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Everything posted by Fancicoffee

  1. I don't go to unbelieving forums, they are just out there and the subject comes up and they talk about it.
  2. I didn't realize that I need to know and show what I know when posting here. I have been a Christian practically all my life and have studied a few topics concerning different areas of being a believer. I thought I could just post something and discuss it here and do the same with others. I did not know I had to do all the proof posting here. Yes, I know about the resurrection and the different view points on it. Thank you for your input.
  3. Read in Job 1, even though his family and cattle and camels were all taken away, Job praised God. In verses 20-22 Job did not sin or charge God. So, bring requests to him and the Advocate will help our prayers before the Father.
  4. We are to pray with thanksgiving, and to pray for our enemies. Praise the Father and ask for direction and ask for forgiveness and for help in forgiving others. Pray that we are delivered from evil.
  5. jI The "Church" represents the body of believers, I believe. Anyway, that is what I get out of this verse. Plus, that is what I beleieve.
  6. Well, as a believer, I just don't get why nonbelievers won't even give it a chance, check out the Bible and God first and then make up their minds. Some don't even want to check it out, they just blast the idea of the existence of God. Like there was an author that was an athiest and set out to prove there wasn't a God and he found God and has written a book all about that. His name is Lee Strobbel.
  7. It is important to clarify that God's wrath comes with mercy (Hab. 3:2; 1 Chron. 21:13). We can discern his mercy in the pattern of smaller catastrophes preceding greater ones, granting opportunity for repentance sooner rather than paying larger consequences later. (Christianity Today) I quoted this because it has Biblical references to it. Plus, I believe our God is merciful and not hateful in His judgement.
  8. Well you are well on your way for sure. But, I will get there some day. Thank you.
  9. I gave you a good laugh. So glad! I love to be where you can talk about our Lord and Savior and the Bible. I once decided to look at where our Bible came from. I found the Great Bible, the Authorized Version and the King James Version. I also learned that people couldn't have a Bible of their own, but the could go to the podium and look at the one that was chained to the podium. I learned a lot when looking up these facts.
  10. How do I post a picture of myself and other pictures like this lovely one you posted?
  11. Yes, I don't try to force them, just ask questions which might show me more of what to say.
  12. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God, And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." My favorite verse, one of many.
  13. I was on another board/forum, not a Christian forum. Someone asked a question about Christianity and believing. I looked over the comments and was shocked by their comments! The unbelieving comments were from those that believe that the Bible is a farce or not worthy of believing in it. I commented on a few but I felt as if I was talking to a wall. They are seniors like me. So, I basicly told them that the Bible is the true word of God and that eternity is real, and I stopped commenting.
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