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Holly Hobbie

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Everything posted by Holly Hobbie

  1. My husband and I are not of the same faith anymore and thus considered unequally yoked by some circles.. He is Catholic and I am Baptist. It is not easy .When I first married my husband because I thought I could change him and because I thought I would never meet anyone else who "valued" me. That was a mistake we nearly divorced twice but God gave us two special needs kids an reminded each of us how much they and God needed us. It isn't easy and there has been a lot of heartache in the 18 yrs we have known each other. I am the spiritual leader in the home and I absolutely hate it......My husband became a Christian when he was 17 after a Billy Graham crusade but fell deep into an addiction that has also helped nearly destroy our marriage I am not saying that your girl friend is anything like my husband just cautioning you about getting involved with someone who is not on the same spiritual wave length. if your girl friend is not a Christian or is drifting my advice is to encourage her with scripture and prayer if there is no change in her behavior or attitude towards God, Christianity let her go. It may seem easy for me to say this but I live with a man who in many ways himself is running from God and it's hard to stay a strong Christian when I am being dragged down because of my desire to serve God deeper,
  2. I tend to agree with Patriot I don't think there are aliens out there just demons
  3. I just wanted to let you know I have been there until God healed me of it in 2009 and if the admins would allow it I would love to be of an encouragement to you and pray for you
  4. Okay I don't post much on the board but that is changing......I hope you can bare with me when I make gnilleps errors lLOL! I am dyslexic and have issues with gramer and spelling Thank yoku and God bless
  5. I personally have lost faith in "The Word Of Faith Movement. I have been hurt by their lies so many times I don't know where to start I was once told that God would not answer my prayers no matter how much faith I had because my husband didn't have faith the second time he was jobless in our 15yrs of marriage. I have been told by WOF that I was going to go home from a bible study and as long as I held on to the faith I had my kids would be healed of autism and my then 3 yr old son would be talking ....that was 10 yrs ago and neither of my kids talk still. I could go on and on why I have issues with the WOF movement but it would be futile to continue.
  6. I would choose 1)Jesus 2)Job 3)Paul They all went through horrible oppression from the enemy Satan and came out triumphantly and have been insperations for me as I am currently going through some rough waters.
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