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Everything posted by wordsower

  1. Missed you all too Ted! Not sure about that. They were all waiting, all had oil in their lamps (representing the Holy Spirit) 5 fell asleep and their oil ran out. When they woke up it was too late to go to the wedding, they got left behind, but they were invited. Rapture being the marriage supper of the Lamb, I'm thinking they missed the party but I'm not doubting that they were still saved, just out on the party beforehand. I'm not sure about this one, I want to believe that everyone goes, sure hope so! Another thing that I'm thinking is about Lot, bible says he was righteous, guess that is in God's eyes being how he was in Abraham's family, but he was a pretty unholy dude, and God saved his life by moving him out of Sodom but he wasn't taken up like say Enoch and Elijah who walked with God and God removed them out of the earth because they were holy.
  2. Nebula, Remember when you were first saved and you had zeal for God and searched the scriptures and couldn't wait to go to church and read your bible? Well, when that leaves and you can't fit God into your busy schedule you have lost your first love.
  3. tah, Funny you should mention 25 years. We were just talking about this the other day. The difference in our generation and this one is the invention of the VCR, cableTV and the web, (about 25 yrs ago) it's porn that is destroying this generation it wasn't here so readily before these inventions and we have to do something about it, it's eating away the morality of this generation down to the videos and music kids listen to, it's all about sex, sodom and gomorrah. Sorry to sound so ancient but it's terrible and I'm praying for a way out. Are there any petitions we can sign? Or something?
  4. wordsower


    I'm Baaaack! Missed you all BIG. Finally got a computer again So.....the more I study I'm thinking the rapture is somehow a reward for the really serious followers of Christ. If you don't believe in any sort of rapture just don't respond, cuz I don't want to debate the rapture, I believe in it and I'm not changing my mind about it. OK, so the reason I'm thinking this is the 7 letters to the churches, only one looks like they are saved from the tribulation, then the 10 virgins, yep, then Luke says pray that you be made worthy to escape the tribulation. So, whataya think? Sabra
  5. Too cool, I didn't know I had any former SDA's here. Have you checked out www.formeradventist.com ?? Lots of company there! Bet your mom's parents had a fit about that marriage!
  6. I love Fox because Shepard Smith is hott! LOL No really, the others, especially CNN and the local nightly news programs seem so anti-republican. Fox will tell you if Bush screws up but without constantly dogging him out. I think they are much more balanced.
  7. I was raised Seventh day Adventist Saved in a Pentecostal church, too crazy for me at the time, joined a Southern Baptist, ended up right in the middle in a Bapticostal church. Abba's House Hixson, TN Love it! It is where I'm s'posed to be!
  8. Jesus said tell them, if they don't listen shake the dust off your feet and go on to the next city.
  9. I don't think it matters a bit what we where as far as respect goes or any spiritual reason, I just think it's sad that we, as a generation, don't dress up for anything anymore. Even the prom kids are slouching. It's just a general decline of anything being special. I think most people feel better about themselves when they look good. I love to dress up for church, but I'm in the choir so I really am only seen in my robe anyways. It should be an individual decision, I don't think God cares a bit.
  10. From a different perspective: I was raised in the Seventh day Adventist church. Like the Mormons, the Catholics, JW's, Church of Christ, etc...........they claim to be the "True Church". Forgetting all of what you have learned; Can you see that "True Church" or denomination is FALSE? There is NO true church, only "The Church" that the Bible speaks of: The TRUE believers of Jesus Christ. He died for you, not Joseph Smith, He took your sins on Himself, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except by Him. He is the only Name by which we can be saved. It is not what you do, just Who you know. It really is that simple and unless and until you can lay aside every doctrine and belief and believe only on Jesus for salvation, you will not be saved. You are deceived and if you trust in Jesus at all for your salvation, just ask Him, He will be glad to expose your deception, He did mine, when I put my pride aside and just asked for Truth. Blessings and prayers.
  11. I say, (Actually God said it first)--Whatsoever you find to do, do it with all your might as unto God. Now, that is just easy, isn't it? You must honor your parents and I'm sure they wont mind if you do your chores a day earlier. Blessings
  12. Girl,' Forget that. What he is saying is that they are still sleeping together. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Right after I was saved, in 2001, there was a girl that I worked with that was trying to get pregnant, well she had been trying for years, but. Finally after in-vitro and every other method, she was pregnant. (I couldn't stand her but that is not part of the story) Well, a couple of months into this $50,000 pregnancy, she developed a pain in her abdomen and as if she wasn't dramatic enough, she started walking around like Quasimodo (the hunchback) because she couldn't straighten up. She went to her Dr. and they told her she had a non-cancerous tumor in her abdomen that they could not remove until after she delivered and that the pain would get worse. I was driving to work the next day, praying for this girl, and I said, "God, please heal her tumor because I can not listen to her moan for 7 months!" The I heard Him say "I will". WOW! So, when I got to work I asked her how she was doing that day and she stopped for a minute and said, "You know?, My stomach is not hurting today." I asked her when she was to go back to the Dr. and she said "I go today at 1:00". I told her I prayed for you and God said He healed you and when you go to the Dr. today they are going to tell you that they can not find a tumor. She kind of rolled her eyes and said OK> About 1:30 she called they office and said, "You will never believe what!" "They even did an ultrasound and apologized for diagnosing me with a tumor because they couldn't find it." Praise Jesus, He is so good. Pray for your enemies and you will be blessed.
  14. Pilgrim, You can not take a part of scripture that you like and not include the whole context. That is twisting scripture and very dangerous. If you would read on past the piece you quoted you will see what those commandments that Jesus is speaking of are: 1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. 9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father
  15. Jesus + nothing = salvation. Either you believe that or you are lost. That is simple enough hu?
  16. One last point before the weekend: Can we just not accept that God can give certain commands to certain people at certain times for certain reasons? We debate over the Sabbath when clearly the law was given to Israel. No one has shown where it was given to the Gentiles. Circumcision was a command and it is clearly no longer required. Did God change His mind? No, he made that command specifically to Israel as a natural symbol to a coming spiritual circumcision of the heart. Covenants were made with different people throughout the Bible and they are not pertaining to us at all. It doesn't mean God changed His mind, it means it wasn't for everyone. If I "command" my kids to pick up the trash in the yard, doesn't mean I'm expecting anyone else to pick it up. When they get it picked up it's over and there is no need for them to do it again. Don't know if I'm making any sense so I'll quote the Word, since that's my name And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them. The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. The LORD made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day. Deut. 5:1-3 Blessings and prayers Sabra
  17. Yod's point is that meeting on Sunday is a holdover from the Catholic Church's declaration that Sunday is the "new Sabbath." Ultimately Sunday worship has its roots in the 1st commandment. That is simple historic fact, so it doesn't matter if you "buy it" or not. Yes, they meet other days of the week, but Sunday is the primary day churches meet. Having services on Wed. or on other days of the week is a more modern tradition as means of adapting to the schedules of those who for whatever reason cannot meet on Sunday. Whether they claim Sunday is the Sabbath or not, isn't the point. The point is that Sunday meetings are an outgrowth of the fourth commandment, again it is historic fact that cannot be refuted. Justin the Martyr was being persecuted for meeting on Sunday long before the RCC came along, so what say you? I have heard the Pope conspiracy and I agree they did attempt to change the day, but only because they have no spiritual discernment. That is evident in most of their doctrines. They still confess to a priest so they are still trying to live under the law among other strange things.
  18. As a former SDA, you certainly know that the RCC teaches that Sunday is the "Christian" sabbath which they claim to have changed and this proves that they have authority over other denominations. This is what the SDA calls the "mark of the beast" I certainly do not agree with them...but that is what they say. Yet every denomination you could name has a regular weekly meeting one day out of seven. This fact alone shows that they believe the 4th commandment is still applicable and relevant today. Paul told them he would come by on the first day of the week because he would never travel on the Sabbath. Did pagans have a day of rest? The Sabbath is unique in that way. And this is how the gentile church broke off into a "denomination" and the RCC began...as an anti-semetic institution who decided to make it's own laws 100% agree Not exactly. I am convicted and convinced that every day belongs to Him....but He did give a specific command about the Sabbath which He has never recinded. Yes, the Sabbath speaks of something greater but that doesn't mean that His Commandments were temporary suggestions that don't matter anymore. To say otherwise would be error that is the only reason I get into these debates. I liken it thusly; All my possessions are His. Yet I am charged with being a good steward of these earthly carnal things. The tithe was established by the Lord as a means of keeping my heart faithful in possessions so I can choose to do that (for my good) or not. Again...everyone who sets aside one day out of seven as completely dedicated to Him is establishing that the Sabbath is still in effect and that it is good to obey the Lord in this way. The only difference is that some have chosen a different day than the one given for this purpose. And neither do I want this to be a point of contention. As far as I know, it never has been between us? What is "doubtful" about this, though? Happy New Year!! Ya know, after 3 years I finally figured out how to quote the whole post, annoying isn't it? Yod, RCC???? Show me one error of the RCC and I'll show you 10. I have a dear friend that is Catholic, but honey, they are WHACK. So, blah blah blah to the pope. I'm not buying that every denomination meets one day of the week showing that they observe the 4th commandment. Maybe a few dead churches meet once a week but most meet at least Wednesday also and mine meets 3 times, Sunday Tuesday and Wednesday and many times on SATURDAY, imagine that! Besides, they don't meet any of those days claiming that it is the Sabbath. We have the gift shop open, which would violate the buying and selling law, we travel, cook, whatever else on the same day, which brings me to my next point: Who is really observing the Sabbath as the law demands anyway? A few Orthodox Jews, possibly, but who else? If we are going to adhere to the law, don't we have to do it all? Isn't that the entire point of Galatians? Well, I'm tired of it for a while, so I'll take a break. My SDA mom is in town, for 10 days, I'm stressed, I'm actually at work on my vacation, that is how stressed I am. Love yall Sabbatarians!
  19. I don't really find that true among christians, I'm sure there some weirdo's out there, but for the ones I know we don't "keep" anything. We go about our lives after church. I believe we should keep everyday the same. I don't see how a christian can have a separate "secular" life. In all you do, do it to the glory of God, whether going to church or working, it should be unto God. I think you missed the point. Why do christians go to church every Sunday if the 4th Commandment is only for the jews? This fact proves that the church doesn't consider the 4th Commandment as done away with...but we've decided on a different day. The church came from the model of the synagogue which began in the Babylonian captivity of Judah. That means that Sunday church is a "type" of Sabbath synagogue. Paul was certainly trained by Rabbi Gamaliel in how to organize a synagogue which made him the perfect person for planting churches. It is easily proven that Paul continued his observance of Sabbath and the Feast without making it an obligation on the gentile "christian" converts I don't think we can fully appreciate what a revolutionary idea this was at the time. It was the very reason the Judeans were always trying to kill Paul! He refused to turn gentile proselytes into jews, yes, but he never once said that believers should stop observing the Sabbath either. Again I would never say that you MUST observe the Sabbath. To do so out of obligation would miss the point but until you've experienced the Sabbath in the way jews live it out (not SDA), you have no idea what you are criticizing....and missing. Hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Yod, I think there are some erring christians that think Sunday is the Sabbath. We know one on the board--Suzanne--I'm talking about you, love ya sis! I do realize that, but I do not believe it, there is no scriptural basis for it and it's just not so. My church doesn't teach it, the church I attended before this one didn't teach it, Joyce Meyer doesn't, many, many others, in fact, I don't know of anyone that teaches it. I have done some research into the history of early christians and from what I could determine, the pagans worshipped the son on Sunday and since they were converted without the law, they continued in that traditions, many of the Jews continued to worship on Saturday, Paul did mention that the people should set aside their tithes when he would come on the first day of the week, so there was some Sunday meetings going on. Then there were some that just did not want to be associated with Jews, and set aside the first day of the week. Regardless, Sunday is not the Sabbath and the weekly Sabbath is not the rest intended from the foundation of the world. God told Israel to "remember" when it states just before the giving of the law that this law was preached to no one before them, only those alive that day. So what were they to remember? They were disconnected from God at the garden when Adam sinned and they were to remember complete connection with God that was before that. Jesus is the only bridge to reconnect us to a personal relationship with God. Those who have believed do enter that rest. But to those whom it was first preached He swore in His wrath that they should not enter it. Those to whom it was first preached are the Jew. They observe the Sabbath to this day and will throughout their generation, but God says they have not entered the rest because of their disbelief, so the Rest is not the weekly Sabbath. Jesus is our Sabbath Rest, the shadow points to Him, He is the fullfillment of the promise. I am convicted that we should observe every day alike, because in my heart, to observe a day would mean to not observe the other days, to sort of take a break from God for 6 days. You are convicted differently and because Jesus has set us free we are both right. I do not want this to be a point of contention as we are both saved and know it and we are told not to dispute doubtful things, so love ya bro! Happy New Year!!
  20. I don't really find that true among christians, I'm sure there some weirdo's out there, but for the ones I know we don't "keep" anything. We go about our lives after church. I believe we should keep everyday the same. I don't see how a christian can have a separate "secular" life. In all you do, do it to the glory of God, whether going to church or working, it should be unto God.
  21. Remnantrob, Didn't know if you saw this from previous page. QUOTE No need to mention something that wasn't an issue IMO. If everyone was already keeping the sabbath back then, why reiterate something they're doing. Many here believe that Jesus came and changed/abolished/made null and void the sabbath day, I choose to believe otherwise. For example... If you were washing the dishes at home, would it make sense for me to tell you (while you're washing the dishes) to wash the dishes. Of course not. But if you come to that same person and say, you're washing the dishes incorrectly, let me show you how, it would make a lot more sense wouldn't it. That's what I believe Christ did. He showed us that the way the Jews made his law a burden(rather than a delight) was uncalled for and He was there to show them the correct way of keeping the sabbath. No sir, God gave all of the commands, carry no burden, cleansing, go and re-read the law and you will have to stone some people if you are requiring true Sabbath keeping. No one is saying Jesus abolished the law, He fulfilled it, and you can't see the difference. QUOTE Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure you stated in either another thread or in your testimony page that you pray that God will "save" your family from the bondage they allow themselves to be in by continuing to worship with Adventist. If this is true than the bolded statement cannot be. I'm sure your family (while they might not agree with you) give you respect in your decisions regarding your spiritual walk. Wrong again. My family says that I am lost and deceived. They do not respect my decision and think I have no spiritual walk and am headed straight to hell if I don't observe the Sabbath.
  22. I agree with all of that, i was meaning the quote: I think we are in agreement, just wording differently. Jesus Is my Sabbath!
  23. Do you have some scripture for that?
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