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Everything posted by Marathoner

  1. Different circumstances (I never had kids) and issues but otherwise, identical to what I went through a long time ago. I was in the same place as you are, my friend: My family and relatives hated me; my mother wished that I had never been born. They taunted me. Religion made me perfectly ill. I had never grown up with anything remotely like it so when I encountered it in others, I wanted nothing to do with it. It was phony and tiresome. I believed that God hated me. Everything I did --- or tried to do --- was a disaster. I watched it fall apart before my eyes and there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. Trying again only resulted in the same thing happening... over and over. It's the fiery trial, and don't think for a moment you're going through it because of sin or because the Lord despises you (I believed the latter). The fiery trial can last for a very long time... mine lasted a little over 20 years. I'll tell you what it means. It means that you are blessed beyond measure. Ah, but the blessing won't come until the fiery trial comes to an end. There is indeed another side of this that you will emerge into. Something to remember in the days to come: Losing religion is a wonderful thing. The Lord is not religious at all, but we certainly can be. Remember that.
  2. This is for everyone's benefit. I'll cite an example from a hospital here in the city where I work and live. Whenever someone is transported to the VA hospital and medical staff determine that a psychiatric assessment needs to be done, they will be visited in their room by members of a psychiatric first responder team. Bear in mind that the VA hospital has their own (federal) police force on the campus. Keep that in mind. If that person is drunk or under the influence of drugs (very common), two police officers will monitor the individual in case of a threatening or violent event. How often does this happen? Frequently. Too frequently. If the individual will be observed for more than 24 hours, those two police officers escort the patient to the psychiatric unit. That's standard procedure regardless of whether the patient is peaceful or volatile. Why? Because otherwise peaceful patients can become violent in an instant. How often does that happen? Often enough to justify that procedure. Public hospitals operate under very similar auspices. The only real difference: a city police detachment works out of UNM Hospital. There are usually three or four police officers on duty in the emergency room there, and for good reason.
  3. Most public hospitals in the U.S. have a psychiatric unit. Those are equipped like a psychiatric hospital, only on a much smaller scale. I understand that you feel a certain way about what happened, but I can assure you and our readers that you would not have been subjected to restraints and observation for no apparent reason. I've observed these kinds of situations in the past. More often than not, the individual who triggers a code gray (violent patient/visitor) insists that they've done nothing wrong. That's the nature of these incidents, my friend. It does not mean that they are terrible people and/or liars. They really aren't aware of their actions.
  4. Indeed. That's all part of the process for us. I believe that the apostle Paul stated it well: All things are permitted for me, but not all things are of benefit. All things are permitted for me, but I will not be mastered by anything. (1 Corinthians 6:12 NASB) Our brother @Vine Abider summed it up perfectly some time ago when he wrote (I paraphrase), "What does the Life say?;" which means, what does our Lord have to say about the matter? Ask Him. He will answer. In my experience, trivial matters are just that: they're trivial, not deserving of obsession nor agonizing on our part. Examples? What to eat. What to wear. Feeling angry or becoming upset (a consequence of emotions). Experiencing temptation (it's going to happen). And so on. We may trust that if a matter is important, the Spirit will inform us of what we need to know. That's faith in the Lord. We trust Him. I'll never forget when I came to the realization that the Lord does not require us to be like "Vulcans" of fiction. The key is to strive to be mastered by nothing.
  5. Answer: Because the accuser has a role to fulfill according to purpose of the Lord. It is clear from the testimony of scripture that: 1. Satan must abide by every word of God (all things serve the Lord); 2. Satan has petitioned the Lord and He granted his petition (ref. Job); 3. No one and nothing can stand against the Lord, for He has no equal and there is no one else like Him; 4. Accordingly, the adversary is OUR enemy, not His. This is according to the will and purpose of the Lord. Revilers and the like seek to prey upon the beliefs and belief system of the religious. They set snares to trap the unwary so that their subjective construct of God unravels. This is not necessarily a bad thing. How so? The Lord does not conduct Himself according to the dictates of our beliefs, our belief systems, nor our understanding (He does whatever He pleases and answers to no one). Our understanding of the Lord is defined by our relationship with Him, not our conception of Him. If the latter prevails, then we only know a construct of God and not the Lord Himself. It is good for beliefs and belief systems to be destroyed. This is necessary for religion --- a system of belief --- comes naturally to man. Faith in the Lord, however, does not. That was part of what I endured during those decades when I wandered... whatever conceptions I had of the Lord were destroyed. Praise God!
  6. "Legalism" is merely the natural man's inclination toward ritual and familiarity, something which he controls himself. In this way the religion of man is recognized as idolatry because he worships himself. The golden calf is the archetype: An idol that is inert and mute. It cannot move without men to move it; it cannot speak unless men speak for it.
  7. See as how this is an eschatological subject, I would think it belongs in the appropriate subforum. This is not a subject of "general interest" to most.
  8. Even when I didn't know the Lord, I never understood why some fell prey to jingoistic propaganda. It was always terribly transparent and even garish to my sensibilities, but perhaps that was partially due to my upbringing. I was born on a military installation --- ironically, home of the same military school I would attend after I enlisted --- and grew up on military bases overseas. Perhaps it was because I witnessed aspects of the military that others did not, though on the surface that doesn't speak of the evil which occurred beneath flying flags, wearing uniforms and festooned with medals. What command let certain men get away with was the face of evil itself. I surely didn't join the U.S. Army to "serve my country." I owed that country nothing at all. Rather, the Gulf War was brewing... I knew that some stateside units were preparing for deployment to the Persian Gulf... it was my chance to escape the horror of the house I was born into... and it was an opportunity to potentially check out of this sick and twisted world. I had a combat MOS and I had heard rumors that soldiers arriving in Europe from the states were being diverted to Tent City at the Frankfurt airport. Tent City was the staging point for deployment to the Gulf. That was where you exchanged your woodland camo gear for the newly issued desert BDUs. 117 soldiers on that flight into Frankfurt (I was one), and what happened? 116 were sent to Tent City except for one. I was the only soldier on that flight assigned to West Germany. I volunteered to go to Kuwait but because my commanding officer designated me as indispensable to the operation of the company, I was stuck in Germany. I couldn't leave that unit until the Gulf War was over. I was denied my opportunity to check out. I didn't know it back then, but that was according to the will and purpose of the Lord. Indeed, for He called me after I was finished with the military.
  9. I'm in agreement with @D. Adrien. I didn't know the Lord when I enlisted in the U.S. Army. There's surely no shame to be had but I must say that, knowing the Lord as I do now, I would certainly not do such a thing. I would gladly be incarcerated than join myself to such a thing. Medics are armed, my friend. The only individual in the U.S. armed forces who is exempt from carrying arms by regulation is the military chaplain; however, chaplains are assisted by aides and those soldiers are the ones who bear arms.
  10. It's worth sharing how I learned to "speak in turn." How? I lost the ability to speak and had to learn how to do it all over again. That was the first step along the way to be sure. The second step ---and arguably the most important lesson that the Lord delivered to me in this regard after He taught me how to speak again --- was remaining silent while my adopted mother did her very best to drive me away. How I did I know when I should say nothing? The Spirit commanded me to say nothing. He made it all too easy to do the "right thing" at the right time, for this is precisely what He promises to do for us all. When the Lord told me that I was to honor her as if she was my mother, this included bearing whatever she threw my way in silence. Did I ever want to pack my duffel bag and take off? Yes indeed, and on more than one occasion. The Lord intervened, saying that I was going nowhere. I didn't realize that I was facing dementia until the Spirit said as much one day when I cried out to Him to reveal why saying nothing --- and ignoring her bizarre demands that I leave --- pleased Him. She was suffering from dementia and I was the one whom He chose to be a son until her time was finished. The one who waits upon the Lord speaks in turn, my friends. There are times when we say nothing at all.
  11. The cause. There are many causes which lead to illness, my friend. None of them are voluntary on our part by any means. Most are organic in origin. The answer is complex, but to sum it up briefly and concisely as I possibly can, only if we are allergic to the constituent ingredient(s) in food. For example, a very long time ago, my adopted mother was a school teacher who worked in Special Education. She was very talented and worked for the state education department, traveling from school to school assessing children in order to determine what would serve their needs. My adopted mother was unusual because she conducted home studies as part of her assessments... but then, this was why she was so effective and in demand. There was a little boy in the 2nd grade who wouldn't speak. He was prone to violent outbursts; after a comprehensive assessment, my adopted mother suspected that this little boy had an allergy to sodium nitrate. He was acting out on account of the symptoms he suffered from eating the hot dogs he was being fed at home. Deciding to act upon my adopted mother's advice, his parents stopped feeding this little boy anything containing sodium nitrate. After one day, the little fellow started talking and behaving himself both in class and at home. That's pretty rare, though. Allergies would be the culprit where physiological and psychological health is concerned.
  12. Prayer is always appreciated, dear sister. Yes, I am beginning what the Lord has in store for me to walk in next. That's what it's all about for us in this world: to carry out those works which the Lord equips us to walk in. We are created for these works in Christ after all!
  13. In my estimation, hypocrisy is but a symptom of the rot which has infested the nations of man for as long as nations of men have existed upon this earth. It has always been this way, and both history and scripture attest to this truth. Much like my analysis of Mr. Trump, my analysis of President Biden is no different (he's a despicable fellow). To couch it in the simplest terms possible, politics is a scheme perpetrated by confidence artists and grifters. That's the name of a disgusting game which has not changed in substance for thousands of years. Here is a sentence from a paper I wrote for my political science coursework in college: The glorious revolution deposed the tyrant so that a despot might sit upon the throne; the light of a civilization's brilliance is only the glow cast by the fires of ruin. Like the flowers of the field, the nations of man rise up and then crumble to dust, replaced by another empire which rises under the same sun in a cycle that continues to this day. It's exceedingly naive to put our faith and trust in man when the Light of Truth Himself claims us as His own. His kingdom is not of this world.
  14. After television held that title for a while, the Universal Product Code became the next tool of the devil. I remember it well. Before the UPC and television, it was radio. Radio was the tool of the devil. Before radio, it was public education. Before public education, playing cards were the tool of the evil one. Cards shared the spotlight with dancing, of course.
  15. I don't take issue with your presentation nor your heart, brother. Here's the issue at hand: This isn't the first time that narrative has been broadcasted to the public. Portions of it (or even the entire ball of wax) have been dramatized in books and movies at times when the end seemed to be upon us all, not to mention radio broadcasts and the like. When that narrative outline did not come to pass, great scorn was heaped upon the proponents of false prognostication by the lost... and rightfully so. Indeed, waves of false prophets preaching this peculiar style of interpretation have come and then vanished from the scene, but it appears that many who were inclined to believe their error never learned from the experience. They were poised to eagerly trumpet the next "Hal Lindsey" to come along, once again earning the scorn of the lost and providing militant atheists with greater stores of ammunition with which to blaspheme the name of the Lord. "Preaching prophecy" avails us nothing, my friend. Consider the recently referenced examples of New Testament sermons to witness what we ought to preach: Christ, and Him crucified. Appealing to fear and terror --- or seeking to whip both up in your audience --- has been the time-honored stock and trade of charlatans over the past 200 years or so. That's what they do best. If one's example and those words which the Lord promises to furnish us when the hour of our testimony arrives are somehow insufficient, then what does that say? It says that our hands are required to steady the ark.
  16. It's simple, really. There are organizations that collectively call themselves "church" but are not His Body. However, members of His Body may be found in such places just as some of us were found in this world in diverse locations. Many of us never darkened the door of a church, myself included. Such is the power and purpose of the Lord. That, my friends, is conspicuously absent in those places which are devoid of His Life.
  17. Disparaging one's neighbor profits nothing. The grumbler is not justified by any means; never forget that the measure by which you judge others shall be returned to you by the Son of God. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8 NASB)
  18. A long time ago, the Lord counseled me to never seek a position of lordship over others which is to say, usurp the judgment seat. It is sufficient that the ways of others are not my own, but great care ought to be taken in how I treat my neighbor no matter who they are. Our example --- not our critique! --- is all that matters. When we are known for our condemnation of others then we are appropriately defined by what we hate... and hatred is not what the Lord said we would be known by. Moaning and groaning about this world and the lost is the same error. What profit is there to be had in that? None at all. The perishing and the lost need to see Jesus Christ displayed in us. Every spirit who declares that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God (1 John 4:2). I prefer the instruction of the Lord's apostle.
  19. Two years ago, the Lord declared that I would work as a peer support counselor. I couldn't fathom it, but He said that when the time came, I would know. What happened? A colleague where I work left one day and never returned. He abandoned his job as our peer support counselor, and I remembered the words of the Lord regarding this. I submitted a resume for the vacant position and then immediately regretted doing it. "I hope they don't call upon me, Lord," I said to Him. "They won't select me. I'm needed right where I am." They did indeed call upon me, and I was offered the position. Whatever the Lord declares comes to pass.
  20. When the Lord opens up a vision --- the Almighty unfurls time and space like a scroll --- He explains what I need to know while the vision unfolds. Prophecy as forth telling is given when the Lord declares what I shall say as I observe myself in a vision. The vision itself is of an event that shall come to pass according to the timeframe He specifies; it always happens exactly at the time He declares it will, and the events are true to the vision. The truth often runs afoul of beliefs held by some so when I share that the Lord has related to me in such a way from the days of my youth, I don't share that lightly. I was a teenager when I experienced a dream that turned out to be a vision of an event 30 years into the future. What did I see? I saw myself in a strange house with drapes drawn to keep the sunlight out. I stood up and walked toward a mirror mounted on a closet door; when I arrived at that mirror, I saw a strange older man gazing back at me. He looked like skin and bones... his eyes were so tired in hollow sockets... and his hair was wispy. He opened his mouth and several teeth fell into his palm. I looked down into my palm and saw those rotted teeth in my own palm. I was the man in that mirror. 30 years later, I had to hide from the strong sunlight because it made me feel faint. I avoided looking at myself in mirrors because I was crushed by what was happening to me. The events of that dream started to unfold... I stood and walked up to the mirror on the closet door in the hallway of my adopted mother's house, opened my mouth, and several teeth in my mouth fell out into the palm of my hand. I remembered the dream and wept in despair. I was indeed that man.
  21. That is indeed the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Anything else is a different gospel.
  22. I've never labored under the pretense myself which is probably why on those occasions when the Lord bid me to speak to others in a corporate manner, the words came without effort. Sermonizing is not nor never was my vocation, and I wasn't raised paying heed to someone ensconced in a pulpit. This explains why I have no time for sermons that are preached to the choir; it's fair to say that is the target audience of the church sermon. In any case, I was "brought up" in a setting where we put our hands and hearts to work for the kingdom, serving those without husbands, wives, or parents. That's how it was until the lofty vocation of clergy started seeping inexorably in, turning gatherings of the saints into dreadful affairs where the chief elder lulled me into a semi-conscious state of head-bobbing with his sermonizing. There the head goes, drooping down slowly when suddenly, the head snaps upright again. After a few repetitions of that teeter-totter, I would stand up and exit the building. There were holes to dig, fences to mend, brush to clear out, and refuse to transport to the dump. Oh, how perfectly scandalous my judicious exits proved to be. How dare I leave in the middle of his sermon. I ought to repent... Of what? Seeking something constructive to do with my time? I can think of better ways to serve the Lord than devoting ourselves to carefully maintaining appropriately religious appearances in order to curry the favor of busybodies in congregations. It's a charade and we know how the Lord feels about hypocrites, yes? Hypocrites are actors after all.
  23. Ah, life on the other hemisphere of the world. The Coriolis effect is fascinating. It's good to leave a term like that undefined in order to encourage self-motivated illumination. There will be no "let me google that for you" this evening.
  24. I can't find any fault worth mentioning with many Eastern churches, though the same can be insufferably hidebound with regard to hierarchical traditions. As far as their theological doctrines are concerned I share much in common with prevailing Eastern conventions. This is not to say that I feel the need to join myself to a particular Eastern church. I don't. The "standing up, sitting down" routine in evangelical churches is nothing compared to Eastern rites. No thanks.
  25. In all fairness, the Lord Himself did not refer to His words as a sermon. That's our own contrivance. So are chapters and the like. Not that those inventions are bad, mind you, unless we stop to consider how the KJV is read in heaven... Of course.
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