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salt and light

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  1. salt and light

    Input please

    Get out of that church. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate,saith the Lord" {2 Cor. 6:17}
  2. I don't think Phebe was preaching the gospel in Romans 16, because the word of God gives the qualifications of a bishop in 1 Tim.3:1,2 "....If a MAN desire the office of a bishop, HE desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, THE HUSBAND OF ONE WIFE" Also, 1Tim.2:12 says, "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor usurp authority over the man,but to be in silence" Also, it says in 1 Cor. chapter 14 that women are to remain silent in the churches, and that it was a shame for women to speak in the church {verses 34,35}, so I don't think Romans 16 was implying that Phebe was preaching the gospel. Women remaing silent in the churches, and not to usurp authority over the man, and a bishop must be a man,a husband of one wife etc. is not just a baptist doctrine, or a methodist doctrine, or pentacost doctrine and so on, it is the word of God, and it is for all denominations. Men preach, women remain silent while learning and helping out in other ways.
  3. I believe an unsaved person's soul goes to a place of torment {hell} immediately upon death, just like the rich man in Luke chapter 16, and at the Great White Throne Judgment, the lost souls in hell will get out and be judged, "...........and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works."{Rev. 20:13} After that final judgement, they will be cast into the lake of fire, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire....." {Rev. 20:14.} A saved person goes immediately to be with the Lord at death. "absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord" {2 Cor. 5:8]. There are multitudes of saved souls in heaven right now, and they will all come with Jesus when He returns. '"........even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.' [1 Thess. 4:14}. Their souls are not sleeping in heaven, just their physical bodys in the grave are. "...........the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints"{Jude 14] They are in heaven, and they are not sleeping, and they will return with the Lord. Yes, when a person dies, they either go be with the Lord, or they go to a literal hell to be tormented depending on if they were saved or not. Only their physical body knows nothing at all.
  4. My wife does all the cooking. Breakfast- oat meal, orange, hot chocolate Dinner- Ham, baked potatoes, green beans, bisquits, chocalate cake
  5. #1 People who use the name of Jesus Christ in vain #2 People who use the "f" word in everyday conversation #3 People who think they know everything #4 People who talk all the time {I know a few} #5 People who pry in other people's business [i know a couple}
  6. I don't know if it is true or not, but I have heard and read that there is a computer in Brussels Belgium called "BEAST". I can't remember what each letter in that word is supposed to stand for.
  7. I 'm not at all surprized. I had said in a recent post that President Bush mocks God, and I had also said that his born again is not the born again of the bible. That is why I didn't vote. I couldn't vote for Kerry, a believer in abortion and same sex marriage, and I couldn't vote for Bush who mocks God. Expect more things like this from Bush.
  8. No star shaped cookie uh? I bet a cookie in the shape of a 5 pointed star {pentagram} would be allowed though, or in any shape of a satanic symbol.
  9. Praise the Lord! What a wonderful gift your grand father gave to the Lord.
  10. Cutting down a tree, or buying one whether it be real or not, and fastening it down so it won't move, and decorating it to worship or celebrate the birth of a god, or the Son of the true God, is a no no, and that is what Jeremiah is refering to. Lets take a close look at Jeremiah 10, "......... for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with an ax. { My dad's cousin used to cut a tree out of the forest right by his home in the state of West Virginia with an ax at this time of year, and my grand father did too.} " They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. { My dad's cousin and my grand father would bring their tree that they cut down into their homes and they would fasten them down with something, I think with hammers and nails, anyway, they would keep their trees from falling over, and they would deck it with silver and gold bulbs, and silver and gold garland and silver icicles, it may not have been genuine siver and gold, but they decked the trees non the less, and why? to celebrate the birth of a god, which just happened to be the real God. I say what they used to do every year at this time fits Jeremiah 10 perfectly. My dad used to buy a real tree every year at this time that someone had to cut down out of a forest, or he bought a tree that grew somewhere and my dad would put the bottom of it in a tree stand and nail it down with a hammer and nails so it wouldn't fall over, and we would deck it, and that fits Jeremiah 10 perfectly. My dad eventually would just buy an artificial tree, but still, not much different from what Jeremiah 10 is talking about, it is the same idea. I say that Jeremiah 10 verses 3 and 4 is refering to what we call a christmas tree.
  11. Purple Chris, You said, "Regarding Gal. 5:12, the word Paul uses there is "apokopto" which means "to cut off, to cut away, amputate, mutilate" and is used in Mark 9:43, 45; John 18:10, 26 of cutting off a hand and an ear. In Galatians Paul is speaking aganist the one who is speaking against Paul and is preaching a "gospel" that puts people in bondage to legalism. And he uses harsh language hear that the Bible does use to speak of cutting off a body part, but of course here it is figurative, as he has just spoken about circumcision. Paul is not advocating the actual mutilation of a person and nor any version. " Which greek did that word "apokopto" come from, the majority Greek manuscripts that the KJV translators used, or the Greek manuscripts that were used to translate the NIV, RSV, NASB etc.? Also, if Paul did use the greek word "apokopto", which means to cut off, then why didn't these new versions translators use the word "cut" not "mutilate" in Acts 27:32? Paul was indeed not talking about cutting off a body part at all in Gal. 5:12, and neither was "mutilation" being refered to in "cut off the ropes" in Acts 27:32. The Greek word "apokopto" may have been in those corrupt Greek manuscrips, but not in the majority manuscrips. As far as "strain at a gnat", I thought that was explained to you already. The NIV, NASB, and others make man to be higher than what he is, for example, the NIV and NASB says in Psalms 8:5, "Yet thou hast made him a little lower than GOD.", but the KJV says, " For thou hast made him a little lower than the ANGELS." Another example, the NIV, and NASB says in Heb. 2:7, "Thou hast made him FOR A LITTLE WHILE lower than the angels.", WHILE THE KJV says, " Thou madest him a little lower than the angels" What does your RSV say in those verses? If it says the same as the NIV, or NASB, then you should know there is something wrong with it, because man was not made a little lower than God, or man was not made even for a little while lower than the angels. Here is a question for you? Do you treat your body severly? do you have self abasement? Acording to your RSV, Col. 2:23 says something like, " self abasement and severity to the body", so, do you mistreat your body? The KJV has, "humility...... neglecting of the body". Paul wasn't talking about mistreating his body and treating it severly, but according to your RSV, and also the NIV, and NASB, he was. Paul was talkling about denying himself and humbling himself, and not letting his flesh take over, not treating it harshly, severly, abasement as the others versions say. I try to say "no" to my flesh, and one way that I do that is by fasting for a day or so, and denying worldly pleasures that would be displeasing to God, I don't treat my self harshly. Do you pommel your body as your RSV says in 1 Cor. 9:27? The NIV says, 'I beat my body", and you and I both know that Paul was not talking about beating or pommeling his body when he said, "I keep under [keep down] my body, and bring it into subjection." in the KJV. None of the Greek words for "beat" {dero, tupto, proskopto, prosregnumi, or rhabdizo} are in the sentence; nor is the word "punish" {kolazo, timorea}, or "buffet" {kolaphizo}. The word used is "hupopiazo" Maybe the new version translators used those Greek words, like for example, the Living Bible has the word "punish", and the NASB has "buffet", and the NIV has "beat", but the Greek words for "beat", "punish" or "buffet" were not in that verse {1 Cor. 9:27}. In Daniel 11:36, the NIV, NASB, The Living Bible, and even your RSV says, "the gods { small "g" and plural} of his fathers.", while the KJV says, "Neither shall he regard the God {capital "G" singular} of his fathers." You know that those fathers had and worshipped one God {Jehovah}, not gods. There are many more corruptions in your RSV and the NIV, NASB,etc. Your RSV was translated from other "original" Greek manuscripts, not the majority the KJV translators used.
  12. Lawyer for God, The pre-trib rapture is not biblical, and I believed in a pre trib rapture for years, until I studied scripture, and realized that it is indeed unbiblical. You say the post trib rapture is not biblical, well, how can you explain what Jesus said in Matt. 24:29-31? Verse 29 starts out, "Immediately after the tribulation". How about what Paul said in 2 Thess. 2:1 "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him," Paul is refering to the coming {"parousia" in the Greek, which means "arrival and presence}, and the "rapture" of the Church when he says, "and by our gathering" in verse 1, verse 3 says, "Let now man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" When Paul said "that day shall not come", what day was he talking about? he was talking about the coming of the Lord and our gathering together unto him {rapture}, and what two things did Paul say had to happen first? #1 the falling away {religious apostasy} which has already happened, and #2 that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition {Anti-Christ} that has not happened yet, so until they both happen, Paul plainly said that the Church will not be taken until both of those things happened first. How do you explain what Jesus and Paul said? Also, how do you explain what John said in Revelation 1:7? He said, "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, AND THEY ALSO which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, A-men" Speaking of "cometh with clouds", Jesus ascended into heaven and a cloud received Him, so how do you explain Acts 1:11? "....Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall SO COME IN LIKE MANNER AS YE HAVE SEEN HIM GO INTO HEAVEN." Sounds like to me that post trib is very biblical, and pre-trib is not.
  13. dgolvach, Hello. I'm post trib, but I see your point. I like to eat too much too, and a 7 year fast doesn't sound like fun, but I'm sure the Lord will provide for us, probably just enough so we won't starve, so until that time comes, I'm pigging out all I can now.
  14. Budman, Thankyou, but I visited that site a year ago or so as well, and I e-mailed them to, but if I remember correctly, they never responded. The pre-trib. rapture is just not biblical. Hubertdorm, Amen and right on
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