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Isaiah 6:8

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Everything posted by Isaiah 6:8

  1. How do you explain this? Acts 7:55 New King James Version (NKJV) 55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, 56 and said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”
  2. I have had hotter but it was the best image I could find online.
  3. I see you have the dates backwards in Oz like they do here in norway.
  4. His thread has run is course severial times over. Closed.
  5. I did not read the whole thread, however, you may like this, it explains it all..
  6. I forgot to mention I moved this to the video section, and just now fixed the link to be embedded.
  7. Hi Sweetly! In a nutshell. Only in Christianity are we offered two things. One is a love relationship with the creator of everything, and the other is that we can have this gift, this relationship and all we do is accept the gift. There is no work we need to do to make it to him. Every other religion on the planet makes it that you must do something to make it.
  8. I'm new to the forum but it's my understanding is that it is not the place to discuss politics in any form. We are to love our neighbor as ourself without making politics a qualification. I suggest that you remove the plank from your eye before you continue bashing others. God loves the world! Politics are allowed here, they are a part of live and effect people and there worldview and even there faith. As long as it is not discussed in a mean or attacking way its allowed, if it gets to heated or rude or personal we shut it down.
  9. Technically you're right,, except we have elected people who have promiced to give us things instead of doing what's best for the country and We the People, we are now stuck with people in office that want to stay in office so they do what the madority want to get relected..... so functionally we have turned ourselves into a democracy and that's why we're in the shape we're in now. fortunately we actually could turn it all around in one election in 2012, if and only if we can find people to run for office that will do what's best for We the People instead of welfare people and corporations. This is a political statement which I believe is contrary to forum rules. You say that politicians do what is best for welfare people and corporations -- what is your evidence (hard, not media-fed)? Keep your eyes on the Lord and you'll be happier and on the right track. Political statements are allowed. Attacking a political person,calling them names or for there harm is not allowed.
  10. Yeah here in Norway, people hate that phrase and they always ask me why we say that, if we don't really mean it. Here if you say it, you will get a full answer ready or not!
  11. Well I think this person on the news feeds said it right.
  12. As I said in another thread, no form of government will work as long as they have the one common denominator to all of them. Humans, we tend to mess up everything we touch! The only system that will work is when the Lord returns and brings us under his perfect rule!
  13. The subject of Christians and fruit and good behavior and bad behavior has come up a lot recently, so I felt I needed to clarify what it means to have good fruit and what it means to be a Christian. To start off, Christians are not perfect. They still struggle with different issues. Christians still have issues with anger, with pride, with selfishness and lust. Being a Christian does not make you into a perfect angel. It means you have started on the path to perfection, which we will obtain by the sacrifice of Jesus when we make it into heaven. The Bible states as such. Many people in the world however judge Christians by there behavior, and say things such as "Look that Christian lost his temper and said a bad thing so they are no different then me." or on the flip side " I am not a believer but I am nicer that christian over there so I am better then him." You see they mistake fruit to be an individual action or behavior. The point is not if they make a mistake now and again, the question is more of as a whole, does there life show a change? Or what would that person be like with out Christ. For instance, a person with out Christ may be likened to a baby who does not know how to walk yet. As they learn they fall constantly, and as often as not decide to crawl instead. Yes they can take a few steps from time to time, but they still wind up back on all fours. Now a Christian is like more like a older toddler. They walk all the time, however they still fall from time to time, as they grow and learn they fall less and less until one day it almost never happens. Now I know this is not a perfect example, for of course in the natural course of life, all babies, unless crippled for some reason eventually learn to walk, and they need no outside influence to do so. Spiritually, Christians are people who are just learning to walk, and can not do so with out the help of God to teach them. The fruit is shown that they are indeed walking, even if they stumble and fall from time to time. A baby that always crawls and rarely walks and stays that way is showing no progress, no fruit. So you see, if you knew what a person would be like, or was like with out Christ you may understand what fruit there life has produced. Let me perhaps make it a bit clearer by me telling a bit about myself. When I was in school I was a bully magnet. I was a good head shorter then everyone else, save one or two of the girls, I had braces head gear, neck gear, I was a nerd and a goody two-shoe. My family was also lower middle class so I wore cheap clothes and hand me downs. I was an easy target and as such I was often bulled and harassed over and over again, and the teachers, when told about it simply blamed me and said it was my fault. This went on for a few years and by the time I was in sixth grade it was getting bad. I was threatened with a beating if I did not wear the "in" brand of shirt, I was picked on because I was still a virgin at 13 years old, and I did not fit in with any crowd. I was getting to the point that I was almost willing to do anything to stop the attacks. I was willing to throw away all of my morals if it meant a day in school with out being bullied. Yes I was a Christian at that time and but it was not fully real to me. I was willing to throw it away to stop the pain. My mom did, wisely take me out of that school and I had a chance to regain a sense of who I was. You see, while I was spared having to deal with that, by my parents, it showed me one thing looking back. It showed me who I would be with out Christ. I would be just like everyone else. I would not see anything wrong with weed, with sex outside of marriage with anything that was sinful. The really scary thing is this. Due to the years of being bullied, I could even seeing me lashing out like so many of the bullied kids have and perhaps even gone so far as to find a way to cause harm to my antagonists violently, as I was already wiling to start fights to keep people off my back. You see, with out Christ, I would have eventually had produced evil fruit. For I know the darkness in my own heart, and I know that He has been changing me. Now I am not perfect. I still have issues with my anger, and lust, and pride, even on the boards I have lashed out at people in frustration. Just because I have made mistakes does not mean that is who I am , and who I will be, it means I tripped, and fell down. Falling down is one thing, crawling and wallowing in the mud is another. So for those who point out that Christians don't bear good fruit, you can not say that unless you know the whole story. You need to know where they are coming from and how far they have come before you can try to judge that. Remember fruit is more then just one action, mistake or even good deed. Fruit is the over all change in the persons life, the whole package, and that may take some time. For instance John Newton became a Christian he was a slave ship captain at the time, who in a storm had even thrown all his "cargo" of slaves overboard to save his ship. After his conversion, he still did two more slave ship voyages. Does this mean his conversion was not real, or producing good fruit? No it means he was still learning and growing. The thing is this, after he realized how evil it was to be a slaver, he became a minister of the gospel and helped William Wilberforce to abolish the slave trade in England. He also wrote a hymn that is still sung widely today where he explains how amazing it was that he was saved, although he was, as he put it ,a wretch. He is the author of the hymn "Amazing Grace."
  14. I hope the politicians over here don't get wind of it, some of them are crazy enough to try it!
  15. Yeah, It has to do with the plus sign, however I know some people that click on every plus in a whole thread! LOL so therefore it really does not mean as much! Yes I wish we could get rid of it but we are stuck with it.
  16. The reputation points really don't mean anything, they came with the new software, It has something to do with people clicking on the plus sign on your post. I really means nothing!
  17. Lets start off with the basics. Guys are visual. They will notice any skin showing that is above and beyond cultural norms for modesty. For instance if your from Afghanistan, and your ankle shows a guy will notice because that is the only skin he is likely to see. Then you have people that live in the tropical region and girls go topless all day long and men do not notice. This leads to the truth in the fist statement. A girls body does not cause a man to stumble. Her body is in no way intrinsically bad or evil or sinful. God created us naked and said that it was very good. Yes this changed after the fall, and why this is now a shameful state is a different topick alltogether. So therefore, a women's body in and of itself is not to blame for a mans lustful behavior, however she can contribute to the problem. What goes on in the thought process of the man that looks is the issue. Even noticing is not sinful. As a man would have to be blind not to notice some skin if it is displayed. What he does when he sees it is the issue. If he ignores it, and redirects his gaze, and stops thinking about it, then good. If he plays it over and over in his mind, and thinks perverse thoughts, then he sins. What he needs to do is this, Also, for everyone, not just guys, when ever you are tempted, do not give the temptation battle. Take it to the Lord and then leave it there. Just forget it. You will focus on something you try not to. If I say, Don't think about white horses that will become what you think about as you try not to think about it! A women can stir up desire in a man with her body. Not to say she does this by simply showing a bit to much skin, but by dressing and acting a certain way. I believe this to be a God invented thing to be exersized in its proper place. That place being within marriage, in the privacy of ones own bedroom. Doing any of this outside of that setting can and will often cause a man to stumble. This usually means showing more skin then the cultural norm, or in a way that focus the attion on certin body parts. This is often done in ignorance, and often times on purpose. If they are doing it unknowingly, then it may be good for another older wiser women to take her aside and counsel her on what would be more appropriate. Sometimes though, the girls do it just to get a guys attention, to get a rise out of him in order to make herself feel pretty,sexy, etc.To do this purpusely is sinful through and through. So for the sentiment that puts all the blame, 100% of it on the guys is unfair, unjust, and goes against the word of God. There are women who purposely tempt men. They try and try and try go get there attention, to seduce them or as I already said to stroke their own pride. Fez commented in the threat that it is up to us to deal with the temptation, to deal with what we notice. This is not an easy battle as we are hardwired to notice. This is not an excuse, but it is something that most women, do not, and never really fully understand. So arriving in some public place desplaying a lot of skin above and beyond the cultural norm, is the equivalent of drinking in front of a alcoholic, who is trying very hard to stop drinking. Would it be only the mans fault if he was tempted if a lady walked into church wearing lingerie that hid nothing? So yes ladies, for us guys please dress modestly, you can still dress to impress with out showing off.
  18. I would very much hesitate to vote for a Mormon. I know there history to well, and you bring up Islam, there are several similarities to how Mormonism got started and how Islam got started, and honestly as I have dealt a lot with both, I sense an almost same driving spirit behind them. They have been a political movement in there history, they have committed acts of terrorism and were a very violent group to start with. They have over time reinvented themselves, going the more flies with honey approach. They are very much wolves in sheep's clothing and they retain that mindset ,and they are very extremely controlling. They in general have a hunger for power and control on several levels, they are very much a cult. Getting out of the church is near impossible, and due to that I hardly know most of my LDS family. Now I do understand your standpoint of if Mormons are bad so are Christians etc... Its a slippery slope to be sure however why you vote the way you do is up to you. I would never say you could not run for President if you were any religion, and would never make it a law, that would go to far. There is no law and in my heart and mind, I believe that having a Mormon in the white house while it may not be detrimental, I would worry about anything they said as they are very good at painting something for what it is not.
  19. Wow! When did the road turn from Mormonism in your family, Isaiah? Have you researched your family tree? My grandma she went new age but we hope found the lord just before she passed away, and my mom was saves when she was pregnant with me. Long story I'll pm you mor if you wish!
  20. Yes that is all true. I have many Mormon family members, and I am a distant relation to Mitt, we share a great grandfather a ways back. Like 4 or 5 grandfathers back. You see he had 12 wives, so I have a lot of family.
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