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Everything posted by gaillf

  1. Actually, No. My Lord is a Jew. Peace, Dave AMEN DAVE!!!
  2. Actually, No. My Lord is a Jew. Peace, Dave AMEN DAVE!!!
  3. And guess what else? Every block of margarine I buy in a supermarket has a 'halaal' sign on it, they even put them on Easter eggs!!! And I am not muslim,,,,,, Margarine is kind of non religious don't you think?
  4. And Amen!! its kind of like a circle,,,, those who have been saved, who have been regenerated by the rebirth, should no longer desire to sin, so when the Bible says the things it says about our conduct, for me it's describing the fruits that should become evident if one has truly 'believed in his heart, and confessed with his mouth, THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD' 'By their fruits you will know them...' Keith says it best,,,, 'A changed life and submission to God is the RESULT of salvation, not the REQUIREMENT for salvation' God writes His laws upon our hearts, as we submit to the process of sanctification,,,,a work done by GOD by the power of His Holy Spirit in us .(Heb 8:10 KJVA) For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: ( once we have been 'saved' ie accepted God's free gift of grace) And yes, that is a process! That's how I understand it anyway! I for one, am ETERNALLY grateful that God took the initiative.
  5. I have to agree with this post!Have to agree with this post! Rom 14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. [b]Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.[/ b] blessings!
  6. AMEN Yomo,,, are we not born again, saved, justified, reconciled to God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Things were DIFFERENT before He came,,surely!!!!!
  7. That was fantastic how could anyone argue with it Thanks from me I just had two Jehovah's witnesses at my gate. I know there are big differences in what we believe, but really don't know what they are. (And they always seem so sweet!) I jumped straight on to Worthy to post my question, and found this thread!! This story has already helped, but I will visit the sites mentioned, and 'educate' myself. Thanx again for the info
  8. Weren't for one moment trying to make you feel bad cadillacactor.....just thought we were discussing whether or not we would encourage our CHILDREN to read books like Harry Potter, not mature responsible discerning Christian adults such as yourself.
  9. Hi Jacqueline Your post just emphasised to me, the neccesity for us as believers to really 'know' Gods Word. When Jesus was in the wilderness, He used Scripture to overcome the Devil at every turn. In Ephesians 6;11 we are told about the armour that God has provided for us. Every item is protective, and is found 'In Christ', the one that is offensive is the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.(Eph 6;17) If Jesus needed to use it, how much more do we.... Thank you for this reminder to keep God's Word close, we never know when we're going to need it! In Him Gaill
  10. I have always understood this verse to refer to Him bringing in the gentiles.
  11. :I sooo love this topic, and just have to say, Satan, Gods archenemy and therfore ours, is slowly but surely, like a fisherman with a lure, drawing our kids in to the idea of witchcraft being acceptable, harmless fun.We are in a war people, if we belong to Jesus Christ, we don't get to choose whether to inlist or not, the moment we were born again we became Satans target as surely as we breathe. And if we are to be victorious, we need to know and understand the devils tactics, and rather than spend our time defending ourselves against him, we should be on the attack. You can only fight an enemy you know, and the Bible is the best place to learn all about his devious ways. So why allow our children to be drawn into what is known to be witchcraft?? No matter how well it is disguised? And I hear Christians defending this one! Doing his dirty work for him! We need to renew our minds, and our children are our responsibility, we should be exposing the devils work, not defending him! "Teach your children in the way that they should go, and they shall not depart from it" I for one, want my childrens eyes to be wide open when it comes to the spiritual battle we are in, otherwise how on earth are they going to live victoriously? Love the Lord with all your heart,with all your soul, and all your MIND!
  12. My friend, you are right on when you say that you "could similarily accuse thinking of unicorns or hoping for santa to be just as demonic." Because they are! Daave Glad someone sees that. The scripture says, "No lie is of the truth." Now if you LIE to your child and tell him there is a santa clause, or tell him "Santa brought you this gift." Then you have just sinned. It is NOT innocent fantasy or fun, it is a lie from the devil. It is the same with Harry Potter. Now HONEST TO GOD, if I only had two choices, say, Harry Potter and LOTR or Narnia for my child to read, I'd pick LOTR. HOWEVER, I don't have just two choices. Wizardry, regardless of how you decorate it and spice it up, is still just that: a sin. Portraying wizards as "good", for any reason, is a lie and a deception that attacks spiritual truth. After all, if Gandalf is a "Good" wizard, then surely there could be "christian" wizards? See where this leads? It leads to the old "white" witch vs "black" witch debate. Either way, the Bible says "thou shalt not...." So all of these books: Potter, LOTR, Narnia, SOT, etc, etc, etc are just satanic ploys to dilute or otherwise undermine the Word of God.
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