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Everything posted by Akiko

  1. I'd advise you to pick up the book, "The Case For Christ" by Lee Strobel at your Barns and Noble and turn to Chapter One, "The Eyewitness Evidence". It has a section dealing with this exact issue and deals very thoroughly with it. I'm not an authority on the subject (unlike these people) so I can't give you as good of an answer. However, half an hour of reading may help. Akiko
  2. Total honesty? I was taught from a very young age about Christianity, and placed my faith in Jesus as a kid. I know the Bible stories inside and out. It wasn't until about the 7th grade that I really stepped back and thought about what I believed. When evolution came into our curriculum at school, I did some research to help back up my faith (including the theroy that God used evolution in creation; no I don't believe this). Afterwards, I became a bit hooked on apoligetics and did more research. Science has in fact helped confirm and stregnthen my trust in God!! I've been having a great walk with God, and can't wait to see where He'll use me. A good point to make is that there is nothing wrong with believing something because you were taught it all your life... the point where that becomes bad is if you're mindlessly accepting the fact without really being involved. Good thread. Akiko
  3. If God can do everything, could He make a rock so big He couldn't lift it? (Correct answer is yes... I look forward to when 'the veil is lifted from our eyes' and we get that level of understanding necessary to understand how that can be)
  4. All I can say is 'ouch'. o_o And I don't particuraly like munching on wood... glad you got your taste back.
  5. I once had a locker next to a girl who sprayed air freshener into her locker. I went home smelling like cherry jelly candy. No joke. XD
  6. Since you're really seeking answers, I'm happy to try and help. Even if you do think it's in the best interest of others, it's not. I can guarentee that 100%... people who consider suicide think that everyone would be better off with them gone. Not true. The people who are left behind are devestated. Suicide isn't getting rid of the pain, it is only dumping it on someone else multiplied a hundred times. And as I said in my last post... suicide is murduring onself. Murder is forbidden by the Ten Commandments. It's also man trying to play God-- you're telling Him that He made a mistake in making you, and you're going to fix that mistake. Suicide is wrong on all counts. It is giving up and not trusting God that He will lead you through a tough place. This is one of the issues like homosexuality or adultery that is black-and-white... just wrong. Who are we to tell God that His plan in making is was just a little flawed? There was a boy in our class who attempted suicide about a year back. He was very well-liked and funny; you would have never pegged him to try it. He said later that he felt he had no friends and that the world would be better off without him. I didn't even know him that well, and words cannot express how happy I am to tell you that he is now seeking God!
  7. Well, I don't know if Saul had mental problems or not, but one thing I do know... taking your own life is a sin. God is the ONLY one who should decide when to begin and when to end a life. When we commit suicide, we are basically telling God, "Look, I know You're God and all, but you made a mistake in making me. I know better than you when I shoud die, so I'm going to fix your mistake." Paul also says, "I would like to go to be with the Lord, but I know it is better for you if I stay here on earth." We have to look also at others' best interests, not our own.
  8. "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. o one can snatch them from the Father
  9. XD What's funny is that I thought of that song, but I didn't post it because I didn't think it was right! I especially like the "Scarlet Letter" part... so true of society today.
  10. This may be a long shot, but I'm gonna try it. There's a site called Song Tapper.com. You apparently tap the song into your space bar, and it will bring up a list of songs. I don't know how good it is, but it may be worth a shot. http://www.bored.com/songtapper/s/tappingmain.bin?dotap=1 You can also go to Bored.com and under 'Music' there should be a heading called, "Song Tapper"
  11. Speaking strictly from my high school, most teens listen to Contemporary, Rock, and Metal. I listen to other stuff (As The Deer is one of my favorite hymns!!) but this is what I'm listening to most of the time. Let God lead you wherever He's calling.
  12. I am a music freak who listens to about seven hours of music a day... kudos to you on doing God's work over the airwaves! I'm a teen in the Midwest. And, to ward off misconception, I do not live on a farm, nor do I own overalls... XD 1. What's your favorite type of music? I like anything from Christian Rock-Metal and some Contemporary here and there. Only rapping I like is done by Toby Mac and KJ-52. 2. What are your favorite bands? That's hard. O_o Skillet, BarlowGirl, Superchick, Hawk Nelson, Relient K to name the most prominent. 3. Do you like to listen to a mix or just your style...the new top 10 songs...or a mix of old and new songs? I'm open to listen to almost anything. The biggest thing I can say is as long as you play a variety and don't play Top 10 songs 24/7, I would tune in any day. Add in a little of everything, and play old AND new. 4. Think about the station you listen to all the time...or the majority...what makes you like it so much...what keeps you tunned into that station? It's one of the only Christian radio stations around here. I like it because it sends a positive vibe and I like the music (though the repeating songs sometimes make me want to scream). XD 5. What would you change about your favorite station if you could and why? *see above* 6. What kind of programs would you like to see in your ideal station...call-in programs...prayer hot lines...? Prayer hot-lines would really be nice. It gives a sense of community, like you're connected to someone else in the world just because of their music (think Chris Rice's "The Other Side Of The Radio") Some contests would be fun. 7. If it was said that a Christian radio station was coming to your town...what would you like to see it do for the community...in the community? Our radio station does some roller-skating nights. It'd be cool if we could get this information out to the public; maybe get some non-believers turned on to Christian music. Make them see that it isn't hymns.
  13. I did a little research, and I'll be praying! Whatever God has planned for you, it's in your best interest as His kid.
  14. I've heard the song before (I'm a teen and switch between Christian and secular radio stations). My take? It's a story getting more and more common today-- more sexual abuse and things. While the song addresses important issues, they air some stuff that's a little too mature. It's got a catchy tune, true, but the lyrics are not positive. I don't listen to the song. I agree with micen2. It's not the best song, but it's not the worst (compare it to the sex-and-hate songs so prominent today). It tries to get a message out... they just do it in a not-so-great form. >_> Songs like that, even if the meanings go over your granddaughter's head, aren't OK. When she's older and more mature, she may want to listen to KJ-52's "#1 Fan". It's got a very similar style. The basic outline of the song is the artist, KJ-52, gets an e-mail one day from a girl telling him that she's going to commit suicide. KJ emails her back, and she describes a physically and sexually abusive past (In Christian discretion, of course). It ends with him finding out that the girl indeed got help, and on a positive note. ^__^ Makes me thank the Lord every time I hear it!!
  15. Luke 15:10-- "There is joy in the presence of God's angels when even one sinner repents!" Angels are partying for you, System!! I'm so glad you were able to talk to your sister. God won't hide himself from you; you've just gotta see him. Congratulations!
  16. That's a tough question. Bible scholars have debated on it for years. Here's what I know... (please excuse typos as I am copying this) " 'What about the native in deep dark Africa? God wouldn't send him to hell for not accepting Christ when he's never heard of him, would he? What about the millions of Hindus and Buddhists who are good moral people, but have never heard the gospel-- God couldn't possibly send them to hell, could he?' If you've been following Jesus for very long, you've probably had a couple discussions that deal with questions like these. What does God do with those who've never heard of Jesus? The Bible doesn't deal with that question directly. Instead, it talks about Jesus in rather exclusive terms. Take a look at Acts 4:12: 'There is salvation in no one else! There is no other name in all of heaven [other than Jesus Christ] for people to call on to save them.' Because the Bible doesn't talk directly about the problem, we must proceed with humility and caution. Still, we aren't left totally in the dark. "First, remember that God doesn't owe it to anybody to save him or her from hell and take that person to heaven for all eternity. He would be entirely justified in condemning everyone, for "all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard' (Romans 3:23). That's the nature of grace-- we get what we don't deserve, instead of what we do deserve. Even if God arbitarily chose whom to save and whom to condemn, he could not be accused of being unjust or unmerciful. Still why would God condemn someone who has never heard of Christ for never claiming foriveness through the cross of Christ? He wouldn't. Romans 1 (especially verses 18-20) makes it clear that God has created every one of us with the knowledge of our Creator. We have to try to suppress it. Psalm 19 begins, 'The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvellous craftmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known.' Every person ever born has an innate knowledge that there is a Creator, someone bigger, smarter, and more powerful than we are, who put us here in this universe. Those who do not hear the message about Jesus are responsible for how they respond to the knowledge they do have about God. "So, for anyone who has heard the Good News of Jesus-- that God came to earth as a man named Jesus of Nazareth, and that he lived, died, and rose again so that through him we could have forgiveness of sns and eternal life-- salvation comes through faith in Jesus. For the person who's never heard of Jesus and his love for us, salvation comes based on the knowledge of our loving Creator, and responding to that knowledge with love, obedience, and worship. For all people, Christ is the only one who has opened the way for us to be restored to God. It is his act on the cross and his resurrection that enables any of us to approach our holy and all-righteous God. We don't have all the answers to all the questions that confuse us about life and death, heaven and hell, and so on. But we can know the one who not only knows the truth, but is the Truth-- and we know that he is loving, kind, and merciful. He will do what is right." (Quoted from the NLT Bible/'Student's Life Application Bible') All in all? To restate, the Bible doesn't tell us specifically. But what we do know is that God tells us "to go out and preach the Gospel to all the earth" in Mark 16:15-16. He also tells us how we can be saved-- 'For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.' (Romans 10:9) Also... talk with your sister! I'm sure she asked many of the same questions you're asking and would also be able to help you. You've got people willing to talk everywhere.
  17. "I pledge alliegence to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under *BEEEEEEP*..." Hmmm. If this is true, maybe we can sue our government for giving is the incorrect version of the Pledge, and desecrating our money. >_> Yuck. *clings to Bible*
  18. *nods* I agree with everything said here. The one thing you should know is that no person here (not even a mod! ^__~) has all the answers. God's the only one who has those. But I and everyone on Worthy will answer everything we can to the fullest. In the end, it's your decision, and no amount of evidence we present can make it for you. It's faith that makes it in the end. If you keep an open mind and are willing to really listen what others say, I see no problems. What's the 'irrelevent' question you asked your pastor?
  19. With all due respect to the aethist, I'd like to ask him who he heard about Jesus from in the first place. Odds are it's the guy who he wrote the letter to (therefore, um, he's not quite twiddling his thumbs as the aethist claims). If running around the street 'mad with rage' shouting, "BELIEVE IN GOD, YOU MORONS!! WHY ARE YOU SO BLIND?!?!" would lead people to Christ, get me my megaphone and running shoes; I"ll be out there before you can say, "She's crazy." But as we've seen, it doesn't. (Darn it all.)
  20. Reading through the Bible in a year... and applying what I read. ^__~
  21. Don't worry, nothing's personal. I agree with most of what you said: if the government's doing something wrong, then we sure as heck don't have to encourage it. If something's doing fine, don't get the government involved. However, if there's a problem, they're legally entitled to stick their fingers in and try to get it working again. We live in a pagan world, and they're gonna mess up. It happens. *shrug* I don't run the government and I can't control what they do. (As much as I would like to boot our state's curent rep >_>) But in any case, God does tell us to submit to the government. Tidus 3:1-- "Remind the believers to submit to the government and its officers. They should be obedient, always ready to do what is good." It doen't say, "They should be obedient, doing whatever the government says." We've gotta let them do their jobs, but if it's contradicting God's word, forget it. God is superior to man. God placed every government leader in power, including Saddam. Why? I have no idea. Do I like it? No way. Do I think He did it for a reason? Yes. Do I know that reason? No. What he did contradicted God's word, and the US got involved and he was hung yesterday. I don't know why it had to happen, but it happened. I'll voluntarily withdraw my opinion if anyone can show me a Bible verse... I'd rather not be spouting nonsense; I'd just like to know why it's nonsense if it is. God Bless Akiko
  22. I agree partly-- the law is bogus, and just because someone's knee goes out doesn't mean they're overweight. (My dog is old, and one of her knees blew out. She's not overweight either ^__~) However, if someone is obese and their knee blows out, it's a good chance. A quick medical check-up will give a pretty good explanation. If you have multiple health complications due to obesity and/or smoking, and refuse to quit either habit, should I have to pay for you? Uh, I'd rather not. I can't control what you do, so why should I have to pay for it? Paying a little extra on taxes for obesity or smoking would motivate people to quit and help pay for the people that don't. Also, that was a little harsh about the government. Don't get me wrong-- I don't want them messing around in my personal life either. But if a family member of yours was murdured, you'd be begging them to get involved. God said that the people in the government were placed there by Him, so we have to show them a degree of respect. (I'm not saying that Hitler or Saddam should have been kept in power, either ^__~) You don't have to let them control their life... just let them do their jobs. I like mailmen and firefighters.
  23. I agree. Calvin and Hobbes is not insulting or trying to debunk Christianity, he's simply a guy searching for truth through a comic strip. Same thing I said on my last post. ^__~ It's not a malicious intention.
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