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Everything posted by InternalFlame

  1. I have had this same problem! Just today I meant to spend a great deal of time in the Bible, and unexpectedly even though I had gotten more than enough sleep the night before I got so tired I took a two hour nap! I think we both must be under a subtle attack from the enemy about this...we must rebuke the enemy and keep on reading! I bet it would also help to sit in a well-lit room in a chair that is comfortable, but not super comfy.
  2. Of course He has a use for you Sometimes it may even be such a small thing that we wouldn't think that it matters - but it does. Sometimes I imagine that God's work for someone could be something as simple as passing a smile along to others and a friendly hello, or asking someone who looks down if they need some help. I suggest you pray about this and ask God what He wants for you to do. Until then, the best you can do for God is to follow His word - help others in need, follow his commands, and spread His truth. To me, those things are the most important mission of any Christian.
  3. I think it's a legitimate concern - if our population keeps increasing like that sooner or later this world will not have enough resources to support us. However, I doubt the problem should be solved by telling loving married couples to cut down. People should stop having sex and kids out of wedlock. If we were just a little more responsible things would be much better.
  4. I agree that we do get too carried away with the materialism...however, I love to give gifts, especially if I can hand make them special for someone I love. I also think we should put more effort into those less fortunate as well during this season, but there is nothing wrong with honoring your loved ones with gifts from the heart. I think the solution here is to spend less time in the stores, give more hand-made gifts, and highlight the importance of Christ in this season. I think we give gifts in memory of the fact that Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all, and we should remember that above all else.
  5. Sometimes people make me sick with what they do That poor woman
  6. Gee...I wonder....could it be because those commercials practically pounded it into your head? Repetition means memorization. Sadly people often don't repeat those ten commandments to themselves often enough to remember them all...myself, I could remember seven offhand (but I have a TERRIBLE memory) but I couldn't really tell you what goes on a Mac since I don't care for fast food anyway In the end we memorize what is pertinent or important to us in life, whether it be for work, school...or for God. Or we remember things that are repeated over and over whether it's meaningless or not (hence why we can remember a commercial jingle from years ago but can't remember what we went to the kitchen to get). The human brain sure is a weird thing.
  7. Maybe it's meant like "why do you even ASK me what is good? The obvious answer is that God is the only one who is good"
  8. I set one day a week to try to spend time with God, the trouble is I'm not sure what to do and I have trouble staying on task. I do visit people at Hospice because I believe that part of God's work for me involves comfort and consoling. What else can I do during the day to stay on task and concentrated on God? I have trouble sitting down and just reading the Bible for an extended period of time, but I want to soak in His word and do some learning for Him on that day. What do you guys do on your Sabbath day to stay on task about keeping God the center of that day? On that note I have so much trouble staying organized with my time, and so I always end up wasting so much time because of it. I know I could be doing so much more but I feel like everything is so jumbled and disorganized...and I don't know where to start. Lately I feel like I'm getting more stupid each day...I'm always forgetting things, I can't seem to do simple tasks at work like calculate small things in my head. I mean, seriously, if I have to use my fingers there has to be a problem. It's like this haze has dropped down on me or something...
  9. I'm curious...I think people have varying opinions on what 'hanging out with God' means...so everyone, what activities do you consider to be spending time with God?
  10. My question is, what is the best way to suss out when the devil is trying to trick us by making things seem like the 'right' path when it is the wrong path? Especially if you're in the thick of it and it's hard to tell you're even GOING down the wrong path?
  11. My latest boyfriend and I broke up about two months ago, and at the time of the break-up it was mutual and with no real hard feelings. Immediately after he seemed fine, and expressed that he wanted to stay friends. We talked after that for a bit and things were relatively normal. Now, he has completely cut me off (not answering the phone, never getting online) without warning and without explanation. I'm not the only one apparently as he does not talk to his friends any more and only rarely speaks with his best friend. From what I heard he spends a lot of time playing World of Warcraft. It's been nearly three weeks now. It isn't like I can just go to his house and ask him what is going on because he lives thousands of miles away. I'm really worried about him, and this really hurts me as well...so any advice on what is going on and what to do is welcome as well as prayer because about a month before we broke up he also lost his faith...
  12. I think the same thing myself often too The best way for me to get my mind to shut up is to keep it really busy
  13. Keep challenging him, make it continuous. There is no 'quick fix' for him, it has to take dedication, and it seems like he has trouble with that. So maybe what he needs is something more constant. Maybe he could find another guy buddy to work out with? Then they would compete with each other, and perhaps make it fun. The tough part about this is that there's no magic way to make yourself feel differently - your mind knows one thing but your heart feels another thing...that's just the way things work a lot of the time. You've made it clear how you feel to him - that you are concerned for his health, that you feel he should keep healthy...if he really cares about you and his own life he will make his best effort, and that is left completely up to him. There's nothing more that you can really do about it but pray for him. The best advice I can give you is to not dwell on it. Concentrate on God, and maybe the answer will come to you.
  14. You said he lost interest when the challenge was gone? Try finding a way to challenge him again. Men love to compete
  15. Dealing with weight problems is definitely an uphill struggle. It doesn't help that you have a day job and other things keeping you busy so that when you're done with all that you just feel like resting (with some rich fatty foods, which makes it worse) - and not exercising. The thing is, if you actually get to the exercising you feel better about yourself, and that you REALLY earned that rest. Try to remind him that he'll feel better if he exercises - exercising can re-energize you and relax you too. Don't push him too hard, but encourage him. Even join him! If someone exercises with someone they are ten times more likely to actually go. Remind him that he isn't alone in his efforts, and that you're proud of what he's done so far. Also try serving more healthy foods, non-saturated fats, and lots of fruits and veggies. A good diet along with exercise goes farther than exercise alone. The trend doesn't have to continue - it can be broken!
  16. Praying for you I know exactly how you feel - I've gone through many of the same issues! Such as distantness in friends and wondering if they care more about each other than me, and feeling like I always have to be helping others and hiding my emotions - hiding myself so I don't upset anyone. If you want to talk to someone who could relate, I'll be here for ya!
  17. I can understand a little how you feel. I have a dead-end job and a college debt that just keeps getting bigger. On top of that I just lost most of my savings to a useless trip, so the setbacks are getting worse. My boyfriend and I had to break up though we still loved each other on top of that, and I will be losing my health insurance soon as well. Life throws you some pretty bad cards sometimes, but the real character of a person is shown by what we do with what we have. I'd say the answer is to just get creative. Think of new ways to make money or new ways to catch the attention of the managers in those good jobs. Not to mention besides a steady job there is also odd jobs as well. Do you have any special talents that you could use to sell things, or a special talent you can offer on your own? Myself, I'm going to try selling my art and taking commissions on top of my regular work. I'm fairly good at writing so I am writing a book in my spare time. Also, I'm gathering wild catnip around the area and plan on selling it fresh and things like that. Catnip is something you can get free in any forest, so I'm using a natural resource to make money. Be creative and try to think of any way possible to make money...it's those little things that add up. Most importantly don't lose hope. Things may seem bleak now, but if you give up hope it will only get worse. Keep your hope and keep moving forward. If you stop moving forward you might be pushed backward from the current against you so keep on. The current may be strong now but soon it could be going your way and making your trek easier. Above all else keep your relationship with God at the forefront. A healthy relationship with God helps everything else in life heal as well. Keep praying, and I will pray for you too.
  18. I know how you feel - I have some of the same problems and fears. It's a pain in the butt but it's true, we all will almost always have obstacles to overcome. I think the biggest issue is trust for me, and maybe you. It's hard to put your trust in God because you can't see him or touch him and humans are very visual and touchy-feely creatures. Anger is often a byproduct of lack of trust and so is depression and fear. So trust is the key. Especially with the fear of ceasing to exist - trust me, I know how that is. I used to have panic attacks over it. Trust can heal those fears and negative emotions; and once we give ourselves over to God then things start to fall into place. Maybe you like to get angry because of the fact that it is an intense emotion and you feel that it's the only way you can feel a LOT of something at once. Perhaps the answer is to replace anger in that need for intense emotion with love for God. Easier said than done, I know. Just throwing it out there though. Like always the best answer is prayer and hard work, and I will pray for you. Hopefully we can both find our way through our obstacles and become better Christians in the process...
  19. I would be willing to talk with him thank you for that, I will ask him when a good time would be for him, unless he should refuse. I know that there are words that he needs to hear, but they can't come from me someone who is too close to the situation...
  20. I am visiting him in Canada, so I am away from my home. He does not have a church, so there is some problems with that...I asked here because I think he would find it less threatening to talk to someone online and would be far more likely to do that than to go to a church with me to talk to what he would see as a perfect stranger face to face....
  21. As some of you know my boyfriend recently lost faith. I have spoken with him on it many occasions but the words I say have no effect...I'm not very good at this. He noted that maybe they just weren't the words he needed to hear. I wonder if there is anyone out there who would be willing to talk with him/answer questions about faith and God. Someone with lots of experience in the matter, as I am still a baby at this. I really don't want to let him go because I love him so much...but if he decides to give up Christianity altogether then I will have to......
  22. I need help here guys, I want to start a list here of amazing things about life that just shows that God is the great designer of this world, amazing testimonies or facts about the world, anything! It will greatly help me in my quest to help my boyfriend find his faith again, and hopefully help others to show those who are losing faith that God is working in this world...
  23. I will be praying for you You are never alone, God is with you and so are your brothers and sisters in Christ. If you ever want to talk it out, or just have someone listen, I am willing, my msn and other IM's are on my profile I just got over a dark time myself. I wasn't depressed, I just felt like every day was just another step closer to death and everything was pointless. Even though I thought it would never end, I got over it, and I know you can too!
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