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Everything posted by furrychristian

  1. What I'm talking about is more your average, everyday person. Maybe someone who has a Twitter following or a blog and speaks intelligently, but they're still like......someone you could go out to eat ice cream with, y'know?
  2. How many left leaning or hard left people have you talked to, like, outside of debate forums and facebook comment sections? Have you read any of what they have to say when they're not arguing with right wingers online? Like, individuals, not politicians. Most people hold the beliefs they do because they legitimately believe it to be the best path forward. For myself, it's not that I want the government to have more power, it's just that I think some power is necessary in order to protect people.
  3. I'm left leaning. But defining it succinctly is difficult, because "the left" is a lot of things and a lot of different philosophies would be considered the be aligned with "the left". And of course, many a time conservatives falsely attribute things as being "the left". Such as this COVID situation.
  4. Your argument here was that today's philosophy cannot possibly be good nor can a good one come after it because the world will become increasingly more sinful. My counter to that was that not literally everything humankind produces is or will be sinful--hence, we can have good and bad philosophies come up. It's the sin in humankind's hearts that will increase, and philosophy may be used to justify that, but that does not mean all philosophies and working theories we come up with are automatically bad.
  5. I quite literally did. Here is a link to the post where I did, and here is the direct quote from said post where I did: You answer my prompt, and then I'll answer yours'.
  6. Yeah, a couple years back my house and yard was being targeted by druggies, and I was very scared that they would attempt to break into the house, especially whenever I was home alone. I wished for a gun at that time, but I didn't have a job or income yet.
  7. I don't currently own a gun, but would consider taking gun safety classes and buying a handgun for self defense purposes. My stepdad owned a gun. I think my uncle got his guns after my stepdad passed. (My uncle passed a year or two later. Not sure who got his guns after he died.)
  8. So I'm guessing you're going by the verse "evil men shall wax worse and worse". That, however, does not mean that everything society produces the further history goes along, will be evil. If that were the case, then what do we do with medical advancements compared to past centuries? We can have good and bad philosophies come and go. What's supposed to become worse is there evil in men's hearts, specifically. And as to providing examples, that is exactly why I asked you to provide some. Since you are so certain that "social justice" is evil and ungodly, you surely must be able to give me some sort of answer. I may answer some of your more specific questions in a bit, I'm about to leave work.
  9. I was thrilled to find an anime voice actor who was a Christian--Vic Mignogna. But then he got accused of sexual harassment..... As to whether he's actually guilty or not, I don't know. But he did get fired from two companies over it. I've met the guy in person a couple times, and emailed him multiple times. He almost always responds, and is super nice. I hope the accusations really aren't true.
  10. No. Music genres are not inherently bad, it's how they are used.
  11. Bummer. I was looking forward to this--for the memes, mainly.
  12. Christians like to hate on Harry Potter, then go watch Narnia and Lord of the Rings
  13. I think you're reading something into my posts that isn't there. When I say philosophies will come and go, I'm not and never was saying that they will be replaced by "more godly" philosophies. Only that secular philosophies come and go--this philosophy you call "social justice warrior" philosophy will be replaced by another given time. I'm not saying it'll become better, necessarily. Only that different modes of thinking come and go--humanity is fickle like that. One could argue that we shouldn't get caught up in it, as we are not of this world. And well. Why don't we start with what you think is so terrible about social justice. Should we not seek to improve society and to stand up for the marginalized and oppressed? For the record I'm not 100% on board with everything about it myself. That said, "social justice" is a very broad mode of thought with a lot of variance in it, and "social justice warrior" has become little more than a buzzphraze the right uses. Very few people outside of Tumblr actually call or consider themselves a SJW.
  14. Yeah, it will. Eventually. Doesn't mean it'll be a philosophy that's better or worse to replace it, but so long as the world remains these things will absolutely come and go. And aside, what if I don't think it's necessarily ungodly? What if I don't think it's a terrible philosophy?
  15. Well I can no longer access a thread I made and I'm wondering if it was deleted. I can't find a staff member to ask them about it though
  16. I could flip the question on you--how would people who were victims of molestation by the opposite sex view heterosexuality? The answer: it depends. I was molested as a child by a male and I am female. I have never viewed heterosexuality as scary or bad. Neither did it turn me gay. (I am bi.) Either way, it's irrelevant.
  17. What game? I'm not saying it'll "come back around". I'm only saying that we're seeing the same thing the entire world has seen through it's history, different philosophies come and go. We are not of this world, so it doesn't matter.
  18. My point is that different philosophies have always come and gone over the centuries. What we're seeing today is no different.
  19. I think you're missing my meaning. I'm talking, and have been talking, about the way things change over decades, centuries even. What's considered liberal one decade or century, will be conservative the next. I'm using the definition conservative here to mean "preferring the old way of thinking". What's today a liberal way of thinking, will become the conservative thought in a few decades. Such has always been the case. I'm not saying "oh, they'll become conservative again", I'm saying that time will bring about different modes of thought that effectively render today's liberals the new conservatives. The definition of conservative, in the definition you're using, changes with the times. What's conservative today wasn't what was conservative a century ago. At any rate, I'm more or less liberal myself, so.
  20. Given enough time, their philosophy will be replaced with another. Today's liberals are tomorrow's conservatives. That doesn't mean that today's right wingers will remain the same either, of course.
  21. Left leaning centrist, here. Used to be a libertarian, which can be described as "socially left, fiscally right". Except.....I'm not "fiscally right" anymore, hence, I'm not libertarian anymore.
  22. Honestly, while I'm new to the site and not all that active....I've seen worse. I've been on a couple other specifically Christian forums. One was nice, if rather inactive compared to this one, and the other has fighting all day every day......they also were very inhospitable once I made it known that I'm not straight. (It got so bad that one member was threatening to contact my actual church about me.) This board has been very nice to me about my sexuality.
  23. I recently downloaded an app called Moodpath. It asks you questions about 3 times a day and keeps track of your mood, then gives you an analysis after two weeks. Honestly, it's almost more thorough than my actual mental health professionals. While I don't consider myself as suffering from depression, at least not as an ongoing illness, the app is telling me that I may be experiencing a minor depressive episode. Which makes sense I guess, considering recent things that happened. I also notice that I get depressive for a bit after my anxiety flairs up, so I guess that's what's going on.
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