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  1. Well, I can agree on the ones that quote the entire post of the first post on the thread, and then all the person doing that says is something less than or up to only one sentence, give or take a little. It makes for a heck of a long post. I try only to do it, as was said so before, when I have something to say to nearly every part of the post. Sometimes I"ve quoted a person when I'm the first to respond, just so it'll be clear to whom I'm speaking/responding. Sometimes it happens that people post at the same time and dont even notice it, so then it gets confusing too.
  2. Isn't there at least one verse in the Bible somewhere that reminds people under stress to praise God even when they are in despair and asking for help? (I'm never so good at remembering more than ideas or messages from Scripture).
  3. Heh, so true about Jesus. Heh, and Nebula always has, so far as I've seen , put her words out carefully and nicely.
  4. If I may say so, excellent post, Floatingaxe! It covers it well. And points out how we make excuses to not to develop our relationships with God, because we have other focuses in life, or are too tired to devote our energies to the study of His word and to prayer.
  5. Yeah, it is true, it can't hurt really and doesnt take away from the time we have to do the same for others less fortunate. Nice post, way to put it Nebula.
  6. She is a "role model" to many young girls out there, perhaps to children of people who frequent these boards. It's good to have an answer to their questions or to be able to discuss the issue with those kids form the Christian point of view. This young woman needs our prayers more than anything else and it's good to see she has not been ridiculed here at this forum. She's a lost soul in need of Jesus. She could be any one of our daughters; would we recognize there was a problem if we saw it? Or would we simply turn our backs and chock it up to a youthful indiscretion? It's good to take a lesson from a life that once held so much promise, and perhaps will again with the Lord's intervention. Ok.
  7. Why? Because if we say that one of God's attributes is more prominent than others, or that God suspends one attribute to exercise another, or that any of God's actions are not conditioned by all of His attributes, we are not portraying God as He really is. We are misrepresenting God to people Right. Because it's then that we're putting God into human terms, when we raise one attribute or ability of His over another, and even in assuming that one must be suspended to accomplish another? Good post. I strangely don't fear it anymore. In fact, it gives me confidence and a hope because I know that there is a God out there who is Just and Holy and Perfect and Wonderful. Sure, He will actually judge people in the end, taking seriously that role as He's been patient enough with us anyway for millennia, but He's also loving and forgiving. So, it's not the kind of taciturn nature you might find with any people here on earth. God's ways and judgments are perfect. I am glad of that.
  8. I'm really not saying this to be a nuisance, but seriously: I just don't get it. What's the big deal? So, she cut her hair off. So, what? The Media makes America like one big high school drama. I just don't get it.
  9. I think that this is another first for me, in reading your guys' posts here, and seeing discussion on how the Israelites must have known exactly what they were doing when they requested that Aaron make the calf for them. Heh, I guess that's also good reason for one to go back and study the culture of the times, and any other information on that ancient history one can get, helps with understanding the significance of the Scriptures better. I had thought that just maybe they happened to ask for the calf perhaps because they had been in Egypt at a time when the calf was popular worship or for some unrelated to purpose kind of reason, it just came to their minds. It's amazing as everyone has said that they deliberately chose this calf in direct obedience to God. I mean, it's one thing to blaspheme against Him with worshiping someone else or saying something very bad, but it's another to purposefully choose a method of defiance and disobedience directed at Him that has more meaning, such as that calf. I guess it may not be a big deal to some, but as others have said, it was daring! not to mention evil, but down right bold of them. It's kind of difficult to understand what kind of mind-set they were stuck in, to choose to defy the God who had just delivered them all from captivity like that, as if He had done them any wrong. I guess it's like the insults from abusive spouses or enemies that are chosen specifically because they hit a certain target that the one throwing them out intended for the insults to do, or just because they know it hurts (which is the same). Sorry for more rambling, it's just yet another very interesting aspect of the Bible to come to see.
  10. I'm not saying that the whole history of Eygyptology is flawed but I tend to look at it differently now. No doubt there IS truth in what they have discovered but like I said before some info giving credit to the Bible is withheld. As for those gross "trends" with the Egyptian mummies. in Victorian times..would you really want to drink ground mummy skin in your cup of tea?? And when they got sick or died, they blamed it on Pharaohs "curse.".... Right, so I guess it could be hidden. Probably never will be revealed. I still would like to know which Pharaoh it was, would be cool. Heh, true, so gross about the ways they used those bodies. Man, whoever started up the idea that they could be potent for anything was either just a loon, or a brilliant capitalist, or businessman...just another person out looking for a quick buck... *finds a mummy, thinks for a moment, maybe of taking it to a museum or collector, then"hmm, I know an even better way to make use of this!, starts babbling about its ancient powers, etc* I'm a dork.
  11. It IS thought provoking and once again with the erasing of previous Pharaohs names, once again, that is what we have been TOLD....When the names and tombs were dessicrated, we are told it was done in antiquity..Will we ever know for sure? I have read by some modern archeologists, that the actual time line of the Egyptian Kings could in fact be in error. And with the names..many Kings in Egypt had multiple names, so in regards to the Pharoah in Exodus, his name could quite possibly be recorded in Ancient Egyptian text by another of the Kings names. When you had WOMEN who ruled as Pharaohs and actually were carved as wearing the royal plaited beard, all is not as straight forward as "they" would have us believe...... Because of the confusion with the Pharaohnic time line, I have read it could be Achenaten as the Pharaoh in Exodus...funny his tomb and mummy has never been found.... Well, the possibility that other history has also been fabricated, by those who teach it, has come up before, so it's not too hard to believe what you're saying as something that may also be possible. I think there's something too about how textbooks are written...once, I heard that the U.S. government wouldn't allow this one film to be released in the U.S., I think that was how it happened, until it had been censored or at least approved for its content. And, it was odd because most people probably wouldn't think of our country having issues with censorship of the media or free press, not to that degree, right? err, at least no one talks about the government doing it, I believe. Anyway, it could make sense, if you twist it around and think that perhaps they invented that habit of the pharoahs in order to explain the gaps in Egyptian history: maybe it was stuff that was really missing? or they were holding information back. It would be interesting. Yeah, that's history as I have read about it and have been taught, somewhat. I dont think that I've ever come across any book or website (never a professor though, don't know people really educated in it or in the field! ) about coverups in even the line of the kings. Heh, they'd probably just say it was a mistake anyway. Another time though that they mentioned for the destruction of some sites was the time when amateur archeaology was popular with some eighteenth or nineteenth century Europeans and Americans... story about using mummies for face creams even, I think that was one of the grosser stories.
  12. Yeah, I thought too that it was just speaking of the not-yet-redeemed. It doesn't make sense to them either, just as possibly it might not make sense to one who has fallen away?
  13. I used to love ancient Egyptian history, ever since I was a kid. Interest has died down somewhat since then, but it's still a fascinating place, especially, as was mentioned earlier, in thinking about Moses and Joseph.
  14. Heh, so many seem to pop up out of nowhere, claiming to be the Anti-christ. Too bad that he's actually deceived those people. makes me wonder how it happens really, why they believe the crazy things he's said.
  15. From when I was reading that entire passage/chapter on Saul when he was annointed King, actually from just before that I think, to his end, I kind of got the sense that God was just giving Saul another chance to turn from his ways.
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