is in non- Catholic churches. the reason the Catholics get so much attn. is: the liberal media hates the Catholic Church so does the devil but again.. I won't digress
  20. geez, what world do you live in? La La Land? the Ds advocate murdering children. The Rs don't. Case Closed
  21. please tell me you didn't trade it for a Ford???? omg! or a Plymouth? (I've had bad luck w/ both)
  22. last time I looked, Trump was the only one looking at this issue.. not sure what is going on w/ him now but you don't really have to be in someone's shoes to know how he/she suffers.. it helps but.. I myself can put myself in the shoes of wealthy people, though i have never been wealthy. Example: I pity them when they are dating someone who doesn't have as high an income: they don't know if the person really loves them or their money. And of course there are other reasons to pity them.. they tend to think they don't need God.. biggest reason of all
  23. well, you obviously don't understand. And nowhwere on this forum have I advocated COMMUNIST policies or welfare. Did you know that almost 3/4 of women who are homeless are homeless because domestic abuse? And of course, sometimes these women have children to care for. Sometimes the abuse is so bad, it is better to be homeless and not be abused (beaten on, raped..). Aside from that reason: No one can make it in this world all by him or herself. There are homeless people who are NOT using drugs and do not have family or friends to help them when they lose a job or whatever. I am not defending drug abusers and never have. It is a stereotype that all or most homeless use drugs or abuse alcohol, at least from my own experience.. sorry, but you come across as having little to no compassion on those who have not lived as you have... (just being honest, not snarky)
  24. I can see a reporter asking Trump that "Do you think Queen Hill... I mean Ms Clinton suffered sufficient punishment for her [alleged] crimes by losing to you?" I can't imagine how he would answer But of course, when Dems commit crimes, it's not as bad as when Rs do. In fact, vis a vis Dem malfeasance, are not even supposed 2 use the word Crimes (or malfeasance) silly me
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