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Everything posted by Rania

  1. I'd rent a beautiful home on a beautiful beach and invite my entire family to join me for the final five days. During that time, I'd take long walks on the beach with each person individually, telling them exactly how much I love them. I'd praise their qualities and love on them through the entire walk. I would leave nothing unsaid. During the evening we would sit around together with the guitars and piano and sing hymns and other spiritual songs. We'd pray together and we'd talk of heaven. I would ask my brother, who is a Pastor to read the Psalms out loud. I'd ask my daddy to rock me one last time. Rania
  2. Rania, God wants our bodies healthy now, why would Jesus do what He did for three years, as depicted in the Gospels, healing , healing, healing. Do you think He did it to be a temporary side show attraction, no, He did it to demonstrate to mankind the will of God. Jesus said I do the things I see my Father doing. Please go to Matthew and begin reading in chapter 8, right after Jesus preached the sermon on the mount, He came down off of the mountain, and began healing, He healed the leper, then He healed the centurion's servant, then He came to Peter's home, and healed his mother-in-law, then Matthew said these words in 8:16, and 17 "And when evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon possesed, and He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were ill in order that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, saying 'HE, HIMSELF TOOK OUR INFIRMITIES, AND CARRIED AWAY OUR DISEASES'. To be quite frank, I'm a dispensationalist so maybe now you can understand my POV. God still heals today when He chooses to do so, but I also know that God can work His perfect will through illness, too. I understand the sovereignty of God and don't question it. The miracles you read of in scripture were signs to confirm the person delivering the message. When the Canon was complete, the miracles (sign gifts) were no longer necessary. Like I said in the beginning, I still believe that miracles happen, I just don't believe that they are done via man or woman. I also believe that God still heals and is moved by the prayers of His children. He desires that but doesn't need it. I know this will rub many the wrong way and I'm okay with that. I'm also okay with the fact that many still believe in the sign gifts. One day we will know. Rania
  3. Not audible, no. A quiet voice in my head while praying. Thoughts throughout the day......etc. But the most frequent way I hear him (99% of the time) is through the study of the Word. It is so important. Which reminds me......if I hear a still small voice and it doesn't agree with scripture, it isn't from God. Rania P.S. Candi! That was awesome!
  4. It speaks of Spiritual healing. Same in 1 Peter. We will get our perfectly healthy bodies later.
  5. As a woman I know darn well whether I am dressed in a provocative way or not. I feel for the men (and women) here who struggle with this. Rania
  6. This is a great question. I feel like God has been telling me lately to watch out for false doctrine, false teachers and to make sure that I am walking in the Spirit so I can discern truth from lies. Truth and lies can sound so much alike. Rania
  7. One thing to keep in mind is that God is soveriegn. We can't see the big picture but He can and I've seen lives absolutely transformed by the "untimely" death of another--- so I'm learning to trust Him in these situation. That's why it's good to pray the Father's will. Regarding the verse "by His stripes......" the poster that responded saying that doesn't apply to physical health is exactly right. We were healed from death unto life when Christ died on the cross. Our glorified bodies will come later. Rania
  8. I think what is more important is did we listen to her words----- and is it our prayer, too.
  9. I willl admit that something like this usually is a turn-off for me because of my upbringing. However, this moved me deeply because I could feel her cry deep within. I would love to be with her while she is praying.
  10. Motive is always a huge issue with me. 1) Do you wear it because you want people to know you are a Christian? Do your actions support that while wearing it? 2) Do you wear it to stir up conversation? Will your words reflect Christ no matter who you are talking to? 3) Are you prepared to denfend your faith lovingly if questioned? 4) Do you wear it as a reminder to yourself to walk in the Spirit all day long? (Such as with the bracelet) We are not to judge each other on what we wear so these are all good questions to ask yourself as you put on your Christian attire. In His Love~ Rania
  11. The scripture you are referring to was directed at the Pharisees at that moment. They were attributing the miracles that Jesus was performing to the work of Satan. In other words, they were saying that he was possessed and that was the source behind the miracles. I believe it was a scripture for that moment. The only unforgivable sin is the rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. God bless you.
  12. That was what I was feeling. Thanks for making it more clear and also for the picture of the dance. I don't want anyone to think I was unhappy or complaining about Worthy, I was just sharing from my heart and looking for ideas. I wasn't expecting someone to cater to me but looking for suggestions how I can better fit in from those who have been here a while. Thank you for your responses. Rania
  13. Do NOT let her go back. Life will end for her.
  14. First let me say that I am not criticising anyone. I'm just having a really hard time fitting in here and I'm not sure why. I'm not new to forums so I can tell you that by comparison, this is an issue I'm having exclusively at Worthy Boards. So maybe someone else can share their feelings with me and tell me if this is all in my head or if I'm doing something wrong. I'm thinking it's either-- 1) This place is just too big. 2) There are a group of people that are very "tight" here and it's hard to be part of the "inner circle". 3) I seem to have nothing worthwhile to say. 4) It's all in my head. I also want to say something positive. Because this place is so big I am finding the search function to be my friend. I have been able to find a wealth of information by doing searches and I truly appreciate that. Forgive me if this post comes across as whining in any way. This has been on my mind for about a week so I decided to finally just get it out and ask. In Christ's Love~ Rania
  15. I think that if someone feels the have to keep the law it is a sign of not understanding grace. So yes.......immaturity in the faith. When someone wants to follow the law it can be for numerous reasons. 1) They don't understand grace. 2) They see it as a sort of reverence and in that case, it's a personal decision. 3) It's a fad. Now don't laugh at me but I honestly believe that some that follow Jewish customs or OT laws do so to bring attention to themselves. The motivation is to be different or somehow appear "closer" to Christ.
  16. I like this one: James 4:17 Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.
  17. I believe your friend should follow his convictions and do what he feels is right. If he understands Paul's teachings, he will also respect your lack of conviction regarding the same thing. Personally, I love keeping the Sabbath because I think of it as a gift from God that is for my own good. Where people go wrong is when they tie following the law into works and/or salvation. I keep the Sabbath because it is a day I devote completely to God. The two commandments in the NT of love the Lord your God and love your neighbor are what I follow. Keeping the Sabbath falls under Love the Lord your God. (for me) It's a very personal conviction.
  18. Here are excellent answers to your questions. http://www.citizensoldier.org/hateus.html If you still have questions, please ask and I will try and help clarify. Rania
  19. UH, OH. Maybe we should stop posting for a while.
  20. Shanbopop~ You've asked a good question and I see that you are new here so this is probably a new question to you. Butero has given you a very good answer. We truly don't know when it will be but we are instructed to be ready at any time. You are right that it appears it could be close at hand but we have no way of knowing. I'm not one to focus too much on end time scenarios, especially the pre-mid-post trib debate because I believe Satan uses that debate to put a wedge between brothers and sisters in Christ. He'll do anything to take the focus off of our relationship with the Lord. But your question is good. Be ready at all times. Rania
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