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Everything posted by abrandnewgirl

  1. I agree with what you said. It is unfair that Ron Paul doesn't get any media attention and they ignore him. They have very little to say in regards to what he has to say and what his plans for the country hold. I notice that most of the reports focus on Hillary and Obama; McCain and Romney. I tend to think it is all staged. My thoughts are that Edwards will stay in the reace as long as possible which will in theory get Hillary more of the votes. And Huckabee stays in and the confusion is displayed all the more of who would be our likely candidate. I have my doubts that Romney is able to be a leader in the war but I think as far as the financial debt he could be a great help in that area. I am not holding it completely against him that he is a mormon and please don't read into this wrongly. Many mormons I know of in my area are very nice wonderful people, that doesn't mean I agree with their teachings or their doctrine. I think it would be nice to see McCain and Romney or Huckabee and really take on the challenges we face in the US. But I have this gut wretching feeling that it will be 'Billary' in office. Just some thoughts and they could change..... Abrandnewgirl
  2. no one has asked the million dollar question: why would angels mix with humans? #1 they wouldn't,#2 they can't and #3 if they could and would why are they not doing it now ,today, in this day and age? The reason that the sons of God came and procreated with the women was to tamper with the BLOOD LINE. If they could tamper with the Blood lines guys/gals then Jesus would not have been able to come through man-kind and put satan away. Nephelim mixed with mankind (women) is not a thought I care to dwell on. 'EX' made mention of some scriptures that can not be ignored or shook off. So how would you explain that? Shall we get into 'word' studies? We can certainly disect passages but if things turn to prove your theory wrong then why continue to argue. The Scripture can certainly interpret itself with out us redefining its meaning. Blessings, Abrandnewgirl
  3. I agree with what you write JesusisGod2. Another thing is, if you read The Revelation of Jesus Christ and study it thoroughly, it has an order of things to come and there is NO pretrib Rapture, which is not really a word that we can back up as being doctrinally correct. I learned this when I was a baby christian and it was my own reading that led me to question the teachings and preachings out there. Some of it just did not make sense and it is even more of a mystery to those who debate a pretrib rapture. When I bring up events in Revelation, they do not understand that saints, are the christians it is referring too. I am also under the suspicion that when all hell that breaks loose after the beast ascends from the abyss, 'time' will go speedily for the ones who remain. And when the day the great day arrives where the remnant who died for His Name Sake put on their white robes, every tear they shed will be wiped away and all suffering and hunger they did endure will never be their plight again. These have a special place with the Lord for they have the testimony of Jesus and have over come by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of thier testimony. Rev 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And the Spirit of Prophecy is the fullfillment of His word and He will complete this wonderful work through us. In my opinion, the real nasty stuff starts to happen when the Beast ascends from the abyss, which is the 2nd woe. The picture changes dramatically and the believers are in grave danger now because the beasts time is recognizeably short. I really had doubts in the pretrib rapture when I started my own studies, but let me say this, if it were for Hal Lindsay's book "The Late Great Planet Earth", I may never had researched it so strongly. Praise God for that! Blessings Abrandnewgirl I used to think on pre-trib doctrine but then saw that this is stretching it then I seen a lot for Mid-trib rapture and really put my hope in this for this is going to be a terrible time on the earth (The tribulation) but then a verse in revelation was brought to me and after really looking at it, how could it be anything but post Rev 20:4-5 "And I saw thrones, and they that sat upon them; and judgement and I saw the souls of them who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither recieved the mark upon thier Foreheads, or in thier hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection." Dig in guys, it looks as if we will experience the tribulation, although I believe that God will protect us and supernaturally feed us, seeing as we will not be able to buy or sell or even rent an apartment for that matter. We will pull together as a body and some will be put to death, but what could be better than to be out of this world and be present with God. God says "Blessed and Holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection" verse 6 We are a special people, living in a special time, we will see and experience things no one has ever before experienced. Paul says to encourage each other with this (Being part of the first resurrection). God will never leave us or forsake us, He will be there for us. Thats my opinion of the tribulation rapture, and I am open to others, but it sure looks as if based on this passage of scripture that it will be post trib.
  4. WHO IS BABYLON? ACCORDING TO JEREMIAH 50-51 IS HOW IT ALL STARTED. Well, let's use some of the other books and we can dig a little deeper. Who is Babylon? Is it a place? A system? A region or territory or could it be ancient Persia? This is a topic that I think will continue on until the Two Prophets come on the scene and the abomination of desolation with the Son of Lawlessness being revealed. Then I think it will all be much more clearer. But lets review for now with what we got and see if there is any new material or views that can "hold water". Hope to hear your opinions. Girl
  5. I am always amazed that people think this way!! As if being a christian is going to excuse one from times of trouble......And where does this idea that the tribulation is a time of punishment for those left on the earth?? That is ludicrous in thinking that way. Please explain why you think you are excused from suffering?? Suffering for His Name sake is Biblical. While there is yet time, Let's keep our heads on our shoulders while we can.....a time may come when we are asked if we are believers in Jesus the Messiah....and it will be our hearts and a confessing mouth in Jesus Christ that liberates us to cross over. Corrie Ten Boom thought Jesus was going to rapture her and her sister away and it never happened! They had every reason in the world to think they were in the end times and tribulation. Was God allowing them to be punished??? I am trying to make a point here people.....And what about all the christians, men and women and children that were thrown into the lion pits and persecuted...they were told the end is at hand...and were they being punished??? Tribulation is defined as Trouble....In the end it is going to be great tribulation, as in no other time before. I think some people don't really give it much thought about the fact that they may have to die for his name sake or that it could possibly come to that. It would be so much easier to just fantisize us being caught away before all Hell breaks loose but I am not reading that in between the lines. I would rather have God's truth and His Holy Spirit with me in good times and bad times....this life on earth is just a moments affliction. Who would die for their Lord when it boils down to it? Seems to me alot of muslims are more willing than christians. Where is the passion for Jesus as Paul had while he lived and walked the earth or Zeal and fire like John the Baptizer??? I think if all Hell broke loose many would run for their lives and great fear would overtake many.....and many would fall away. Let's hear some answers for that..... Abrandnewgirl
  6. I had the great honor of being invited to Mexico on a mission trip years back and it changed some thoughts I felt I knew about demons. First of all, that trip was a real eye opener for me. Not only was it my first time visiting a third world country, but my eyes were literally opened to the fact that there are REAL demons that can over take a person and over power them. I saw what the Bible described as demon possesion and devils working through people. And their beliefs there were also intermingled with some weird stuff like voodoo, "white witch-craft"---which is plain witch craft to me and alot of superstition. I had demons tell me their names when I was <actually asking for the name of the person itself>. And what surprised me was that the interpreter would ask the individual a question and <the individual would look at me (not with their eyes but with eyes that were empty and dark and blackened) and answer me in PLAIN ENGLISH>. I think demons have no choice but to answer us, as we have been given all power and authority in the Name of Jesus. They will give us the truth. It did shock me at first when I experienced these manifestations but the Holy Spirit leads us and guides us on what to do next. It was perfectly 'supernatural' to rebuke them and forbid them to play games with me. Shortly after my return home from the mission trip I did encounter some blatant manifestions. I guess I need to go out and do more missions. Getting out of our "familiarity" forces us to trust God more and to draw closer to Jesus. I do not encounter much of this activity any more, well, in the USA and on home soil but I have seen manifestations of "Mockery"and facial expressions that can't seem to control themselves. I have a 'hunch' that the demons here in the U.S. are more religous in charactor and people are more 'prideful' and 'self righteous' than the third world countries. WE don't seem to have open doors to "spiritual" encounters as they do for the very reason being that we--and I am suggesting we is "our country", is alot like the pharisees and sadducees. Religious. Upright in our own ways and our own philosophies and theology of christianity. I think the demons in our region are much more difficult to uproot and deal with head-on than third world countries, just for the reason that they blend in so well with what we confuse as strength and power. But then again, "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. So let's get to praying! And I must add, we need to know who we are in Christ Jesus. We are children of our Heavenly Father, high presits, Blessed, Forgiven, Without blemish, Servants of the Most High...add more on if you like to...... Blessings Abrandnewgirl
  7. Wow! I am so impressed with what I am reading. I need to print this. You should write a book.....very well said. Blessings, Abrandnewgirl
  8. Yes. Exactly. (to the first questions, not your last statement) It's etrnal punishment not punishing. The punishment or results last forever, not the punishing. okay. I read your reply. I guess we are all entitled to an opinion. I don't see that in the bible. Sorry...Maybe if you have some scriptural evidence I could possible refer to it and pray on the matter. Remember the thread anyone...? God Bless Girl
  9. Tom, Ummm....I am trying to follow where you go with this, so don't be offended or defensive. But are you saying that there will come an end to HELL eventually? And that somewhere along the line that those who have perished and gone to HELL will no longer exist at some point? That would mean their eternal punishment would come to an end. I am just trying to understand what it is that you interpret. If I have lost the track on what you are saying, help me to understand. Thanks. Girl It is my understanding that Hell is forever. To perish is to perish on earth....when the body we inhabit is no longer of use.
  10. Look who's talking about complacency! You think that God is unable to preserve His Wortd ot us? you think that He cannot see to it that the translators whose responsibility under God was to make the Word available to the world were not commandeered by the Holy Spirit? My, how you limit the God of the universe! That is complacency and laziness of faith if I ever heard it. What I teach? No--what God tells us! Where did I say destroyed doesn't mean destoyed, etc? I know words very well, and have studied myself, thank you. It should give you pause and even fear to note that you are opposing many Christians here! Sounds also like you are relying on independent study and perception, which is a dangerous folly. If you are receiving teaching along these lines, then you are being led astray. The bible does not contradict itself--YOU contradict it! I don't ignore any part of what God has said to us, and I resent your inference that I do. It is you who is ignoring the plain truth and embracing what your mind conjures up as a convenient truth...a lie, because your sensibilities cannot grasp that God means business---forever and ever. Your gray matter is acting as a contradiction, refusing to accept on faith what the Word clearly tells us. The mind is a terrible thing to waste---forever. FloatingAxe, Are you blind? Of course God can preserve his word. I don't limit God at all. But I do know that there is a warning in Revelation to any one who would change the scriptures. Why would he say that unless somebody would do such a thing? The other point is that There are so many different translations of the original sccriptures(different modern bibles). Are they all inspired? The original scriptures did not change, but the new translations keep changing. That is where it takes study and perserverance to learn what the inspired writers were conveying. You seem to be getting very defensive and are being close minded and not hearing anything I am saying. I'm quite sure you will indeed take offense to the statement I just made. and I didn't say that the bible contradicts itself. The english translations in some areas say that the wicked will be destroyed, or they will perish, or they will be burned up. I don't know what dictionary you use, but as far as I can see, in plain English, that means they will be consumed, which is another word the bible uses. These words are quite opposite of living forever in torture. So according to your beliefs, these words I just stated don't really mean destroyed, burned up, consumed, etc.... ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` So if you believe that the the wicked will be burned forever then they will not literally perish, or be consumed or be burned up, or become ashes. So again I say that the bible does not contradict itself, just the english translations, and so it does take intense study. and no, I don't just study on my own, but I also am not led like a puppet following blindly what the world tries to brainwash me with either. Hey Guys! Peace. Let's discuss this peacefully without getting into an upheaval. Satan has a hay-day with division. Especially in the christian body. Looks like my thread took a little bit of a change in it's course. Now Tom, I was wondering.....Are these definitions out of the dictionary, as in webster...(?) or are they from the greek/ hebrew dictionary? I couldn't help but notice you put up two other men's defintions of some words (AJ Balfour & also Thomas Hood). God is in favor of all of us knowing interpretations....and I want to be able to do the same also. I am looking more into this, but my understanding of the concept of "perish" would be leaving this world and spending eternity in hell--forever...what I recall is that those who chose not to follow christ and reject the salvation of the Lord would indeed be separated "forever" from God the Father. And being separated from God the Father would be complete torment in itself, in a literal place called hell, forever. Maybe you could establish your thoughts and definitions a little better so we can understand where your insights are coming from exactly. I think what I am gathering is you are taken with the definitions of these bible scholars have given...? Is that correct? Just trying to get a better understanding. Thanks, Girl
  11. ...."the apostle Paul taught the Pre-Tribulation Rapture in 1Thessalonians........" HMMMmmmmmmmm.... That is quite a statement CJ. No offense, but I don't see Paul as a Pre-trib kinda guy. In fact, what I have read in the Bible is that we will be persecuted, beaten, even killed all because of His Name. And if that is so, then I know the Lord has given me and many others the courage to go through what he already forewarned us about. I am sure many christians-- back in the times fo Paul and the disciples were not decieved into being raptured at the time of the horrible deaths they endured. Even Paul himself, knew that to die was gain. I choose to believe the same. Like I said, what will happen when the antichrist sets himself up in the temple and we are still here? (((Praise God...that's what.))) WHY? Because his Word is being fulfilled before our very eyes and the prophets would have loved so much to be alive on earth to witness all things fulfilled. These are the greatest days in History---I believe. When you hear the Last Trump....The get ready. Amen Blessings, Girl
  12. That is interesting that MSNBC news put this out. I find it very interesting. I am surprised more have responded to this thread. It is significant that secular news would make such a note of this kind. Thanks George. Girl
  13. Well George, I sure hope I don't jumble up your thread too much, and I cannot resist to say that -the reason why "The Left Behind" series is in the fiction department, is because it is ~fiction~. And the idea of a pre-tribulation is not really in the Bible. In fact the whole concept of the rapture and pretribulation disspensationalism concept came out in the 1800's by John Darby, who while he was laid up with broken leg(s) put more effort into this idea of 'his' regarding the pretribulation. OKAY....I know, there are many teachings about the return of Christ before all "hell" really breaks loose on earth, but so many scriptures are being pulled out of context to fit this teaching. The time is coming and I don't believe it is far off-- that all these things left to be fullfilled by the prophets will happen before our very eyes. Jesus would not want us to fear this time and I am not afraid....we were born in a very special time. to see the fullfillment of the Word. And to live is Christ and to die is gain. I am sure I will anger many followers of the pretrib theory for saying this but I am confident that our generation has key evidence -that this "Generation" will rush in the climax of the end of earth as we know it. And many of you who are waiting to be caught away before the 7 years will be in for a shock when you find yourselves still here on earth and seeing the Anti-Christ set himself up in the temple. You'll be scratching your heads wondering, why are we still here?? Let me encourage you though....YOU were born for such a time as this. You know what not to do when the end comes and do not be decieved.....even you who are the very elect of God. Do not fear and do not be decieved. Study to your yourselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 Amen. Girl
  14. Thank you for caring!! I am at my mom's...clean and it feels good to be here. I did have to find a new home for my kitty and brought her to it today. That was tough. But with things going the way they have, it is better for her. I have alot of figuring out to do. But I will need to get some rest. I am drained....physically, mentally and emotionally. Just fine spiritually Girl
  15. Well, when you think about it....just like little kids, we can choose to obey and do what's right (with an iron fist ruling) because the one with that iron fist loves us (he died for us)..... And most of us as parents do not discipline our children because we are mean, we do it because we LOVE them and our rules and sharpening is meant for their protection and security. Naughty kids (adults too) don't always see it that way. It's like the foods we eat too....McDonalds---->or Nutritious salads and choice lean meats. And I have been giving much thought to the Book of Genisis too....how it was in the beginning. How Adam and Eve lived for that (TIME?? what do you call it--it was not really time then was it??) They were given the grass, herbs, fruit, anything from the ground to eat, etc.... And they didn't eat meat then. But of course, that was before the whole realm changed and the flood.....Gosh, I have a lot of thoguhts going all over with this.....but from what I read, there will be somethings different from how it was in the beginning. Who has heard that Lucifer fell from heaven before the earth and Adam & Eve? And that God knew Adam & Eve would sin...that he had a plan before all was started with the earth? And the tree of life in the garden.....Is it the cross?? Genesis: 3 21-24 ; Also see Genesis 2:8-9. ((Somehow I need to get back to the 1000 yrs and who is decieved)) OMG!! I apologize, I made a bunny trail.....
  16. It has nothing to do with being country, that man has no self respect and no respect for others. My grandparents were hillbillies delux, down to the dirt floor. However, it was always clean. The clothes were clean the house was clean, even the floor was clean, she swept that dirt three times a day. There were no maggots or mice or anything, and the kids in that house knew they were loved. My grandpa kept the family fed through food caught in traps and they grew their veggies and canned and dried them. I grew up knowing this and never felt dirty or put on living with them when I did as a young child. I have good memories of that time. They chewed and even kept the chew cans clean....(they dumped it in the outhouse whenever they went and washed them after the dishes). I am at my mom's place in MN. I drove all day to get here and it is a relief to be here. I don't think my husband sees his problems, and he acts as if they are no big deal. He is out of touch with reality. I know his first wife had an affair when his two older girls were young, but they managed to work things threw for a couple years because she pooped a couple more kids out, but later while they were building this cabin-he got into horses, and breeding them and just got himself into all kinds of different things...folk art and trying to make a living as a folk artist. This place was never completely finished. She became frustrated with him and they had a breakdown in communication. He still isn't being honest with himself why this first marriage failed. She hated this place and it is a ton of work to deal with!! In fact, the dripping bathroom ceiling in the lower level bathroom has always been a problem since I met him. He was going to fix it but never gets to doing it. Even when he has money to do so. And it causes a health hazard. STINKS like an outhouse!! He prides himself on his cabin--and lives in a fantasy world. Living like the pioneers, or amish is tough. Granted, we have electric and even a gas furnace that we get to use part-time...because he chooses to use a wood-burning furnace!! BUT I have to get up in the middle of the nite to put in wood so we don't freeze in the mornings. It's a head ache all the way around and just makes for more work. He actually gets to the point of agreeing with me about all these problems-issues and then in a day it all reverts back to his ideas of primitive living. It's like talking to a broken record....I told him from the beginning I could do it for a bit but I couldn't handle actually living like this. Mice get into everything and ruin all the food, bread, they chew books...anything. I never knew how destructive mice could be!! Plus I have problems with his kids and their respect issue. I know it is hard for kids...they would rather have mom and dad back together, but that will never happen. She is happily remarried....and lives in a real house. The kids say some real hurtful stuff at times. I am not a spiteful person, but I just don't feel I should try and do anything for them like I did before. I have only been around his mom maybe 8 times in a year and a half...and she has all this stuff to say about me and doesn't even know me. And she is a spirit-filled christian???!!! She acts like she has me pegged for something the way he tells me what she says. He tells me this stuff, which is a big mistake because I don't trust them or want to be with them. I don't want to be around a bunch of backbitters. Especially when I know what they say and think about me. Nobody in their right mind would want that kind of treatment. I am guilty of trying to clean up the place, set some bedtime rules, tv, go to church and pray...and I deal with some pretty snotty attitudes--walking on eggshells. It has never felt like home to me....and I don't want to call that place home either. It's gross. GIRL**
  17. Can you show me where Christ forces people to worship Him? jackie stated in post #13 I cannot show you that..please read what I quoted above...What I can tell you though is that those who live outside of the camp do NOT know Christ for they are deceived as usual when Satan is loosed one last time. And if Christ rules with rod of iron then it would only make sense that those who live outside of the camp do NOT know Him and would hate the fact that He rules in such a way. After all Satan does manage to incite a REBELLION. Why do people ususally rebel, because they are forced into things they don't want to do, even if it is good for them. But hey, like I said this is simply summation of what logic tells me. If you have a better explanation man, please share it. Christ doesn't force Himself on anyone. If He did, His death would be meaningless. Many of the things in Rev. overlap one another. It is a hard book to understand. I've been studying it for years and it still confuses me. I don't know how to say this without sounding rude and please believe me when I say it is not my intention. If you do not believe in what you are saying, you shouldn't say it. There are many young believers on this site. Many of which are simply passing through. Your words are based on your logic. there is nothing in scripture to back them up. If a young believer, someone who has very little understanding of the Word, were to read your post and take it as fact, and then go out and teach others what they believed to be true, how do you think God would feel about that? We have to be careful what we put on these boards. If you truly believe what you're saying, then go for it. If you are unsure, then I would hold off until you know for sure. I know what you posted is just your opinion and maybe I'm over reacting, but I'd rather be safe then sorry. Once those words get into someone elses head, you can't take them back. As for the topic....I am unsure of what to say, so I kept my belief's to myself. I haven't really given it any thought and haven't studied it enough to say for sure. Please don't take this the wrong way....I am not coming down on you. We just need to be careful of what we teach. Well thank you for your input, man I will keep what you have said in mind. and you are right, when a person says something it cannot be taken back. Words you might want to keep in mind yourself. Revelation 19:15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. Because I state that Christ might force those outside to obey Him does not mean that He is some kind of cruel ruler. But a ruler is a ruler and as we see in today's world nobody wants to be told what to do. Christ will be a law maker, He will rule the world...His laws will be the only laws. Which will have to be obeyed, law breakers are punished. Do you really think that "rules with a rod of iron" could possibly mean anything else? If you do, please tell me how? And how do you suppose, if Christ is the "Ruler with a Rod of Iron", the nations will respond to SATAN when he is loosed for this short time to come against the "Ruler with a Rod of Iron" if not through rebellion against Him because of how He rules? By this time most of us should have a very good idea how satan works...even you. Again that is logic. anyhow, until I am shown or find something else in scripture, as I said I can only-yes through logic-presume that this is what is meant by these words. The people of the world are forced to obey Christ and His laws. Have a blessed day I can understand what you say Jackie---about the camps and all. I have my own. My life is very similar in a sense.....I came and brought rules and boundaries to a home where the children didn't know how to do basics, and pick-up after themselves. Sure they are christian kids...believe in Jesus, but they have a tendancy to buck the system all to often. My rules are meant for good and for their health and welfare. I am teaching them things that they will and should use or do down the road. I have to be tuff....use and "iron fist", but it doesn't make me an unloving person. All that teachingand they do not follow and see the truth in what you give to them....Q - is will they follow or go their own way?? My life is an example to this. So I understand the camp thing.....and how rules with a rod of iron...it is for their own good. Gosh, I hope I remember this in heaven.....LOL....when the thousand years come up!! HUGS to ya'll!! jackie:((((Because I state that Christ might force those outside to obey Him does not mean that He is some kind of cruel ruler. But a ruler is a ruler and as we see in today's world nobody wants to be told what to do. Christ will be a law maker, He will rule the world...His laws will be the only laws. Which will have to be obeyed, law breakers are punished. )))))
  18. Thanks for your words. I am looking back and last year my daughter was not involved with any activities in sports or anything!! Now this year because I felt she was totally gyped, I enrolled her into dance...two nites a week, and she loves it. Plus she is getting riding lessons on a horse (she has a pony) and she is afraid of their size so it is a good thing to have her on the back of a BIG One. (since we buy and sell horses....they are part of what we do) Yet he complains and is not supportive. If it were his kids it would be different. Last year for his little boy and daughter who is the same age as mine (10), and boy (8) and an older daughter 18 in college I ran his kids around to all kinds of activities. My girl felt left out. Now that she is involved with something she likes and has fun and he complains because he says it takes away from family time. ((JOKE)) Which we do nothing. ((((NOTHING.)))))) So his idea of family time is woo-hoo....NOTTA thing. He sits online and looks at horses at "barrelhorseworld". I am saddened by his attitude and he is always making it sound like her dance time takes away. He is immature and jealous. I am so happy she is in dance and has something for her for once. I used to sit and watch his kids at practice and go to their games.....he shows no interest in my daughters activities. I can't even decorate anything in his old cabin because "it doesn't fit in with his theme". He has old primitive antiques that are rotted wood, broken chairs, rusty stuff, old jars, bottles, quilts every where and nick nacks gallore. I have all new things and leather furniture....modern stuff that is contemporary and NICE. I am for the life of me trying to figure out how I can have -a -say in -anything. His mom checks to make sure he has all his things out (because she collects too) and she checks to make sure that I haven't gotten rid of this or that....which I haven't gotten rid of his stuff, I have asked if we could compromise. Funny, there won't be any rust, wood or moths that corrupt in heaven......Quite frankly, in my mind if a miracle doesn't happen soon...I would rather live single the rest of my days. If a woman cannot do a little decorating and has to keep all her stuff in storage...what kind of life is she to expect. I am trapped in a way. I can't get a pt job because of the burden of work. And then my good pots and pans or glass bowls get left in the yard because the 18 year old feeds left over to the dogs when I am not around...YUCK. Plus my good kitchen ware is being ruined and abused. I bring these issues up and am told I make a big deal of nothing. But it is a big deal to me...they were all my things that I worked so hard for. Does anyone know how it feels?? It is culture shock here and I can't deal with it. Plus, I am still not seeing him get the insurance deal done.----> After a year and a half. Heck, the horses are taken better care than we are. Do I have grounds to leave?? I pray...pray....pray.... we have been to counseling. I care about him and wouldn't wish evil on him for anything because he is a nice guy. But I don't feel I can stay with someone like this all my life. This life style is not me at all. They are hill-billies to the nnnnth...degree. I am not a hick. And his word to me is nothing...he can't follow through with what he says. And I live in a dump----yes it is unclean!! girl
  19. I have a new thread here for us. please give your strong opinions and beliefs. I have been reading Jeremiah 50-51 and does anyone think this could pertain to the United States?? Do you know that back in 1988 Saddam Huissein believed he was Nebuchadnezzar for our day brought back with a message?? How many of you remember his claims back then? I sure do! Where is America in this picture? God bless, let's stay peaceful....Girl
  20. These are those who come from the survivors of Tribulation, in my view. In 1,000 years, that will yield millions of people who will not know or experience the oppression of sin and Satan, but will only know peace, with Jesus on the Throne. They are people, plain and simple. I don't know what you mean by "last minute salvations". This is Jesus' Earthly reign we are talking about--not heaven. What I meant by "last minute" salvations...would be on their death bed, and not really knowing the Lord the way we do except to ask him to save us and get right with him before passing this life. My dad died this way this past summer. And I was wondering if these kind of folks are the ones that this may imply to. Just curious on everyones thoughts!! Thanks.....Girl
  21. okay Floating axe....I agree that we will rule and reign, but if we are to be saved and in heaven, my question is who are those people who will be decieved into rebellion...are they pigmies, primitives, children-----last minute salvations?? And I understand, this is the second death, right?? When it all goes down once again. (there is an ooops....this somehow got added up above somewhere into someones reply, but this is my response))
  22. Okay...lets take a look at who lives outside of the camp. They are the ones who have NOT lived in the beloved city among the camp of the saints. They live lives outside of it. Pretty normal "civilized" lives for this time to come. Satan is not running amok among the people as he is today causing so many problems. These people have one ruler, Christ...who "rules with an iron fist" these people outside of the camp do not KNOW Christ they pay homage out of duty and force only. Not out of love. So picture Satan coming along after all of these years of people being under such a ruling as Christ's and now have a smooth talking guy that tells them they can follow him and they will never have to live such hard lives under such a hard ruler anymore..they form a rebellion...a very large number of people to come and destroy the KING and His saints and to take over the beloved city. And in following Satan to this rebellion once they have taken over this city and destroyed these people who follow such a cruel King as Christ then they will live in splendor in and around the beloved city. These people go along with Satan and they have been deceived they are the ones who are deceived. 1. They already know who Satan is and turned him away before..these people have been living with Christ for the past 1,000 yrs. A wonderful peaceful life. They have been resurrected or taken up out of Satan's grasp during the days of 7 yr tribulation. 2. They have known the entire 1,000 yrs the details of what is to come at the end of that 1,000 yrs. Including the fact that it is coming. God will consume these rebellious people with fire before they have the ability to make any form of influence on anyone inside the camp and the beloved city. So, the answer to the question if those inside the camp can be deceived, would be no. If indeed this is how it will be. ***Note to any and all who read any of the posts I have placed on this topic*** what has been written by me is not a statement that I believe all of what I have written is fact. But through examination of the verses in question have simply formulated what seems logical according to me from my personal study of events leading up to these verses and the ones in question.. If that is so....souldn't you think that some of us might go out and continue teaching all these people?? I don't want anyone to perish.... I have a testimony...and Hell is a horrible place!! I didn't get the light at the end of the tunnel experience like so many. I didn't go to an altar or have a salvation call at a church. I was saved by God's great mercy in my bedroom when I had partied too much and accidentally over-dosed. HELL is a real place....... Do you think that we can go in and out and preach like on earth as we do now?? Is there evidence in the bible about your thoughts on the camps?? I just need confidence in what this all means. God bless..... and thanks We as believers and the redeemed, will be the ruling class at that time. We will be preaching the righteousness of Christ, and these people living during that time will be enjoying peace like never before on earth, because we will be governing and maintaining it, assisting Christ in His rulership here. These people will need salvation, but will not be buffeted by Satanic influence until the closing of that millenial period. They won't know what hit them! I think that most of them, especially by virtue of the fact that they will be born after the Church/Grace dispensation will not have a full understanding of sin and redemption unless we educate them. It will be quite a job!
  23. that's true. Did Jesus say one wife? ((I'm not really willing to share my husband with anyone...)) And when did they stop having wives...or do they still.
  24. Okay...lets take a look at who lives outside of the camp. They are the ones who have NOT lived in the beloved city among the camp of the saints. They live lives outside of it. Pretty normal "civilized" lives for this time to come. Satan is not running amok among the people as he is today causing so many problems. These people have one ruler, Christ...who "rules with an iron fist" these people outside of the camp do not KNOW Christ they pay homage out of duty and force only. Not out of love. So picture Satan coming along after all of these years of people being under such a ruling as Christ's and now have a smooth talking guy that tells them they can follow him and they will never have to live such hard lives under such a hard ruler anymore..they form a rebellion...a very large number of people to come and destroy the KING and His saints and to take over the beloved city. And in following Satan to this rebellion once they have taken over this city and destroyed these people who follow such a cruel King as Christ then they will live in splendor in and around the beloved city. These people go along with Satan and they have been deceived they are the ones who are deceived. Not any one inside the beloved city and the camp of the saints are deceived for these reasons: 1. They already know who Satan is and turned him away before..these people have been living with Christ for the past 1,000 yrs. A wonderful peaceful life. They have been resurrected or taken up out of Satan's grasp during the days of 7 yr tribulation. 2. They have known the entire 1,000 yrs the details of what is to come at the end of that 1,000 yrs. Including the fact that it is coming. God will consume these rebellious people with fire before they have the ability to make any form of influence on anyone inside the camp and the beloved city. So, the answer to the question if those inside the camp can be deceived, would be no. If indeed this is how it will be. ***Note to any and all who read any of the posts I have placed on this topic*** what has been written by me is not a statement that I believe all of what I have written is fact. But through examination of the verses in question have simply formulated what seems logical according to me from my personal study of events leading up to these verses and the ones in question.. If that is so....wouldn't you think that some of us might go out and continue teaching all these people?? I don't want anyone to perish.... I have a testimony...and Hell is a horrible place!! I didn't get the light at the end of the tunnel experience like so many. I didn't go to an altar or have a salvation call at a church. I was saved by God's great mercy in my bedroom when I had partied too much and accidentally over-dosed. HELL is a real place....... Do you think that we can go in and out and preach like on earth as we do now?? Is there evidence in the bible about your thoughts on the camps?? I just need confidence in what this all means. God bless..... and thanks
  25. Good question!! I know there are so many other religions that have more than one wife...even some of the mormons. It isn't a subject I am well versed on so I would like to watch and see what people say.
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