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Everything posted by jeffnevins

  1. OK- good responses. Thanks again.
  2. She was the only one who refused? The only Christian? Wow- I'm a bit surprised anyone would write that paper...
  3. Plus, I don't need to hunt down a paper somewhere & pay for it.
  4. jeffnevins

    Prov 22:6

    Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Just wondering what peoples' take on this is, since there are plenty of adults that go astray... Maybe it means generally; not in every case. Because there are cases of children trained well that depart, even raised Christian that depart no doubt... Thanks for any insights, as always-
  5. 25 pages? I have my idea, but I wonder what the consensus is?
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_Day I had no idea people were trying to turn it into an official holiday (on par w/Pres. Day & MLK's B-Day). Guess it won't happen for the big 200 tomorrow. Just giving the heads up. I'll celebrate Lincoln's B-Day, though-
  7. Excellent topic. I'm 36 & haven't married yet- Christian Singles is probably my favorite active group on Facebook. Last year I was fortunate enough to court a terrific Christian woman around a year ago for a while for my first time thanks to eHarmony. But we stopped meeting after a while. Ideally, one could meet someone at their church (Singles ministries are around some churches), but this is sometimes frowned upon.
  8. Happy New Year. A new decade begins- let's see what's in store.
  9. After years of posting them here, this is the place for Bible questions, I hope. This is the Doctrine section, but I figure they go here. John 21:25- And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. To be taken literally? Just wondering why this wording is used. Maybe it was that time's way of saying there was a lot more to tell? And if there was, and he was the most important person to live, why wasn't it told, I wonder? Thanks-
  10. I think it depends on the question. If one is wondering whether to go to graduate school or which career to pursue at a given time, it can be tricky to figure out from the Word. There are also some good questions that pop up in Doctrinal Questions here at WB. But yes, studying the Word, especially in a small community, is great.
  11. Thanks. I'm glad to contribute entertainment where the content is nice as well. Take care-
  12. Thanks. I appreciate the kind words! One more was just released (someone else does the coding after I do the art): This one's a mellow dress-up game for girls. http://www.tangerinepop.com/rosalyns_party/index.html
  13. Sharing: http://www.tangerinepop.com/GraveShift2/ That was a lot of hard work- finished by the deadline (today). If anyone remembers the first game & wants to check this one out and/or spread the word, thanks! Thanks to God- Jeff
  14. Almost all the music I listen to is instrumental. Soundtracks from video games and movies. Some jazz. If it has lyrics (rarely), it should be something I'd feel comfortable sharing w/fellow Christians.
  15. Wasn't sure where to put this, but I thought it might be interesting to share. Looks like it goes beyond the typical debate at a podium to be a documentary. http://www.collisionmovie.com/news/2009/8/...-collision.html Take care. In Christ-
  16. I heard about a variety of art styles from my animation forum & checked out the episode on Hulu.com. The Disney style segment was pretty cool to see, artistically, on TV. The first new area they arrive at, though, is a world where Christianity never existed. Keeping in line with their track record against Chistianity, the society is a futuristic utopia, free of any problems. Ah well- Just giving a heads up on Christianity in the Media. Take care-
  17. Just posting a topic to bring Ecclesiates to mind for people to read who might not have read it for a while. Ecc. 7 doesn't start off so cheery, but the message is good. A friend suggested I read it recently, and I figured I bring it to attention to folks here.
  18. An interesting dynamic of an atheist posting here, or a Christian posting at an athiest forum is the support system. The person in the minority won't convince the majority of their views usually. In either case it may be the person could be seeking honest dialogue outside their comfort zone of like-minded people, or attempting to cast seeds of doubt. A difference on the Christian forum, ideally, is exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit in our dialogue.
  19. Thanks for the info (didn't hear of this til now).
  20. Thanks, that helps. Since we follow Christ, I think we fall in the first catagory, then. For the last part, maybe the giving to those who who are good is not material goods or service, but their stake in eternity since they don't follow Christ-
  21. jeffnevins

    Ecc 2:26

    For [God] gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who [is] good in His sight; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and collecting, that he may give to [him who is] good before God. This also [is] vanity and grasping for the wind. I tried looking up what sinner means in this passage, but wasn't sure. I know that we're all sinners, but since it's being compared to a man good in His sight, I guess it means something a bit different? Any ideas on what the cutoff is between the two? And I wonder how the giving to the one who is good works- in some cases I can see this happening, but there seems to be many that don't give to those good to God. Thanks for insights. Funny how you find something perplexing from time to time, even after many years of reading.
  22. Wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove. I watch a person who flatters carefully. They can be after something. A person proclaiming to be Christian may end up betraying you, lying to you for their own gain, etc. Ecclesiastes 1:18- For in much wisdom [is] much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow. Humanity is fallen, and many people on the planet are capable of preforming horrific acts. But there is hope in Christ.
  23. http://illbehonest.com/index.php It's a catchy name. Just stumbled upon it on YouTube. Since they have a site, I can link to it instead of YT. Figured I'd share for people wanting to hear (no need to watch a talking head) some preaching with a bit of punch (maybe a bit too much at times?).
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