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Can Do (Phil 4:13)

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Everything posted by Can Do (Phil 4:13)

  1. Can anyone recommend a few good Christian authors? I'm wanting to settle down at night with a good book (apart from the Word) and I'm wondering if anyone can help with some suggestions for authors. I don't like Frank Peretti or that genre, I like romance, biographies, inspirational (nothing to do with Rick Warren thanks) and humourous. TIA! Faithie
  2. I have a brother who is in prison for the sexual assualt of his own daughter (the age he abused her ranges from 2 years of age upto 16 yrs) and I believe that it is a better alternative than releasing a sexual offender/predator into the community to reoffend. I wish they'd bring the law into effect here in Australia. Faithie
  3. I may have missed something here, but it seems as if the people responding are more keen to prove it's the last days, rather than minister TO THIS NEEDY man, and I don't get it The man most likely has something going on in his life and this is the way he's chosen to deal with it, IMHO. Faithie
  4. Tigger love, your question is a valid one I would suggest though, that your boss may be going through a difficult time in his life and his way of attaining security is through money. Pray for him, that his heart be opened to Christ if he's not saved, or that he has a refreshing of the Holy Spirit if he is With love YSIC Faithie
  5. Glad to hear Fiosh I know that prayer is the best gift we can offer for others in EVERY circumstance So happy he's not gone through the wringer. With love YSIC Faithie
  6. I personally do not believe that modern day so called 'prophets' are legitamate. My reason being that in essence, 'prophets' are adding to the Bible, or extending on the Word, something that we have been well warned against doing. When charasmatic churches buy into the whole prophetic ministry, it makes my skin crawl. Modern day so called 'Prophets' are scrambled spiritually I believe. Faithie
  7. Fiosh, having had 3 wisdom teeth pulled myself (in hospital under a general anesthetic), I recommend soft foods for about a week. If you can make him some hearty, homemade vegetable and meat broth with LOTS of healty goodies, (puree it if it's too thick) then that would be great. Make sure it's soft and nothing grainy. Custard is great, yoghurt good and jelly is always a go. It really depends upon how he heals. Start him slow and work on up as he heals. He may really just need to sleep for the first few days to get over it. Make sure he rinses with salty water and or the mouthwash his dentist recommends as well as any other medication prescribed. With love Faithie
  8. Cloudy at times with a few brief showers. Fresh gusty SE winds. MAX 21 (Celcius) UV INDEX - 5 [Moderate] Outlook for Wednesday ...Shower or two. Windy. It's winter here Down Under so the temps are beginning (or have already) to drop off. In some parts of New South Wales, they've had snow, but where I live...no snow ever. I live in the tropics, something akin to Florida and or California. Love to you all! Faithie
  9. Oh I LOVED the mice in the cookie jar, but yeah we've got mice in the cookie jar too
  10. Dave, may I compliment you on your excellent, well written post
  11. Ok, I'll bite.... The Passion 'promotes the false religion of Catholicism.' It adds to the Word of God. It poisons the mind with false Biblical images. Corrupts the mind with 'another Jesus.' Promotes Internet 'porn stars.' (Source;Page 65 'The Poison in the Passion' written by Dr. Terry Watkins, Th.D. Published by Dial the Truth Ministries, 2004.) Also, there is the issue of the 14 Stations of the Cross that is heavily displayed in the movie. Are YOU able to prove otherwise? Surely you owe it to me to present factual, Biblical evidence proving me wrong. I do not mind being corrected where I am wrong, how else does one learn. Faithie
  12. How much did you pay for that book? Capitalism marches on.... It'll be the end of religion, wait and see, and not to long either... If I am wrong, then please correct me. If you have factual evidence that measures up against the Bible then please show me my error. Faithie
  13. Incorrect Raven. The 'Passion' is a reenactment of the Catholic "Stations of the Cross." 5 of those 'stations' are NOT mentioned in the Bible. Also the Passion is a movie devoted by Mel Gibson to the Catholic mystic Ane Catherine Emmerich, who herself was a fully practicing occultic. I am currently reading 'The Poison in the Passion' written by Dr Terry Watkins, Th.D. When you match the movie of the 'Passion of the Christ' against the Bible, MANY distubing falsehoods are proclaimed truth and the Bible exposes them as thus. Faithie
  14. Brothers and sisters I LOVE the level of discussion that is being brought forth here in this thread I am learning more than I thought YSIC Faithie
  15. Yup, just goes to show that you don't need to write anything particularly scholarly to be bought kit and kaboodle by the masses Good point Faithie
  16. Masons are called to give 'blood oaths' very early on in their indoctrination to the cult. Blood oaths are expressly forbidden within the Bible, therefore Sunshine, their principles are not Biblical. Faithie
  17. Some of you here will know that I have a brother in prison. He will be there for the next 7.5 years and in a phone call to me tonight he spoke about him still being a JW. I searched Worthy for the evidence I needed to effectively pray against that bondage in his life, and thus I was led to this thread I would like to thank all who have contributed to my increasing knowledge and discust of the evil within their false teachings. Your Sister in Christ Faithie
  18. Cain, you're just here to stir the pot aren't you The reason why the vast majority of us have suggested that the OP not go to the party isn't anything to do with your suggestions, it's a matter of spiritual discernment. Whilst we are called to be IN the world, we are called NOT to BE of the world and freemasonry is definately a worldy religion inasmuch as it leads people away from Jesus Christ, who IS the Way, the Truth and the Life Faithie
  19. Nah Nebs, it won't happen b/c it's not the 'politically correct' thing to do Love always Faithie
  20. Sunshine & Smiles, I've had the pleasure of reading all of your posts in the Worthy Boards. I find your all encompassing view that no particular religion or view point is 'bad' quite disturbing for someone who at a primary level, professes themself to be a Christian. Am I correct in my evaluation, that for you...all roads lead to salvation? I must ask this in order to have a better discernment as to how to relate to you within the context of this forum. Jesus said that we are either FOR Him or against Him. That must hold true for all of our ways, not just a few. Yes He did say, 'Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.' and that is certainly true, but we need not encourage anyone at anytime to permit themselves to sin so that they may be under His divine Grace. With love Faithie
  21. Jeff I have a brother in the masonry. Ultimately the freemasons are not 'free' at all because they are in direct bondage from satan who they call Lucifer and exalt him as lord. Anyone who stands in the Light of Christ cannot stand with the darkness that is satan/lucifer/the devil. I love my brother dearly and enjoy spending time with him but NO WAY would I attend any kind of freemasonry event at all. I love him and in my prayers for him I pray freedom from bondage that is freemasonry. I've been saved over 16 years now, and trust me I know of what I write. With love Faithie
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