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  1. This thread has got me digging - thank you Marilyn. It *REALLY* is time to start digging for understanding - it was promised to us for such a time as this! Are the Four Horsemen the same, yet different representations of the four beasts in Daniel? NWO - One World: Gov't, Finance, Religion, Army/Defense
  2. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/archbishop-viganos-powerful-letter-to-president-trump-eternal-struggle-between-good-and-evil-playing-out-right-now
  3. There was something that I noticed on one of his interviews. He claimed that he had never read the Bible only up until the last year, and yet, he went on and on, seemingly knowlingly, about Jewish culture and the feasts and what not in Christs time. I recall saying to myself 'those are not things that people who have only been reading the bible for one year can accurately research and know. Just thought it worth mentioning if anyone else picked up on it.
  4. Hi Sister, Is it the false prophet that is son of perdition/little horn? I thought those names were reserved for AC? Interested to hear your views. Here in the US, chaos and the spirit of AC abounds, it is very easy to see how this could happen, almost overnight even! Perilous times for sure.
  5. Claims to be the lineage and title of Christ Mashiach–Christ–Messiah & King of England Maybe THAT will get peoples attention?
  6. Has anyone heard of this guy and his claim to be the rightful heir to the UK throne ?? https://www.kingof.uk/documents-legal/certified-declaration-joseph-gregory-hallett-is-the-mashiach-christ-messiah-king-of-england I just watched a video where the woman actually cried while reading this newage mumbojumbo <scroll down just a tad> https://www.kingof.uk/ Very interesting timing timing to put forth this claim!!
  7. It SNOWED Today,,,its May! Freeze warnings tonite w' expected 'real feel of 17degrees'. This is crazy,,,,but not surprising as we were told it would happen in the end days. Does Anyone know What Bible Verses told us to expect this crazy weather change/patterns in the last days?
  8. yes, unseasonably chilly here in new england
  9. God....Satan Christ.....AntiChrist Seer.......Mystic The Enemy is a copycat. You cant have a fake dollar bill if you dont have an original first.
  10. @not an echo, some of my favorite graphs are from Clarence Larkin - just got a few of his books recently - worth a look! I will check yours out! one guy in one of your threads, I think 'Light..something, has brought to light,,,, something that i had been wrestling with for a few years, and just now 'clicked' in my brain that i will need to do some further digging into, that there is an additional 3.5 years added to daniels week - this makes much sense to me and fits much more into my 'timeline' ykwim. I will be sure to check out your graphs! Blessings!
  11. Yes, like a legacy key, for which we can then start pulling from both OT and NT (amazing seeing them match up) and filling in pieces to a vignette. I will never grow tired of His wonderous Word!
  12. Not an echo, Your title thread had got me started digging in the Word again, personal revival hopefully! Having just read thru most of your responses on this thread ( I generally avoid reading long threads, as there is always much contention here), Your views are the most similar to my learnings/understanding derived from an intense awakening and eschat. study (spring/summer '14) Very Refreshing! Thank you for taking the time to share!
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