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Everything posted by BFP

  1. Oh I definitely hear you there...fire, brimstone, and end times was my life growing up...not a good environment for a child, and a lot of issues as an adult concerning those things. I have simply chosen not to think about it and am hoping I can come up with a good escape plan if things start to happen. Not something I look forward to...
  2. BFP


    Thanks Oak..we all have rough days at times
  3. Well I am not anxious for His return, though I am personally ready...I have loved ones that I want to make sure are coming with me before I can even think of wanting Him to come again.
  4. BFP


    My dear Oak, I must apologize for jumping into a topic that is obviously dear to your heart and being so flip,with a remark. That isn't usually like me, but sometimes in life we face days that seem to much to bear, and this last week was one of mine. I know that my remark was not called for, and I am so sorry that it lead to a response from you that most likely is not part of the way you usually respond either. Considering that we do not know each other, I can see where my response might have hit your not so funny bone. God is good, and we are both his children. I'd really like the chance to jump back in the sandbox with you and play a little more nicely Love you bro...and looking back at previous posts you have shared on Worthy...I respect you as well! Love Tammy
  5. BFP


    Don't worry about it. It takes more than that to rattle my cage. Thank you...
  6. BFP


    You gotta way with words. Good post. I love you Kwik...and yup, she definitely has a way with words:)
  7. BFP


    No problem Patriot . I figured from your post it was some sort of confusion...and you are right about snopes and urban legends usually being pretty solid, but I do agree with looking up answers on ones own and not simply taking them as the authority.
  8. BFP


    On the contrary you have everything to prove. The burden of proof lies on the person presenting the case. You presented a story with absolutely no proof whatsoever-no links nothing. And then man debunked your theory with a link of his own-and your only rebuttle is to attack his source? Seriously? Without providing any links or evidence of your own, I would say mans evidence is stronger then yours-as you have none. I suggest if you want people to believe you, that instead of attacking other peoples sources and weak arguments like "I don't have to prove anything" you present some actual evidence of this supposed purchase of guillotines. I didn't post about guillotines...oak did. . And I apologized to Man in my post for being so flip about urban legends. It has been a very rough week, and I should have thought before I posted
  9. BFP


    Ummmm, Oak...I really don't have to ask much about the "topic". Been reading about all of this for years. I was just kind of chuckling about the urban legends part...and being a little sarcastic...which I shouldn't have, I am sorry Man. As for you Oak, I don't have anything to prove to someone who would "assume" I am without knowledge...believe me I have read all that you have, and know exactly what you are talking about. I have chosen, however, to put my rose colored glasses on and enjoy life as I know it today and not worry so much about tomorrow, because my Lord has a plan for my life and will show me the way if the time ever comes. Day by day, and with each passing moment Strength I find, to meet my trials here Trusting in my Fathers wise bestowment I've no cause for worry or for fear. I think this week you should perhaps study Fukushima ...it is a little more detrimental for the short term, if you are looking for things to worry about:)
  10. BFP


    Well considering that the internet is ridden with disinformation...conspiracy theories are rampant...we have decided long ago that government may be not so trustworthy...news is censored...traffic cams tell lies when big stuff like a million bikers showing up in DC happens. What is it about Urban Legends and Snopes that make them the last word on anything? Or trustworthy? LoL
  11. I don't think it is only her problem...the media that zeroed in on this story should really be looking for more news worthy stories...not wasting paper on people like this...but of course, we don't get the real news anymore...just junk like this. As for her...if she lived in my neighborhood I would be handing out treats at the end of her driveway...cans of whipped cream and bottles of chocolate syrup...sprinkles...so that the kids she's hurting can dress up her car as a big fat chocolate sunday...lol!
  12. Yes it is a proverb that is very near and dear to most parents. I agree hope in the Lord is much a part of faith. Sorry your children have turned away from the faith. Praying for them to return to God's truth. Yet God is still faithful even if others choose not to listen to the truth as found in God's Word - the Bible. Each of us must give an account. For better or worse. I guess I was just reminded when reading this today that no matter what I teach my children the results are up to the individual and God. It also I think it comes down to choice. In the Bible we see that good Kings of Israel/Judah came from bad kings and bad kings from good kings. I pray my children turn to God at an early age and serve Him throughout their lives. God bless, GE Thanks GE. We can only do our best. My daughter loves The Lord with her whole heart . And it is awesome to hear the ways he speaks to her and guides her. My kids are still young adults, so hope is not lost! My two sons are very different from each other. One is simply a very good kid but indifferent to God at this point in his life...and the other...well it would be a true miracle if things ever turn around for him...but my God is bigger than any situation, and He is the God of miracles...so who am I to even assume what His plan is? LOL.
  13. Well that proverb has brought much hope to many parents...and Hope in the Lord is very much part of faith. So Proverb or Promise...my heart hangs on that verse...and I do believe that my children will all come back to the faith that was instilled in them as children Period!
  14. Jesus loves you Stormy, and He brings each of us through our struggles as we learn just how much this is so! It is not easy to break away from addictions, and any of us who have or have had addictions know this. It doesn't make you any less a child of God if you have accepted Jesus. Guilt is certainly His way of convicting you that it isn't right, and the fact that you are feeling guilt is a good sign:). Look up to Him...visit a pastor instead of a secular counseling session...you'll be amazed how different the two are. A secular counsellor speaks with knowledge...a good pastor speaks with wisdom. And through this hardship don't ever forget that Jesus loves you and wants you to be free of it. Will be praying for you!
  15. I think that there are times when verses definitely need to be used in context, and there are many times that The Lord has lead me to a single verse, whether in context or not, as an encouragement or teaching. I think The Lord uses the Bible in many ways for teaching. That is why it is called the Living Word. So yes..it is important to use a verse in context if you are studying a particular area, but on the other hand a single verse can bring comfort, support, and teaching whether it is in context or not. At least that has been my experience. Now the prosperity teaching when it comes to monetary values...well money is supposed to mean nothing to a Christian unless he is helping others with it....but there is nothing wrong with believing that our Lord provides for all our needs, including health, healing, and protection. And I truly believe He does. As for the verse above...what would it hurt to believe that God would do these things for each of us? And I do believe that He would. Are we not His children as well?
  16. The problem lies with those who have said the prayer of repentance, but not really meaning it. They show no fruit, but believe themselves to be saved simply because they have said a few words. Your heart has to be involved in this transaction, not just your head. By their fruits you will know them. Works and faith go hand in hand to someone who is really saved. The Lord puts the works on your heart...but FAITH is the beginning, the foundation of it all. It's like if you apply for a job, and get it...but refuse to do what the boss asks of you...what will become of that? We have to be careful to keep the balance of how faith and works go together.
  17. Thank You Nebula My sentiments exactly. And I do not attend church...not that I don't want to...I would love to. But there are things in my past that have given me major church anxiety. And it starts in the parking lot and builds through the service. I am not going to explain this, only to say that too much was expected of me as a child sitting in those pews. And the discipline that came from simply being a child and doing childish things, has completely ruined my taste for church. I start shaking inside when I think of sitting still in a pew and being "quiet" for an hour and a half. I want to RUN the minute I sit down. That is most of the reason I don't attend, but your questions above all ring in there as well.
  18. Well I have to say that believing it to be set in stone has relieved me of much anxiety in the last few years. And I do believe it to be written in stone. I don't have to worry about anything, God has it all planned. BUT at the same time, I do value my health while I am on this earth and wish to feel as well as I can while I am here so I take care of my body...knowing full well that when God calls me home nothing can save me, but until that day nothing can kill me either...but it sure can hurt if I'm not careful.
  19. Oh do I ever know how you feel LadyK! I lived that almost my whole life until maybe three years ago. I read every book I could find on the love of God. I never believed He loved me before that, I always figured he was the big guy up in the sky that was just waiting for me to screw up somehow so that he could ruin me somehow. Gloria Copeland has a book out called "Blessed Beyond Measure" that really helped me get past that fear. I know some will say that it goes too far over to the other side, BUT I think you need to read it because for me it gave me balance. And balance was what i needed to overcome that never ending day to day fear of God.
  20. Taken from the book "God's Psychiatry" by Charles L Allen Quote: "In the pastures of the Holy land grew poisonous plants which were fatal to the sheep when eaten. Also there were plants with thorns that would penetrate thier soft noses and cause ugly sores. Each spring the shepherd would take his mattock and dig out these enemies of the sheep, pile them up,and burn them.. Thus the pastures were safe for the sheep to graze. The pastures became, as it were, a table prepared. The present enemies were destroyed. ....the shepherd of men is out ahead, and we can be assured of the protection of His strength. There is "the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith" 1 John 5 :4
  21. I know how it feels mr.Empathy. I have a son, who is probably a lot like your wife. Undiagnosed...we just cannot cope or deal with him and the monstrous things he throws our way. We have had to let him go, and believe me, it doesn't happen without many tears, banging your head against the wall trying to help...and many HUGE disappointments. It is not something I ever want to go through again. Although we recieve phone calls these days, we keep him at a huge distance, and are not shy to simply hang up when he gets out of control. To have no control over the situation, and to watch him go so far downhill over the years is truly heartbreaking. And it doesn't help that he turned to self medications with crack and crystal meth in the last few years. No parent ever wants to go down that road with thier child. Just saying that I truly do understand, and I am so sorry you are having to walk down this road. It is a lose lose situation, and I fear only God has the answers. All I can say is that through it all I have had to believe with all my heart that God has a plan, everything happens for a reason...and just trust Him. I don't have any answers...but I have One who carries me through the heart ache
  22. Sometimes, as hard as we might try, people are broken beyond repair. Make it your priority to protect your children to every extent you can, and let her go. She will probably attempt to come back into your life again, and it will be between you and God if you allow that to happen, but don't feel guilty letting her go. Will be praying for you.
  23. I'm with you Fez! It really IS that simple. Look forward, not back, and not side to side . Keep your eyes on Jesus and everything else falls into place. Don't be distracted by all those things that seem to be put in your path. A simple faith is a simple life. And it is definitely all about love.
  24. Had a terrible confirmation of this this morning. Read this thread 2 days ago and it made me think...about how at time it does take alot of courage to love. Last night my husband and I were driving down a two lane highway and saw a woman walking. She was walking away from town...I am guessing toward home. But she was walking to close to the traffic instead of on the shoulder. We had to swerve out and around her to pass her. Didn't think much of it at that point, except that she shouldn't be walking on the road like that. About 20 minutes later we were on our way back down the highway and we saw her again. This time she was walking right down the center of a turning lane, and the traffic that was turning had to go all around her to pass. She seemed oblivious to it. She didn't seem drunk or high, she seemed perhaps angry or hurt. She was in one of those "I don't care" kind of moods. I commented to my husband that she was going to get herself killed. The thought briefly crossed my mind to stop and ask her if she was okay, but I was in a hurry to get to dinner. So I said nothing, and we just kpet about our own business. That woman...a 21 year old young woman is dead this morning. She was hit by a car about a 1/2 hour after we saw her. Looking back, I know now that a simple gesture of love (which would have taken some courage) might have changed everything. She was in dire need of a hug...that was clear. Would she have accepted a hug from a stranger getting out of a car to see if she was okay? Perhaps not. I could sit here today and say that what happened to her was destiny...that many others saw her and could have stopped as well. I can say that perhaps she would not have taken my offering of love at all...but the point is... I never offered. And if I had it could have changed everything. My heart is heavy this morning. And I can assure you, that the next time I see something like this, I will be more inclined to love with courage
  25. Just true! Think about it...Love is the all in all...it is often not easy to love...love can and does hurt...wow, the more you think on this the more it really is Just True!
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