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Everything posted by hr.jr.

  1. I think the cops missed it. The XK8 was most definitely laced.
  2. I have said this so many times I sound like a broken record but you have just made, here, an open ended charge that is unsupported by scripture. I might not even choose to dispute your point but to follow the world that is driven by their god, Satan and not follow Christian manors and stewardship is unacceptable. I have given a great deal of scripture to make my point and you offer nothing more than empty words off the top of your head, very bad form. No point in getting upset. We can have a debate without getting all worked up. First of all, you cut and pasted from Nave's topical. You did not exactly spend 1,000 hours developing a great hermenutical thesis on soverignty. You posted a list of scripture references of which I believe you have taken out of context. I posted one scripture that soundly defeats your interpretation of the entire soup of scriptures you mixed together and poured out. One thing you might learn in studying Theology is that you base doctrine on totality of scripture, not on individual passages. It is quite plain from the totality of scripture that God has willingly given up much of His authority on this earth to man. That theme runs clearly from Genesis, where God first gave authority to man, to Revelation the book in which He again returns to take all authority back to Himself. If you apply the second leg of Theology which is know as "Natural Theology," you will further observe that God is not ruling this Earth with an Iron fist. You will actually observe that quite the opposite is true. You must take into account that God has a perfect will, but He allows many things to happen that are in no way in His perfect will. You say I use "very bad form." I would contend that posting a concordance, as you did, is far worse form. There comes a point in time that we must apply just a touch of common sense into our interpretation of The Word. Was it God's will that Satan Rebel? Was it God's will that Adam Sin? Was it God's will that man attempt to build the Tower of Babel? Was it God's will that the entire Earth save Noah and his family fall into sin so badly there was no hope to redeem them? Is it God's will that any man go to Hell? Was the holocaust God's will? Was the rapes and murdeers performed by Ted Bundy God's will? None of the above were God's will. They are all examples of man exercising his own free will. I wasn't upset and I'm not upset but you are still speaking of the top of your head and that is absolutely how heresy begins. So I'm left to believe that you are unable to use your Bible. All of what you have said to this point is pointless because you have pointed nobody to the Word of God. Up to this point you are trying, in vain, to teach a Bible Teacher. Bill, I referenced scripture. Moreover, I referenced themes. I can give you citations for every scripture and theme I referenced. I, like you, am a Bible teacher. I prefer to reference a scripture or reference a theme in the Word of God over quoting scripture verbatim. Why? It causes the person who is truly interested in learning to seek the truth out in The Word for himself. I know from the top of my head the citation to 80% of the scriptures I reference. The others, I could find in 5 seconds using my bible software. True scriptural understanding is not gained from looking up citations; it is gained from digging for it in The Word yourself. If you truly want a discussion on God's soverignty, I am game. If you want to post and counter post out of Naves, a concordance, or another topical Bible; I will avoid entangling myself in that waste of time. Do you want me to post a Citation for everything I referenced above? It is easy enough to do, but utterly pointless. The soverignty of God is a valid doctrine to discuss under the umbrella of "Theology." If you want to debate it based on the common method of "doing theology," I wll gladly join in. If you want to throw a pile of citations in one side of the scale and a pile of citations in the other (most of which on both side are out of context) and see which way the scale tips; I will pass on that.
  3. Separation of Church and State? Uh-huh. I am glad they did it. My main reason is that it will prove a point. Followers of Islam have recently begun to make the claim that Islam is a "tolerant" religion. This will give them a chance to put their money where there mouth is. We will see how tolerant they are. I personally know how tolerant they are.
  4. I have said this so many times I sound like a broken record but you have just made, here, an open ended charge that is unsupported by scripture. I might not even choose to dispute your point but to follow the world that is driven by their god, Satan and not follow Christian manors and stewardship is unacceptable. I have given a great deal of scripture to make my point and you offer nothing more than empty words off the top of your head, very bad form. No point in getting upset. We can have a debate without getting all worked up. First of all, you cut and pasted from Nave's topical. You did not exactly spend 1,000 hours developing a great hermenutical thesis on soverignty. You posted a list of scripture references of which I believe you have taken out of context. I posted one scripture that soundly defeats your interpretation of the entire soup of scriptures you mixed together and poured out. One thing you might learn in studying Theology is that you base doctrine on totality of scripture, not on individual passages. It is quite plain from the totality of scripture that God has willingly given up much of His authority on this earth to man. That theme runs clearly from Genesis, where God first gave authority to man, to Revelation the book in which He again returns to take all authority back to Himself. If you apply the second leg of Theology which is know as "Natural Theology," you will further observe that God is not ruling this Earth with an Iron fist. You will actually observe that quite the opposite is true. You must take into account that God has a perfect will, but He allows many things to happen that are in no way in His perfect will. You say I use "very bad form." I would contend that posting a concordance, as you did, is far worse form. There comes a point in time that we must apply just a touch of common sense into our interpretation of The Word. Was it God's will that Satan Rebel? Was it God's will that Adam Sin? Was it God's will that man attempt to build the Tower of Babel? Was it God's will that the entire Earth save Noah and his family fall into sin so badly there was no hope to redeem them? Is it God's will that any man go to Hell? Was the holocaust God's will? Was the rapes and murdeers performed by Ted Bundy God's will? None of the above were God's will. They are all examples of man exercising his own free will.
  5. I don't believe the President didn't care about the protesters in Iran but it was the same situation as Libya. Taking military action, especially sending in ground troops, is another war. We're already in TWO....would you really want to see our soldiers dying for another crappy country that we don't care about? I wouldn't. If the French and British are willing to shoulder the responsibility and shell out the money for this, let them. We cannot afford another war in any case. I'm not saying we should send in ground troops. I'm simply saying it was a mistake to let the Libyan government know we wouldn't send in ground forces. We should never show our hand to the enemy. And give the Brits some credit. They were willing to fight alongside us in both of those wars. Expending both lives and money. It doesn't matter about showing Gaddafi our hand; that conflict won't be a long one. And I most certainly DO give our British, Canadian and Australian allies every bit of credit they deserve, without fail. I'm simply saying, if they want to do this, let them. The French and British both have awesome air forces, they can handle it. The Brits have a good air force. The French? Guess it depends on to what you are comapraing their air force.
  6. This is all media drama. Nothing is going to happen. Two weeks from now, we will all be discussing how we "narrowly avoided the end of the World." Its all media hype. They have not even entoumbed the reactor yet! If they really thought it was going to melt down, they would be "entoumbing" it.
  7. I own a small business. I have never made more money in my business, by decreasing the amount of money my business makes. A government is a very large scale business. A Government will never make more revenue by decreasing the amount of revenue it receives. You can fly in the face of math all you want, but math doesn't care, and math is a universal truth. I also own a business and I would have to disagree with you on one point. The years my business has turned the biggest pfofits on paper, I have put less money in my pocket than I did on years where my gross sales were way off. A govt. can cut tax rates and increase revenue. Has happened several times in history.
  8. I'm even more pessimistic than that, hr; I believe that the world will undergo a cataclysmic change even sooner. And we know what that change will be. Economic issues are not going to matter. I agree. I think we are the generation that will see Christ return. Having said that, every other generation in history has thought the same thing.
  9. Mad, mad, mad. This from the man who hosts the Pan American bomber and greeted him like a hero on his return. He is going to fall, and fall hard. If Vegas were taking bets on it, my money wold be on the Colonel. He is not going anywhere.
  10. Guess a good lesson to learn would be to put the generators high enough to not get swamped.
  11. I saw a nuclear engineer on television last night that actually helped design this reactor. He basically said this entire incident is all media hype. He said the chance of the reactor melting down is 1 in a thousand and even if it melted down it would release almost no radiation. He said there is absolutely no way this reactor could do what the Chernobyl reactor did because the designs are totally different. He said its worst case scenario is a three mile island event.
  12. Japan and Israel are our true allies. We should help both of them when they need it. They would both do the same for us. In case you are forgetting, Japan is a vital asset in controlling China.
  13. There is no investment in infrastructure because the govt. has made it cost prohibitive to build new facilities that process fossil fuels.
  14. Next question - do you know anything about the difficulty with hunting coyotes with regards to their behavior? A good hunter should learn the habits and characteristics of the game they're going after. Coyotes typically move at night so they're a little harder to hunt. I'm not a hunter but if I were, I would bait them. Make them come to me. Or I would trap them. I'm not a big fan of baiting or trapping and would only go this route as a last resort. Coyotee's are very hard to hunt in the daytime. Using Bait, electronic calls, and a night vision scope is the only way I know to reliably hunt them.
  15. The biggest problem the Military has is the Commander in Chief. Whether he is black or white is all a matter of perspective.
  16. I think you are right.... Or it might be what the Cougar Rewilding president said: "The wildlife service said it has no authority under the Endangered Species Act to reintroduce the mountain lion to the East." Declare them extinct, and they can begin a re-populating effort using Western cats. If they are the same animal, and they are not extinct, why do we need to relocate any to the east? Just leave well enough alone. It does me no good to have wild cougars in my back yard. Exactly. There's a reason those cats left that area. Leave the animals alone. God gave us the animals for food. That is what the Bible says anyway. As far as the big cats go. If they leave me alone, I will leave them alone. If they killed $8000 dollars worth of my dogs like they did my neighbors; the cat might be resting in the bottom of an un-marked grave in a secret location.
  17. So, it's OK to tear down forests, fill in swamps, pollute rivers and kill off the animals - But it is not OK to try to restore them? Yeah, that's exactly what I said isn't it? And this isn't interfering with nature? It's a solution to their overpopulation of deer in the area. It works. I would probably say the same thing if I thought some hunter was going to come in and take away my trophy buck. He's a hunter. They kill for sport. And when the "native predators" become a problem, they'll have something else to kill. I hunt about anything that has a season on it or is legal to shoot anytime of year.
  18. Do you live in the Eastern range? For both of you, you need to photograph the tracks, photograph and collect the scat (droppings), etc. and send it to this organization. Live in Georgia. Have never seen the droppings. Neighbor has casts of the tracks. He gave them to D.N.R. One was killed a couple years ago. The guy who shot it was charged with killing an endangered species. He thought it was an escaped pet mountain lion. According to DNA testing it was not a western mountain lion.
  19. One big point missing here.......the Russians cover up any failures in their program. If they can, that is. We don't. Are you trying to say the Russians are superior in their space exploits? Unfortunately, yes. They can haul bigger payloads than us. They can easily launch up to 16 times per month. They can launch manned vehicles into space on back to back days. They operate at about 20% of the cost per payload pound we operate at. They have a viable space ship, our shuttle fleet is down to its last few missions and we have no working replacement. Yes, they are superior. Do they have the high tech gizmos we have? No, but what they have works. You can no longer cover up launch failures. They are simply not having them.
  20. I guess we could pay Russia a couple million to put it into orbit for us. They seem to be doing just fine with their 1960's technology rockets. Wonder why we don't do the same?
  21. The claim from the article is that sightings are believed to be pets that escaped or were released. Didn't say why they thought that. The other problem is that none of the claims have returned with hardcore evidence - like photos of paw prints. So I would love to see the pet cat that killed my neighbors blue tick hounds. The tracks are 4 times the size of a bob cat. I killed a deer a few years ago that was slashed up like Freddie Kruger got hold of her.
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