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Everything posted by Russell

  1. Christian pastor survives tsunami This Christian Pastor and 28 orphans survived the tsunami. YHWH hand of protection was with this man at this time. We serve a God of justice and mercy....praise YHWH for his righteousness. Blessings
  2. Russell

    Samuel 15:35

    Thanks Adstar...yes trying to understand why God Choose Saul...then repenting (regretting) for choosing him... is hard to understand. On another tack...Samuel must have felt very disappointed as a father of two sons who didn't measure up. I wonder where he went wrong...or was it nothing to do with his fathering skills...but rather their own bad choices?
  3. Russell

    Samuel 15:35

    I have a question in regard to this verse. YHWH is all knowing....seeing the end from the beginning. I was wondering why the Bible says that YHWH repented...for YHWH would have known that Saul would defy Him. In fact why even choose Saul knowing that he would rebel. Just wondering?
  4. Russell

    Women in the Church

    Good question Michael. You may wish to read a sermon by John MacArthur. http://www.biblebb.com/files/MAC/womensroles.htm Blessings
  5. Some very insightful answers there Debbie. Proverbs tells us in 13v10 (NIV) "Pride only breeds quarrels, But wisdom is found in those who take advice." Trying to see pride in our everyday lives is significant....for if we can recognize it for what it is...we can then allow the Holy Spirit to change that proud and stubborn spirit within us...that so often afflicts us and is the breeding ground of QUARRELS. Might I add that it is not us that recognises it.... but rather the Spirit of YHWH working in us... that speaks to us. How blessed we are in these situations for we can then begin to humble ourselves over these thoughts....aligning ourselves closer to Christ Remember the Israelites and how God often called them stiffnecked and stubborn....if only they were in a state of mind to recognize their own pride ...they would not have felt the heavy hand of God's judgment upon them....and would have been an example for all nations. Blessings
  6. Hi Debbie, yes you have touched on a very important topic for all people. I have a question for you. How do we recognize pride in our own lives. I mean what are the signs in our everyday life that should prompt us to reflect on what we say and do. Blessings
  7. This topic has been raised many times on this board and rightly so. It is a very interesting discussion. Some time back a reply was made by Marilyn and I thought it so apt I saved it and have posted it here for your info: Scripture portrays God as being absolutely sovereign (Acts 15:8; Ephesians 1:11;Psalm 135:6). Scripture also portrays man as having a free will (Genesis 3:1-7). It is certainly inscrutable to man's finite understanding how both divine sovereignty and human free will can both be true, but both doctrines are taught in Scripture. In fact, both of these are often seen side by side in the span of a single Scripture verse. For example, in Acts 2:23 we read of Jesus: "This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross." Here we see divine sovereignty ("by God's set purpose and foreknowledge") and human free will ("you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death"). We also see both doctrines in Acts 13:48: "When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honoured the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed." God's sovereignty is clear ("all who were appointed for eternal life") as is man's free will ("believed"). It has been sugested that divine sovereignty and human free will are like parallel railroad tracks that are often found side by side in Scripture, and the tracks never come together on this side of eternity. When we enter glory, we will no doubt come to a fuller understanding of these biblical doctrines. Now we see as a mirror darkly. Then we shall see clearly (1 Corinthians 13:12). God is the Sovereign "I AM" Marilyn
  8. Russell

    The Trinity

    My question to Caspar Meyer is, "Are you saying that Jesus was YHWH in the Old Testament?"
  9. Russell

    The Trinity

    Well said. My understanding too.
  10. Russell

    The Trinity

    My question for Shilo is, historically speaking, " In what century did the Trinity doctrine originate." It certainly wasn't the first. I would appreciate your historical evidence on this, for in making this statement you automatically eliminate 1st century Christians.
  11. Russell

    Hostage Update...

    Hi Ref, This might seem a strange question but I believe YHWH has a reason for letting all that happens to us... happen for a reason. Can i ask you... how would you answer this question...why would YHWH allow such a thing to happen to you...if it is not a too sensitive question. I ask this for i have seen things happen and later have realised the answer. Now none of these things compare to your ordeal...but i am interested in your take on this question. Blessings
  12. So true angel. Not so easy to do....it might be better to get out relationship with Jesus in order first...so that our marriages can stand a chance. Thanks for posting.
  13. -uhhhhhhh??Botz-ole-chapp cudd yuse supply jest EXactly WHERE this scripture is located pleeezzeee?? OR is it a scripture at all??hmmmm?? -uhhhh??mayhap it is a quote from some intellectual literature that we might all benefit from??hmmmmm?? Come to think of it shadow that's a good point. I wonder what botz is trying to say here??
  14. Thanks cats, President...i don't think they would like me. First up i would ask people to repent of their sin....the sin that is bringing so much of God's judgment upon us. Blessings
  15. This topic has wide ranging effects on our relationships with those we love and associate with. God's amazing grace is extended to us for our entire lifetime. I mean as we grow in the Lord Jesus...we stumble...we get back up. YHWH is so patient with our personnal traits. Look at the atheists who come on this board. Has YHWH rejected them...even though they will not even acknowledge Him. Not until they breath their last breath ...are they rejected. Likewise those who we associate with...our families...our friends...our workmates...how often have we lost our patience with them and said to ourselves...i don't want anything to do with them anymore. And yet grace is saying ...be patient... they too were created just like you. So let God's grace move in our lives, in such a way that allows those we associate with.... grow in the knowledge of what grace is all about...allowing God's blessings to multiply in us... to give us joy...peace...self control...wisdom... faith...hope and love. Amazing grace how sweet thou art, That saved a wretch like me!
  16. Just wondering if anyone knows where Gary is?
  17. Russell


    This is your brother, AfJ, I have come to say But these few words To bring clarity :x: To edify :suspect: To ease the pain :sweating: :sweating: For your poor brain. :!!!:
  18. Russell


    So just following on from the above. 1. Can John 1:1 be translated this way; "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was divine". I am just trying to establish some facts here. 2a. If we quote the Bible should we not keep to Biblical words. The word Trinity is not Biblical...so if one wishes to replace this word would not Godhead be a more Biblical word. 2b. Also "God the Son" is not a Biblical phrase...rather "Son of God" is so can this reference be used. 3. Now Jesus is referred to as Isa 9:6 as "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. 4. Is Jesus YHWH of the Old Testament...this will bring some bearing to the argument...if He is than what name is given to His Father? That is enough for now. Blessings
  19. English and writing were not his best subjects yod. Maybe he's excellant at maths.
  20. Russell


    The problem with these type of doctrinal agruments is that normally we come at it from our own personnal beliefs. That is, if you are a Trinity believer there is no way any Scripture will sway your beliefs...likewise if you are not a Trinity believer...neither will you be swayed by any Scripture. It is similiar to the athiest who believes in evolution and the believer who believes in creation ...each has his own faith and to a large degree it is faith ...for none of us were there when it all began. So this type of argument should be started on the basis that each of us...discard our own personnal opinions...which is near impossible if you are passionate about your point of view... and analyze the Bible critically in a systamatic and logical fashion...laying the different points of view on the table...left and right side. Studying these carefully and being open to a variety of counsel. Then after much research...conclusions can be made. I am endeavering to do this and it will take some time...but if those who wish to post can keep this in mind...a sensible argument can be made from a passionate subject. Blessings
  21. Russell


    So if we follow this line of thinking thru Sam, than Jesus is YHWH of the Old Testament. So what is His Fathers Name?
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